Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ MyOrientation ❯ Day One: The Move In ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Title: MyOrientation
Isabel Evelyn
Disclaimers: I don't own Gundam Wing… mehh
Archive: Snakecharm
Warnings: drugs, alcohol, language, YAOI
Started: September 14, 2005
Day 1: The Move In
I woke at an extremely early hour on the last Sunday of August; I won't mention what time it was, that would just piss me off. I sighed, rolled out of bed and dragged my naked body to the bathroom for my last private shower. I could hear Oden down stairs making coffee and toasting bagels. I rinsed my hair and stepped out of the shower. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see the sun beginning to rise. This, I thought to myself, is going go be the last time I see the sun rise over the city in a long time. I stood by the window, it a too-small pink towel hanging low on my hips. A few minuets passed and the sun slowly was rising behind the distant buildings.
I forced myself back to my empty room to change into the cloths I picked out the night before: a yet-to-be-broken-in pair of chucks, my favourite pair of jeans (two sized too big), and a dark purple shirt from a local candy shop. I finally made it down stairs. Oden nodded a greeting. I stuffed a bagel in my mouth and put on my favourite belt. The sun was just over the buildings in the distance. A large mug of coffee was pressed into my hands and I down the scorching liquid in one gulp.
Five minuets later, I was in the car, pulling out of the driveway. The pink dawn light broke through the dark, overcast sky. For a moment it looked as if the seven hour drive would be somewhat enjoyable. The nine-year-old station wagon pulled onto Main Street and it began to rain. For ten minuets, I watched the town I knew - that I grew up in - pass by. The few moments of serenity that was brought by the pink dawn light was long gone.
I must have fallen asleep for the next thing I remember, we were in the middle of the next state over. I yawned, stretched and began searching in my backpack for some source of music. I pulled out my I-Pod and a little tape converter thingy - I could never figure out how those things worked. At about nine in the morning, Oden pulled over to a gas station.
It amazes me that a gas station out in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by cows and fields and dust and dirt is so clean you could eat off the toilet seat while a gas station in suburbia smells of human excrement, lacks a mirror, soap, warm water, and has a key attached to a monkey wrench. I stocked up on munchies food, highly carbonated drinks and pepto bismol and returned to the car. Oden, being the great parental unit he is, had passed out in the passenger side of the car. I quickly skimmed over the directions before heading on my way.
Okay, I know how to drive and I know that, compared to others, I don't drive all that well; even if the speed limit is 60 MPH, what's really stopping me from doing 95? If it doesn't hurt anyone and it gets me there faster, why not do it? Noon hit and Oden began to wake so I decided to slow it down to a perfectly acceptable speed of 75 MPH.
Yet again, we stopped at a gas station convenient store situation to grab lunch. Back at the car, Oden took the map.
“We got a lot further than I thought,” Oden said.
“The directions probably just estimated the time wrong,” I replied. “Lets go.”
After about an hour, we started seeing signs for our final destination. Thank god! I pulled out my orientation packet and started flipping through the information about arrival and gave Oden the information he needed to know to get to where I needed to be.
We reached the campus and we were directed to the area we needed to be at. While we waited in line for the `drop off' loop, I left in search of my final rooming assignment and address. Everywhere I looked there were other first year students who were scrambling to get situated. A small smirk formed on my lips. As I wandered around, my cell phone rang. It was Oden, we were up at the drop off loop.
I arrived at the car just as Oden pulled up to the building that I would be living in for the next nine months. We unpacked the car in silence. I told Oden my room number and he said that he would return after parking the car. I nodded my understanding and went to work bringing everything I owned up to the ninth floor of building E. It only took three trips to move my things.
My roommate had not arrived yet, so I had my choice of beds. I opened up one of my bags an pulled out black sheets. The room was small and the beds were lofted so getting my sheets on the bed would be hard. After I had gotten the mattress pad and the bottom sheet on, the door opened. A teenager a little taller than me with long, flowing, and blonde hair walked in surrounded by a loving family.
The roommate smiled up at me, “Hi, I'm Zechs. According to the door, you're Heero.:
I nodded and was promptly introduced to the whole family. I noticed the disapproving look the roommate's mother shot me when she saw my black sheets. I smirked and started putting my things away quickly. I was getting hungry and I still had a lot left to do.
Oden finally appeared around two. We made out escape to the GW dining Hall for a quick lunch before I headed to the main gym building to get my student ID and orientation assignments.
Two thirty didn't come quickly enough for my liking. Oden was trying to do the father thing but was failing miserable at it. When it was time to say our good byes, I shook his hand then watched him get into the car and drive away. Freedom at last!
The next few hours passed in a blur. I had to get my student ID and check in for orientation and I spent most of the afternoon in line debating if I should try to talk to people or not. By the time I came to the conclusion that trying to made friends would be a good thing to do, I had gotten take out from the cafeteria and was sitting in my room, alone, in the dark, instant messaging my friends from home.
I stretched and wandered down the hall looking for things to do. A girl named Dorothy was doing the same thing. After a while, we decided to go and check out a dance that was going on in one of the quads. We walked slowly so it took about ten minuets to get there.
“I'm not much of a dancer, I don't like hip hop,” Dorothy explained as we made out way away from the crowd of people.
We talked for a few hours and finally made our way back to our building. On the way, Dorothy brushed off quite a few complements from quite a few good looking guys.
“Isn't it obvious I'm not into that?” she asked as we passed a beautiful boy. “I mean… I thought it was obvious that I'm not into guys,” she sighed.
There were a few more complements and rude gestures before we made it back into our building. When we got to our floor, we hugged each other goodnight. As I silently changed into my pajamas, I congratulated myself on successfully making a new friend. Quietly, I slipped into bed. My roommate was already asleep.