Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Of Spirit and Servitude ❯ Chapter 6 ( Chapter 6 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Chapter 6
“This is our training grounds. All members of Treize's forces are required to meet here each morning at 6:30 am to began the day.”
“6:30! But I'm not even out of bed at that time.”
Wufei growled at his annoying charge. Must the demon complain at every point that was made? “If hundreds of human fighters can be up and ready to train at that time then their general sure as hell can.”
“Yeah well unlike those humans I happen to be nocturnal. And what do you mean `hundreds?' just how many people are in this army?”
“There are currently 712 fighters enlisted plus 20 weapons specialists, 13 medics, 84 workers, and 12 commanding officers that will work under you.”
“And I'm supposed to keep all these people in check?”
“You will do more then that. You will train them, discipline them, and if necessary lead them into battle.”
The demon paled, “Wufei how many fighters do you think the mythicals have?”
“An army of 400 trained fighters.”
“Nani! How the hell do you know that? There's no way that so many mythicals would band together.”
“Oh but they have. There is nothing that will drive a race to war more then their will to be free. Humans have taken that from us, and they will pay for it.”
“Well what the hell am I supposed to do if we are attacked? Humans can't fight mythicals two to one. It would be a slaughter.”
“You're right of course, it will be. You had just better hope that they don't all come at once.”
Duo gulped, he wasn't liking his odds.
“This is once of the best trained armies you will find anywhere.” There was unmistakable pride in Wufei's voice. It was clear that he had raised this army. An army Duo would most likely lead to their deaths.
“Come Duo, I will show you the daily schedule I use. You may change it as you see fit but it will give you some ideas.”
Duo nodded as he followed the dragon farther into the barracks. He was fully aware of the eyes that followed him. Solders that both hated and feared him. Duo held his head high. He would prove himself to these people, he just had to.
The pair made there way into a large blue tent in the center of the establishment. This tent was of simple design, clearly not intended to be lived in. It was furnished with a small table, two chairs and a weapons rack. Sitting in one of those chairs was a human. The man was slumped over in a chair, but he stood at attention when Wufei and Duo walked in. Duo eyed the human carefully, there was a sprark in this man that screamed of trouble. The human had fiery red hair and bright green eyes. His features were stern and his thin lips were currently curled in a scowl directed at the demon.
“So the rumors are true ah Wufei? You are being replaced by the devil's spawn.”
Wufei sighed shaking his head. “Duo, let me introduce your second in command. This is Caption Roger, he may be a little too frank with his opinion but he is loyal and trustworthy, and he will not let his personal feelings get in the way of his job."
The man nodded, “you know me too well, General. I will not interfere with the demon for now.” He turned to Duo, “but let's get one thing straight, you put these men into harms way without just cause and I will personally skewer you and then hand your body to the mythicals myself."
Duo sighed praying that not all of his men would be like this. He would already have one hostile army to deal with if and when the mythicals attacked, he didn't need to have his own men against him as well. “I can promise you that if I put this army into danger I will have good reason. Like it or not I have been named commander of these forces. That doesn't mean that you have to like me, and I don't even care if you don't trust me. I respect your experience, and whatever skills you may have, but know this, I will not tolerate any kind of slander in front of the men. If you have a problem bring it to me. If you can't do that then I'm afraid I can not keep you as my second officer.”
“I don't care if you are the prince's bonded. I have agreed to follow you because General Wufei holds you in high regard, and I trust his judgement. I will keep face in front of the men, but if I do have a problem I will tell you. You can trust me on that.”
Duo nodded, “I would not have it any other way, captain.”
“Come on Duo, I still have much I need to show you.”
The demon followed Wufei out without saying another word. Though he prayed he would not encounter this kind of hatred with the rest of the army he knew it was most likely.
“I don't know how I'm going to do this Wufei. How am I supposed to lead an army of people who don't trust me? Who down right hate me?”
Wufei turned to his long haired companion looking him deep in the eyes. “I am not going to say it will be easy, but I have faith that you will earn these men's favor. After all, you got me on your side, and compared to that this should be an easy task. Be yourself Duo, and the loyalty of your men will follow.
While Duo was going around meeting the solders and learning the daily routine, Heero was faced with a dilemma of his own. The prince found himself envying the young demon. He would much rather face a ravenous army than an equally ravenous court. Solders he could deal with but this, this was something that he would never get used to.
The people of the court were sly, never speaking or showing what was on their mind. These were people that hid behind masks, masks that could hide and friend or an enemy. Heero could function in this world, but he preferred to have threats out in the open.
The court was unusually restless today. The people were nervous about their king and his bonded leaving. That was surely understandable. Heero was not happy about it either. But what was making him even more unhappy was the talks within the court. It was not Heero the people were concerned with. They knew the young prince could rule. No, it was Duo that had the court in an uproar. The people did not trust Duo to command the army. They thought that he was weak, and that he might even turn on those he was supposed to protect. Heero had complete faith in his love, he just wished his people shared it.
The night was wearing on and soon it would be time for them all to retire for the night. Heero desperately needed the sleep, and somehow he knew that Duo would as well. His love had only been there for a day and now he was expected to rule an army. Heero hoped that the demon was holding out.
After another hour, Treize singled the end of the council. Heero gave the necessary good byes and made the trek towards his room. With exhaustion caving in he barely had time to make it in before he collapsed against his closed door with a long heart felt sigh.
A chuckle from across the room caught his attention. “I see your night was as invigorating as mine. I told you we should have just stayed in the woods. It would have been easier.”
Heero couldn't help but agree with him. But he had his duty, and that could not be forgotten. “I can not abandon my people, you know that Duo.”
The demon nodded then moved to pull Heero up. The pair climbed into bed, Duo wrapping his wings around them both, his tail coming up to curl around Heero's leg. The human sighed in contentment, bring his hand up to brush along the demon's hair until he found the tie that held it in its braid. Heero sleepily pulled the tie away and unfurled the braid. With his love's hair loose and the feeling of Duo's head resting against his chest Heero found himself bewitched into a peaceful and soothing sleep.
The next morning had Wufei rising well before dawn. Waking up to darkness was nothing new to the dragon. His training required an early start to his mornings. This morning he was up much earlier. He would soon be leaving this place, and journeying to meet with his people. Wufei had never dreamed that he would have to face them again. Now his humiliation, his greatest blunder would be made visible to all. The idea of having to face them again, of them seeing what he had become…
It was more than the dragon could take. And it was this that left him with such an unsettling night. Wufei got up and headed for the training yards his men used. He had raised that army from the ground up. They were by far the best human solders anywhere. Now they would be pitted against his people, and no matter who won he would lose people he cared for. He would betray someone.
As Wufei emerged for the castle, he was hit with a strong frigid gust. It had been many hours since the sun had warmed the earth and the chill left goose bumps of the dragon's arms. Wufei continued on. He was certainly not going to let the cold air of the all to early morning stop him from finding the peace he sought. In truth, it might actually help him, it may calm his nerves and take his mind off of the inevitable trip ahead.
As Wufei entered his usual training ring he found it disserted. This did not surprise him at all. His men would be sleeping in their tents right now. But when Wufei closed his eyes he could picture what this ring would look like in a few hours. Men up with the rising sun, going though stretches, sparing with one another for practice. Their moods were always cheerful and light, and they were as devoted to their training as Wufei himself. But he would not be training with them anymore. It was very possible that he would never train with them again.
Wufei sighed dropping into a stance and settling into a routine of various kicks and hand motions. As his mind focused of his movements, breathing, and stance the world around him melted away until there were no more humans, no more mythicals, and no more demons. Just the ground beneath him, the swirl of the air around him, and the precise movements of his own body.
As the practiced dance ended Wufei pulled himself up, calm and at peace once again. He was not looking forward to what was coming, but as long as he remained true to himself and his code of honor, he would be fine. He just prayed it would be that simple.
“Couldn't sleep either ah?”
Wufei's head snapped up and he growled at the man that dared intrude on his privacy. Roger stood by the side of the ring, a lopsided smile on his face. The human had somehow developed the stealth to sneak up on him. It so a skill that both amazed and greatly infuriated the dragon.
“What are you doing here?”
The man's smile grew, “thinking about demons and how to handle them. I can't believe the prince bonded with that creature. Sure I will follow him, duty and all that. But I still don't know how I'm going to stand him.”
Wufei strided over to the man, the two had known each other for some time. Roger was one human that he respected. “Roger, I know that you trust my judgement. I have faith in Duo. He is not like the demons I have spoke of. Serve him well and he will keep this army strong. It is true that he and I differ, but Duo has areas of strength that I lack. I know that you can not trust him now. You didn't trust me either at first. So I will only ask you to keep an open mind. Let Duo make his own impression on you, do not judge him before you know him.”
Roger sighed but nodded, “if you have faith in him sir, than I will try. We're going to miss you Wufei. You've not only taught us how to fight but how to live. You showed us how to be truthful and honorable and that is a gift that can never be repaid. Please, come home safe.”
Wufei stared at the man. Home, yes this truly was home. But it was not the only one he knew. Soon the mythicals would march on Treize's land. Wufei could feel it in his bones. He had faith in his men, but they were still human. Wufei did not see how they could survive. “You be careful as well Roger. If I do return home, you'd had better be here to great me.”
Later that morning as Wufei prepared to leave he had a new goal in mind. He had to stop this war before it could truly begin. He refused to have the blood of his people, whether human or mythical, on his hands.