Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Mystery Case One ❯ Supplies ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own GW (wish I did), or the ideas and creations of Scooby Doo.

Pairings: 1+2, 3+4, and 5+?

Warnings: This is the case where they have to save Relena! OOC moments, bashings, and other stuff I can't remember that I put in it right now.

Mystery Case One Chapter 1: Supplies

"He said after we arrive on earth, we should find someone with a sign that has our names on it," Wufei informed the rest of the group. Each of them had packed at least one or two suitcases, and dressed comfortably.

The Chinese boy had his hair in a ponytail, and his glasses on. He also wore a Chinese outfit of sorts that had navy blue, and white as the main colors. It also had golden dragon designs sewn onto it. (Remember the outfit he wore briefly in the Gundam Wing manga, Battlefield of Pacifists? Well, that's the outfit he's wearing.)

Trowa had on a black tank top, a dark green-buttoned shirt over it, and regular blue jeans. The other Asian boy had something similar, only it was a green tank top, blue jeans, and a dark blue jean colored jacket over the tank. Duo's outfit was all black, except for the red zip up shirt. (What he wore in Endless Waltz.)

Quatre was the richest amongst them, but wore a pair of navy blue khakis, a baby blue buttoned up shirt, and a navy blue vest to go over it. Before long, they soon found a man holding a sign with each of their names on it.

"Follow me," he said politely. He soon led them to a van that had the words `Mystery Inc.' on it. The words were in orange, and the rest of the car was in blue and green. (The same vehicle they used in Scooby Doo!)

"Uh…what in the hell is this," Duo asked plainly. The other boys couldn't agree more on asking, and the old man laughed before answering, "The Mystery Machine. The outside may look like crap sirs, but the inside is better."

He then left them with the keys, and they opened up the back of the vehicle. There were some backseats against the right side so they could sit on it like a couch. Across from it, were a TV, DVD player, and a place to hook up a lab-top, a little fridge, and a fan in case they get hot.

"This is almost like a trailer, only smaller," Trowa stated calmly. He should know, because he'd been living in them for as long as he could remember. Either way the boys sighed, and put their stuff somewhere in the back so it wouldn't be in the way of the equipment.

"Maybe we should stock up on some food, gas, bring your lab-top, and other shit like that," the braded boy said loading some of the luggage up. Figuring he was right, Heero removed his little computer out of his suitcase, and started to install it.

"Trowa, can you drive? I'll try and find out what directions Zechs sent us through e-mail," he then stated typing away quickly. The other boy nodded, and got into the drivers seat. Quatre joined him in the front as well, while the other three stayed in the back.

[At the gas station.]

"Little one, do you think you can load the van up on gas," the Latin boy asked nicely, and the blonde nodded quickly getting out of the car. It was then that he realized he didn't know how to put gas into a car.

/Oh come on Quatre. It can't be all that hard, / he reassured himself. He soon saw his friends Duo and Wufei walk off into the store to buy some things for them to eat.

[Inside the store.]

"Cheesy puffs! I want some cheesy puffs," Duo started to rant happily. This was annoying Wufei, and he grabbed two bags of Cheeto (puffs) to shut the braded boy up. He then grabbed a bag of the regular kind, because he preferred those. Then they headed towards the dreaded section, candy.

"Ooh! I want some Skittles, M&M's, the peanut butter filled ones, Gummy Bears, Crunch bar, Sneakers, Kit Kat, the white chocolate version, and…" the boy said immediately upon arrival. This was going to be hell! What will happen in the beverage area???

[Outside at the gas.]

"Uh…which hole was it," the blonde asked himself. He had been out there for at least five minutes, and he still didn't know what he was doing! Unknown to him though, Trowa was looking at him through the side view mirror.

/He's really that clueless, / he asked himself, and laughed slightly. It was not until he saw the blonde head towards the back of the van did he scramble out quickly.

"Don't worry Quatre! I'll help you put the gas," he said a bit afraid the boy put some of the gas through the wrong hole. All the while, Heero was left alone, and just organizing the back part of the van a bit more.

He was extremely bored, and wondered how the others were doing, but he could tell Quatre must've been doing something funny from looking at Trowa. The blonde probably didn't know how to put in gas. Sighing to himself, he got out through the back, and told the other two he would go into the store.

[Inside said store.]

"Duo, what did I tell you about eating nothing but sweets," he said immediately upon finding the braded boy, and the Chinese one holding a shit load of candy.

"Uh…it'll spoil my dinner," was his cute little response.

"Good, now put back the Sneakers, and Crunch bar. And those damn Gummy Bears. Wufei, come with me we'll get some food that all of us can eat," he then ordered, and could tell the other Asian was happy. He also thought the pout/glare he was being given from the American was cute too.

"You act like my mother Heero, you know that," the braded boy then stated heading towards the beverages. The Japanese boy just smiled, and got five hotdogs for them each to have as a going away snack. He then looked towards the stuff Wufei was still holding.

"Get rid of at least one bag of chips, we only need two. You can get one or two kinds of candy for each of us, and we need each of us to get at least two drinks incase we have some fast drinkers in our group," he then explained. Nodding, Wufei walked off putting away some of the food he was carrying.

/We'll need a road map too, / Heero thought, and quickly found one in the magazine section. Secretly, he then grabbed an anime manga of sorts, but hid it behind a newspaper. /Duo should like this one, / he thought happily, and went looking for the other two boys.

After gathering all of their things, they went up to the counter, and paid for the gas and food. Then they headed back to the van.

[To the Mystery Machine.]

"What did you get," Trowa asked curiously, and started to drive off.

"A road map, here you go," Heero said handing the map to Quatre. He then handed the candies, hotdogs, and drinks they had got them. Soon all of them were eating their hotdogs, and drinking them down with their sodas too.

"Isn't this a nice start to our first mystery," Duo said out of blue. The others just nodded, and waited for the directions to appear in e-mail.

"You've got mail," the lab-top suddenly sounded surprising everyone. Quickly, Heero clicked, and found out where they were to go.

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* ~*~*~

That's the first chapter. Now I'm off to make the second one!