Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ My Empire of Dirt ❯ Prologue. ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

My Empire of Dirt
by cozzybob
Summary: Millardo's life shatters when Relena is brutally murdered before his eyes, and fleeing the scene with shock, he mistakenly becomes the world's leading suspect. Searching for the real killer with only broken memories to help him, while still dodging the world and the billion credit reward hanging over his head, the man they call the Bloodied Prince soon finds himself in the midst of something he never once expected, before a face he never wanted to see again.
Disclaimer: I do not own Gundam Wing or the major characters within this work of fiction. I didn't make any money borrowing them, and I don't plan to do so in the future, so please don't hurt me. I'm just a pathetic fangirl worshipping her favorite bishie, because we all know that Zechs is the hottest thing on two legs in GW, no matter what the Duo fans say. He's even hotter than Quatre, and that's saying something. ~.^;
Rated: NC-17 / Adults only
Pairs: A lonely Zechs thus far
Warning: Might feature m/m, m/f, and f/f pairings (ie: yaoi, het and yuri). Lots of strong violence, adult language, death, scifi, supernatural, limes, eventual lemons, bad stuff, eventual torture, heaps of angst.
They were fighting again. Their yelling could be heard rolling out of the bedroom window and far into the street, where people took moments to stop and stare in morbid curiosity. Nervous servants scuttled passed Relena Peacecraft's chambers warily, some traveling entire floors out of the way in order to avoid confrontation. A servant with a tea tray was particularly startled when a man's roar rose above the Lady Peacecraft's shrieking, his words clear and concise.
"Father did not die so you could abandon his kingdom, Relena!!"
There was a loud slap of skin striking skin. The servant and her tea tray jumped backward from the way she came, eyes wide, the delicate ceramic teacups trembling in fear. She could barely decipher the Lady Peacecraft's low rumble of hatred, and curious, she strained an ear.
"...How dare you accuse me of abandonment, brother! You have no right! You ran away when our kingdom collapsed and our parents died--"
"Don't you dare--"
"No!! You, brother, left me to be raised under a family that wasn't even mine, you left me--"
"It was for your own good!"
"You don't know a damned thing about my own good!!" There was pause. "...Do you really believe that you can lock me up in a box and guard me from all troubles of the world the rest of your miserable life? Let me tell you something, Mil, I am a grown woman, and I know exactly how to use a ninety-nine millimeter. I've used one several times, I'm very good at it, and I came very, very close to killing the woman that murdered my father Darlian with it. I know that I would have, if Noin hadn't stopped me--yes, you know it's true. I am extremely capable of becoming what you became, and doing what you have done. But I didn't, because I know better. Because I'm smarter than you are.
"So don't you dare accuse me of abandoning our kingdom. I am the queen of a fallen nation, one that has already died twice, one that I lived and died to resurrect only to see it crumble in my face. I want it back just as much as you do, but it's time to let it go. I am not abandoning our father's kingdom. I am letting it rest in peace."
There was deadly silence.
"...It's not right, 'Lena."
"I know, Mil."
Milliardo's voice was shaken with frustrated anger, and what could have been called hopelessness, if you knew him well enough. Unfortunately, the servant girl did not know him well enough. There was a soft curse. "No, 'Lena... you don't understand, it's not right... it's not... it's..."
There was a sudden a roar of pure hatred. It was so sudden, the servant girl and her teacups could do nothing but stare helplessly at the door to the Peacecraft quarters, numb with shock and confusion. There were loud thumps as a body--or maybe several--fell to the floor, and then a piercing shriek of pain made the servant girl drop her plate. Her tea set shattered, but the servant girl did not notice. Her jaw was pulled back into a breathless cry for help, but she could utter nothing.
There were muffled sounds, and shouting, grunts as physical battle ensued inside of Relena's chambers. It faded suddenly, replaced by a deafening silence that lasted for several minutes. The girl stood, trembling, and was about to muster her courage to enter, to see if the Lady Peacecraft was alright, when footsteps came thundering back again, and a soft voice, pained and huffing from exertion tore out into the gloom like a whimper in the wind.
"...Relena?" The thumping of hard steps, a loud crash. Cursing. "Where... what... who the hell? Couldn't be..." Another gasp of pain. Someone choked. A cry of frustrated anger. "Oh no, please... 'Lena, c'mon, no, don't you dare, don't you..." The voice faded incoherently.
The servant stood dumbfounded.
"M-Mil... M-Mil, I... I-I'm sorry..."
"Bullshit!" Silence, then a loud cry. "...Relena! Oh god... 'Lena, please don't do this to me! D-Don't leave me here alone, n-not again, please... Don't you dare die on me, I can't do this again, I c-can't, I-I--"
A half-hearted laugh, and then a choke that cut it off. Relena's voice was exhausted with agony, and somehow, it still managed to sound wry. "Don'... worry, Mil... y-you're my br-brother... I won't a-ab-band--"
A loud intake of breath. And then nothing.
A man screamed.
The servant backed away until she hit a wall. She could not stop staring at the door to Relena's chambers, her eyes pealed back into an expression of utter horror. She shook with fear, her palms sweaty. And then the door opened.
Milliardo Peacecraft slowly stepped into the hall, his head down, platinum mane spattered in blood, eyes staring dumbfounded at a jagged knife clutched in his right hand. He dropped it as if burned, his hand fatally still as it dripped crimson red paint onto the priceless Persian carpeting. He looked up, saw the servant girl's face drenched in fear, and he choked suddenly, his breaths labored and painful. With blank eyes, Milliardo ran away.
And the servant girl screamed.
The Lady Relena Peacecraft had just been murdered by her own brother.