Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ My Brother's a Wizard? ❯ Chapter 7 ( Chapter 7 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: Still no change.
Sorry about the wait!
Chapter 7
Wufei looked up at the knock and smiled at his partner, motioning for the other to join him.
“How is it going?”
“Depends, what's the survival rate for training?” Harry moaned as he sank into Wufei's couch. As top ranked agents they each had their own fairly lavish office, something that came in handing when they worked back late enough that they couldn't be bothered going home to sleep.
“One hundred percent so stop complaining.”
“Spoil sport. What are you doing?” Harry asked curiously.
“Reading reports.”
“How about we swap? You do the training and I'll read your reports.” Harry gave him puppy eyes that were pretty impressive.
“Sorry but I don't need the training, you do. What brings you here? I would have thought you'd go see Trowa.”
“Don't know really. I was passing by and just stopped at your door.” Harry shrugged, chewing his lip slightly. He didn't like it, his instincts were screaming that something was wrong but he couldn't see anything. However, those instincts had been all that had kept him alive at some points of the war and he'd learnt to trust them with his life. He sighed and rested his head against the cushions, staring up at the ceiling. Was he jumpy because he knew he had to spill soon? The others had trusted him with their secret, it was only right that they knew who and what he really was too. Harry blinked. What was that? He changed his eyes slightly to get a better look. He loved being able to turn any body part to that of his Animagus form without affecting his whole body, it was really useful. It took a few precious seconds for the object to register in his mind and then his instincts kicked into high gear.
“FEI DOWN!” He threw himself off the couch even as Wufei launched himself from his chair. They both hit the floor and rolled towards the door as the office exploded, rocking the building.
Trowa pushed past the emergency crews, searching for his friends and brother. He coughed slightly as he inhaled more smoke but kept searching.
“Tro!” He relaxed slightly as Duo emerged from the haze, seemingly unharmed.
“You hurt?” He asked, pulling his lover into his arms. Duo shook his head.
“I was downstairs with Heero. We're both fine but…”
“They think it came from Fei's office. Trowa… that's where Harry was headed last anyone saw him.” Duo held Trowa tightly as the taller man went still in shock.
“Are they…?”
“We haven't gotten through yet. The security cameras are down so we can't be sure if they were still in there or not when it went off. Come on, Heero's organising everyone to try to get through, nearly the entire level's been cut off. Quatre's on his way back to help, maybe he'll be able to tell us something.” Trowa nodded and disentangled himself from Duo's arms so they could walk. Duo didn't say anything about the hand that gripped his tightly though. They jogged up the twenty flights of stairs silently since all of the elevators had been shut done due to safety concerns. The level that held their offices was in complete chaos, semi-organised chaos, but still chaos.
“Duo, Trowa.” They jogged over to where Heero was standing.
“Any word?” Duo asked for Trowa. Heero shot the silent man a sympathetic look.
“Not yet. That part of the hall is still completely blocked. We've started work on clearing it but its slow going.” Trowa nodded absently, eyes locked on the mess of debris that was keeping him from his brother. He jumped slightly at the feel of a hand on his arm. Heero squeezed gently before moving off.
“They'll be okay Tro. Fei's a pilot and Harry's no slouch himself. The office wasn't totally destroyed, the outside wall's still there.”
Lady Une pushed her way past the various people filling the corridor. Two of her Agents were unaccounted for presumed dead by many, three were dead and a further forty people had injuries of varying severity. Needless to say she was not happy. She knew better than to count those two Agents out before seeing their bodies. All Harry would have needed was a split seconds warning to do something to protect them. But if he was alive why hadn't he gotten them out of the office by now? Was he hurt or unconscious? She easily spotted the other four ex-pilots, Trowa keeping a good grip on his partner as Quatre was obviously searching for Wufei and Harry. She changed course to meet up with them.
“Quatre's trying to find Fei since he's more familiar with him than Harry but there are a lot of people around, interfering.” Duo told her. They waited in silence as the blond searched. Trowa was there to support him as Quatre collapsed backwards, exhausted.
“I can't…I'm sorry.” Quatre was gasping for air.
“There are too many people, too much panic.”
“How long until the hallway's clear?” she asked.
“Too long if their air has been blocked. At least two more hours, depending on how much damage has been done to the supports, we don't want to risk bring the floors above down on us.” She nodded in answer to Heero's explanation.
“They are both well trained and tough. If there is any way they'll survive.” It was the only hope she could give them.
“Any indications if this were aimed at a specific person or at the Preventers in general?”
Wufei groaned as he slowly regained consciousness. Everything hurt so he lay still as he tried to remember what had happened. He'd been at his desk and Harry had come in to chat for a while before his next training session. Then what? He slowly forced his eyes open, not that it helped much. Wherever he was it was pretty dark. Shifting slightly his hand hit something soft. He lifted his hand to feel what he'd hit and came to the conclusion that it was a body. There was only one person he could think of that it could be. Trying not to move too much in case he had broken anything he searched with his hand, trying to find somewhere where he could check the younger mans pulse. Harry had to be alive; it would kill Trowa to loose his brother like this so soon after finding him.
“Harry.” He croaked but there was no response. Taking a deep breath and instantly breaking into a coughing fit as he inhaled dust Wufei forced himself to roll over onto his side. A sharp pain let him know he wouldn't be walking out of here. He dragged himself closer and could vaguely make out Harry's body in the incredibly dim light but it was enough to let him find his neck. Shacking fingers searched for a pulse as he held his hand near Harry's mouth to feel for breath. It seemed an eternity before he found a weak but steady pulse and could relax a bit. Harry was alive but obviously hurt. He put his hand on the floor and immediately brought it up close to his face. His eyes widened in horror at the liquid coating it. He'd put his hand in a pool of blood, Harry's blood. He reached out, gently feeling along Harry's body, trying to find the wound. He swore as he found a piece of debris lodged in Harry's side. He couldn't risk removing it, there was too much risk Harry would bleed to death before help reached them if he did. He sat up as much as he could and was surprised to find that their prison was actually fairly large. He went to work removing his jacket so that he could get his shirt off. He put the jacket back on and then used the shirt to pack around Harry's wound, trying to at least slow the bleeding. He was rewarded with a low groan and flinch.
“Harry? Can you here me?” He coughed again; there was a lot of dust in the air. That was another concern. How much air did they have? Another low moan was his answer.
“Come on, you need to wake up.” He gently brushed Harry's hair of his face and smiled as he felt Harry's eyes flutter open.
“Fei?” Harry's voice was a hoarse, pain filled whisper but at least he was aware.
“I'm here. Don't try to move, you're hurt.” Harry nodded and coughed.
“How bad?” Wufei shut his eyes, he couldn't lie to him.
“Bad. You have a piece of debris in your side and are bleeding heavily.” To his surprise Harry laughed before breaking into a coughing fit.
“Figures, survive a war to die like this.” Harry was panting as he spoke, obviously in pain.
“Don't talk, save your strength. They'll dig us out soon and we'll get you help.” He could feel Harry's disbelieving look even in the dark.
“You're going to be fine.” Wufei stated firmly.
“If you say so.” Harry forced his body to relax, trying to reach for his magic. He frowned as he found it, no magic healing for him, not unless he wanted the roof to cave in. He'd obviously thrown up a powerful shield around them before passing out but not before being hurt but he didn't remember doing it. As long as the shield was up he didn't have enough to spare on healing himself. He was struggling to keep the shield going which didn't make sense, he was powerful enough to apparate from Earth to the Colonies so why was his magic so low? How long had it been since the explosion? He sighed before coughing again, wincing as he felt a rib shift. Broken ribs as well, joy oh joy. He had to tell Wufei, he deserved to know that they'd be crushed soon unless found.
“Have to tell you something.” He coughed again and tried to stay relaxed as Wufei very carefully lifted him so that he was reclining against Wufei's chest. It made breathing easier at least although it did nothing for the pain.
“You can tell me later Harry, please save your strength.” Harry shook his head.
“May not be later. We have maybe two hours before the ceiling collapses on us.”
“What? You don't know that.”
“Yes I do. I'm holding it up.”
“I'm a Wizard Fei. Spell casting, potion brewing Wizard.”
“Harry I think you may have a concussion or be delirious.”
“I'm serious Wufei. That's my big secret. The reason my skills are so weird. I've been trained in one way or another to fight a Wizarding war. Won it a while ago. My magic's all that's keeping us from being crushed or I could heal myself but it won't last more than two more hours. I'm sorry.” Wufei looked down at Harry, not that he could see him all that well. He couldn't decide if he was being truthful or if he'd hit his head but decided it was best to humour him.
“Not your fault Harry. You didn't do this. From the sounds of it we'd be dead already if not for you. They'll find us in time. Trowa will see to that.”
“In case… Tell him I love him? I'm glad we got to know each other.”
“You'll tell him yourself Harry.”
“Please, promise.” Harry coughed again and he could taste blood but he didn't say anything about it. He felt Wufei sigh.
“I promise.”
“Good.” Harry whispered. Wufei stiffened as he felt Harry go limp against him.
“Harry?” He felt for a pulse and closed his eyes. It was still there but was weaker than when he first checked it. The two-hour deadline Harry had given him may not matter; he doubted Harry would last that long without help.