Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Oh Brother! ❯ Going Back ( Chapter 8 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: I hereby declare that I do not own gundam wing. However I do own my own ideas in the creation of this piece of fiction. Other standard disclaimer conditions apply Please check my profile for the web addy.

<Duo POV>

I left the house with what little belongings that I had brought with me and began my way back home. In the stories that I have been told in the orphanage, home was supposed to be a dream come true - it was a place where one was truly loved, a place where you would never get hurt but that has never been the case for me so off I go once again, walking the streets back to the place where at least one person loved me.

It was Dorothy who saw me first. She was teaching the younger children how to play hopscotch in the front yard of the orphanage.

"Hey Duo! Good to see you again. How's life with your new family? Are you here to visit us?"

I shook my head.

"Duo!" That was Father Maxwell. "Duo what are you doing here?"

"They hate me. I'm never going back there again. I don't want to go to live with new families anymore. I want to stay here forever with you." Tears spilled from my eyes and ran down my cheeks and I felt shame. "Boy's don't cry." I sobbed. "Damn, I'm so weak, boys don't cry. I'm not supposed to cry."

"Oh Duo, you ran away?"

I sobbed and nodded my head.

Father Maxwell picked me up, took me inside and sat me in his lap.

"Right, now Duo. Tell me everything that happened. Start from the very beginning."

So start from the beginning I did. I told him how nice the adults were to me, how I was allowed to have my own room. I told Father about starting school and even about how Hee Chan played hero and stopped a car from running into me. Father Maxwell seemed extremely surprised and happy for me when he heard that I could start school in the fourth grade. I told Father about the drum kit…then I told him about the fight.

"And then he told me he hated me with his heart and soul and that he wished that Mr and Mrs Yuy never took me in. He blamed me for everything. I don't know why…I'm lucky enough to be given the opportunity to go to a home but always end up getting hurt in the end. That's why I want to stay here with you forever."

Father looked at me funny gave me a funny look.

"Why would this Hee Chan save you from getting hit by a car if he hated you with his heart and soul? Surely a person who hates you that bad wouldn't want to save you, right Duo?"

I crossed my arms. "Hee Chan probably saved me so that mom wouldn't have to worry if I did get hurt. He is selfish and leaves people out…I think I hate him too."

"Now my son, what have I taught you about forgiveness? Do you think that you can forgive this Hee Chan and give the family a second chance?"

I shook my head. I was determined to never ever go back to that place again.

"I don't want no big bed or my own room or lots of toys! I want to feel safe and be loved and I feel all that here." I gripped Father Maxwell's hand tightly. "Please let me stay with you forever? Please?"

Father Maxwell looked down at me with a gentle and loving smile. "Duo, you should know by now that people don't live forever." He picked me up and put me on the floor. "I'll give you a day to rest and then I'll call your parents and inform them about the situation. You can have your old room back." He said before calling for my childhood friend.


A blonde popped his head into the room. "Yea what it is DUO! You're back!"

"And hoping to stay forever." I replied.

<Heero POV>

I completely freaked out when Duo went out the door. I tried to follow him but he was too fast. Now I was left in the house and a thousand thoughts were running through my head. Thoughts like `Oh rap! He's left, what am I going to do? What's going to happen?"

"Boys! I'm home and I've bought you ice cream for being so good yesterday. Boys? Heero? Duo? BOYS!"

I stopped. Mom had come home. I went forward to greet her. "Hi mom…uh you're back early."

"Well of course. I didn't want to feed my boys melted ice cream. She said while she placed two scoops of chocolate ice cream into two bowls. "Here." She said and turned around.

"Hi Heero. Here's your after school snack. Where's Duo?"

Once again I froze on the spot. What was I supposed to tell her?

"Heero? Where is your younger brother?" she said again but this time in a firmer tone.

"He's uh…"

My mom waved one hand in the air. "Oh how silly of me. The poor boy must be exhausted from being at school all day. I bet that he's gone to his room for a nap." I watched her unpack the groceries and muttering something about how hard it must be for a seven year old in the fourth grade.

I had finished my ice cream and was halfway through Duo's share when my father burst into the house.

"Where are my two lovely sons this fine evening?" he asked cheerfully.

"Heero's just finishing off here and Duo's upstairs sleeping. I think that he's had a rough day at school." Said my mom before I could answer.

Dad smiled. "I'll go check on him now. Should I wake him up now or later?"

"Now would be a good idea. If he sleeps too much now he may not want to go back to bed later."

Five minutes later I heard my dad's footsteps pounding down the stairs.

"HONEY. Duo's not in his room. He's not in the toy room either."

"Have you checked all the other rooms?"


I suddenly found two pairs of eyes staring down at me.

"Heero." Said my mom softly. "Do you know where Duo is?"

"I ah….uh….um…Duo…he's…kinda…"

"Heero. Be serious here." My dad said sternly. "Where is your little brother?"

"He ran away?" I said quickly and then waited for the reaction.

There was a silence that seemed to reign for eternity and I presumed to be the time it took for the information to be processed by adult brains.

"Your brother ran away." My dad finally said. "You let your brother run away?"

I nodded.

"How could you let that happen?" wailed my mom.

"I didn't let it happen. He said that he wanted to leave so…he left."

My mom gripped onto my dad. "Oh what are we going to do? We have a missing child! He's only seven years old and on the streets, all by himself. What happens if he's hungry or gets kidnapped? "

"We are going to look for him now." My dad said in a firm tone of voice. "Everyone get in the car and keep a look out for Duo."

Dad drove around the city streets while mom and I kept our eyes peeled for a short longhaired boy. After driving around the city streets, dad drove round the suburban areas. After three hours of being stuck in the car we found nothing. Our family came home exhausted, hungry and tired. Mom was crying so hard that she couldn't even stand up properly.

"He's gone, I'll never see him again." She cried over and over again. Then the phone rang and dad went to pick it up.

"Uh huh…I see…Yes I understand….Tomorrow? Yes that would be fine with me. What time should I come over?…Oh I will bring him. Don't you worry about that. Thank you very much. Goodbye."

Dad hung up the phone and then looked at me.

"Son we are in for a very long talk."