Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Oh Brother! ❯ Fight! ( Chapter 7 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: I hereby declare that I do not own gundam wing. However I do own my own ideas in the creation of this piece of fiction. Other standard disclaimer conditions apply Please check my profile for the web addy.

<Heero POV>

"I failed it! Mom did you hear me?" I shouted when I entered the house. "I failed the damned test and it's all thanks to that no good lil brother of mine who was making so much noise last night."

I realized that mom must have gone out when she didn't respond so I turned to face the pest who was standing about three feet away from me. Crouching down to his level I motioned for him to come closer. His fright filled face lit up with hope as he shuffled slowly towards me.

"You are one annoying, despicable brat and I HATE YOU." I spat. "GOT THAT? I HATE YOU!"

I watched that as his eyes widened and fill up with tears. The smile that he constantly wore turned a full 180 degrees. Inwardly I waited for the wail, the shout for `mom he's being mean to me' but it never happened. The tears that I anticipated…well they, never fell. Instead he hung his head, his bangs covered his face and I could no longer see the painful emotions that swirled in his eyes.

"You…you hate me?" I detected a slight waver in his voice. "Y…you really well and truly hate me? With all your heart?"

"Of course I hate you. I have never failed a test in my life until today. You are the cause of this failure. I despise you with all my heart and soul and I wish that they never brought you here." I yelled.

"Oh." He said softly. "I understand." Then the turned and padded quietly in the direction of his room. When he reached the door he turned around to face me and that was when I saw the sadness in his eyes. However it was too late for me to do anything. The hurtful words had been said and the damage had been done. All I could do was watch as he shut the door and locked it.

I really started to worry two hours later when he hadn't come out of his room. I mean, how long can a 7 year old hold a grudge for? Anyway my concern for him got the better of me so I went up and tried to open the door. When it wouldn't budge I knocked on it several times.

"Duo? Duo are you ok?"

Several thoughts were currently swimming though my head at that moment. What if there was an accident and he had broken his leg or maybe had cut himself and was unconscious due to blood loss? Or worse still what if he had committed suicide and died. It would all be my fault because…because I told him to scram. I tried to shake these thoughts out of my head and told myself that I was being stupid.

"Duo?" I rapped on the door so hard that my knuckles were turning red. "Duo, I'm not fooling around. Answer me if you're ok."

I think my heart did a triple somersault when I heard a loud thump.


"Go away and leave me alone!" said a muffled voice.

"God, you scared the crap outta me. I thought you had gone and done something stupid."

The door opened and I was faced with a furious little brother. "Why do you care so much?" he shouted. "Remember? You said that you hated me, with your heart and soul!"

"I…I didn't mean-"

"If you didn't mean it you wouldn't have said it." He held out an arm and charged forward, dragging a small bag behind him. "Tell my ex-mom and ex-dad that I'm leaving."

"W…wait! You can't do that! Where are you going? You'll uh, you'll get lost."

Duo turned around and looked me straight in the eye.

"I know how to get around." He said firmly. "I'm not stupid. I know my way back to the orphanage and I can do that ALONE"

"You can't do that." I started to fret. Maybe shouting in his face was a bad idea. "What will mom and dad say?"

Duo rolled his eyes at me as if I had asked him the stupidest question in the universe. "You're big and smart. Deal with it." He said and then he left.