Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Of Spirit and Servitude ❯ Chapter 7 ( Chapter 7 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Duo yawned stretching his arms upward and trying to not think about how little sleep he had gotten the night before. Heero had literally dragged him out of bed at six o'clock that morning. He had been dumped on the floor after a murmur of `a few more hours' Heero had preceded to dump a bowl of water over his head. A very grumpy Duo was than dragged out to see Wufei and Treize off on their journey. The demon gave a sleepy farewell to the dragon that had become one of his few friends. The cold air, and the many eyes on him were the only thing that was keeping him awake.
“Take good care of my men Duo, and be careful. Mythicals are not creatures to be underestimated.”
The demon snorted, “You think I'm going to underestimate the people that have hunted my people for as long as I can remember? You don't need to worry, I'll keep those men in shape. You might be surprised to find that they'll get even better.”
“They'd need to improve, if they are to survive an encounter with mythicals.”
“I'll do the best I can, you just be careful. You're gonna run into mythicals a lot sooner than we will.”
Wufei nodded and turned to Treize. The human was talking to his son, most likely giving him advise on how to rule the kingdom. Somehow Duo knew that Heero would do things his own way in the end.
The demon moved to stand beside his bonded, taking comfort from the human. He might be pissed off for the rude awakening, and Heero sure as hell wasn't going to get anything that night, but he still loved him and supported him. The two were a team, and that was how they would remain.
Treize and Wufei mounted giant furry beasts. Heero had informed him that they were called horses. They were supposedly tame creatures that humans could use for travel. The human would sit on the creatures back and direct them using the their feet and something called a rein. To Duo the idea sounded horrifying, and he had not been at all happy when Heero had told him he would have to ride on one of the creatures. Duo watched with interest as Wufei bolted up on a silvery beast with the greatest ease. He seemed completely comfortable on the beast.
Treize mounted his own beast and the two rode off. Duo sighed as he watched the two ride off. There was still much that needed to be done that day.
“I guess I'd better go see to the army. Can't put it off forever can I?”
Heero turned to his bonded giving him a nod. “You will do fine Duo. I'll see you at noon for lunch.”
The demon nodded and made his way over to the training rings. Some of the solders had already made their way over, some were still at the front gates after seeing Treize and Wufei off. The men that were present were stretching, preparing themselves for the mornings exercises. Duo felt very out of place here. Most of these men problem knew more about fighting than he did. What could he possibly have to give them?
`Come on you baka, you're a demon! There's got to be something you can teach them.' With his head held high, Duo approached the fighters. The moment he stepped foot in a ring all action around him stopped. Duo had never had so many eyes of him at once. He truly had no idea what to do with himself.
“General Duo, what are your orders sir?” It was Roger that spoke up. Duo silently thanked the human. With those simple words he had both broken the uncomfortable silence that had settled and acknowledged Duo's position in front of all the men. It seemed that the man would put his duty before his personal feelings. A fact that Duo was grateful for.
“Have all the men assemble here. I think it's about time we got to know each other.”
At Duo's words, the men went into action. Soon they stood before him in straight lines. Roger came up to him gesturing at the largest group of men. “These are your fighters. They are the heart of this force. Wufei made sure that each and every one of them was well trained. They'll follow any order they're given, and fight anything you can throw at them.”
Duo nodded as he looked the men over. It was clear to see that these men knew what they were doing. The demon couldn't help but wonder why he, a creature that had fought only a handful of battles in his life was in charge of an army that was so clearly experienced.
`Come on Duo! There are plenty of things you can teach these people. You just aren't thinking of them right now.'
Duo put his mind back to his task as Roger introduced the next group as the armies workers. These were the people that had the grunt work in the camp. They kept the place running smoothly. When the army went of the road it was their job to set up camp and run any errands the solders may need. Some of the workers were also mettle smiths, and they were responsible for the creation and care of all the weapons needed. Duo cringed at the thought of these defenses. If these humans really thought they could kill mythical creatures with steel swords and arrows than they were sadly mistaken. Not only were they facing an enemy that they did not know, but they were facing it with useless weapons.
Duo listened carefully as Roger finished his introductions. He had to admit that the army showed promise. He still didn't think that they stood a chance against mythical, however. The twenty weapons specialties seemed to have an aurora around them that reminded Duo very much of Wufei. They were clearly fighters unmatched by most humans. If the entire army was made up of people like them than they may have just stood a chance. As it was Duo just hoped they would survive an encounter with mythicals, and even that would be a border line miracle.
Roger stepped back giving Duo the floor. The demon looked over the gathered fighters. “I know that you have no reason to trust me. I am a creature that you were taught to fear and hate. I am certain that none of you want me leading you. Some of you even believe that I will betray you to the mythicals. I cannot promise you that I can live up to Wufei's work. I'm not a fighter, and I've never had to lead anyone in my life. I do have knowledge about the mythicals, and I promise to do everything in my power to protect this kingdom. This is my home now too. I do not expect you to except me, but I ask you to do your best in the training you will receive. If not for me than for yourselves, and for the people you protect. Now, do any of you have any questions before we begin?”
Duo was met with complete and utter silence. Some how he knew that this was not because his troops had excepted his words. It was only because they could not find the corsage to speak up. Duo didn't know whether this was a good thing or a bad thing. On one hand he wasn't having to deal with open mutiny, on the other hand, he had any army that both hated and feared him. `I just have to give it time. One of these days they'll realize that I'm not the incarnation of pure evil.'
“Alright than, you're training will basically continue as Wufei set it up. There will be two new elements added, however. It has come to my attention that the only people here with knowledge of basic first aid are your medics. I am going to break you up into small groups. The people in your groups are the people you will be fighting with when and if the mythicals do attack. If we fight the mythicals as on large group I guarantee that there will be a mass slaughter of humans. Our best bet will be to single them out and take them of one at a time. I will be sure to balance your skills evenly so that your groups will be the most effective. Though each group will have a medic in it everyone must know basic first aid. I will also be adding stealth tactics to your normal training routine. You're going to have to learn to move so quietly that not even a mythical will here you coming. This is imperative, because surprise will be your greatest weapon. When and if we attack we shall do so far away from the capital city. The mythicals will not expect it. Now please stand by, and I will split you into groups.”
Duo turned to Roger. The man was looking at Duo was a quirked eyebrow. There was uncertainty in his eyes, as if he just didn't know what to do. Duo grinned at him, somehow he knew that he wasn't the model demon that Roger had been taught to believe in. “I'm going to need your help with this. You know these men better than I do. I need 13 teams total. They must each have a medic, a weapons specialist, and a worker. I want the fighters to balance out each others strengths and weaknesses.”
Roger nodded and then went to separate out the groups. Duo felt a plague of something akin to jealousy in his heart. The men clearly trusted Roger and followed him without question. Duo feared that if he let his second in command do too much than the men would ignore his orders and go to Roger instead. `I'm just going to have to face that if it comes. I can not ignore Roger's knowledge, nor let his skills go to waste.'
The men soon stood in their assigned groups. Duo had to admit that the groups did look well balanced. He stepped forward, “Alright everyone, most of you will continue with your normal routines for now. But once a week you will go through stealth exercises with me, and basic aid training with the medics. By the end of this week you will have all had some experience in these two fields. Captain Roger and I will also be assigning one scout, and one leader to each group. I also want the workers to practice alongside the fighters. I understand that you do not have any experience, but we will need everyone we can get. Now I want you,” he pointed to one team, “to come with me. You,” he pointed to another team, “please go with the medics. Everyone else is to continue with your normal routines. We'll stop at noon for lunch.” He looked over the group both amazed and grateful that the men moved to do as they were told. It was almost as if he had expected them to rally against him then and there. All the medics, except for those in the two special groups went off to train the fighters in healing while Duo lead his group into the forest. The group he had picked consisted of ten humans. Most of them seemed pretty young. Most of them were probably in their twenties, or at least Duo thought they were. It was hard for him to tell with humans. The group eyed him warily, as if they expected him to strike out at them at any second. Duo sighed, “this is never going to work if you're all terrified of me.”
“I an't scared of ya, demon.”
Duo turned to the smallest human in the group. The boy was bold, and completely fearless. Duo wasn't sure if that was good or not. Boldness without caution could easily get you killed, but too much caution and you miss opportunities. Oh well, at least someone was talking to him.
Duo smiled at the boy. This one was younger than the rest, maybe around fourteen or fifteen. “How'd a kid like you become a fighter?”
“I an't no fighter, I'm a worker! And I'm no kid. I'm fifteen yeah know.”
“What's your name?”
“It's Solo, what da you care?”
“Well I can't very well call you `human' or `worker' can I? My name's Duo by the way.”
“I'd just as soon call ya `demon.' Don't bother me none.”
“I really don't care what you call me. Names are just titles that other people give you. They don't mean a thing to me. But you are going to have to learn to accept the fact that I am your leader now, and I'm on your side.”
The boy fidgeted, “is it true that ya control the prince's mind?”
Duo growled at this, when where these people going to realize that he had no such power? “No, I'm not controlling the prince. If I was, do you think I'd be the one enslaved? I am loyal to Heero, and I would never do anything to harm him.” Duo was also in love with the prince, a fact that this boy did not need to know.
“How `bout that ya beat Zechs up and then gave em ta the mythicals?”
“I don't know where the hell you heard that from. But Zechs is the one who started that fight, and I didn't `beat him up,' I didn't even draw his blood! As for working with the mythicals, those creatures hunt and kill demons. I'd never even be able to talk with one before they decided to kill me. I sure as hell couldn't form an alliance with them.”
The boy said nothing, but he seemed a little less sure of his position. Duo took this as his sign to begin. He led the group into a patch of woods nearby. “We can't hope to survive an encounter with the mythicals if they know we're coming from miles away. Sneaking up on mythicals is no easy task, but it is possible. You'll have to learn to move differently, and heighten your senses. Duo than preceded to lead the group into the woods, listening carefully to how they moved and teaching them how to step lightly so that they could not be heard. He showed them how to find trails that animals had taken where the grass was padded down and thus less noisy. He showed them how to walk in each others foot falls, and how to avoid brushing up against any plants. They continued moving through the woods for about an hour until they came to a clearing. Duo sat them all down and told them to close their eyes and just listen. “I know human ears aren't as sharp as a demons, but you'd be amazed how much your senses can take in if given the chance. I don't have much experience with humans, but from what I've seen you really over use your eyes and under use your other senses. Now I want you to focus of them each individually. Start with your sense of feel. Focus of it alone, and use it to identify as many things around you as possible.”
“How the hell ya expect us ta do that? How many things can a person identify by sittin' all still like and tryin' ta feel things without movin?”
Duo smiled as the worker, Solo he recalled, once again spook his mind. It was actually refreshing to have the young human around. He lacked the training of the solders and thus spoke what was on his mind. Duo appreciated his imput more than he would let on. He was sure that his other men shared many of the young workers concerns, but would never voice them.
“That is a fair question, and it is one that I can not fully answer. If I tell you what to concentrate on you'll miss certain things. Just sit there and see what you can feel.”
The boy sat down grumbling the whole time. “Don't see why I've gotta do this too. I ain't no fighter.”
“No, but I don't think that you want to run into a mythical any more than any of the other men. When and if we confront them, we shall be the one's to caught them unaware. Now, let us begin!”
And with that Duo sat down and began to focus his mind on his sense of feel. Immediately he could feel the breeze blowing against his skin, the grass tickling at his legs and the rocky soil beneath that. All of the demons senses were naturally well tuned. So Duo let his senses wander. Keeping his eyes closed and listening for sounds of fidgeting from his men. The group seemed to be doing pretty well. This was not too surprising. They had been trained by Wufei after all. He wondered how the other groups would do at this. It was a strange exercise to say the least. But Duo knew that if these humans could learn to keep a firm grasp of their environment they could use it to their advantage in battle.
He had them continue with this until they started to get fidgety, then he had them concentrate of their sense of hearing. They seemed to calm down a bit at this, the sense of hearing was the second most used sense a human had. It made sense that they could put it to better use. An hour later the group left to spend the rest of the morning learning a bit of first aid. It was clear that they were not at all sure why they had spent their morning doing what they had done, but Duo could see a difference in the way they moved already.
By the time lunch came around, Duo had been through four groups. He had scouts picked out for three of the groups, and leaders picked out for two. Roger had also made a few suggestions for different groups, and Duo listened to them carefully. As the demon sat down for a much needed meal he had hundreds of names running through his mind. Each attached to a different set of strengths and weaknesses. Roger had supplied him with all the information he could want on the men and than some. His second in command had somehow changed from the first time they had met. He had become more respectful, and a lot more helpful. Duo did not know the cause of this sudden change, but he had a feeling that Wufei had some part in it. The mythical had probably talked to his second before leaving.
Lunch consisted of a choice between either pheasant or bison. Duo frowned at the options. He was not familiar with either, and honestly didn't know which he wanted. He was thankful to see that there was also some kind of mixed greenery, as well as some berries. Duo was not used to human food, or the way they prepared it. It made him long for the days when he was on the road with only Heero and Wufei foor company. When they cooked and ate the meat they caught, meat Duo could at least identify. Heero was seated just to his right and didn't seem to be having any problem with the meal. Not that he was pigging out or anything. The very idea of stuffing ones face seemed un-Heero-like. His bits were taken at a sure even pace, and Duo couldn't help but laugh at this.
The prince looked up at the sound raising an eyebrow in question.
“Is there anything you do that isn't perfectly and elegantly executed? Even your eating is precise.”
“Eating is simply a way to gain nourishment. The method I use is most efficient.”
“Efficient? Heero haven't you ever eaten something just because you enjoyed the taste?”
“I do enjoy some foods more than others, but that comes after their nutritional value.”
“Nutritional value my ass. So far the best thing I've seen you humans make is sweets. I bet you don't eat them often do you?”
“They have no nutritional value.”
“Yeah, but they have other values Heero. They are pleasurable to eat, and don't tell me that you never do thing for the sake of pure enjoyment, you may have fooled everyone else including yourself, but I know.”
Heero frowned at this, “I do not see how this discussion has anything to do with eating. Nor do I see why you yourself have not touched your food. You can not tell me you have not worked up an appetite, when normally you could eat through an entire towns winter food storage in one sitting.”
Duo snorted, “I'm not going to eat something when I don't even know what it is. For all I know it could be poisoned.”
“You think I would poison your food?”
“No, but I wouldn't put it past some of your people, and it's not like you made this did you?”
“No, it is made by the palace chefs, but I can promise you it's not poisoned. The food is cooked in giant batches, so to poison it easily would be very difficult. Only two people have access to it once the food is separated onto plates, the person that serves it, and the person who tests it for poison."
”Tests it for poison? What do yeah mean?”
“All food eaten by royalty and their bonded is checked for poison.”
“How do you check for poison?”
“Someone tastes the food.”
“What, you mean you have someone taste food to make sure they don't keel over and die? That's horrible! How could you do that to one of your own people?”
“The food tester is a person who is very loyal to the crown, they do it voluntarily.”
“I still think it's cruel.”
“It's necessary, if any of us were to die it would put the kingdom into chaos.”
Duo still didn't like the idea of sacrificing one life to save another, but as he thought about it he realized that was one of the main responsibilities of the bonded, to protect the human that held them, even at the cost of ones own life. Duo would give his life for Heero in a minute, but not for the sake of the kingdom, or even because it was his duty. He did it because he loved Heero. But this was different, this food tester person didn't even know him. Duo may not have agreed with the palaces ways, but he couldn't waste the food now that he knew the care that went into it.
After the pair had finished eating, Heero led Duo out into an abandoned field for what he called `personal training.' Duo was already warn to the bone, and taking one look at Heero, he knew his day had just begun.
It had been a very long day, and by the time Wufei reached the spot they had planned to rest at the dragon was ready to collapse. Traveling with a depressed Treize was not advisable for anyone's health. The desperation of the man sucked the energy right out of you. It also didn't help that Wufei was still torn between his loyalty to his men and to his people, and he still had no idea how he could bring peace to both sides.
“Dragon, can you go find some wood? We have a good amount of work to do before sun set.”
Wufei just nodded and headed off into the woods. He passed several perfectly good pieces of lumber without giving them a second look. He was not sure if Treize had given him an order or not, but even if he had he had not set a time limit, and Wufei intended to use that to his advantage. Wufei was used to having some time to himself, it was something he had always treasured, and now missed horribly. The dragon didn't dare stall for to long, however, and as soon as he was a good distance away he started gathering the necessary wood. All to soon he was headed back towards camp with his arms full to the brim. The sun had already set and darkness was already creeping up. Exhaustion filled the dragon, and at that moment he just wanted to get the necessary tasks done and then find a place to sleep for the night.
Wufei was pleased to find the camp had been set up by the time he returned. There was a ring of stones awaiting his wood and Treize had even set up a make shift shelter out of two trees and a waterproof hide they had brought. Normally the pair would have slept out under the stars, but there were thunderheads promising to let lose, and Wufei didn't feel like getting drenched at that moment. He just prayed that the storm wouldn't turn into a thunder storm. He didn't want to deal with the possibility of being electrocuted as well.
As Wufei neared the camp he realized that something was very wrong. The first indicator was seeing Treize lying on the ground near the ring of stones he'd created for a fire. It was clear from his position that his sleep was not natural, something had knocked him out.
It also became clear that that something was still in their camp. Wufei could see it moving within their make-shift tent. The dragon crept over towards the enemy, his footsteps silent on the leafy mulch that covered the ground. The thief, for he assumed that's what it was, had just invaded the wrong camp. Wufei stopped in his track as the figure's form spun around to face Wufei. The dragon narrowed his eyes, the intruder had clearly heard him. This should have been imposable, not human could have heard him.
The dragon's eyes widened, he knew that voice, but there was no way in hell…
The next thing Wufei knew the creature was bounding out him, a huge smile on his face. “Wufei, what are you doing here? I was beginning to think I would never see you!”
Wufei side stepped as a blur of fox flew by him. He was not about to be tackled by the baka. Inu yipped as his target disappeared from in front of him. He tucked into a roll to keep from smashing face first into the ground. He came up covered in mulch with a lunatic's smile on his face. “What's the big deal? Okay so you're still mad about what happened. I can understand that.”
“I'm not angry about that. I simply do not want to be clobbered by a fox. Now will you explain why you attacked my traveling companion and where in the process of raiding my camp?”
“This is your camp? But I don't smell your sent on it.”
“We just arrived, I went to get wood, and so I have not spent any time in the camp.”
“Well what are you doing traveling with a human?”
“He's my master you moron! Why are you attacking humans, and what the hell are you doing out here? I thought you were serving Prince Trowa and his mythical.”
“I was, I mean I am, but I, wait-You mean this guy is your master?”
“Yes, you just knocked out King Treize.”
Inu paled, “ah shit, and I was sent to get his help. He'll never stop them now.”
Wufei's eyes narrowed, he didn't like where this was going. He knew the way mythicals thought when preparing for battle, and somehow he knew they had a hand in it. “What is it Inu?”
The fox's eyes drooped, his tail hanging low. “We were attacked, by an army of mythicals. They swarmed the kingdom Wufei. They're using the human's for slave labor and they have Trowa and Qautra held up. Trowa made me run before they took full control. He told me to get help. I thought that maybe King Treize would be willing, after all his kingdom would be next. Trowa's position is the perfect place to launch an attack. Course I don'' know if he will now. I did hit him pretty hard."
Wufei looked back at Treize, the man could be stubborn, but he would do what was right for his people, “he will help, or it will be his kingdom that will forfeit. Let's wake him up, it seems things are worse than we thought.”