Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Of Spirit and Servitude ❯ Chapter 8 ( Chapter 8 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Chapter 8
After lunch, Heero led his bonded out into a secluded training ring. He normally did his exercises first thing in the mornings but he had cut them short today so that he could handle court business then and have free time now. He intended to use it to begin his training with Duo.
“So Heero, what did you have in mind for us today?”
Duo stood across from him with his famous ear to ear smile on his face. Heero had told him that he was planing on giving him combat training, but he had not gone into too much detail. Now, as he began to stretch he elaborated on his plans a bit. “We'll be going through some basic hand to hand training. I plan to instruct you on weapons as well, but first you must gain some skill in open handed fighting.”
Duo nodded and copied Heero's moves. The demon probably didn't need to stretch. He was already naturally more flexible than Heero could ever hope to be, but it couldn't really hurt. After the pair had finished stretching, Heero started taking Duo through a series of blocking exercises. Duo was a quick student and was clearly willing to learn. Heero had shown the demon how to block various hand strikes, and had instructed Duo to keep his eyes locked on Heero's own. A novice fighter always looked at the spot on their foe they were going to hit before they struck. Even some more experienced fighters did this, though not as much. The prince had learned long ago that you could read an enemy's motions by watching their eyes. You could learn their next move, right before they acted. Of course, Heero had trained himself to overcome this weakness. He had learned to keep emotion out of his face, and his eyes locked on that of his opponent. That way it was much more difficult to read his next move. Now he forced himself to abandon this practice, purposely looking where he was going to strike. Duo seemed to have no trouble keeping his eyes on Heero, and he caught on fast. The prince slowly worked back into his old mask, so until not even the most experienced fighter could have read his moves, but still Duo managed to block him, though with great difficulty.
After a while Heero decided to start going over some basic kicks and punches with his bonded. This did not come quite as naturally to Duo. He had plenty of experience in eluding his attacker, avoiding fighting altogether, and his senses were inhumanly acute, but he was not a fighter and it showed. It took some time for him to get the basic kicks and punches down, and even more to learn to use them against Heero. But by the time dinner rolled around the two where truly sparing, though Heero clearly had the upper hand. Still, Duo was quick and nibble, able to dodge easily and his mind seemed to work in a way that differed from that of anyone Heero had ever fought. With his zigzag movements and an odd ability to slip out of any troublesome situation he got in, Duo truly gave Heero a workout. Still, it would be a while before the demon truly became comfortable with the art of fighting. His strikes were uncertain, and they were not backed by his full strength. It was almost as if he was afraid to put his full strength into it. Like he might hurt Heero. The prince knew that more confidence would come in time. Duo was a quick learner and Heero knew that the demon would one day be a great fighter. Heero was just about to call it quits for the night when he felt something wrap around his ankle, pulling him up and off his feet. He blinked, surprised by his sudden backward descent. By pure instinct, he avoided taking the brunt of the fall by tucking his chin to his chest and slapping his hands out on either side to absorb the force of impact.
Duo followed him down landing startled over him, his tail still wrapped around Heero's leg. The demons body was feather-light against the prince, and Duo's wings flared out to the sides, balancing him. “Didn't see that one coming ah Hee-chan?” Duo followed his question by nuzzling at Heero's neck, his bangs tickling at Heero's chin.
Heero sucked in a breath as the tender touch went straight to his groin. He had heard lust in his love's voice, a need that had been put on hold for far too long. He knew how Duo was feeling. He himself had greatly missed that closeness the two had found in the cave that first rainy night. That had been the last time they had been together like that. His father may not mind having just anyone walk in on him, but Heero was a little more reserved.
Still Heero knew that he could not suppress his desires for too long. Emotion could be ignored, hidden, and pushed aside, but it never disappeared and eventually Heero knew he would have to come to accept his desires. But now was not the time. The pair would soon be expected at dinner, and they had a meeting with Heero's war consul afterwards. Still, Heero leaned up grabbing Duo at the base of his braid and tugging downwards. The demon gave a surprised yip, his face being forced down to meet Heero. He gave no resistance however, as Heero clamped a strong passion filled kiss on the demon's lips. The pair lay there for a few seconds, neither willing for it to end. Duo kissed back savagely, his wings wrapping around them both in a concealing cocoon. Heero kept his constant hold on Duo's braid, using it as an anchor to hold himself to reality. Knowing that, if he allowed it, he would lose the control he had subtend over himself.
Heero pulled away, his voice a breathless whisper as he spook. “Later, koi, I promise. I can not forget I am a prince, nor can I forget that you are a bonded. Tonight I promise I will let that go, and try not to worry about this kingdom. But for now I know my duty, and you know yours. We will have to wait.”
Duo nodded though he didn't look at all happy about it. “Alright, but this meeting better not last too long. I can't take much more of this political stuff.”
Heero let a nearly invisible smile grace his features, “Duo, you have yet to even dollop into the world of politics. You're the prince's bonded now, and your world will be full of them.”
“What kind of a lightweight is this guy? I didn't hit `em that hard!”
Wufei growled at the offending fox. He had knelt down to awaken Treize but hadn't had any luck as of yet. It seemed the damned human was perfectly happy sleeping his day away. “He's not a `lightweight' as you put it. We have just been riding all day. He is human, of course he would be tired.”
“You're defending him? Man I never saw that coming. I thought that you hated humans.”
“I hate slavery, not humans.”
“If you say so. But that still doesn't explain why you're defending this guy. I mean he is the cause of your slavery.”
Wufei shook his head, “it is true that he captured me, and that he holds me even now, but I am the cause of my slavery as much as he is. I-I've excepted it. I have no place among my people. I am dead to them, as I am dead to myself.”
“What the hell are you talking about Wufei? You're still a mythical. Of course they'd take you back.”
“I could not. It would mean facing the army I myself trained in battle. It would me killing people that trusted me, even looked up to me.”
“Oh, and siding with the humans will ensure that that doesn't happen ah? I may not have known you when you were free, but I bet that you weren't the loner I am. I know you take pride in your race, and I just can't believe you'd turn your back on them so easily.”
“I won't turn my back on them fox!” Wufei stopped surprised by his own tone. His voice had been harsh, even condescending. This made no sense. He didn't blame Inu for his current predicament and the fox had every right to ask. He supposed it was his own uncertainty that caused his outburst. His own feelings of betrayal to both of his people that made him upset.
He was also not happy about learning that the mythicals had already made such a drastic move against humans. He had thought that, if he spook to his people he could avoid war. Now it seemed they were in too deep. There may be no persuading either side.
“Wufei, can you hand me your canteen?”
The dragon blinked surprised by the sudden change in subject. He supposed he couldn't blame Inu, from the looks of it the fox had left suddenly and with no time to prepare. He had nothing on him, not even a weapon. He must have been desperate for food and water, which explained why he would have been raiding a camp in the first place. Wufei handed over his canteen expecting the fox to down it in a single gulp.
Instead Inu unsecured the cap and then poured out the canteen's contents all over the sleeping human. Well Treize did not remain asleep for long. He jumped up with a yelp and looked around franticly.
“Oh nicely done baka! That will put you in his favor for sure.”
“Hey if I'd have waited for you to wake him we would have been here all night and though tomorrow.”
“He would have awoken.”
“Yeah well I was just speeding up the process, that's all.”
“By pouring water all over him?”
“Hey, it worked didn't it?”
Wufei did not wait for a reply but turned to Treize instead. The human had a rather confused look on his face. “Wufei who is this?”
“An annoying little honorees bastard that I met when Duo and I went to rescue Heero. His name's Inu, and he was the king's bonded until recently.”
Inu gave a sweeping bow in response flashing a sleigh smile. “Once bonded to the king, but now I'm just your average diplomat. Pleased to meet you.”
Treize raised an eyebrow, “You are the Barton kingdom's diplomat?”
“Hai, their one and only.”
Treize looked the mythical over. The fox stood before him looking just as Wufei remembered him. Slim and wiry, looking as if standing still was the hardest task a person could perform. He wondered what Treize would think of him.
“Um, Inu isn't it? Why have you come here?”
“Oh I um, well I'm here on behalf of Trowa Barton. His kingdom has fallen under siege. An army of mythicals came out of no where. They've taken control of the kingdom and are holding its inhabitance hostage. King Trowa and his mythical Quatra were captured, and the humans are being forced to labor for the mythicals. I was not there for long. Trowa ordered me to leave and get help as soon as the mythicals attacked, but I am sure that this will not end here. Their real target is the Yuy kingdom I am sure of that.”
Treize studied the fox before speaking, his voice calm and collected. “Why is it that you believe my kingdom is their main target?”
“Well for starters their whole army isn't stationed in my home. We had several of our scouts return from assignment about a week ago. They reported that the other countries bordering your kingdom had been attacked. Prince, or um, I mean King Trowa decided to send me to warn you then, but the mythicals attacked right before I could leave. It seems now I must come with a plea for help rather than a warning of caution.”
“I see, then I must continue onward. With so many of their people spread between kingdoms there will not be much resistance at their home base. Wufei has told me he knows the way there, and it is there that I shall go. I gave Heero the responsibility of protecting my kingdom, and I trust him not to fail. Now I can not fail at getting to the root of this problem and I do need your help to do that. I am sorry but I can offer the Barton kingdom no aid at this time.”
Wufei reeled as if he had been struck. “Nani? You intend to abandon these people? To leave them in the hands of their enemy?”
“I have my reasons, Dragon. I can not worry about smaller invasions at the moment.”
“So you will sacrifice their lives in order to save your precious shape shifter?”
“I will do it to save my people dragon! I have made my decision and you will follow it.”
Wufei growled low under his breath, “as you wish, my pigheaded honorees master.” Without another word Wufei turned and stormed into the woods. He needed some time alone. He did not know why he had resorted to name calling. He normally had more control over his emotions, and would not have resorted to throwing out insults. There was something about Treize that caused him to go into these unpredictable moods. Something that Wufei could not control, and it was this lack of control that infuriated him most. Treize was making a grave mistake. Now Prince Heero and Duo would find themselves surrounded, with no allies in sight, and the only two mythicals that could have helped would be days and days away.