Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Once Upon a December ❯ Once Upon a December ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Title: Once upon a December chapter 5 of 5
Author: Vega-Lume
Disclaimer: I don't own the boys I just like to play with them. (hee hee) and I do promise to put them back when I am done (has fingers crossed)
Pairing 1x2x1 (you decide)
Warnings: death (duh), angst (double duh), A/U, fluff (*glares at the fluff * where the heck did you come from!!!) Religious themes (towards the end)
Beta: Hymie * wink*
Archive... =&type=&rate=&lang=english&anime=&srcht=srcan&srch= Vega+-Lume PSESSID=d6236f25c17ab967d7f84831b771b612
Special chapter warning: citrus. My citrus is kinda weak I tried for a lime but I think I ended up with a kumquat 0_o;
For Presser
Once upon a December
Chapter 5
By Vel
The mysterious youth sat there, his eyes wide. He knew now why he was here, why he had been where he was in the river, why Duo was destined to rescue him. Not that he would have died anyway. He was after all, already dead.
He had a mission, one that must be completed at all costs. Failure was not an option.
Oh God how he wished another had been chosen, fate was cruel and it simply was not fair that he alone was the one to carry out this particular mission.
Duo watched the youth cautiously, something strange was happening here. He could feel the tension radiating from the young man, tension and something else, something that was so strong that it nearly caused pain to Duo's heart. Pain and a deep soul shattering sadness.
The fear that he had felt before was suddenly changed to compassion, he wanted to comfort the youth, to sooth away the pain and sadness that was now so clearly visible on his beautiful face.
“What is wrong? What has saddened you so?” Duo asked softly.
The youth gasped his head jerking up and his deep blue eyes settling on a pair of concerned violet ones.
“No...Nothing is wrong,”
“That's not true, I can see the sadness on your face as clearly as I can see it in your eyes.”
Duo could see the struggle marring the youth's features, he knew that the young man wanted to tell him something.
“I…” he swallowed “I have to do something. Something that I do not want to do.”
“What do you have to do? Why do you have to do it if you do not wish to?”
“If I fail to do as I am commanded, then someone I care for with all of my heart will die. If I complete my task then, I will be separated from my loved one for a very long time, possibly forever.”
It was so clear now, no wonder he wanted to forget. Something like that would be difficult for even the strongest man and this youth that sat before him seemed so frail.
“That's awful, who would place such a difficult task upon some one so young?”
“I can not say, I have already said too much.” With that the youth turned away and refused to speak any longer.
“Please tell me. What is this task you must complete, can I help in any way?”
“NO!” the dark-haired youth's head shot up. “No I must do this alone, If you interfere then all will be lost.” His head dropped down once again, his dark hair obscuring his eyes, and in a voice that Duo barely heard he whispered “I can not loose you again.”
Duo's eyes widened, he must have been hearing things. How could someone he had never met before say something like that? You can not loose someone you never had. Unless…
“You are my Heero, aren't you?”
“Yes” again, said in a voice that was a mere whisper.
“How can that be? I… you were dead, the elders buried you. I saw you dead!”
“I can not tell, I was never meant to tell you that I am who I am.”
“I do not understand, you died. How can you be here? Why now?”
“My task, this mission is the sole purpose of my return I was sent back only complete it” Heero sighed and turned to look at the fire. “As for why now, the time is crucial, if I had come later, I would not have been able to do anything.”
Duo nodded as if he understood, and somewhere deep inside he felt that he did understand. He was the reason Heero had returned. His thoughts of ending his life, God must have a purpose for him, why else would he have sent Heero to save him.
He did understand, Heero was sent back to prevent him from taking his own life. But what would happen now? Heero had succeeded.
Duo paused to think on what Heero had told him.
//“If I fail to do as I am commanded, then someone I care for with all of my heart will die. If I complete my task then, I will be separated from my loved one for a very long time, possibly forever.”//
Heero would have to go back now that Duo no longer entertained his thoughts of suicide.
“ I won't let you go, Heero. I need you. Is there any way to prevent you from having to leave? Is there any way I can go with you?”
“No, you are alive. You must remain here and I must go back.”
“This is not fair!” Duo shouted, “Why can't we be together!”
Heero rose, turning to face the angry longhaired man. Lifting a hand he gently touched Duo's cheek.
“I love you, Duo. I have always been with you; I will always be with you no matter what happens. But you must promise me something. Promise that you will live, live for me.”
Tears welled up in Duo's eyes.
“Please don't leave me again.” Duo begged. Heero's gaze lowered, his slender fingers slipping away from Duo's cheek.
“I wish I could stay, but I can not. I do not know how long I have but I want to spend what time I have left with you.”
Duo placed a finger beneath Heero's chin and gently lifted his face until their eyes met.
“I love you Heero,” He whispered, then lowered his face placing a kiss on Heero's lips.
The strange electric feeling he had felt before suddenly coursed through his body starting from the point where their lips met. Duo felt a stirring in his stomach that he had never felt before; something was telling him that this was right.
The kiss that had started as something that was unsure began to deepen into something much more powerful. Hands began to roam over rapidly heated bodies. Clothing was lost. Bare flesh met bare flesh. Tongues and bodies danced to a tune that was as old as time it's self.
It was many hours later when the moon was full and low in the pre dawn sky when either one of them stirred. He rose from where he lay upon the discarded clothing in front of the warm fireplace. Carefully slipping from his lover's embrace.
What they had shared was a beautiful thing filled with love and warmth, though it was laced with an underlying sadness, each knowing that this would be their first and last time.
Heero stood, gazing down at the sleeping face of his beloved. He knelt, gently removing his under tunic and pants from the makeshift bed and slipping them onto his nude body. Leaning forward he placed a soft kiss to Duo's hair then rose again.
“Thank you, Duo,” He whispered. “I love you.”
With that, he collected his boots and blue outer tunic then left the homestead and did not look back.
I was just moments later that Duo stirred and found himself alone.
//Oh God No//
“Heero! Heero please be here!” There was no reply. Duo searched the clothing for Heero's tunic. Not finding it he grabbed his own, throwing it over himself. He rushed to the door and found it slightly ajar.
He pushed the door open fully and stepped out into the pre-morning light. It had snowed while they had slept. Just a light dusting of powder that would be gone in a few hours time.
Duo's eyes scanned the earth for any sign as to where Heero had gone, he hoped that the youth had simply gone to the outhouse but when he spied Heero's footprints in the light snow it was clear that he had gone back to the river.
Duo broke into a run, praying that it would not be too late.
He burst into the clearing and froze. Heero stood in a shallow part of the icy river, the cold water barely reaching higher then his ankles.
Duo took a step closer to his beloved only to stop when Heero shouted at him.
“Duo stay where you are! Don't come any closer!”
“Heero please, come to me.” Duo pleaded
Heero turned to look at Duo, tears glittering in his eyes. “I can't,” the wind carried the heart broken whisper to Duo's ears.
Then as sudden as a thunderclap Heero droped to his knees, his face tilted to the heavens.
A brilliant blue white light filled the clearing giving Heero an otherworldly glow. The light snow began to fall again, the flakes turning an eerie gold as they gently floated past the kneeling youth.
There was a blinding flash of light causing Duo to close his eyes, and in the instant that his eyes were closed and agonizing cry of pure pain tore it's way past Heero's lips.
Forcing his eyes open against that light he focused on his beloved and gasped.
Heero was still kneeling in the same position that he had been, only now there where feathered wings of the purest white adorning his shoulder blades.
Ignoring the warning, Duo took another step towards the youth only to be stopped again, not by Heero this time but by that blinding light again. His eyes burned, and tears ran freely down his cheeks.
The light seemed to grow more intense, so much so that Duo had to raise his hands to shield his eyes against it.
It seemed like an eternity later that he was able to open his eyes once again. He blinked trying to clear his blurred vision. At first he thought that the snow was now falling heavier large white spots floating past his eyes.
He glanced down at his bare feet and was shocked to learn that it was not snow. They were feathers; brilliant white feathers littered the earth, all around him.
Crouching he picked one up and noticed that the end of the feather where it had been attached was covered in blood. Worry suddenly over came him with so much force that his heart nearly stopped.
He stood and ran into the water; Heero was no longer kneeling in fact Heero could no longer be seen.
// God please, please// Duo begged silently as he waded into the icy water, when he reached the point where he had last seen Heero, he nearly tripped.
Heero was still here! But here was lying face down in the water and he was not moving.
Sobbing Duo fell to his knees turning Heero into his back and pulling the youth into his arms. Heero was pale; his tunic was torn and splattered with blood.
“Love? Please open your eyes, please don't leave me…” Duo stared into Heero's too still face and felt his soul shatter. If Heero left him again then he would truly have nothing to live for.
Duo's eyes slid shut as the tears that continued to stream down his cheeks dripped from his chin to fall on to Heero's face. Then suddenly he felt the gentle brush of fingertips across his cheek. Startled his violet eyes shot open.
Heero lay there looking extremely tired but alive, his Prussian blue eyes were filled with happiness.
“He let me stay.” Heero said in a mere whisper.
Duo did not reply he simply leaned forward and sealed Heero's lips with his own. They kissed gently for a moment then Duo broke the kiss. He stood, Heero cradled in his arms.
“Let's go home love.” Heero nodded, looping his arms around Duo's neck.
They arrived back at the homestead a short while later, Duo carried Heero directly into the bedchamber and laid him down on the soft bed. As before the wounds on Heero's back were already nearly healed.
Lovingly Duo stripped the wet clothing form his beloved's body, then from his own. After they were both bare he joined Heero on the bed.
For now they would rest.
Tomorrow they will begin their new life together. Duo now had something to live for and Heero, whose life had ended too soon, will finally have the chance to truly live.
God had worked two miracles this day.
This is the pic that inspired this fic.