Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Of Spirit and Servitude ❯ Chapter 5 ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Chapter 5
Heero sighed as he took his seat between Duo and the empty chair where Zechs would normally sit. The light cheer that usually filled the dining hall during dinner was no where to be seen. It seemed that everyone had been cast into darkness since the loss of the king's older bonded and the threat of war had come to be reality. Treize seemed to be at the center of this darkness. He was withdrawn and seemed to have a good number of things running through his mind. It was odd seeing Treize without the mythical, after they had spent so little time apart. His father seemed lost now, and entirely alone. Heero could only imagine what he would do if it were Duo that had been taken away. If the demon had been stolen from him with so little hope that he would be returned or even allowed to live, it would tear Heero to pieces.
The prince reached out putting a hand on Duo's thigh. It was as if he suddenly needed to feel Duo to confirm that he was really there beside him, and safe for that matter. The demon looked up at him clearly surprised by the gesture. It wasn't like Heero to show emotion publicly, but with Duo it was different. He was not ashamed of his relationship and he did not intend to hide it.
Duo smiled leaning into the prince. “Thanks Hee-chan.”
Heero nodded, not bothered by the nickname. It had taken some getting used to but now it held some comfort. A name that was exclusively for Duo's use.
Heero was more worried about the possibility of war than he let on. Duo hadn't even spent a weeks time in their new home and already they were facing a powerful enemy. Heero knew that it was Duo's duty to fight. It was one of the responsibilities that a bonded took on. Nevertheless, the idea of putting his love in danger, when he had so little practice in hand to hand combat terrified the young prince. `There is still time. Tomorrow I will begin training with him. He is a demon, he has to have some hidden skills that I am unaware of. I can also train him with weapons. He seems very inexperienced in that area.'
Heero turned his attention to his father as he began to speak. He felt Duo's hand move over his own giving it a small squeeze. He could tell that the demon was nervous.
“My people, I am sure that by now you all know that my bonded, Zechs has been taken captive by a mythical. I intend to get him back, but I will not plunge this land into war in the process. Because of this I have decided to journey to the mythical's territory and seek peace. Wufei alone will join me. I will leave this kingdom in the care of my son Prince Heero. He is a noble youth that is wise beyond his years. I am certain that with his bonded at his side, Heero will be able to govern and protect this kingdom just as I have. I will leave in the morning.”
With that, Treize finished his speech, and waited for the protects that he was sure would come. And come they did, from almost every member of the table. Everyone but Heero and Duo that was.
The prince let the people's complaints drift over him and out of his notice. Treize had started this, he could calm the people's worries. Heero had other things on his mind.
The prince had known that his father would want to personally go and try to solve this problem himself but he had never thought the king would actually go through with it. Heero knew there would be no changing his father's mind. The king would leave, and take the kingdom's strongest defense with him. Heero would have to take control of the kingdom, and Duo, Duo would have to take Wufei's place as the head of the king's army. Heero closed his eyes. He had faith in his ability to rule the people. They trusted him and would obey. Heero knew his fathers advisers well, he could deal with them as well. But Duo, who had no experience fighting and was terrified of humans, was to lead an army and possibly go to war? That was far more then the prince could ask.
Duo was fidgeting nervously beside Heero, a million unanswered questions running over his features. The demon was no fool, he knew that this could only lead to trouble. He lacked the experience that Heero had and the prince was worried this would be his undoing. `He may be inexperienced but I still have complete faith in him. My father will not change his mind so I will just have to do what I can. Duo will soon be leading our army into battle and he will be ready, hopefully.'
Later that night Heero would have to talk with Duo and explain everything to him. For now that would have to wait. Heero knew that he would not be able to get to his room until much later. He would follow orders and support the king as was his duty, but that did not mean that he agreed with Treize's idea.
As the arguing settled and dinner was brought in, a gloom fell over the table. The meal was eaten in complete silence. Everyone now realized just how impossible it was to change Treize's mind and their spirits were low. Heero knew they had faith in his ability to lead. It was not the first time that he had taken over for his father during a leave of absence. But in the past Treize had always left one of his bonded to lead the army and help with the diplomatic chaos that came with ruling. Now, with war on the horizon, Wufei was leaving and being replaced by a creature they believed was pure evil. Heero could understand their worry.
After the prince finished his meal he stood and made his way out of the crowded dining hall and into a quite corridor. Duo followed close behind him, his wings quivering from nervousness.
When they were alone Heero turned to face his bonded, “I will have to go meet with my father soon. I need you to go find Wufei and have him show you your responsibilities.”
Duo sighed and nodded, “do you think your father will succeed?”
“No, in fact he will most likely make things worse. It will be up to us to keep this kingdom safe and secure. As my bonded security will be your main priority. You will command our army, and work hand in hand with me in making any and all decisions.”
“Na-nani? I can't lead an army, especially an army of humans! They'd never follow me.”
“They will, you only have to stand strong and do not let them know you're fearful. If you present yourself as being strong and confident than they will follow you.”
“Heero I'm not strong, and I'm sure as hell not confident. I'm not a warrior like you, I don't have the certainty that you posses.”
Heero closed his eyes and pulled the demon close. “You and I are more similar then you think. I'm not certain of anything Duo, I never have been. The only difference between you and I is that I have learned to hide that uncertainty. You can be scared Duo, you just have to keep it hidden. I have faith in you. You have a very tactical way of thinking, and I do believe that you will make a fine general. You are also stronger than you think. You have a great deal of power within you. It has just never been allowed out. You will do fine, and you will not be alone. You have my support, now and forever.”
Duo fought back tears as he stared into the prince's eyes. It was easily the longest speech Duo had heard out of Heero, and the demon was certain that his bonded had never shared this information with anyone before now. “Heero, thank you. I really don't know if I can do this, but I'll do the best I can.”
The prince nodded then turned to go and meet with his father. Duo sighed and followed the prince. He was sure to find Wufei with Treize. Just as Heero was about to open the door he stopped short and turned to face Duo. The surprised demon ran right into the other and ended up in his arms. “Heero?”
The prince did not answer. Instead, he leaned forward pulling Duo down into a kiss. The demon's eyes widened in surprise, but he allowed himself to just relax and enjoy the moment. Heero's sweet taste flooded Duo's mouth as the human slipped his tongue past parted lips. It never failed to amaze Duo just how aggressive Heero could be about these kinds of things. Not that he minded, no he didn't mind at all. Duo sighed pressing in close to the other, his tongue sparing with his bonded. He let out a small pitied groan as Heero drew back.
“Latter love, we have business to attend to right now.”
Duo nodded and the pair went to find Treize and Wufei.
Zechs awoke to find himself in some sort of holding cell. He groaned rubbing his head as he remembered what had happened. He remembered getting dragged off by that mythical, and than being knocked out cold.
He recognized the force fields that made up his prison. They were clearly of mythical design and made to hold a shape shifter such as himself. For once Zechs missed the humans with their flimsy iron bar cells that where so simple to escape from. Why he could have even slipped out from under a door if there was one. But Zechs was not that lucky, there was nothing but pure energy surrounding him.
The shifter sat up eyeing his surroundings. He was in some kind of encampment. There were rows of white tents stretching out as far as the eye could see. Enormous pine trees shoot high into the air and concealed the tents from being seen from above. Mythicals walked around, all acting quite busy. There were weapon holds and training grounds scattered throughout the camp.
Zechs knew exactly what this was. He had seen many while working with Treize. This was a war camp. The rumors were true, the mythicals were on the move. War may be unavoidable at this point. Zechs closed his eyes from the sight that surrounded him. Here he was, surrounded on all sides by the greatest threat Treize may ever face, and he could do nothing.
“Treize what will you do now?”
Laughter answered the question that Zechs had voiced to the wind. “He will come here, if he values your life, and he will bring our prince with him.”
Zechs blinked bolting up and looking around. There was no one there, now where that the voice had been coming from? Was Zechs being watched, guarded by some force that he couldn't even see? It was possible to have an invisible guard in a camp of mythicals but Zechs did not believe that was the case. Even if his adversary was invisible, he should still be able to sense them. But the only spirits he felt were those of the mythicals farther away and the near by foliage.
“Who's there and what do you want?”
“Me? Oh I'm just here to guard you. Not that you need a guard exactly. As you know, you're not going anywhere.” Zechs blinked his sanity coming into question. He could have sworn that he had just heard a near by tree talk. What was stranger still was that the voice had sound very familiar…
Zechs smiled as it suddenly came to him. He wasn't exactly talking to a tree, but a tree spirit. Her energy pattern would seem botanical in nature. That was why he couldn't sense her. “So it's you again. Why don't you come out of there, or do you prefer that shape?”
Tree spirits were able to fuse with their element. The girl could take the form of a tree, or travel through a forests root system. Like shifters, tree spirits made great spies, and tricky fighters. Zechs was going to have his work cut out for him if he was going to outsmart this one and break free.
The creature giggled morphing into the green skinned, brown haired girl that Zechs had seen earlier. “Honestly I do prefer a tree, but I'll take this form for now. The prince will probably prefer it once he arrives as well.”
“Prince? You're delusional girl, mythicals have never been ruled under a monarchy. We've always preferred it that way.”
“You're right of course. But you've been a human's slave for too long. About twenty years ago, we decided that we needed a ruler. Someone who could lead us into battle against the humans and avenge all the people taken from us by their royalty. People like you Zechs. We allowed the prince to stay with his clan and began to train him there. We never dreamed that his home would be attacked by humans, and that everyone within would be killed. But we have recently discovered that the prince is not dead, though his fate is not much better than death. That monstrous human Treize took our prince as a slave when he was still just a boy. We will get him back, at all means.”
“What is your name tree spirit?”
“That's not really important. But if you must know it's Neaps.”
“Well Neaps, let me tell you something. Trieze did not take your prince as a slave. He doesn't even know your prince! The only mythicals he knows are Wufei and I. Treize is not your enemy. Have you thought about what this war will bring to both sides? Have you thought about the amount of carnage, the number of lives both human and mythical that will be lost.”
“Do you think we haven't taken that into consideration. Every fighter here is willing to die for this cause. We will get our prince back, and then go to battle. We are sick of being slaves to the humans, and we will do whatever it takes to stop it. I would have though that you of all people would understand that. Then again, you are a traitor to your own kind.”
Zechs chuckled sadly shaking his head. “So, a traitor am I? Yes I suppose I could understand why you have labeled me as such. However, before you are so quick to judge let me tell you something. When Treize first captured me, I fought him with every ounce of my being. I fought with everything I had until my body stung with the constant pain that disobedience against the bond causes. I hated that man that controlled me, and I vowed to rid this world of him the first chance I got.
Then I learned something about Treize, I learned that he could be a kind and caring person. Treize and I had been on a mission when we were attacked by a band of thieves. I felt my body jumping to protect the human and I decided at that moment that I would try to fight it. At once, my body flared with pain causing me to fall to the ground. I lay there fighting the bond and waiting to black out. As I'm sure you know, no mythical has ever been able to actually disobey an order, or resist the urge to protect their master. Well, at least not at that time. But I was determined to try to stall, if I could just buy a little bit of time the bandits might just have killed Treize and I would be free. “
“I was able to stall and give the bandits time to kill Treize, but my plan did not work. You see Treize is a master swordsman. He was able to fight off the thieves and escape with only minimal injuries. I was not so lucky. It seemed that the thieves had decided to take advantage of my helpless state. I would have died that day if it were not for Treize. He defended me, fighting off the bandits.”
“Now this could be due to the bond. Treize needed me alive. I was his greatest weapon, his greatest tool. I felt no gratitude for him. I was but a tool he was preserving, nothing else. It was not until after the fight that I realized just how wrong I was.”
“I had taken a good deal of damage in the battle. The bandits had taken their toll on me before Treize could stop them. I was not in any danger of death, but I could have been in better condition. I couldn't stand and every inch of me ached from fighting the bond. What was worse was that Treize was there standing over me. I was expecting punishment for what I had done, but what I got was a healing touch and kind company. Treize didn't punish me for my disobedience. He told me that he could not blame me for my hopes of freedom. Treize treated my wounds, he cared for me, though he did not have to. My life was in no danger. He did not need to show me such kindness. Over the course of these years I have fallen in love with the man. I still care for my people, but the humans are not monsters. I am no traitor, I have simply gained a love for two races, and I will do whatever I can to protect them.”
Neaps laughed at this. “Do you honestly think you have a choice you brainwashed fool? Treize will give us our prince. Then we will kill him, and make certain that no mythical will be taken as a slave again. The humans have asked for war, and a war they will have.” And with that the tree spirit vanished walked away, leaveing Zechs alone and tarafied. Treize was in great danger, and all he could do was sit and wait.
“Don't be a fool Treize, please think with your head.” Zechs shock his head, he knew that such a wish was futile. Treize was famous for thinking with his heart not his head, and now would be no different. The mythical sat back and did the only thing he could, he waited.