Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ My Reality Is Twisted ❯ Fight it ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
My Reality is Twisted

By Lady Lye
Chapter Two

Disclaimer: Oh for crap's sake! It's not mine!! Hell, I admitted that even the original concept for the story ain't mine! … Wait, why am I writing then? OH, right! The whole 'be like Shakespeare but a woman, cleaner, and not dead' thing. Ah. Yes. See, the Bard didn't make up the stories- he just knew how to tell 'em. Thus is me. I want SAP, damnit!! So me'n my lil Beanie Bard are gonna write this ficcy. Ciao.

AN: This chapter was written in August '01, and at the time, "terrorism" was not such a sensitive issue as it is now (Nov '01). I have left this chapter as is for several reasons. I hope that the content does not offend anyone, it seems disconnected to me. Also, in time, this will hopefuly not be such a painful subject, and I see no reason to alter a standing peice of writing. Most importantly- these issues NEED to be discussed and brought to the forefront, otherwise they become distorted by badly informed people, and it takes forever to straighten out such a mess.

Please don't think I'm being too callous or harsh, it's not like I wasn't deeply affected. NY is only up the Turnpike and I grew up with those towers in my backyard. My heartfelt sympathies and wishes for peace.

-Her Ladyship


Duo was frozen in place. Time seemed to have suddenly found a way to be both agonizingly slow and at the same time pass at the speed of light. Her eyes flitted up and down his lanky frame in an instant, taking in every detail from the well-worn looking blue jeans to the comfortable cotton shirt over the white muscle tank. Her eyes continued to travel upward to his face and she found herself swallowing hard. Had he had a growth spurt or something in the last few weeks? Even with these huge heels she had on, he was a good half a head taller than she, making her feel like a dwarf next to someone she had always been on par with.

Her heart was thudding in her chest as her mind raced to find a way out. She had to get out. There was no other option. If- if Heero and the others found out she had lied to them all these years… if they saw it as an act of betrayal… if they suddenly thought of all the confidential moments that were usually only between men that she had been privy to- suddenly she felt very ill. And so she stood there on the pavement, staring up at him like a deer caught in the headlights of a car.

Heero stared back, studying her face intently. There was something familiar about it, but what? His eyes traveled along her features, tracing them but it was hard with the large sunglasses half in the way. But behind them, covered also by a light dusty of feathery, newly trimmed bangs, were a pair of bright blue eyes that were looking at him in absolute terror. He took in the dress, the long hair, the way she stood, the timbre of her voice before it had trailed off. And suddenly it hit him. Why she looked familiar. "Duo?" he gasped, staring hard at her.

Duo flinched, and the sunglasses slid down further. She quickly pushed them back up, finally able to move again. Escape- must escape- "I'm sorry, I really have to go-"

Heero's head was reeling and for a moment he simply stared at her stupidly as she took her handbag back and riffled through it, making sure it was in order. Duo. No- impossible- This was NOT Duo. They hadn't heard from Duo since they had all parted ways this last time. This creature was NOT Duo. It simply wasn't possible. When they had touched- the color rose in his cheeks just thinking about it- he had felt the proof that this was absolutely a girl- could see it, plain as day- but then how- "Duo?" he stammered again.

"Duo?" she pretended to look confused. "Two? Uh, I think it's down the block- you'll have to excuse me though-" she turned quickly to walk- no, run away- and in that instant she gave herself away for good. The perfect soldier's highly trained brain, able to pick up the smallest details, recognized the way that she walked immediately.

"Duo- Duo Maxwell-" he grabbed her arm then, swinging her back around to face him. She stumbled, still not used to the heels and yelped as she was pulled closer for another inspection. The sunglasses slid again and she didn't have a free hand. He stared into her eyes, searching. Yes. Every detail. Exactly alike. "It IS you," he breathed.

"I- I-" she wavered, completely at a loss. Oh, god, he was so close again…

All heads in the streets turned in alarm as explosions sounded only a short distance away, followed by screaming and sirens. Both former pilots were instantly on alert, nonetheless Duo took advantage of the split second of distraction. She wrenched her arm free, and bolted, kicking off the heels as she ran. The adrenaline was throbbing through her veins as she quickly rounded the corner to home and inside.

"Hilde! Hil, there's an emergency-!"

"What?" Hilde, in the stages of getting ready, stood in the doorway of the bathroom. "You mean those gunshots?"

"Yes-" Duo blew past her to her bedroom to change. This was what she had signed up for. Emergency Preventers detail. She pulled the dress over her head and yanked on a pair of pants she could move easily in and a t-shirt. With a shudder, she realized both were ones she had worn during her first war. She yanked them on resolutely however and turned to her hair. Fuck- why had she been stupid enough to leave it loose?

"Here-" Hilde was already beside her with a comb. "You wipe off the make-up and I'll braid it."

Duo nodded gratefully and they managed to get rid of all signs of Duo's femininity in record time. She shrugged on a Preventer's jacket, carefully to close it all the way and dashed out, waving a hurried good-bye and thank you. As she ran she checked through the pockets. Gun, bullets, crowd control measures, handcuffs- everything she could possibly need. She hoped. She was one of the first officers on the scene and ducked into a doorway to assess the situation.

It was a terrorist attack, damn fools. She recognized them by the distinctive arm bands each man wore; black, a direct contrast to the White Fang of the previous winter. What was their goal again? To break apart the Unions? Probably something like that. Whatever it was, it didn't matter. There were group members running through the streets terrorizing citizens with guns, small bombs, tear gas and other highly illegal and potent tools of their diabolical trade. Duo reached into a pocket and pulled out a radio. The waves were thick with confused messaging but she managed to radio for back up. As she spoke into the receiver her eyes scanned the area. There, in the center, laughing like a maniac, king of his ill-made ant hill. Obviously the leader. Right. Plan of action- get to leader and take him out, hoping rest would fall without leadership. Course, she had to get there, first.

Roger. With grim determination she pulled out her gun and headed into the fray.


Many streets away, in a more posh and quiet neighborhood, Quatre sat in the lounge of his sister's house and accepted the tea she poured for him.

"Thank you, Alicia."

"You're welcome, Quatre," she smiled warmly. She was only a few years older than he, about twenty-two. "It's wonderful that you could come to visit for a while. Milk?"

"Yes, please," he smiled.

"You ARE the baby brother afterall-" Alicia poured milk into his cup and attended to her own cup.

"Alicia!" Quatre laughed. "If I'm the baby brother then you're the baby sister of the group!"

She smiled. "Maybe I am. But you're still special."

The warm feeling of family bonding dissipated as the telephone rang in the hallway and a man entered to tell Ms Winner that it was for her. She excused herself and took the call in the next room, returning a moment later looking harried.

"I'm sorry, Quatre- there's an emergency with the Preventers. I'm needed immediately-" she said, striding through the room, grabbing what she would need.

"Alicia-" Quatre stood. "Let me come with you."

She stopped and turned. "You? Come with me? But Quatre, you're the heir. We can't risk you like that-"

"Alicia I risked my life every day for two years. I know what to do. And besides," he said firmly. "If the Peacecrafts can skip past the eldest male to make their heir a woman, why can't we?" He went to his room to change shirts and grab the supposedly honorary Preventers jacket he had been given.

Alicia stared after him, a little shocked, then muttered as she finished gathering her things, "Maybe because we're MUSLIM?"


Trowa glanced up at the sound of someone running up the stairs. He was sitting on one of two beds, tying his shoelaces when Heero burst in.

"You heard?"

"Yeah, got radioed. I'm almost ready, you?"

"Give me five."

Those were the only words spoken in the time it took them both to get ready and leave. They had been assigned as partners in the Preventers regime, and found that they did indeed work well together; neither spoke too much. Mission accepted, they headed out. However, Trowa did note Heero's slightly paler than normal complexion. As though he had seen a ghost or something. No, that was ridiculous. Who believed in specters and wraiths anymore?


At the Preventers HQ, Sally Po and Wufei stepped out of a meeting with their colleagues to find the rest of their peers in emergency mode. Sally caught a man's arm, and got the whole story. Wufei demanded a confirmation on the address and they were gone.


Duo fought her way through the throng, a determined look on her face. She would do this, damnit. Maybe if she did, they'd give her regular duties instead of just emergency detail. But either way- she saw the look of terror on a child's face and redoubled her efforts. Anyone who hurt the innocent didn't deserve their rights. She became a whirlwind of punishment.

Quatre and Alicia arrived on the scene, Alicia immediately going to someone at her level to discuss tactics. Quatre surveyed the scene- and was shocked to recognize a long brown braid and rakish grin tearing rebels to pieces. 'Duo,' he thought happily- to see old friends again! He was about to go to assist him when a hand on his shoulder stopped him. Trowa and Heero stood solemnly, flanked as well by Wufei and Sally. Quatre joyfully called out, "Trowa! Heero, Wufei, Ms Sally! You're all here- that's Duo down there, I know it- we should go help-"

Trowa shook his head, to the blonde's confusion, his hand still on his shoulder. "I think he can handle this."

Heero looked uncomfortable, pretending to look away whilst his eyes picked apart the battlefield for Duo. Oh god- what if it were true- what if Duo WAS somehow a- a- was female. Could she handle this? A rational part of his mind knew that if it were the same Duo he had always known then there was no reason to worry. He worried anyway. In fact- Duo was nearly at the very front. Heero recognized the target immediately. In the background he heard Quatre's sister giving orders to stay here as back-up. He dashed ahead in the path Duo had made to help, ignoring the calls of his comrades.

Duo was oblivious to their presence. She had found a length of pipe and grinning wickedly, used it as she would have her scythe. It felt good to perform the old moves. Someone at her elbow- NOT enemy- she barely jerked the pipe away in time as she came face to face with Heero Yuy for the second time that day. Ah, but now she was Duo Maxwell, gundam pilot, warrior, known companion. She grinned in character. "Hey, Heero old buddy- fancy meeting you here."

Heero was studying her as closely as he could, trying to determine if this were the same- person- he had met earlier. Suddenly he saw the assassin behind his long-time partner. "Look out!" he threw himself at Duo, pushing her out of the way. Through the jacket, his arm once again could feel the curve of her breasts. No time to think of that now, though- he didn't wait to hear her reaction and dispatched the attacker.

"Th-thanks," Duo panted. 'Oh god… Did he… oh NO. FUCK.'

"Come on," he said in the same icy monotone he used in every situation, forging ahead. Duo scrambled after him.

The two melded into the perfect team once more. They had fought so many battles side by side, it was second nature now. Whatever else happened didn't matter in the heat of the moment. What mattered was completing their mission. Duo watched Heero's back as he swung himself onto the roof of the car to take a swing at the rebel leader. The man stumbled and blindly punched back, only to receive a single, cold hit from the perfect soldier. He dropped like a stone and didn't get back up. The rebels broke and fled, leaving Duo panting, her enemy suddenly gone. Sighing with relief, she leaned against the side of the truck to catch her breath. Heero slid to the ground silently and the two trudged back to the others, Duo blinking in surprise.

"Wufei? Quatre? Trowa? Wufei? Sally? W-Wha?" she stumbled over.

"Duo!" Quatre ran up and flung his arms around her neck. "It's good to see you again!" he let go and smiled warmly, his clear blue eyes and blond hair making him seem all the more sweet and pure.

"Hey, Q!- Lemme breathe!" she slipped too easily into her old mode. The boy Duo. The mask. Thank god Quatre hadn't hugged her full on… She laughed as he let go, though something instinctive in her quivered under his gaze. GOD he could be SOOOOOOOOOOO gorgeous!!!!! Ok bad girly thoughts… damnit, she had been able to suppress them before… stupid girl talk with Hilde must've brought them up again…

Trowa and the others came to meet them and he put a hand on Quatre's shoulder again, silently holding the over exuberant Arab back. "It's good to see you, Duo."

"Still wearing your hair like a hippie, Maxwell?" Wufei earned himself a backhand from Sally.

"What are you all doing here?" Duo blinked from one to the next, amazed to be looking on these faces again.

"We were all assigned to the area-" Trowa indicated himself, Heero, Wufei and Sally.

"And I'm in town visiting my sister," Quatre cut in. "Have you been staying here, Duo?"

"Uh, yeah… with Hilde…" Eep. She was aware of the rumors that they were together and before now she had been almost relieved because it added credence to her lie. She glanced nervously at Heero, who was simply staring on stonily. What if the secret came out though?

Quatre's sister, Alicia, came over then, talking into a portable radio. She blinked when she saw the group and put it down. "Wow. …two, thr- four, five-" she whistled. "All five gundam pilots assembled right before my very eyes. That's who you guys are, right?" She was met by silence.

Quatre seemed undaunted. "Yes, Alicia- but, please. FORMER pilots." He looked to his fellows. "I think we're all trying to move beyond that." A moment of silent bonding between the five. They certainly were.

"Of course," she nodded. Her face brightened. "Sally Po! Oh my god, I haven't seen you since middle school!"

"Ali Winner!" Sally grinned and the two clasped hands. "I didn't know you were on L2! How long have you been working for the Preventers? That badge- you're a commanding officer? Congratulations!"

"Yeah!" Alicia blushed slightly as she glanced down at the badge. "Just since the start of the summer. What about you? I've been hearing lots about you- helping in that skirmish with the Bartons this winter- you- all of you, are famous!"

"Please, don't rub it in," Duo muttered. Another moment of bonding- they all felt exactly the same way.

Alicia looked at what had become a shambles of a battleground. She put the radio to her mouth. "Can we get a clean-up crew here? We're going to lots of counselors etc too- Right." She turned back to them all and smiled wearily. "Let's head back to HQ, huh?"

"I am DYING for a shower!" Sally moaned, exactly the same way she had when she and Alicia were twelve. "Come on guys, stop sulking. So how'd you get promoted, Ali?" the two walked off with barely another glance for the boys.

They exchanged looks, some pensive, some guarded, some showing obvious relief. Together again. How had it happened? It all seemed a bit of a blur, now. Somehow, in all they had been through, they had formed an undeniable bond. They were a group and always would be, no matter how much they may try not to be. They were a team.

Duo suddenly had to blink very rapidly, fighting the burning sensation in her eyes that meant she would begin to cry. Her friends. Her friends who really, she loved dearly and would probably throw herself in front of a beam canon for. Her friends she had lied to. Her friends who she couldn't be exposed to. Her friends who could end her chance to be a free woman.

Why couldn't life ever just be simple!?


~End Chp 2~

So? Whatcha think? Think it's crap? Think it's divinely good stuff? Think I'm insane? Dare to tell me that you think I'm bigoted? Whatever it is, please DO tell me! That's what Reveiws are for!!

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Do thanks for reading anyway tho... Hope to see you back! ~_^


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