Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Of Spirit and Servitude ❯ Chapter 4 ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Chapter 4
Treize stifled a grown as he heard his door open and his dragon walk in. It had been about an hour since the mysterious mythical had come and taken Zechs away. Treize had spent most of this time calmly giving orders. Making certain that everyone was alright and that there weren't anymore intruders. He had recently retired to his room in hopes of being left alone. It seemed he would not be so luckily. On the outside, Treize seemed in complete control. On the inside, he was falling apart. He didn't know who this prince was or where to find him. But without having anyone to trade for Zechs, Treize feared he may never get his love back. The king had known that the mythicals were preparing for war, but he had never thought they would strike so soon, and on such a personal level. If things continued as they were then Treize would have to decide what he would put first, his kingdom, or his lover. It was a decision that he was both unwilling and unable to make.
“You do realize that sitting around here wallowing in your own misery will not bring him back.”
Treize turned to face Wufei praying that the mythical would leave him be. He needed the time to think, and to grieve. “Leave me alone dragon. I have no time for this right now.”
“Oh, but you do have the time to sink into hopeless depression, is that it? This is your own fault you know.”
“My fault? I did not steal their prince. They are the ones that invaded my land and took my greatest treasure from me.”
“And that's all we are to you isn't it? Just some treasured items, tools to use however you please. You are at fault because you stole from us what we value most, our freedom. You are right about one thing though, you don't have the prince. You could not have him, because you killed him long ago when you destroyed my dragon clan. He died then, along with all of his people.”
“You knew of him?”
Wufei laughed at this, it was a pained sound speaking of past grief. “oh I knew him well. He was a dragon the same as I. He had the potential to be one of the greatest leaders ever know. He was young, but well rounded, trained as both a scholar and a warrior. The people loved him, they trusted him, but it was not to be. I still remember when your solders came. We never expected humans to come, to take on an entire dragon clan. You caught us completely unprepared. True, we were much stronger than you, but you outnumbered us a hundred to one, and you knew our weaknesses.”
“That was Zechs. He knew that different dragons are harmed by different elements. Water for a fire dragon. Fire for an earth-“
“In other words he knew how to torture us! Do you have any idea how much it hurts? It feels like you're being burned alive! You killed us all, all but me. No you gave me a much worse fate. Instead of letting me die an honorable death in battle you stripped me of my freedom and forced me to serve the one who massacred my people. The prince died that day, along with every other dragon in my clan. So you see you deserve to be punished for what you have done. Justice will be served Treize, it is the chief law of my people.”
Wufei was shaking slightly, rage clear in his eyes. Treize remembered that battle well. It was one of the most horrible mistakes he had ever made. Something that would haunt him for the rest of his life. But he had not massacred innocents, or he had not thought that he was. Those dragons had been attacking his people, he had to protect them. He had regretted destroying such beautiful and powerful creatures but he had seen no other choice. He still remembered when he had first met Wufei. The young dragon had been on the edge of life, and fighting with the ferocity of a creature out of hell. Treize had almost died at Wufei's hands that day, and he would have, if not for Zechs. The shape shifter had saved him then. He had taken Wufei's blow, and had then proceeded to beat Wufei back away from the king. Wufei had fought until he was nearly dead, and had then fallen to the ground, glaring up at the bonded pair and growling. Treize had been unable to take this fierce little dragon's life, so he had bonded with him, and the rest was history.
Treize had made some horrible mistakes in his life. But Zechs did not deserve to suffer from them, and neither did Wufei.
“Wufei, I'm sorry. I know that means nothing. I am not proud of what I did. I was trying to protect my people. But that is no excuse for the slaughter of innocence. I do not pretend that I do not have blood on my hands. I have hurt people, and it seems I have hurt you horribly. You're right, I do deserve the mythicals' wrath. But Zechs does not, and neither do my people. I will go to meet with them, but the only one coming with me will be you. I suggest that you start getting ready, we will leave tomorrow night a dusk.”
“You think you're going to talk your way out of this? Baka, your skills of manipulation will not work this time. You will have to do more than talk.”
With that said Wufei left his words hanging in Treize's thoughts. The dragon was right, Treize would have to do more then talk. He would do the only thing he could do to save his kingdom from war and his love from death. He would give himself to the mythicals. With his death, the mythicals would have their vengeance, Wufei and Zechs would be free, and Heero would take his place as king. It was the only way to save everyone and everything he cared about, and it was right that he should pay. He deserved to die for the lives he had destroyed, he just wondered what he would leave behind.
“Heero, do you really think we're going to have to go to war?”
The human nodded, as calm as if Duo had just asked if they were going to dinner. Ever since Zechs had been taken, the castle had been in an uproar. Heero and Duo had spent the last three hours in court, trying to calm people down and convince them that everything was alright. Duo had been amazed by Heero's ability to handle the court. It was then that Duo realized just how well Heero could fit into the role of a prince. The human was as strong in politics as he was in battle.
Duo had also been surprised by the peoples sudden change towards him. Ever since the attack, people had been seeking him out, wanting answers and reassurance. It seemed they valued his role as the prince's bonded more then they feared him as a demon. Duo answered their questions as best he could. He was beginning to see that his duties towards Heero involved more then just trying to keep him safe. He was also there to help the prince in any matter that he needed, to stand beside him at all times. It was a job that suited Duo fine, and he vowed to do his very best.
Now the pair had retreated to their room for some much-needed alone time. Duo had many questions and very few answers, but for now he would let most of them wait. Being there to support Heero was most important just then.
“The mythicals are sure to attack. They have had reason to hate humans for some time now. It is inevitable that they will seek vengeance.” Heero's voice was his usual monotone, holding no sign that he was at all upset about what he was saying. This only served to worry Duo more. Over the time that they had been together Heero had begun to lower some of his barriers. Duo had seen signs of emotion every now and then. He had even heard the brown haired boy laugh. When Heero got all closed up like this Duo knew it was trouble.
Duo gulped visibly, “well that's comforting.” His tone was dripping with sarcasm. “How can you be so calm about all this? What's to stop them from totally plowing over us?”
“You, me, my father, and Wufei.”
Duo sighed, “Why is it that I don't feel too reassured?”
“What comes, comes, there is nothing we can do about it so we shouldn't waste our energy worrying.”
“Easy enough to say Heero, but I can't help but worry when I know I am almost certainly going to be going up against an army of creatures I have feared all of my life. Creatures that seek to destroy my entire race.”
“I will not let you be harmed.”
Duo nodded knowing that Heero meant what he said. Part of him felt very guilty, he was supposed to be protecting Heero, not the other way around. `I can't think like that. Heero and I are partners, we share our responsibilities equally. Heero can protect me, and I will protect him in turn, if I can.
Duo was still unsure of what the future held for them, or how they were going to face it. Heero was right about one thing, it would be best to try not to worry.
“What about Zechs? What will your father do?”
“I do not know. He said he will make his announcement at dinner tonight. Until then we will have to wait.”
“Wufei knows something, but he's not saying a word. He seems pretty upset though. He has been ever since he talked to Treize.”
“He and my father have never gotten along. He doesn't take kindly to being the man's slave.”
“Yeah well I can understand that. I wouldn't take too kindly to you if you treated me like a slave instead of a lover. I'm sure this whole thing is driving Wufei insane.”
“Oh great, back to one word answers again. And to top it off `Hmm' isn't even a word. It's just a measly little sound that could mean anything. And here I thought we actually had a real conversation going. Munth!”
Heero silenced Duo using one of his more pleasurable methods. He leaned in giving the demon a deep overpowering kiss. Duo gasped as his mouth was invaded. He didn't think he'd ever get used to this. Oh he wasn't complaining, a fact he made clear with his response. He matched Heero's speed and ferocity bring his arms around the other and pulling him close. He loved this, was addicted to it in some way. Heero's taste was intoxicating, and he craved it like nothing else. He felt like he belonged in the other boys arms, safe and secure. He didn't know what he was going to do if war did break out but Heero would be there with him. With that support he would take whatever came, and handle it the best that he could.
The pair parted gasping for breath. Heero gazed into his bonded's eyes, allowing a small smile to grace his features. A smile reserved only for Duo. The demon sighed resting his head on the others shoulder and holding the other tightly. Inhaling that sweet sent almost afraid to let him go, to lose all this. People died in wars, and he could not lose Heero. It would tear him to pieces.
“My prince dinner is…”
Heero growled turning his head to face the poor servant that had just bothered them. The servant boy stood in the door way, his face as red as a cherry tomato.
“Yes, what is it?”
“Ah, I'm so sorry prince. I didn't mean to disturb you. I was just coming to tell you that dinner is served. I didn't know that-“
Heero cut the boy off with a curt nod, “very well, tell them we will be down in a moment.”
“Ah, yes prince!”
Duo chuckled as the youngster darted out of the room as fast as his feet could carry him. “You would think that the boy had never seen two guys hugging.”
“Hmm, if I remember correctly you had a similar reaction when you walked in on my father and Zechs the first time.”
Now it was Duo's turn to turn bright red, “the first and last time I'm doing that. Besides, those two were not hugging.”
Heero let another smile come to his face. “True, those two rarely just hug. It will take time for people to adjust to our relationship.”
“I know, I just hope that they will except us one day.”
“They will Duo. We should go. I don't want to make my father wait.”
Duo nodded, he felt the same, he wanted to know what would happen as well, even if he dreaded the answer.