Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ My Brother's a Wizard? ❯ Chapter 6 ( Chapter 6 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: Still don't own them. No matter how much I wish it were otherwise.
People have suggested various ways for Harry to react so I shall finally tell you.
Chapter 6
“You want to tell Harry.”
“Yes ma'am.” Une looked at the quiet pilot.
“He deserves to know what his brother has done.” Trowa stated calmly.
“What will you do if he reacts badly?” He didn't answer.
“For what it's worth I don't believe he will.”
“You know more about him then you've told us.”
“Yes. Perhaps telling him is the right thing…” She trailed off. Yes, perhaps it was. The young man needed people who could understand what he had gone through. She hid a smile, she could almost pity Harry's world if Trowa ever got his hands on them. He was very protective, as were all five Gundam pilots.
“Permission granted.”
“Thank you.”
Harry looked up and smiled at his brother. He'd never admit it but he was nervous about tomorrow. How would he explain his lack of knowledge when it came to technology? He'd caught up as much as he could since the war had ended but he knew he was still behind. He was still several months away from finally finishing his high school education for Merlin's sake. That would be noticed.
“Hey Trowa, finish early?” Trowa returned his smile although his was a lot smaller.
“Yes. There is something I need to tell you.” Harry looked his brother over carefully, he wasn't hurt that he could detect so what was wrong?
“What's wrong?” He asked, getting up from his desk where he'd been reading some Preventer training manuals. He hesitantly reached out to Trowa but his brother slipped past him and further into the room, making Harry's heart clench in pain. Things had been going so well, why was Trowa pulling away?
Seeing the look on Harry's face even though it was quickly hidden made Trowa feel bad but he didn't want to accept any comfort from his brother if he was only going to pull back once he'd heard what Trowa needed to tell him. He found himself almost wishing he had taken Duo or Quatre up on their offers to come with him but he didn't want them to see if things went badly. He sat on the edge of Harry's bed and watched as his brother turned his desk chair around to face him before sitting back down.
“Trowa please, what's wrong?”
“You deserve to know what I am.” Trowa said softly.
“What do you mean?” Harry frowned in confusion. He knew Trowa was a Preventer and had worked in the Circus as a clown. What else was there?
“Please, just hear me out.” Harry nodded slowly.
“Before I worked with Cathy in the Circus I worked with a group of mercenaries. But when I joined the circus it was as a cover.” Trowa stopped and then looked down as a hand covered his. He looked up at Harry to see that so far there was no disgust or fear in the younger man's eyes.
“A cover?” Harry asked quietly.
“So that no one suspect what I truly was.”
“Trowa, it's all right, you can tell me.” Harry had a vague feeling he knew what his brother was going to say and the only reason he hoped he was wrong was for his brother. That both of them had gone through such horrible things was unthinkable. He'd always made himself believe that his brother was safe and happy away from the war that had taken everything he had ever loved.
“I'm a pilot Harry. A Gundam pilot, a killer.” Trowa looked down, unable to watch his brothers' reaction. He was therefore very shocked when warm arms wrapped around him, pulling him into a fierce yet gentle hug. Hesitantly and still shocked he returned the embrace. Finally Harry pulled back and smiled warmly at him.
“Is that what you were so scared to tell me?” Trowa nodded.
“You're my brother Trowa, I will never turn my back on you. You did what you had to do. People die in war, that does not make you a killer but a soldier and a survivor.”
“It doesn't bother you? You're not afraid of me?”
“Why would I be afraid of you? You're my brother; I know you'd never willingly hurt me unless I did something to warrant it. And no, it doesn't bother me. So, okay I wish you could have had a happier, less violent childhood but we rarely get what we wish for.” Harry shrugged, thoughts turning inwards.
“Harry?” The younger man looked up again.
“Did you fight in the war?”
“Which one?” Harry asked flippantly before looking away.
“Please Trowa, I can't. Not yet. I promise I will tell you, I just…” This time it was Trowa who initiated the hug.
“Quatre will be calling us for dinner soon.” He pulled back to study Harry.
“Are you all right?”
“No, but I will be. I…I'm glad I found you Trowa.” Harry smiled at his brother and Trowa smiled back.
“So the others?”
“We were all Gundam pilots.”
“It's hard imagining Quatre fighting a war, he seems too, I don't know, innocent.”
“He was pilot 04.”
“Which one were you?”
“03. Are you sure?” Harry laughed.
“I promise Trowa, I'm fine with this. You're my brother, I love you, and nothing will ever change that. Now we better get to dinner before they get worried and come looking for us.
The four ex-pilots all stared at the doorway, waiting anxiously. Although Heero and Wufei would deny it if asked they were all worried for Trowa's sake. What would happen if Harry couldn't deal with what they had done? Gazes sharpened and ears perked up as they heard footsteps coming closer but no voices. Duo tensed, obviously ready to move if his lover needed him. The two young men were suddenly in the doorway, standing as far apart as they could and four hearts plummeted. Heero frowned as he noticed the corners of Harry's mouth twitching. Suddenly the younger brother burst into laughter and Trowa smiled.
“Sorry, couldn't hold it any longer.” Harry said between laughs.
“Huh?” Duo looked between the brothers confused, until Harry wrapped his arms around his big brother and grinned at them.
“Honestly, thinking something like that would make me hate you guys. What kind of person do you think I am?” Harry still hadn't stopped smiling even as he moved to his usual seat at the table.
“It really doesn't bother you?” Quatre asked, monitoring Harry with his empathy.
“No. It was war; you did what you had too. Pass the butter please.” The four pilots stared at him in shock. Trowa couldn't help laughing at their reactions.
“Yay!” Duo threw his arms around Harry, sending them both to the floor as the young Wizard's chair overbalanced.
“Duo get off!” Harry protested, trying to push him off so he could get up.
“You're squashing me.”
“Thank you.” Duo whispered softly and Harry nodded, knowing what he was saying. Thank you for not rejecting Trowa because of the past. Duo bounced up and pulled Harry with him before going over to Trowa and hugging him before giving him a tender kiss.
“So, how'd he take it when you told him?”
“You saw.”
“No, I saw him after he'd had time to think about it. What was his initial reaction? Tro?” Trowa looked down at his lover where he lay curled up in his arms and smiled.
“He hugged me.” Duo looked up at him in shock.
“He said that he'd never turn his back on me, that he loves me. He's not afraid of me.” Duo was glad, it meant he wouldn't have to hurt Harry for hurting Trowa.
“You're lucky.”
“I know. I asked him about the war.” Trowa said, pulling Duo closer earning a small purr of contentment.
“What did he say?”
“Nothing much. He's hiding something and it's hurting him. He's not ready to tell me but he promised he would one day.”
“Then I promise not to bug him about it. You want to watch his testing tomorrow?” Duo felt his lover nod against his head.
Harry swallowed nervously as he studied the shooting range. He'd never even held a gun before and now he was expected to shoot one. This was not going to be fun!
Heero frowned, Harry was far too nervous for someone who had used a gun before. Surely… He moved closer to the younger man.
“Have you ever used a gun before?” He asked quietly and wasn't surprised when Harry shook his head.
“Come on.” Harry obediently followed him to the other end of the room and watched as Heero picked up a gun. He paid careful attention as Heero explained how to safely handle and use it before cautiously accepting it. Somehow it seemed a lot more impersonal than using a spell or knife.
“Do you have any weapon experience?”
“Knife and sword. I'm fairly decent at hand-to-hand and staffs as well.” A sword? Where had he been fighting, the middle ages? Then again Wufei used one, as had Trieze.
“Wufei also uses a sword, we'll have you two spar to see how you compare. Duo can test you on knives. I'll train you with the gun.” Harry followed him back to the others after handing the gun back.
“This test has been cancelled. We'll go to the gym. Wufei get your sword and find one for Harry. Duo get your knives.”
“He'll take this test later.” Heero coldly informed the examiner earning a grateful smile from Harry. As they left the room Trowa fell back to walk with Heero.
“Why did you stop the test?” He asked quietly.
“Harry hadn't even held a gun before. I will train him before he takes the test.” Trowa nodded at the explanation.
“Thank you.”
A few minutes after entering the gym Wufei and Duo rejoined them both carrying various items. Wufei carefully lay out a selection of swords for Harry to choose from, in addition to those already supplied by the gym. They watched as he ignored the Oriental style blades and studied the European ones. He picked one or two up to check their weight and quality. Harry smiled as he searched, thinking of the first sword he'd ever wielded. The Sword of Gryffindor was his by birthright but it was more for ceremonial purposes than for actual fighting, although it could be used for it as he'd proved by skewering the Basilisk. He'd trained with several types of swords and while he could use a katana like the one Wufei was warming up with he didn't prefer it. He finally settled on a Bastard Sword and moved to warm up, getting used to the feel of the sword. The ex-pilots and the few instructors watched him critically. Where before he had been nervous he now moved confidently through his warm up, with none of the awkwardness he'd shown when holding the gun. Wufei finished first and watched as Harry slowly finished; when Heero had told him to get his sword he had not expected this.
“Ready?” He asked as Harry stopped.
“Yeah. Rules?”
“No killing each other. Disarm only.”
“Right.” The two approached each other and readied themselves.
Trowa was surprised as Harry held the sword easily; it was obvious he had training. He smiled as Harry easily blocked Wufei and then easily slipped out of reach. Harry was incredibly fast and light on his feet, dodging out reach of Wufei's katana more often than allowing the swords to clash. He was obviously testing Wufei and the other man was obliging him. Harry gave no warning before truly beginning to fight, his slightly longer blade meaning he didn't have to get as close as Wufei did and therefore giving a slight advantage. The swords began to actually clash and the fight picked up speed.
“He's good.” Quatre commented softly, not wanting to distract the two fighters.
“Not quite as good as Wufei but not far off.” Heero replied, eyes glued to the combatants. They watched as Wufei lashed out with his foot, trying to catch Harry off guard but Harry dodged out of the way, if only barely. The fight continued for fifteen more minutes until Harry made a mistake and suddenly found himself weapon less and with Wufei's blade inches from his throat.
“Yield.” He said quietly, breathing harder than normal but not to the point of panting.
“You're good.” Wufei admitted, lowering his sword.
“Thanks. You're better.” Harry grinned at him as he went to pick up his lost sword.
“How long have you been training?”
“First touched a sword when I was twelve but that wasn't against a human opponent.”
“Really big snake.” They just stared at him.
“What, it's the truth. Eventually managed to ram the blade up through its mouth and into the brain, getting bitten in the process.”
“Just how big was the snake?” Duo was staring at him.
“Um, not sure but it was huge, could have easily swallowed me whole. After that I was sixteen when I actually started receiving training.”
“Considering I have many more years of training and experience you did extremely well.” Harry smiled at the compliment.
“So what's next?” He asked, hoping it wasn't physical; he could do with a break after that fight.
“Lunch then knives with Duo.”
Une studied Harry's results, they had everyone else confused. He'd managed to beat Duo in their fight and had lasted twenty minutes against Wufei. Heero had let her know that he was going to train Harry with a gun before letting him take the test and she agreed. His aim would probably be all right but from what she understood spells didn't have to be quite as precise as a bullet to do the job. His computer skills were basic but he could pick a lock as long as it wasn't mechanical. They'd already known he was good at stealth since he had managed to sneak up on Heero several times, a hard feat. Tomorrow they would test his general knowledge and she could only hope he'd been studying since returning to the normal world. She'd pulled his school records and had been relieved to see he was close to finishing high school through night classes. He wouldn't be the only Preventer who had never attended university but it was a good idea to have at least finished high school, even Duo had despite his complaints.
Harry threw himself down on his bed, exhausted. Finally all the tests except for shooting were over and done with. He'd seen the puzzled and down right shocked looks often exchanged by the trainers at his results. Wasn't his fault he'd barely been in the Muggle world the last few years.
“Glad to be done?” He looked up to see Wufei in the doorway.
“Very. I don't want to move for at least a year!” That earnt a chuckle.
“Unfortunately you have to report for training tomorrow. Hope you're a fast learner, I want to get back to missions soon.”
“Not your fault. You can't help what you do and don't know if that's what you were taught.”
“Thanks. Are you sure I have to go tomorrow?” Harry groaned as he sat up.”
“Positive. Get a good night sleep. Some of the trainers are fairly tough.”
“Yuy is known to be very strict when it comes to training and you have him for guns and computers.”
“Joy. Think I can manage to drown myself in the shower tonight?”
“Please don't. Dead or not you are going to training tomorrow.” Harry nodded and dragged himself into the bathroom to shower as Wufei left.
Harry grinned at Heero who smiled slightly at the excited young man. Finally he'd done it.
“Congratulations Harry. You pass.”
“Thanks. Still don't like guns though.”
“Good, just get used to carrying and using one. It can and will save your life.”
“I know.” Harry glanced at the clock and quickly grabbed his jacket.
“I'm going to be late!” With that he tore out of the room leaving Heero to smile at his exit. Poor Harry, he was being run ragged trying to catch up on the things he didn't know. Heero frowned, some of which were basic things anyone should know. It raised questions as to how he had been raised and trained. Lady Une had looked into his childhood and whatever she had found had obviously left an impression, a bad one from the sounds of it. But she had refused to tell them, saying that Harry needed to be the one to tell them. He'd seen the knowing look in Duo's eyes and had cornered his partner. Duo had admitted that he had managed to hear enough to say that the Dursley's weren't the nicest of people. They had decided to not say anything to Trowa about that. After all they didn't know how bad it had been, just neglect or abuse and they didn't want him to worry if they had gotten it wrong. His combat training, at least as far as archaic weapons and hand to hand went was excellent. He had been trained to fight and kill, that was obvious. It just didn't make sense, if you are going to train someone to kill why not teach them how to use a gun? Harry was definitely a puzzle.
Sorry about the lack of detail in the fight but I don't know anything about sword fighting so… I looked up sword types on the net for Harry's. the Bastard at least has a similar shape to Godric's so I went with that.