Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Once Upon a December ❯ Chapter 4 ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

title: Once upon a December 4
author: Vega-Lume
Duo sat gapping at the man who lay before him, eyes wide in shock. He looked
so much like Heero that it was frightening. But it simply could not be, Heero had been dead for nearly six years.
Suddenly the man rolled on his side and coughed out water, Duo moved to help him sit up once he had stopped coughing.
"Are you alright?"
The man paused, staring at Duo oddly, as if he had never seen another human in his life. He blinked a few times then nodded.
"Good, um..., why were you in the river?"
"I...I don't know." the man replied in a nasal voice "I only remember that there was something very important that I had to do."
Duo saw the genuinely puzzled expression on the mans face and sighed. He knew nothing about loss of memory or how to treat it, but he did have enough sense to realize that if they continued to sit on the snowy riverbank in wet clothes, they would both catch their death.
"Come, we are going to my homestead." Duo stated as he stood then offered a hand up.
The man took the hand gratefully and stood; the top of his head barely reaching Duo's chin. Duo pulled his hand back quickly, once the man stood steady. An odd electrical sensation, still causing the fingers to tingle. The braided man turned away.
"Come, the homestead is not far." he started walking. After a moment of two he stopped. There was no sound behind him, no indication that the man was indeed following him. He turned abruptly and the man nearly collided with him.
There was a curious expression on his face, but Duo simply shook his head and continued on.
The pair arrived at the homestead moments later. Duo ushered the half-frozen youth into his home and sat him down in front of the fire.
"Wait here, while I fetch you something warm to wear." said Duo
The youth nodded, and Duo vanished into a room at the back of the house. He returned a short while later, with a dry tunic and a cloth that the youth could use to dry off with.
"I do not know how I will ever be able to repay your kindness." The man said softly, gratefully accepting the offered items.
"No thanks are necessary.” Duo replied and watched as the youth removed his sodden cloak to reveal an expensive looking blue tunic over a white long-sleeved under tunic and white trousers. Brown fur lined boots were laced up the youth's calves.
Duo could not help but stare for a moment, he had never seen clothing like this up close before. The only time he had ever seen it was when the Princess from a neighboring kingdom passed through to marry the prince of this kingdom last spring.
If the man noticed that Duo was staring, he made no indication. He simply removed his blue outer tunic and white under tunic, placing the items in front of the fire to dry. He turned so that his back was facing Duo and sat near the hearth to dry his hair with the cloth provided.
Duo's eyes widened, there were two rather fresh wounds on the youth's upper back, one on each shoulder blade. They looked to be about six inches long and quite painful, for they were red and raw. But the braided man could see no sigh that the injuries caused any pain to his guest.
“Does your back hurt?” Duo questioned
“No. Why?”
“You have wounds on your back.”
“Odd, I do not feel them.”
Duo approached the man and gently touched his fingers to the wounds, the cuts felt smoother then he expected, in fact the seemed to be healing before his very eyes.
He gasped and stepped back, that strange tingling returning to his fingers. What manner of creature was this man, he simply could not be human. He feels no pain and heals far to quickly.
“What is it?” the man questioned, when he heard Duo's gasp
“Nothing, the wounds are not as bad as I first thought. They are nearly healed.” Duo silently scolded himself for lying but if this… creature was that of an evil nature he did not want to provoke an attack.
“Do you remember anything yet?” the man looked thoughtful for a moment, then slowly shook his head in negative.
“No, I only have this feeling that there is something very important that I must do.”
“Well, I can't turn you away in this condition so you may stay as long as you like.” Duo stated.
“Thank you, I will find a way to repay you someday.”
“Don't worry about it, but if you truly wish to offer some payment you may help around the homestead if you wish.” Duo placed the dry tunic he had brought, over the youth's shoulders and joined him in front of the fire.
“By the way, I am Duo”
“I…I do not know who I am.” hint of desperation tinged the quiet statement.
Duo looked at his guest and saw sadness etched on the youth's startlingly beautiful features.
“Come,” Duo said rising to his feet and offering a hand up “You mustn't dwell on it. Your memories will come to you in time.”
The youth looked up into the face of his rescuer and saw hints of fear and trepidation hidden beneath a cheerful expression.
`Why does he fear me so… I have done nothing to him. I am only here to… to…'
The youth gasped, his memories flooding back in a moment as quick as a blink of an eye. Suddenly he knew everything.
“ Oh God no…”