Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ My Reality Is Twisted ❯ Engagements ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
My Reality is Twisted

By Lady Lye
Chapter Seven

Disclaimer: Oh for crap's sake! It's not mine!! Hell, I admitted that even the original concept for the story ain't mine! … Wait, why am I writing then? OH, right! The whole 'be like Shakespeare but a woman, cleaner, and not dead' thing. Ah. Yes. See, the Bard didn't make up the stories- he just knew how to tell 'em. Thus is me. I want SAP, damnit!! So me'n my lil Beanie Bard are gonna write this ficcy. Ciao.

-Her Ladyship


"You are _cordially_ invited to join Joseph Hale and Alicia Winner in celebrating their engagement to be married?" Trowa teased, waving the heavily embossed invitation under Quatre's nose, grinning.

Quatre flushed a little and swatted at the thick paper impressed with more flowers and fruits than were really necessary. "I didn't write them- I just sent them out. You didn't HAVE to come, you know."

"As if you really mean that," the taller man smiled. Both looked clean cut in sharp black tuxedos. It was formal dress at the Winner's this night, and the large hall was filled with more of what Duo had teasingly referred to as 'penguin suits', grinning cockily that she would never have to wear one. Farther away, Quatre's sister and her fiancé greeted well-wishers, the center of attention. It wasn't as though Quatre had had a choice in attending; anything less would have insulted Alicia, but he had the small comfort in being able to invite his friends.

Quatre looked up then, and smiled at who was making their way towards them. "Sally, Wufei, good to see you both!"

Sally had chosen a deep fuchsia and black gown, her hair up in a flowing bun held by black lace. It made her eyes pop and her skin seem all the paler against her dark lips as she returned the smile, taking her hand off Wufei's arm to hug Quatre. "Thank you for inviting me, Quatre, and Wufei, too- I needed a way to get us out of the office what with that big case they've put us on."

"It's an important assignment, and we might've made a break-through if you hadn't needed to take so long to get ready," Wufei said, obviously not meaning it as harshly as he might have. The simple black tuxedo fit him well, and created an exotic all black and white theme along his length. "Winner, Barton."

"I'm sorry to take you away from your work-" Quatre began.

Trowa rolled his eyes good naturedly and put a hand on his friend's shoulder to stop him. "He's happy to see you and thanks you for coming, isn't that right, Quatre?"

"Uh- oh- yes-" the small blond blinked.

"Always too kind hearted for your own good," Sally smiled. They all took seats around a large table, reserved just for the young Mr. Winner and his friends.

A quick count made Wufei frown in puzzlement. "Seven chairs?"

"Yes- I invited Hilde as well," Quatre continued, haltingly. "I sent an invitation on to Heero, but…"

"He hasn't been at work, has he?" Sally looked concerned.

"No," Trowa shook his head. "He called in and they've put him on leave, but other than that, not a word."

Wufei stonily looked away from the odd chair. "Have they set a date for the wedding…?"

"I can't believe I'm actually wearing this," Duo stared down at her gloved fingertips, and then past them to her low neckline and flowing skirt. Strapless, it fell smoothly over her chest, framed her figure, and then made a smooth bell to the floor, pale periwinkle, like her eyes, edged in black lace and the odd rhinestone. A hairstylist had done magical things with her hair, bringing it into a knot with hair fanning from it in loops, like a peacock, and black and purple feathers rose amongst it, stemming from a well-designed hair clip. Simplicity commanded that she only wore simple black pearls at her ears, and a silver chain graced her neck, ending in a black pearl and rhinestones. Her gloves, too, were purple, the same silky material of her dress, and beneath the flowing skirt were delicate sandals. She felt like a princess. She wasn't supposed to BE a princess.

She knew Quatre had to have helped pay for it, even if it was rented. There was no way Sally and Hilde alone could have managed to scrape together enough cash for this 'gift' for her. It was enough to make a girl cry- if she weren't wearing mascara and the best eye shadow job she'd ever seen in her life- done by a professional at the stylists', of course.

"Believe it, because it's real, and we're only a block away," Hilde checked her hair in the mirror. A red flower was her only decoration there, matching the color of her dress exactly. To contrast the color, it was actually a very simple and modest affair. It fit her slim figure well and her shoulders remained covered by a red jacket of sorts, gold droplets sparkling at her ears, and a simple gold band on her finger completed it.

She couldn't believe how her stomach was acting up… tense and more taught than a rubber band, but also managing to flutter wildly- or was that her heart? The Winner's huge house loomed up in the dim light and she was certain it was her heart when it leapt into her throat.

It did look beautiful from here, all bright lights and moving shapes of color. As they got closer, the music from inside could begin to be heard drifting out over the garden, and then the car pulled to a halt.

A driver had been hired for them as well. Someone had really wanted to make tonight special. As Duo was suddenly feeling incredibly overwhelmed staring up at the mansion, she was seriously considering chewing their benefactor out for making her so uncomfortable…

"Come on!" Hilde pulled her along behind her, up the steps and in the door, portal to a golden world of light.

Somewhere along the way from the door to the Hall, their hands separated and Duo put her released hand up to shield her eyes from the sudden glare, blinking. She had to admit, it was beautiful. Simple yet elegant decorations adorned the large room tastefully, and there was a feeling genuine of good cheer. She couldn't help smiling.

"What are you waiting for?" Hilde reappeared. "Quatre and the others are over there-" Duo allowed herself to be pulled along. She avoided looking straight ahead, preferred the tiling on the floor, but glanced up instinctively at the sound of someone laughing.

She looked on in shock to recognize it as Wufei, engaged in a lively discussion with the table- could he be- enjoying himself!? He looked easy and relaxed in the light cast down by the chandeliers, so different to the boy she had known in the war. It brought a soft smile to her own lips.

"Hilde, Duo!" Quatre beamed at them as he spotted them, and stood to greet them. "I'm so glad you could make it!"

"Like we'd miss it!" Hilde scoffed. "It's a wonderful party, Quatre-"

"Don't look to me," he waved her away. "Whatever Alicia wanted, Alicia got- she just used my money to do it." That brought a knowing round of chuckles from them all; Technically, the family fortune was in Quatre's name, but he had made it clear from the beginning that all his sisters needed to do was ask. He turned to Duo with a smile then, and she didn't miss that bit of satisfaction that read clearly on his face when he looked her over.

"I want to have a talk with you, Uncle Pennybags-" she pointed an accusing finger, ready to give him a lecture on suddenly pampering little girls who grew up on streets and did not NEED to be adorned in silk and pearls thank you very much!

She squeaked as uncompromising, if gentle, arms lead her to a seat at the table. "How have you been, Duo? Well, I trust?" Trowa sat her down.

She sputtered a bit and opened her mouth to launch into an even stauncher lecture, but was cut off by Sally. "You both look fabulous! What stylist did you go to?"

"Oh, the one by the furniture warehouse," Hilde calmly took her seat. "They did a great job with Duo's hair, didn't they?"

That shut her up. Duo blinked wide 'what're you all looking at ME for?!' eyes at them all as they admired the stylists' expertise. Hilde and Sally continued to chat about girl stuff and the three men returned to an earlier topic; something to do with the economy. Duo found herself sulking and realized it was because Wufei hadn't said a thing to her!!

"Hm? What's wrong?" Hilde tipped her head to look at her.

Sally glanced to Wufei, "Ignore him; he's being an ass tonight."

"Q and Trowa look good," Duo observed.

"Yeah, they do," Hilde blinked as though she had just noticed.

"Real sweet pair they make," Duo hid her face in her water glass.

"What?!" the other two shrieked, slapped their hands over their mouths and leaned in closer to hear, ignoring the odd looks the guys were giving them. They figured it was girl stuff and ignored them.

"I said," Duo dropped her voice to a mischievous whisper. "That they make a nice pair. Compliment'ry, ya know?"

They glanced at the two in question quickly and then back to their little huddle over the table. "Are you saying-?" Sally began.

"I never said a word," Duo smiled and took another sip of water.

Hilde giggled. "You're rotten. Really rotten."

"I know." Duo suddenly focused on the spare chair at the end of the table. "Who's missing?" she frowned. The other two immediately clammed up and looked at one another uncomfortably. Fearing the answer, she could feel her throat constricting with anxiety. "Who?" her voice squeaked.

"Well… Quatre… he has been a friend for ever so long… It's not like he could just not invite-" Hilde stuttered.

"Who did he invite?" she felt detached from that strangled voice, and then realized it was hers.

With a sympathetic look, Sally told her quietly, "He invited Heero. Hil's right, it's not like he couldn't. He didn't do it to hurt you, Duo."

She felt as though all the air had been knocked out of her- no, it felt exactly like all the air had been knocked out of her. By Heero Yuy's fist. Again. She swallowed hard, did so again, amazed that her mouth could be so dry so quickly. Reality slowly clouded its way back to her, and she registered the worried looks she was receiving from her female friends. The guys must not have noticed yet. She wasn't sure if that was a good thing or a bad thing anymore. She took a slow, shuddering breath, and then looked up, a ruthless brightness in her eyes. "Well," she began. "He's obviously not here, is he?" No man would ever be allowed to ruin her evening.


~End Chp 7~

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