Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ My Brother's a Wizard? ❯ Chapter 4 ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: Still the same.
Sorry about the lack of updates to all my stories, life's starting to get hectic. I tend to write more over the holidays then during semester, for obvious reasons. This will probably be the only one for a few weeks, sorry.
Ch 6 & 7 of the New family rewrite is up on the various sites, WWOMB, Pomme De Sang, MediaMiner, etc.
Chapter 4
Harry collapsed onto his couch, utterly exhausted. Why exactly did he give into that last note of Minerva's? It was only the fourth day of school and already he was ready to throttle the brats. Okay, so maybe that was a little harsh but he was still tempted to do it. Of course, they had no reason to respect Aaron Smith, Hogwarts latest DADA professor and one of the youngest ever to hold the position. Sometimes he considered dropping his glamour just to see their reactions but that would undo all of his hard work. He had only agreed to teach this term on the conditions that no one know it was him and that he would return home every evening. Minerva hadn't been happy with that last one but had had no other choice, there was simply no one else qualified available until next term. There was nothing to tie the blond haired blue-eyed teacher to Harry; Smith was an American after all. Harry had had loads of fun creating Aaron. He'd based his physical appearance on Quatre, Trowa and Duo, Quatre's hair and eyes, Trowa's height and Duo for everything else, including personality; he even wore the long blond hair braided. Minerva had been more than a little shocked by the glamour.
He'd managed to avoid being made a head of house or deputy head master on the argument that such a new, unknown teacher would never be offered either of those positions. So Sinistra was deputy and Colin Creevy was the new head of Gryffindor. Harry had been shocked beyond belief to hear that Colin was now a teacher, and a very good one at that, he'd been sure the younger boy would go into some form of journalism. The war had changed the younger Gryffindor; he no longer carried a camera everywhere and was a lot calmer.
Still, even for him it was tiring to hold the glamour all day and the apparate from his London flat to Hogsmeade and back again six days a week and the strain was beginning to show. But he refused to give up his freedom; if he were to move into the school he'd be living under glamour all the time, something he refused to do. Besides, Trowa and the others would have no way to contact him of he did and he enjoyed the weekly calls a lot. They were pretty much the only bright spot in his life at the moment.
Duo leaned tiredly on Heero as his partner silently opened the door. He sat on a nearby couch without complaint as the other agent went in search of a First Aid kit. Sometimes he really hated his life, so much for a simple mission. The information the Preventers had been given had led the two straight into a trap, one that could have cost them their lives. Give him soldiers any day, he hated criminals! Duo relaxed as Heero returned and began tending to the bullet wound in his shoulder, it hurt like hell! Heero was nearly done when they heard the sound of a key in the lock. Both Agents tensed as the door swung open but relaxed as a startled Harry Potter was revealed.
“Hey Harry, hope you don't mind if we crash.” Duo grinned at the shocked young man.
“Duo you're hurt!” Harry quickly locked the door behind him and moved over to the couch.
“It's nothing, Hee-chan's patched me up, see?” Duo indicated his now bandaged shoulder and Harry grimaced.
“What happened to you two?” Harry dumped his bag and slipped out of his shoes, his slight groan earning a grin.
“Walked into a trap but we got out okay. You don't mind do you? I know you said…”
“I meant it, you're both welcome here for as long as needs be.”
“Thank you.” Heero said quietly, concerned for his friend although he was reluctant to show it. He still wasn't fully comfortable showing he cared about his friends, especially around someone he didn't know very well.
“No problem, I'm not here much now that I'm teaching.” Harry shrugged and smiled.
“Want anything for dinner? I haven't eaten since noon.”
“Sure!” Heero simply nodded even as Duo bounced slightly, always eager to eat.
“I'll get started. My room's the one at the end of the hall, bathroom's first door on the right. Help yourself to the other bedrooms.” Harry headed into the kitchen to cook, glad that he kept his apartment strictly muggle, anything magical kept under lock, key and millions of wards inside his own room.
“Dou settled in?” Heero nodded, not reacting as Harry appeared silently by his side. He had been surprised that a civilian moved so quietly all the time but it seemed natural to the other young man.
“Are you all right?”
“Fine.” Heero answered tersely, not wanting to talk.
“It's okay to be worried about him, he's your friend. I'd say best friend from what I've seen.” Heero didn't react outwardly but he was surprised, it appears Trowa's brother was just as observant as the one time clown.
“He'll be fine Heero, I doubt a wound like that will keep him down long.” Heero could see the sadness in Harry's eyes, as the younger man seemed to get lost in memories.
“Friends like him are rare Heero, never let him go.” With that the green-eyed man was gone, his bedroom door closing with a click, signifying that he'd locked it. Heero stayed where he was, staring out over London form the apartment balcony, thoughts on the flats other two occupants. Despite what Harry had told them he was still mostly a mystery to the ex-pilots, only giving the occasional glimpse into parts of his past. It was obvious that he had been hurt badly during the war, not physically but emotionally. Trowa had mentioned the fact that his school had taken casualties and from Harry's comment a few minutes ago Heero knew some had been his very close friends. Would Harry want anything to do with his big brother if he knew he had been a pilot? Responsible, even if indirectly, for his friends deaths. Heero didn't want to find out, it was obvious Trowa liked his brother, even if he didn't remember their brief childhood together.
Trowa inspected his lovers wound carefully even as said lover relaxed against him.
“I'm fine Tro, Heero patched me up at Harry's.” Trowa let his hands drop away, down to Duo's waist so that he could pull him closer.
“How is he?”
“Pulling his hair out.” Duo chuckled.
“I get the feeling he regrets letting his old teacher talk him into taking the job, even temporarily. Apparently all the students are monsters.” Trowa smiled at Duo's answer, poor Harry.
“But otherwise?” He began unbraiding Duo's hair for him in preparation for bed.
“Tired but good. He chatted with Heero for a while after I was put to bed, you do not want those two teaming up on you when in mother hen mode, its scary.”
“And you loved every second of it.” Duo could hear the laughter in his lovers' voice.
“Yep. He's still so sad, more so since going back to teach. He should have stayed here.”
“We can't expect him to just give up his life and move to the Colonies.” Trowa chided.
“Why not? You're his brother, you need him and he needs you.”
“Its not that simple and you know it.”
“Doesn't stop me from wishing it was.” Trowa kissed him tenderly.
“I know. Would you like our upcoming holiday to be in London?” Trowa smiled as Duo grinned.
“Yeah, we can cheer Harry up and give mock sympathy for having to deal with those kids!”
Harry smiled sadly at the photo, watching as James chased Sirius, Remus laughing in the background. He traced it gently with a finger, grief welling up in his chest. Two of the photo's occupants were dead and one was gone. No one knew where Moony was; he'd vanished shortly after the attack on Hogwarts and hadn't been heard from since. Harry knew everyone else had given up on the werewolf, some of the Order members believing the grief had finally become too much for the ex-professor but Harry refused to give up hope, Remus would not have willingly left him alone. He knew Tom had known nothing about Remus' disappearance so it hadn't been an attack on the light. A part of him prayed and hoped that one day soon the werewolf would simply knock on his door or show up in his classroom with an offer to help grade papers.
Harry held the photo tightly and cried himself to sleep even as Trowa wrapped his arms around a sleepy Duo tightly after they had finished making love, happy to fall asleep with his lover.
Finally Moony gets a mention, sorry about that. Sorry it's so short but I wanted to get one last update out before hitting the books.