Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ My Brother's a Wizard? ❯ Chapter 5 ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: Still don't own them.
Will definitely be Harry/Heero at some point, most likely whenever those two decide to ambush me.
Chapter 5
“You can't keep this up Harry.” The young teacher gave no indication that he'd heard his superior a he continued straightening his classroom, it was a bit of a mess because of his fourth year Gryffindor/Slytherin class.
“Harry.” He finally turned to look at his old head of house. Minerva McGonagall was still as strict looking as ever but the war had aged her greatly. Her once dark hair that only held streaks of grey was now purely grew and her face was even more lined. He felt bad for her, for all the staff really but he couldn't be who, what they wanted him to be, not any more.
“You're right. I'm sorry Minerva.” With that he vanished from the room, Harry Potter once again doing the impossible. Minerva sighed and sank down into a nearby chair. She'd known from the start that he would never stay long in their world; it had simply caused him too much pain over the years.
“He's gone?” She turned to see Neville leaning against the door and nodded.
“He doesn't belong here any more Professor, he deserves the chance to have a life away from all this.”
“I know. I'll miss that boy.” Neville smiled at his old teacher and gave her a brief hug.
“But he'll always be with us.”
“Job offer still open?” Lady Une only managed not to jump because of her many years of training as she turned her office lights on. Sure enough, sitting in one of the chairs in front of her desk was Harry Potter.
“I thought you were on Earth, teaching I believe?” He simply shrugged as she sat behind her desk.
“I suppose I shouldn't bother asking how you got in here?” That earnt her a cheeky grin.
“Magic of course.” She nodded, something had changed in the months since she'd last seen the young Wizard, she just wasn't sure what.
“What made you change your mind?” She was genuinely curios; he hadn't seemed at all interested in the job before. Harry stood and went over to the window, staring out at the just stirring colony.
“I tried. I tried to go back, to be what they wanted but I can't. That's just not me anymore. They wanted a weapon, to be used to destroy their enemies and they got one, they just never thought about what it would do to me. What I'd have to give up to save them, sure I did it willingly but now they won't leave me alone.” Une frowned at his back, he sounded so much like the Gundam pilots, the few times shed seen them let their guard down since the war ended. He needed the change so she'd give it to him, give him a place where his skills could be used and he'd be valued for who he was, not what he was.
“Welcome to the Preventers Harry Potter.” He turned and smiled, only the second genuine smile she'd seen him give.
“What did you do this time Maxwell?”
“Hey! Don't look at me Fei, I haven't done anything lately. I don't know why Lady Une wants to see us.” Duo pouted at his friend, faking being upset at the accusation. He honestly hadn't done anything that would get them called to her office; at least he didn't think he had.
“Hey, maybe she found another long lost relative for one of us!” Heero hit him in the back of the head for that one.
“How is Harry?” Quatre asked his partner.
“I don't know, he didn't answer my last call.” There was a hint of worry in Trowa's voice.
“I'm sure he's fine, probably got caught up with some school function or something.” Duo tried to reassure his lover and received a brief smile in return. The five ex-pilots finally reached the office and were ushered inside.
“Hey Lady Une.”
“Agent Maxwell. Please take a seat all of you. I asked you here to welcome our newest recruit and to inform Agent Chang that he'll be getting a new partner.”
“Who?” Wufei asked.
“Me.” Heads turned as Harry stepped forward from the corner were he'd been standing, hidden. They stared in shock as Harry gave them a sheepish smile before taking a seat at the table.
“Guess that explains why you didn't answer Tro's last call. Decided to give up on teaching?”
“Something like that.” Harry watched his brother, trying to gauge his reaction.
“Welcome to the Preventers.” Trowa said, offering a small smile which Harry returned.
“Agent Potter has several skills I'm hoping will be of great help to us. But it is up to him wether he explains them or tells you where he learnt them. So do not push for answers, am I understood?” The five nodded but they're curiosity had been piqued.
“I want you to run him through the basic training regimes, see what areas he needs catching up in since any training he received was, shall we say, out of the ordinary. Chang, he'll be your permanent partner from now on so I trust you to teach him what he needs to know about how we work. You have three weeks.”
“Look, I really don't mind finding my own place.”
“Don't be silly Harry. There's no need, as I told you last time I have plenty of room. One more person will not make a difference. This way we can all spend time together away from work.”
“And you guys can subtly try to find out what Lady Une was talking about.” Quatre flushed guiltily.
“Forget it Quatre, I wouldn't expect anything else. A lot of it… isn't my secrets to tell. The rest? Pretty unbelievable.”
“We can believe a lot Harry. You don't have to tell anyone anything, we all have secrets. Just… will it hurt Trowa?” Harry smiled at the blond's protectiveness of his friend.
“If people back on Earth found out we were brothers? Maybe. But they'd have to get through me first and they tend to try to avoid that.” Harry stared out his window.
“I'm pretty tired, mind if I?” Quatre nodded and went to the door, knowing Harry didn't want to talk anymore.
“Good night Harry, it's good to have you here.”
“Harry coming down?”
“No, he's pretty tired so he's getting an early night.” Quatre answered as he joined his lover on the couch. Duo was also sitting with his, Trowa absently playing with his braid.
“How do you feel about having him as a partner?”
“I won't know until I see him perform.” Wufei replied, kissing Quatre softly.
“He has a lot of secrets.” Heero pointed out gruffly.
“Like we can talk? He doesn't know about our part in the war so why should we expect him to spill?” Duo pointed out.
“Do you think he fought in the war?” Quatre asked.
“Lady Une would have mentioned that.”
“Unless he was with one of the smaller rebel groups and was never recorded.” Wufei pointed out.
“He is not a normal civilian.” Heero stated.
“He's managed to sneak up on me a few times.”
“I want him to know.” They turned to look at Trowa.
“He should know exactly who I am, perhaps then he will feel able to share who he is.”
“Are you sure? He lost friends in the war, you could lose him.” Heero warned. Trowa nodded.
“I know, but it is not fair to keep it from him.”
“I'll call Lady Une.” Quatre left for his office. Duo hugged Trowa tightly; they could only hope Harry would take it well.
Sorry the chapters have been so short but I stop them where they want to stop. Any guesses as to how Harry will react?