Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ My neighbor over the street ❯ Chapter 3 ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: Characters don't belong to me. Story does. This is mainly for the entertainment.

My neighbor over the street part 3
by: Nekocin

Aaa... I'm so sorry for taking so long with this chapter. I was stuck and wrote two versions of this chapter. This might be a little confusing since it's a different person's point of view ^_^. Maybe it's quite a little dark. ::crosses fingers:: Hope it's not THAT bad.

To Terrasa: Well, thanks for the quick notice, because in some of my other fics I've posted just like what you think is best. But I think if I take too much notes afterwards, the page might be filled up with them -_-'. And uh... about the neighbor thing... I've changed a few of my plans, so I just hope they won't suck.

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Different person's POV I:

How long have I been standing there? In the cold? In the night... wait, it's early in the morning. How long have I been standing there? Maybe for 2 days? I don't know. Why was I staring down across the street? Who cares... except maybe Lord Trowa. And why was I doing this anyways? Oh... the new neighbour. Now I wonder when this new neighbour is going to show up. He's late...
My lord, I hope you know what you're doing... and that Duo there is gaining on you. Or is it his friend Heero. Where is he? Or is it a she? ARGH... whatever...
I looked down over the street through the windows and tried not to reveal myself in the morning sunlight. A taxi cab rode silently down the street and stopped.
Aaa... there you are. A blonde stepped out of the cab and paid the cabdriver. Not much new about this fellow here, he is neither too slim and too fat.

My lord might want to welcome our new neighbour here. He seems quite unaware about the many secrets in this town. Which is a good thing. Just another toy for us or rather my lord. It's always the same each year. New neighbours and more 'toys'. I chuckled inwardly as I watched our neighbour over the street, opening the front door for the movers.
"He's here..." a soft voice broke the silence in the room. I turned around and narrowed my eyes to adjust to the utter darkness in the room. My lord was sitting in the darkness and his blazing eyes stared at me. "Yes, my lord..." my voice trailed off as I looked back at our new neighbour. "Good..." I heard him sigh and couldn't feel his presence anymore. He must be heading to his room.

It didn't take long before the moving van left. There's something about this new neighbour... the strange sense around him. Yes, I can just sense him from afar, but I'm not so sure if I can trust my senses. I'm quite incapable of these kind of things. All I can do is follow orders, hunting in the night etcetera, while the most powerful works are done by my lord. Like for example greeting all new neighbours without leaving this house. You might already guess this is quite an unusual place to welcome new people. Believe me, it IS one of the most powerful things I might never be able to learn even though my lord believed that I'm quite capable of doing this too.
How did I end up here is really not my place to explain. However maybe my lord will tell me one day and explain what's my purpose of being here. I'm either just following him blindly or being too loyal in his service.
All I can remember about my past were all surfacing in either my dreams or nightmares. I can still hear their cries and the blood in my hands. It never had effected me that I was doing something wrong or good. There's nothing good or evil my world. I'm not the one making the decisions. Either I follow it or not, it's neither good nor evil.

I can smell our new neighbour is eating... pizza? Why does every one of them like eating pizza? Can't they eat something more *different*. For a kid like him I bet he can't eat the whole thing up by himself. Before I can count to ten, I sensed he's taking a bath. The whole journey from the big city to this small town must have been quite exhausting. I can't blame him for being unaware of our town's *little* secrets. Secrets which will never be revealed to the outside world unless... there's someone who's stupid enough to betray this town. And soon my lord will strike... I wonder how my lord is doing now...
I turned around and narrowed my eyes again. He's busy I guess... he must be meditating or something.


Different person's POV II:

I went towards my room. Dark and full with unidentified pieces of my past. The new neighbour must have been a late comer. He was supposed to arrive here two days ago, but it seems my prediction was wrong. There must be something about him that made my prediction go wrong. It had never happened to me before that my predictions were wrong until now. There's something about him and I'm going to find it out. A vague grin appeared on my pale skin as I sat down on the floor. Let's see if he can hear me.

His mind was *blank*. Too much laughing and giggling images of some girls. He has twenty-nine sisters? That's too much to bear. It's quite amusing... his memories were resurfacing and he seems to be asleep right now.
As I walked pictured his house, I walked down the messy rooms. He hasn't unpacked yet... there's a strong smell coming from the kitchen. Pizza. He'd left it there without wrapping it with some napkins or anything. The kitchen wasn't that small and for once it's quite amusing that you find so much old greens in the litter basket. What was he doing with old greens anyways? I silently walked up the stairs and wondered where he might be. I can sense he was asleep somewhere, but I'm quite sure he won't notice that I was around.

I stopped in front of a closed door. I can feel the warmth which was emitting from behind THAT door. He must be in the bath tub. There were a lot of boxes downstairs and were named strangely...: Quatre's stuff for the kitchen, Quatre stuff for the bedroom, Quatre's stuff for the bathroom, Quatre's stuff for the music room.

Music room? I wonder if he's some kind of musician. I thought he just had graduated from college this year. I waved the questions away and disappeared from the halls. I entered his mind again... I gasped when there was something blocking me [1]. Something pushed me out of his head and sent me back to my room. Strange... does he have some kind of protective barrier or something? So I was right about him being different from every other new neighbour over the street I had.

I can sense a certain someone with cold eyes was watching me from the other side of the street. They must have sensed that I was heading to the new neighbour's house. When will that *kid* stop being nosy around me? He already knows the true purpose of this town and the many secrets which will never be revealed to the outside world. Was he the one who was blocking my dreams all the time if I was trying to find the next new neighbour? Did he really sense that this was coming too? He isn't really that powerful like me... unless that librarian guy is helping him with a lot of info about my past in those old thick books.

I'll not back away. History repeats itself all over again in my world. This new neighbour might be my challenge to go on with many more secrets of this town. If only those people here will just leave all the important work to me instead of gossiping around behind my back and taking me as the bad guy. Ugh... there's no such thing as what is wrong or what is right in my life. No one controls it and so no one must judge me for being like this. For the last few years I watched them all retreat from their shells and forgetting about what they'd done in the past few centuries. They lost their memories and despised their purpose of living here. Actually... what IS our purpose anyways? Why does it have something to do with new neighbours? What was it again that the almighty one had predicted?

Aaah... we were waiting for the right time and the right one to show up. Someone who can provide us more power and build this town up. Someone who can help us with our past, someone who can stop the dying of our past memories, someone who can become my challenge... someone who is either unaware of the real truth behind our town's background and different in a awkward way. Is it almost time?


Different person's POV I:

He was heading outside and was greeted by one of those women. I recognized them actually... no matter how soft they were speaking, I can tell they were talking about either me or my lord. I narrowed my eyes as a loud voice called Mrs. Merquise to buy something for him. There's no mistake that he's the one who's getting in our way. Duo. Who the heck does he think he is? He was one of those who'd forgotten his origin and his purpose of being here. There's no way he'll keep that new neighbour away from us. No one can escape the future plans for this town, no one can keep that neighbour away from us. They know that we're doing this for the sake of this town, but choose to ignore our purposes, our orders.

"There's something strong in his mind..." I heard a soft voice behind me. It was definitely my lord's voice and I can tell he seemed to be pleased about it. So he DID went there in that house. I quickly let go of the curtains which I was holding up as soon as the new neighbour looked over at our house. There's no way he must notice that we were watching him all the time. "It seems like the time is coming..." My lord commented. Which means night time is my job again. Tonight I shall see if his new neighbour here is really the one. I doubt that My lord was wrong, but then again... he was never wrong except for the fact that his prediction about the new neighbour arriving two days earlier, he arrived just two days later. He must be...


End of part 3

Author's notes:

1: Well... I've almost let my fingers slip there. He entered his mind not bathroom. >_< There's no way this person there whom I was portraying is a pervert or something.

>_< I'm so sorry for taking sooo long to continue this chapter. I've too much in my hands and more exams are coming up next week. I've a lot of unfinished fanfics and I can't work on all of them at once so most of the fics will either have to stay unfinished until some inspiration for writing new fanfics will stop haunting me.