Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ My Reality Is Twisted ❯ Baby Doll ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
My Reality is Twisted

By Lady Lye
Chapter Three

Disclaimer: Oh for crap's sake! It's not mine!! Hell, I admitted that even the original concept for the story ain't mine! … Wait, why am I writing then? OH, right! The whole 'be like Shakespeare but a woman, cleaner, and not dead' thing. Ah. Yes. See, the Bard didn't make up the stories- he just knew how to tell 'em. Thus is me. I want SAP, damnit!! So me'n my lil Beanie Bard are gonna write this ficcy. Ciao.

-Her Ladyship


The quarters of the Preventers HQ were bustling. People organized what more needed to be done, soldiers' wounds were tended, more called and put on alert- their turn was next. Others who were luckier to make it out relatively unscathed made use of the area provided in which to wash up before returning to work or civilian life.

Duo peered out of the bedroom into the hallway. All clear. The room was Spartan with two single beds and a few lockers but it served its purpose as a resting place. Its most becoming feature was the private bathroom. Having been hired to work here on the colony, she had been given a key and a locker in this room so she was in a separate wing to her friends, all of whom were in an area for out-of-towners. She was in the civvies she had stored, black jeans and a t-shirt. Self consciously, she shifted so her elbow covered her front better. It was a baby tee in pale blue, the words 'Baby Doll' emblazoned on it's front. Even worse, the bra she was wearing hid nothing, and it's particular shape made her front stick out more, pulling the short tee up to expose her midriff. She didn't have a choice- she had shoved it into her bag last week and didn't have a spare.

She fought down her panic by forming a plan. There was no need for them ever to see her. She could just sneak downstairs and slip out and none of them ever need know. She could just disappear into the hustle and bustle of the colony again and only see them again if and when she chose it. She knew it wasn't true. They would find her again now if they really wanted to. Could. She'd told them she was with Hilde. Maybe- maybe she should pack and go as soon as she got home. Run away from her past for good. Pushing away the thoughts, she slipped into the hallway and down the stairs to the lounge and escape.

Quietly, she tiptoed through the halls and past the inviting rooms filled with couches and recreational things like televisions and games, encouraging people to relax and gain their strength. Her arms crossed firmly over her chest, she took a deep breath, ready to dart past the open kitchen doorway.

The warm smell of hot chocolate and freshly baked cookies smacked into her and she reeled, her stomach growling, and she realized just how hungry she was. She lurched to a halt, and hesitated in the doorway indecisively.

"Hey there!" Sally sat at one of three large round tables, smiling and leafing through a magazine. At it's center was a platter of the offending cookies, still steaming. Bless the kitchen staff. She opened her eyes, recognized Duo and started. "D-Duo?" she blinked.

"Uh, hi?" she squeaked. Too late. She knew Sally could see everything. Damn the hip hugger jeans and too-small baby tee. "You know, I should really be going-"

"Have a cookie, D?" Sally slyly indicated the platter. She knew what would get Duo to stay and talk to her.

Duo's mouth watered. Oh screw it. Sally deserved an explanation anyway. She'd just have a little snack and get out before the others came down… She plunked herself at the table and took a plate, selecting a cookie with lots of gooey, melted chocolate chips in it. She set it in front of her and stared at it for a moment. "Shocked, huh?"

Sally was studying her, but it didn't make Duo want to fidget the way Heero's piercing gaze had. She seemed to nod to herself before speaking. "A little surprised, yes. It makes sense though. I mean- you have always been a girl, haven't you?"

Duo's cheeks turned crimson. "No," she said sarcastically. "I had a sex-change operation so I could date Zechs."

Sally chuckled. "Thought so," she teased. "I always knew you had a thing for him."

Duo finally relaxed now, the mood feeling lighter. "Oh yeah, that long hair? Very sexy on a guy. I should know."

Sally paused. "Why did you do it though? Why did you agree to be a gundam pilot? This field doesn't typically have many women in it just because of the inconvenience. Besides, most women are better at creating life, not destroying it."

Duo looked down at the cookie then, and picked at a chip, burning her fingers. She left it alone. "I guess… because it was something to do. I spent almost my whole life on the streets… what else could I possibly do? I never went to school, I couldn't get a job, I was too young to be accepted at most things and too old for the rest." Her shoulders rose in a shrug. "What else was there?"

Sally didn't say anything more, but she continued to look at Duo, studying her. Now Duo fidgeted. Something in Sally's eyes promised that they were going to have a loooooooooooooooooooooooooooong discussion about all this.

She didn't have time for a long discussion. Voices coming down the stairs made Duo jump and she jerked around in terror to stare at the doorway.

"I feel so underdressed…"

"Quatre, not every occasion demands that you wear a dress-shirt and vest. Life isn't formal."

"But- but it's NOT formal. It's CASUAL."

A derisive snort. "Whatever you say, Winner."

Oh god. No- Please, no. Quatre- Trowa- and SHIT- please, no- not Wufei, ANYONE but Wufei. Duo looked around frantically for an exit as they approached.

Sally interpreted Duo's reaction perfectly. So the others didn't know. She whipped her Preventers jacket off the back of her chair and shoved it at Duo, who gratefully yanked it on and zipped it up just as the boys entered the room.

First into the room was Quatre, wearing a loose pair of jeans rather than his usual khakis and a red polo shirt. Trowa, in black jeans and a white t-shirt, rolled his eyes dotingly at Quatre as he followed him in. Wufei surprisingly enough entered in jeans and his usual navy tank top, wearing a white button-up shirt open over it. The effect of the three of them was devastating on the two-women's stomachs, but of course, it never showed.

They paused in the doorway, and Wufei was the first to speak. "Maxwell, you're the first ready? Call the papers- it's a miracle!"

Duo stuck her tongue out at the Asian boy, earning a satisfied smirk. "For your information, I am NOT as stereotypical as you seem to think I am-" she began pertly.

"Are those cookies?"

"Smell good- are they fresh?" Trowa and Quatre took seats and plates.

"Maybe you're right, Maxwell," Wufei said smugly. "After all, the plate's still full. Are you on a diet? Finally put on weight from too much food?"

Duo fumed and glared at him. Warning bells were ringing in her head. She was girl-reacting, not boy-reacting and she couldn't afford to. What if they thought it was odd? When had she ever let Wufei get the better of her? She was Duo Maxwell, damnit, she could take on damn 05 any day! She was just agitated at suddenly being surrounded by her apparently irresistibly hot friends. When had they gotten so gorgeous? Why had she never noticed before? Was she still thinking of them the way they had all been at fifteen? Clearly they had matured greatly in the last two years. But damnit, she'd seen them only a few months ago! Damn boys… oh WHY was her stomach suddenly auditioning for the circus? "I'm going to ignore that," she swallowed hard.

"Anything you say, Maxwell," he took a seat and a plate for himself.

"You know what- Hilde and I had plans tonight so I'm just gonna-" she started to stand.

"Oh no," Quatre looked crestfallen. "And we've only just all gotten back together again…"

Duo wavered. She hated disappointing Quatre… he was always so kind… it seemed so mean… and those big puppy dog eyes… how the hell was she supposed to fight that?!

"Come on, it's still pretty early," Sally broke in. "You can stay for a little while, can't you, Duo?" she said sweetly.

Duo GLARED at her. 'I thought you sympathized! Traitor!' She mumbled something about Sally being right and sat down.

"Alright, Duo, talk to us," Trowa said, smiling a little. "How've you been?"

"Just- here. I've been living here. I got a job at the Preventers and I'm staying with Hilde until I get a place of my own or whatever," she picked at the now cool cookie on her plate.

"Mmm, yes, how is Hilde?" Why was Wufei staring at her so intently? She felt her mouth go dry as she stared back, wide-eyed. Oh god. He couldn't- no, he couldn't possibly. Oh god- maybe Heero had said something? No- Heero volunteer something? Never. So why was Wufei looking at her like he could see right through her?

"Good." She squeaked.

"How about you two?" Quatre looked from Sally to Wufei. "You've been on patrol, haven't you?"

"Yes, we've been rounding up space bandits."

"Injustice. Can you believe their leader is some onna from Alaska?"

"Wufei! Are you implying that women can't be good leaders!?" Sally snapped, looking like she wanted to hit him.

"What?" he snapped back. "If she WERE a good leader, then we wouldn't have rooted her out of three bases in the last two months!"

The two started to argue and the other three rolled their eyes. Quatre and Trowa started to talk and Duo just picked at her cookie, keeping half an ear on each conversation. It was sort of nice just to listen and not be the only one talking for once. She found herself picking her teeth with her fingernail and stopped. Ew. How unladylike. How boy-Duo like. That one might be hard to break. Course, it was enhancing her image for the moment so maybe it was a blessing in disguise.

She rose to get herself some hot chocolate. "Anybody want some?" Trowa and Quatre shook their heads no and neither Sally nor Wufei looked up. She went to the kitchen behind them and got out a mug, her back to the door.

Suddenly every one of her senses went on alert. She could feel the hackles on the back of her neck rising and her hands stopped in their motions, heart thumping in her chest. Heero. She didn't need to turn around. She could sense his presence, knew with absolute certainty that he was at that very moment standing there in the doorway, his eyes boring into her from behind. She was afraid to turn and meet those cold blue eyes. What would happen?

"Hello, Heero," Quatre said cheerfully. "Look, the staff made fresh cookies for us. Come sit with us!"

All eyes were on the figure in the doorway. His penetrating gaze was fixed on the braided figure at the back counter. He moved to go forward, his purpose unknown but his aim unwavering.

Wufei pushed back his chair and stood, eyes slightly hooded. "Duo is there any tea here?" he went to the back.

"Oh, uh, sure, Wufei-" she half turned to look at him almost gratefully as he came over and she opened a cupboard. The tealeaves were on the top shelf and she had to stretch to reach them, going on her toes to swat at them. As she did, the waist of the jacket pulled up, revealing her bare stomach and just a hint of baby blue. The sudden chill made her realize what had happened. 'Oh NO!' She made a swift grab for the tea and shoved it at Wufei, quickly pulling the jacket back down, fighting down a blush. She glanced around nervously.

The others had clearly seen and they were all looking at her, trying not to show their shock.

"Uh, Duo?" Trowa said lightly. "Shouldn't that shirt be a little longer?"

Her cheeks flushed just a tad. The hip huggers and the baby tee. She would BURN them tonight. She was facing into the room now, trying not to feel or look guilty as she looked from face to face. At last her eyes fell on Heero. Her mouth went dry again. 'Please' her eyes begged. The accusation in his eyes. 'No- Oh Heero, please no. Please don't betray me…'

Coldly, almost mechanically yet with the perfect grace of a dancer, he strode forward, coming to stand directly before her. His hard eyes looked directly into hers and she looked away, slightly ashamed. She had already stepped back and was now pressed against the counter. She flinched as his hand reached out and she closed her eyes as she heard the zip of the jacket coming undone.

Shocked silence. They other boys gaped, and even Heero seemed caught off guard. Baby Doll.

Tentatively, fearfully, she cracked open one eye. Oh, the hurt and betrayal that met her. Pleadingly, she looked from face to face for support. The only place she found any was with Sally. Tears stung the back of her eyes. So this was it. She had lost them all forever, hadn't she?

Quatre tried to speak and stammered into silence, simply staring. The gears in Trowa's head were whirring, and he seemed to be running through all the events of the last few years, nodding to himself. Somehow, it didn't surprise him nearly as much as the initial blow. Sally looked on them all, not interfering, knowing how much this was a test of the bond formed between them. She silently dared any of them to mess up. Wufei recovered quickly and then he too seemed to form some kind of conclusion.

But it was Heero's face that Duo worriedly searched for a reaction. Wetly, she looked from her traitorous chest and tell-tale waist to him, praying for something- anything- that wouldn't make the tears fall. Quietly she began to whisper, "Heero…" it was a pleading cry.

Brusquely, having not said a word, Heero turned and left the room, going into the summer heat in jeans and a t-shirt, the door slamming behind him.

"Heero!" too late, Duo took a step to go after him. She bit her lip. Her partner, her friend, the one person she felt inexplicably close to without ever a kind word between them, had just walked out on her.

Numbly, she barely felt Wufei's hand on her shoulder as he led her back to her seat at the table. The world was a blurry haze of tears and she couldn't bring anything into focus. She wanted to crawl up into a corner and die. Then she realized that the sounds in her ears weren't accusations or condemnations, they were sympathy. She blinked, confused, into the kind and caring faces of- her friends.

"Oh, Duo… why didn't you tell us?" Quatre looked slightly hurt underneath the kindness. "You could've, you know."

Trowa slid a plate with a small pile of cookies on it over to her, his eyes showing concern that she was crying. They seemed to be asking if she was alright.

She blinked at them both in surprise. They were showing her a tenderness and affection that only the truest of friends have for each other- and they genuinely meant it for her. Why? She looked down as Wufei placed a mug of steaming hot chocolate in front of her and Sally slid a box of tissues over. She sniffled and took one. "I don't know what to say…"

"You can start by telling us how this all came to be," Wufei said firmly, though not unkindly, taking a seat. "Drink that first, you- and I never thought I would be saying this- need the sugar."

She was too upset to form a reply and instead did as asked, somehow feeling more secure in the knowledge that someone else had control. She cupped the mug in her hands and stared into it as she stared to speak. "Do you have any idea how rough it is growing up a girl on the streets?"


~End Chp 3~

So? Whatcha think? Think it's crap? Think it's divinely good stuff? Think I'm insane? Dare to tell me that you think I'm bigoted? Whatever it is, please DO tell me! That's what Reveiws are for!!

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Do thanks for reading anyway tho... Hope to see you back! ~_^


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