Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ My neighbor over the street ❯ Chapter 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Disclaimer: Characters don't belong to me. Story does. This is mainly for the entertainment.

My neighbor over the street part 2
by: Nekocin

To Terrasa: Uhhh... thanks for the review, I was kinda surprised that I got a review so soon. This fanfic was actually started last year, and I didn't post it because I thought it would be strange. Last night I've posted it, because I got bored since some *good* fics haven't been updated. I'd the first part of chapter 2 ready, but I couldn't go any further. I had my own plans of writing this fic, but I guess after reading your review I'm back in the 3x4 thing again ^_^ so I'll try my best. I've a feeling you haven't read the 1st chapter clearly or you haven't quite understood it. So I'll change some of my plans. And YOU try updating too.

//...// indicates thoughts

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Duo tiptoed near the Librarian as I watched in confusion. I wonder why he's trying to be scary... I mean look at the way Duo is acting... "I know it's you Duo!" I shot up and looked surprised at the one who said it. One well-built guy around my age too, with brown messed up hair... I wonder if his hair bothering him while working in this kind of dark. "How did you know?" Duo curled his lips into a little disappointed pout and leant against the table his friend's computer was on. "I know when I know it's you is whenever I smell you..." The other boy said. I blinked at them, not knowing what to think as Duo turned to me. "Yo, Quatre... this is my best friend Heero Yuy... Heero, this is my new neighbor... Quatre is his name" Duo said and Heero shushed him up. "Oops... sorry" Duo whispered nervously and I chuckled. "Nice meeting you, Mr. Yuy" I said politely while reaching my hand forward. "Please be formal... the same here" Heero said and accepted my handshake. I nodded.

He doesn't seem THAT grumpy, but his facial expressions were kinda deceiving. His eyes were weird... I mean even though it's so dark in the library that you could hardly see, I saw dark overshadowed deep blue or is it purple... eyes. "Welcome to our town, Quatre... if you ever feel bored you can always check in here..." Heero whispered. "Hey! You copied my lines!" Duo protested as I nodded again. "How could you?!" He said angrily and before anyone could answer him or anything, Heero pulled him along by the braid outside. "Ittai! Let go! Let go!... Le... uhm...mhmhmh..." Duo shouted. I just blinked at them when Duo's scream had been stopped by a quick shove of piece of paper. I can hardly believe they're best friends... well, they tease, I know, but did it have to be like their relationship as I wondered what Heero was telling Duo.

I sighed and looked around at the shelves. Curious as always I read the labels of the nearby books... they've every genre here: thriller, horror, mystery,... unlike the library which I had, instead of these we have just about novels historical romance, politician stuff in whatever category that might fall. The computer screen caught my attention when it kept blinking. I looked at the blinking screen and like I said, curiously I observed Heero's work. //Mythical poems...?// Strange. I never really knew that in myths they have great poems, songs maybe... wait, I must be messing up again. I blinked at the screen a few times, Heero was trying to translate the whole scribble thing. "A hobby" my eyes widened when I heard the deep voice. I whirled around. There they stood, Heero looking at me murderously, I can't tell, maybe I got into someone's territory, while Duo was just smirking for no apparent reason, i also can't tell. "What?" I have to slap myself mentally since I knew I've heard him clearly.

"That's Heero's private something" Duo grinned, I quickly looked at my feet. "I'm sorry... I didn't mean it..." "Don't sweat it, Quatre. He'll do nothing to you since you're just new here" Duo turned to Heero, who was glaring at Duo's statement. "So, Heero... you're still doing that stuff?" //What stuff?// I wondered as Heero nodded. "So what have you got?" I can tell he's trying to make it lively, since the library is damn boring <1: You know why, don't you?>. Both of them kept staring at one another... Somehow I felt like I might be intruding, I just felt it. An intense moment of silence is going on between them, why I do not know. I just felt like I'm an outsider here so as slowly and carefully as I could, I backed away from them, trying to find my way towards the exit.


Finally. Outside. The musty air inside is finally replaced by a cool breeze against my cheeks. My eyes narrowed when the sun light was peering down from the sky. I took a deep breath for the second time this morning and felt satisfied with the new lively scene in front of me.
Kids. A group of kids were following a woman, who must be their kindergarten teacher, while she was letting them sing softly. A melody I'd never heard of, but it sounded cute. She has good features and cool eyes... uh... maybe that's not the word, uh... it's like lavender or something. That's why the word is "cool". They reminded me of the cool oceans for some reasons unknown. Contrasting her eyes, she has short, curly, brown hair. A mother-figure, that's how she is <2: You already know who's this girl, right?>
Suddenly her eyes caught me staring and I felt the urge to stop staring. She gave me a questionable look, i froze of course not knowing how to act around strangers. She smiled and mouthed "Are you the new neighbor?" I blinked a few times... I never knew I can read her lips and nodded.
She whispered something to the children and looked up.

"Welcome to our town, new neighbor" they welcomed me with their brightest smiles when my feet somehow carried me to the pavement. I could not help but smile at them. "We hope you'll enjoy your stay..." The girl smiled and I scratched the back of my head nervously with a chuckle. "I'm Catherine Bloom, the kindergarten teacher..." "My name is Quatre. H-how... did everyone know that I'm new here?" "Well, Quatre, this IS a small town and everyone just know everyone here. I've never seen you here before, I guessed you must be the new neighbor Duo's going to have..." Catherine smiled. "Makes sense" I almost answered sheepishly. "You know Duo, right?" she asked carefully. "Yes, he's showing me around. Now he's just inside visiting his friend..." I explained while curious eyes were peering at me. //... there's tension between them...//
"Mister... d'o you know 'bout that guy?" one of them asked, I swear I thought I saw some twinkling stars in their eyes, looking lovingly at me. "MIDORI!" Catherine gasped, starling me.

"What's wrong?" I quickly cut in, before Catherine could even burst into flames. "Uh... nothing... just..." She looked around as if someone must be eavesdropping on her, just like how Duo acted. "Do you mean the neighbor over my way?" I can see that she was visibly getting pale and nodded. "Duo must have told you about the neighbors there..." Catherine said in a soft whisper. //Neighbors?// I looked dazed at the teacher. "Are there more living there?" "Oh dear... no... did I say that? No, just one. Just one. No one else anymore. You see I'm used to saying neighbors because of the large families here..." I can hear her saying this nervously with a inconvincible smile. Okay, I can feel that she is hiding something from me. Does it have to do with my neighbor over the way? Why is he so feared? My thoughts wandered about Duo's chattering a few... uh... minutes?... ago. When Heero took Duo outside to talk, was he talking about me? Or about that neighbor thing again? What makes that guy so infamous? And why do I have this feeling that Heero's hobby has something to do with this?

A far away voice called me, I couldn't make out who was calling me... it seems I'm not too interested in who was calling my name while I'm deep in my thoughts. I hate it when someone disturb my thinking, especially when I'm getting strange feelings about this town so suddenly even though I'm kinda getting to like this town more and more. The more they're acting nervously about that guy, the more I wonder if he's some kind of a beast or Hannibal or anything scary in their eyes. Just wondering. Hm, you can tell I'm so naive. Can't help it. I think it runs in my family through my mother, or was it my sister who had been teaching me these kind of stuff.
"!!!" Another dull voice called. I sighed //Better give the thinking up. They'll think I'm crazy or daydreaming about something... or whatever it might be//
So I decided to think later when I'm home... "Yo!!" A clear and loud voice was near my ear, the warm breathing made my skin crawl.
I shuddered and blinked a few times at Catherine, who seemed to be quite worried... about something... I can't tell for sure. AGAIN.

"Are you okay?" Catherine asked, concerned eyes narrowing while she watched me shake my head. "No... nothing... just thinking..." "What were you thinking about?" A deep voice came from behind my back, startling me... I'd even tried to jump up, but as usual... whenever I'm scared or startled my feet won't obey my impulse. They're like being frozen on the ground, or rather nailed on the ground with some nails. "Duo!" He smirked evilly, yes, evilly, I can tell...okay, now that's for sure //What is he thinking about?// "Geez, Quatre. Where have you been? I've been calling you for quite... let me see... a total seconds?..." He checked his watch. //What is he trying to prove?// No, i didn't glare at him, I don't have any intention to glare at anyone. "... about 36 seconds..." he grinned mischievously. "So where have you been? To Happy land?" He teased and the kids giggled. "No... just thinking..." I replied again, trying to sound more coolly than ever.

"Aa... thinking, eh? Well, Heero and I have been discussing about you. Tonight he'll go check on your house, he was once a soldier you know?... anyways, he's going to check your house if there's any bug or something what might cause you to disappear or whatever... I'll be visiting you too tonight, because I NEED company. Especially when you're new here and you don't know much of our town. I'll be happy to explain them to you, but I have my limits." He said with a grin, while glancing at the closed Library door.
Now that he'd said that, I wonder if he's going to tell me about HIM or THEM whatever... and wow, he's said that in one breath? How can he manage to do that? Does he work for the Radio station as the announcer or some kind?
"Are you in there?!!" Duo practically screamed through my ear and I quickly move away from him, covering my ear. "Aaah... yes, I'm here not in THERE!" I tried not to be angry... well, anger is like the farthest thing in my life. The children began to giggle again, making me feel a little too childish. "So, are you okay with that?" Duo asked, I can hint that he has these mischievous stars in his eyes.

"Yes, I guess so. If you just don't mind the mess, okay? I haven't cleaned up the whole place yet..." I said while rubbing my ear, the tickling feeling against my skin was too creepy. "GREAT! I'll help you unpack!!!" "Well... uh..." Before I can even think about that, Duo cut in. "Thank you!!! I promise that I'll not brake your precious things! You can ask for my help anytime" "It's nice meeting you, Quatre. I'll be going now, the children need to have some fun than just listen to..." Catherine said while shooting a glance at Duo. "Ahem!" Duo smirked and she shook her head. "They need more exercises!" Catherine quickly said and pushed one of the children's backs gently. "Come on, let's move on... say goodbye to uncle Duo and uncle Quatre..." "Bye..., uncle Duo, bye... uncle Quatre" The kids said randomly while waving back at both Duo and I.

"Catherine... Catherine... Catherine..." I can hear Duo muttering under his breath. "Excuse me?" trying to sound as polite as I can. "Nothing. She's the kindergarten teacher. This is her 2nd year actually... she had been living in this town for who knows how long. I only know her parents had died when she was just in her early 6th year or something. No family left though, and father Maxwell took her in... the same father Maxwell who took me in..." Duo explained while watching Catherine and the kids going out of sight. "He's adopted you two?" I asked. "Yes, actually he'd adopted a lot of children... orphans to be more exact. God knows where he's now..." the last phrase sounded like as if the words were being carried away by the wind. "I'm sorry..." Duo looked up at the sky and shook his head. "Don't be... life does go on..." "Yes... life has to go on..." I looked up at the sky. "Wow, the sky is really blue today... no clouds, no smoky things..." I commented and Duo agreed. "So, what are we going to do now? Clean up your place?!" Duo asked quickly, but before I can respond about not to bother about it, he'd dragged me along the way back home. This is one looong weird day for me as a 'normal person'. Weird and yet... mysterious and exciting. My thoughts are focused on this one guy, or is it those neighbors of mine... Who are they?


End part 2


Okay, that's part 2. And I know it's short. Wonder what will happen next?