Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Once Upon a Lifetime ❯ The First Time I Laid Eyes on You ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Once Upon A Lifetime
By Oracle at Delphi and Shinigami's Rapture
The first time I laid eyes on you

Disclaimer: I don't own them

Authors note: Ok where actually gonna attempt a romance with a plot. ***Author's look at each other and grin evilly*** We are still working on our lemon fic So good at being bad but we changed the title because we hated it. Now its called Basic Training.

BTW I have entered Life Love and Family into the Fanfic Academy Awards under Janai. So if you like that fic, please go vote for me. The voting ends the first week of July. The categories are:

Thanks bunches
End of shameless self promotion.

Shinigami's_Rapture: Have you no shame?
Oracle at Delphi :Ummm…nope.

Fic Note: For those of you who don't know an optician is a person who makes eyeglasses.

She said, "I do." Now she pondered what in the hell that meant in the first place. Did it mean I do wish to put up with your shit for the rest of my life? Or did it mean I do wish to pay your bills, have sex with you even though it sucks, or even I do wish to be miserable for as long as I am married to you because I was too stupid to wait.

How often would she have to ask herself those questions? Her current marriage was horrible and all she wanted was her prince charming. Someone who had a job and could love her and give her every thing she wanted. Material shit was nothing to her all she wanted was someone to wine and dine her and love her even if it was just one night but how she wanted it to be forever. The man she wanted would like every thing that she did, he would be a dare devil and actually care about himself. He would make it a point to impress her everyday.

Hilde sighed as she looked at the dirty kitchen. Her husband was doing his usual and playing on the computer. He didn't work and wasn't making a conscience effort to work either. She worked hard every day and brought home her paycheck every two weeks just to have it disappear on her as soon as it hit the bank account. The only part she saw of it was the gas in her car and her nice nails that she kept done so she could look nice just in case she did meet her prince. Hilde surveyed the damage to her small apartment once more.

"Vacation Time" She said as she abruptly turned on her heel.

She gathered the essentials for her little baby boy, picked him up off of the floor and stalked out the door slamming it behind her. Faintly she wondered how long it would be before her husband noticed they were gone.


Jai stared at the letter in disbelief. The rent on her small two-bedroom apartment was going up to $700.

"Now ain't this some shit." She said as she tossed the offending letter to the wayside.

Frustrated she dove into her empty bed fully dressed. Wide-awake she stared at the ceiling. This was the bad part about going to bed. Going to bed alone. After two very bad relationships she wondered if Mr. Right even existed. From what she'd seen she doubted it. Mr. Right was either dead or otherwise occupied which meant they were committed in some way. Every night she dreamed of what it would feel like to go to sleep and wake up in a pair of strong arms that loved her for her. She wanted a man with sexy eyes and a sexy mind. A body would be a bonus. She always believed that the essence of a man was more important than how much money he had in his pocket or how he looked. Money she didn't need, she had enough of her own. What she needed was someone to talk to, a shoulder to cry on when needed. Even the strongest of women have moments of weakness. It would be wonderful to have someone that didn't take advantage of her during those moments. She turned over and closed her eyes. At least she could have Mr. Right in her dreams.


Hilde and Jai saw each other all the time online and were meeting for the first time ever. Hilde had a little boy named Drew and Jai also had two boys named, Dominic and Dimitri. Jai and her boys met Hilde and Drew at the airport. From there they went to the mall. They dropped their kids off at a place in the mall made for parents so they wouldn't have to shop with their kids.

The girls walked through the mall bitching about their daily lives and how it sucked just to be them. They were beautiful women who just wanted someone to finally look their way because they had been overlooked all their lives. After picking up their kids and going home Hilde suggested that they call a babysitter and go out. She would pay. All Jai had to do was go and Jai gladly accepted. The babysitter came and the girls left. The club was hot and smoky but a definite change for both of them. It was packed with men. Single or not the girls were just glad to look at something nice for a change. They danced with various men and then decided to take a break for a glass of wine to toast their first meeting.

They ordered their wine and before they could leave the bar a blonde man grabbed Jai's glass and said, "That stuff is shit." And poured out her wine.

Jai started to smack the man but hesitated when her eyes met his. His eyes were so blue that they began drowning her in their sea. He motioned for the man to refill her glass with wine. Hilde watched as Jai stared at the man lost in his eyes and never felt her glass leave her hand until she went to drink from it. She looked down at her hand then towards the blonde man thinking he took it from her. He still held Jai's glass and his own in his hands. She looked towards the bar and saw a man dressed in black with a braid that went down to his knees having her glass refilled with what was obviously the good stuff.

The man turned his head to the side and licked his lips. She assumed he just knew she was staring at him because he looked back at her and smiled causing her to blush. It only made his smile broaden. She on the other hand was wondering what she did that made God grace her with one of his pawns and she thought Jai was thinking the same. Especially when Jai looked her way, pointed and mouthed "OH MY GOD!"

The guys led them to their table that for a club was a quiet spot where no one had to yell. Jai and Hilde were unusually quiet for the two of them not really knowing what they were going to say.

"You know that wine is going to get warm." The blond man said.

The braided man started laughing, "You guys can't always be this quiet, and WOMEN always have something to say. Besides you two don't seem to be the shy type."

Jai was staring at the blond man in disbelief, "Uh…um…yeah…um…right. My name is Jai and this" Jai said nudging Hilde, " is Hilde."

The blond man laughed at the flustered Jai. "My name is Quatre and the braided baka next to me is Duo."

Duo frowned at Quatre, which made Hilde laugh. Upon hearing her laugh Duo laughed too.

For Hilde and Jai the conversation was off to a bad start. First, they were acting shy and neither woman was anything but. Second, they were both so amazed that their idea of the perfect man was out there and that they were sitting right in front of them that Jai was stuttering like an idiot and Hilde was playing the mute.

"So Duo what do you drive?"

Jai crunched her eyebrows at Hilde. Hilde just shrugged her shoulders and gave her a look that said, "It was a stupid question but hey."

"A Jeep." He said awkwardly.

"Oh, do you take the doors and top off?" She asked getting excited.

"Yeah, I just like to feel the wind in my hair."

She smiled, "What I wouldn't give to have one of my own."

Jai took a sip of her wine, "This is really good."

Hilde knew Jai loved wine and Hilde was only drinking it because she told Jai she would. It didn't matter to her if the bottle had cost a million dollars it would still taste like shit. It was obvious Duo wasn't too fond of it either. Quatre told her what it was. Jai looked at Quatre, and then back at the glass she held in her hand and shook her head. She couldn't believe what she was drinking. They talked in their own conversation about the wine. A waitress came around and Duo looked at his glass and then at Hilde's.

"Give me two beers."

The lady reached down into her bucket and handed him the beers. Hilde smiled at him.

Jai said, "Oh no bitch you promised you would at least taste it. This is for our toast anyway."

"What are we toasting to?" Quatre asked.

"Well we have been online buddies for a while now and we just met for the first time today and we are celebrating tonight."

"That is a reason to toast. Don't you think Quatre buddy and we get to celebrate it with them."

All four of them held up their glasses and they clanked together as Jai said, "To long friendships."

They each took a sip. Hilde immediately sat the glass down in disgust and proceeded to chase the wine with half of the bottle of beer saying, "Eeeeeeewwwww that shit is nasty." And shaking her head as Jai and Quatre laughed at her.

Quatre asked, "Who is from here?"

Jai told him she was and were Hilde was from.

"How long are you staying?" Duo asked her.

"A week is all I could get off because I am in a training school."

"What do you girls do?" Quatre asked.

Jai told him she was a computer major and an unemployed mom of two and told them Hilde was an employed mom of one or two depending on how you looked at it and that she was working towards becoming a licensed optician but that you might as well call her unemployed because she never saw any of her money.

"What do you mean one or two?" Duo asked.

Hilde dropped her head then looked at the wall to hide her sadness, "Unfortunately I am married."

Jai patted her hand supportively.

"I have already put in my transfer for up here I just have to see which one has a position open for me."

"How long will that take?" Quatre asked.

"Not long I should be talking to them while I am up here. I will be going to work in the local store to see if I like it."

Duo just smiled and he looked at Quatre, "Why don't you girls let us take you dinner to help you celebrate your meeting tomorrow night?" Quatre nodded his head in agreement, "Yeah I insist."

The rest of night went well. They chatted and even danced with each other. All could tell this was not just a coincidence.

The next day Hilde and Jai spent talking about what had happened the night before and comparing notes on the guys. Duo was more of the scruffier type of man and Quatre was always the perfect the gentleman. Each man was exactly the type of guy they liked. They couldn't wait for the night to get here. Finally it was seven, neither girl was ready and there was a knocking at the door. The babysitter grinning answered the door letting the men in.

Quatre removed his suit coat and Duo his jacket and tossed them on the back of the couch. They played with the children and quickly figured out whose kid was who's. Jai and Hilde finally came out laughing and stopped when they saw the men. Hilde didn't know if she should laugh or be horrified and Jai just smirked.

Drew hit Duo in the head with his baby bottle. Afterwards, Duo would give Drew pointers on how to properly grip the nipple and how to flick the wrist to get the maximum effect. Quatre was currently wrestling with Dominic and Dimitri who were squealing and laughing in pure delight.

Hilde looked side ways at Jai, "The kids are beating the hell out of our dates."

Jai's smirk turned into a grin, "Yeah, that means they like them. This just keeps getting better."

"You girls look great." Quatre said as he launched another kid into the air.

Duo just stared at Hilde making her nervous. Drew took advantage of the situation and hit Duo in the temple with his bottle, causing Duo to momentarily see stars. Duo shook his head to clear his vision and ruffled Drew's hair.

"That's a good boy. Know your enemies weakness." He said as he got up from the floor.

Jai was dressed in a navy blue fitted spaghetti strapped dressed that flowed all the way down to her ankles and had a split the went up to her hip on the right side. Hilde was wearing a pair of black pants that were tight and bell bottomed with a silver belt and a white and black tiger striped spaghetti strapped shirt that tied where there should have been a back to her shirt.

Duo extended his hand for her, "Ready."

Jai grabbed Quatre's arm as he extended it for her to take.

"Don't bring her back till day light!" The babysitter shouted at Quatre grinning from ear to ear.

Jai frowned and Quatre answered her with a wink.

They walked down the stairs and outside where two cars were waiting, a jeep and a convertible jaguar. Duo helped Hilde into the driver's side of his jeep and smiled as he buckled her in. Their faces were close and he could feel her breath on his cheek in short pants; it was obvious she was nervous. He placed the keys in her hands and hopped in the passenger side. A few moments later Hilde realized Duo was going to let her drive his jeep with the top down and the doors off through the cool summer air.

"HELL YEAH!!!" Hilde shouted as she inserted the key and revved up the engine grinning.

Duo smiled and laughed at her excitement. At that moment he decided to make it a point to always make her that happy.

Quatre helped Jai into the car and gave her some flowers that he had picked up along the way. He gave her a dozen roses each of different colors and Jai was quite happy.

Jai heard Hilde shout and looked over to see what was so exciting. She then noticed that Hilde was in the driver's seat and ready to raise hell on the road.

Jai turned to Quatre, "Duo must have a death wish."

"Why would you say that?' He asked curiously.

"Because he let Hilde drive her dream car." She replied.

Quatre looked over at the excited couple, "Well they don't call him the God of Death for nothing."


Quatre took them to a restaurant that was nice and everyone could get what they wanted because the guys really had no idea what the girls would or would not eat. After looking over the menu Hilde joked to Jai, "At least they serve food that you will recognize."

"Well at least I don't have to worry about eating some poor defenseless animal."

Hilde stuck her tongue out at Jai and Quatre asked, "What do you mean?"

"Chinese food she loves it and I won't eat it 'cause I can't tell what's in it."

Duo laughed at her and began a conversation with Hilde about Chinese food because he loved it too and Jai and Quatre were talking about going to see a movie after dinner. After dinner Jai and Quatre told Duo and Hilde that they were going to a movie. Duo looked at Hilde, "What would you like to do?"

Hilde looked from Duo to the jeep and back to Duo again who smiled at her. "Want to drive again?" he asked dangling the keys in the air.

"Nah, I would like to ride."

"Good, I know just where we are going."

Jai and Hilde looked at each other, "Should we set a curfew just incase?" Hilde asked.

Jai looked at her and said, "No we should just enjoy ourselves." Hilde agreed and both went on their separate ways.


As Duo raced down the road Hilde stood up and let the wind capture her hair while holding onto the roll cage. Duo only laughed at her because it seemed that maybe for once in her life she might actually be truly happy and he was going to find out all that he could about her tonight.

Duo took Hilde to a secluded spot that overlooked the city. You could see for miles and the stars were out in full force. They got out and Duo pulled a blanket out from the back of his jeep that was there from his last camping trip. It was a little dirty on the outside but the inside was nice and clean. He spread it out and plopped down on it patting the rest of the blanket next to him.

"I take it you want me to sit down."

"Well you don't have to, I can stand up with you." He said as he started to get up.

Hilde sat down before he got up laughing, "I am sorry I just feel a bit awkward."

"I didn't mean to make you feel that way. I just wanted to get to know you, I promise to be a good little boy." He said with a devilish grin.

Hilde hit his arm, "Shut up I am a big girl I think I can take care of myself."

"So talk I want to know everything about you."


"Because I am a nosey, horny man and before I make sweet love to you…" Duo began to laugh, "Ok just because I am nosey."

Hilde just looked at him, "What do you want to know horny, nosey man?"

"Why you are so beautiful yet so sad would be a good start."


Quatre escorted Jai out to his waiting car taking notice of all the stares she was getting from men as they passed them by. There was no doubt in his mind why they were staring at her. She was a total knock out in that figure forming dress that gave anyone who looked a tease of what was underneath. She carried herself with a grace that radiated self-confidence and independence. The more time he spent in her company the more attracted he became. Quatre caught a glace of Jai's tanned athletic thigh as she sat down in his car. Jai saw this and looking up at him through her lashes said, "See something you like?"

Quatre licked his lips and let his gaze travel the length of her body before resting on her deep blue eyes, "Very much so." He replied as he closed the door.

Quatre stopped behind the car to get his raging hormones under control. He didn't want her to think that he just wanted to sleep with her. He liked her more for her personality. After calming himself, Quatre got in the drivers seat.

"What took you so long? I was beginning to wonder if I scared you off." Jai said.

Quatre glanced sideways at her, "You can't get rid of me that easily."

Jai smiled back, "I'm counting on it."

Quatre looked at Jai as she turned to look out of the window. Quatre started the car and they rode in silence. Jai broke the silence.

"Quatre, if you don't mind, I'd rather go some place and look at the stars. I'm really not a big movie theatre fan. That's if you don't mind"

"Your wish is my command. I know of the perfect spot. I love to star gaze. The stars look so wonderful from down here."

Quatre made a U-turn and headed in the opposite direction.

"Down here? Are you from the colonies?" Jai asked.

"Yes. I was born on L4." He replied as he changed lanes.

"Oh my god. I'm from the colonies too. My brother and I were born on L1 but we love it here on earth." She said excitedly.

"What else do you like to do?" Quatre asked.

"Well let's see. I love to go to museums, plays, Amusement parks. I like to write, read and listen to music. Actually I'm a really boring person."

Quatre looked over at Jai, "I doubt that you are a boring person. That's just like saying your shy."

Jai laughed.

"So tell me, what do you like to do?" Jai asked.

"When I have time I usually play my violin or the piano. I like the museums and plays but I've never been to an Amusement Park."

Jai looked at Quatre shocked, "Really. I must make it a point to take you then. What do you do they keeps you so busy?"

Quatre hesitated for a moment, "I manage a group of people at a large company."

"Oh so you're an executive. That sounds stressful." Jai said sensing he really didn't want to talk about it.

"It can be at times." He replied.

They lapsed into silence once again.

"Quatre, it just dawned on me that I don't even know your last name, so…what is it?"

"Wi…Cagle" Quatre stuttered.

Jai looked at him puzzled, "Wicagle?"

Quatre smiled and said, "No just Cagle. Being in the company of a beautiful woman makes me stutter."

Jai smiled, "Yeah Right."

"So" Quatre said, "Since I told you my last name how about yours?"


Quatre swerved nearly running into a car on the opposite side of the road. Jai screamed as Quatre attempted to regain control of the car.


Hilde explained her life to Duo who only got pissed as he heard her story. He didn't think it was fair for her to be put in the position she was in and get no rewards for it. He wanted to hold her and let her know that he appreciated her but knew that that would be asking too much. Hilde on the other hand, was wishing he would take her completely. She knew this man obviously knew what love was and understood that she worked hard to get the position that she was in.

Duo didn't bother her with his life he didn't feel it was important and that maybe his sad life too would only drag her down more. Instead he said, "So what is your ideal man?"

Hilde blushed, "I can't answer that."

"Why not?"

"Because I would really be embarrassed then."


"You sure do ask Why a lot. You tell me what your ideal woman is first."

"Sure, she's cute, has short black hair, gorgeous blue eyes, is an optician, and has a cute little boy."


"I may run and I may hide but I never tell a lie."

"Yeah and neither does any other man."

"I am not any other man." He said offended.

"Then what kind of man are you?" She asked.

"Well, that is for me to know and you to find out but for now answer my question."

"Hmm, I like them tall, with large violet eyes, and very long hair. The jeep is just an added bonus."

Duo smiled at her and made a mental note to kill her husband and take her for himself. He wanted her now and was going to make damn sure that he won her.

'Now lemme find out what else she likes.' He thought to himself.

"Well I know you like Jeeps and Chinese food what else do you like."

"What is this serious hour?" Hilde said sarcastically.

"Nah, this is getting to know you hour and you are in the spotlight." Duo said mimicking the fact that he was talking on a microphone. "Welcome to the Maxwell show where Hilde has to tell us all about her."

Hilde began to laugh at him wondering where he had been all her life. "The Maxwell show?"

"Yeah sorry that's my last name."

"Well, I like wild flowers, dancing, good music, camping and basically being outdoors. I hate pizza but love cheese sticks and I love to paint and write in my spare time."

Duo was excited she liked a lot of things that he did but of all things she hated pizza and he loved that. "So what do you write about, and what do you paint."

"I paint miniature dragons and people, and I write about something I will never get."

"Which is?"

"Why do you think you could give it to me?"

"I can give you anything that you want. Try me."

"Can you give me eternal happiness? Can you fill my every need? Can you fill every desire that I have?"

Duo looked at her and dropped his head that was a large order to fill and he wondered what her desires and needs were. He knew he could make her happy.

'What in the hell has this man done to her?'

"See it isn't worth even answering. Even you couldn't do all of that."

Duo looked at her and she could see anger in his eyes, "I could damn well sure try which is obviously something you're not use to."

She watched him walk around to the back jeep. She turned her head back towards the city. Tears welled up her eyes and she found she couldn't control them as they fell. She had hurt the one person who even tried to make her laugh and looked exactly like her ideal man and seemed to act just like him too. He had a great sense of humor and really seemed to be honest. As her tears fell silently she never heard him when he walked up behind her. He couldn't tell she was crying even when he stuck the freshly picked bunch of wild flowers in front of her. She gently took them but never looked at him.

She found she could not speak as she stared at the flowers and hoped that he wouldn't notice the tears. Unfortunately, he sat down facing her about an inch within her face. She tried to turn away quickly but he grabbed her chin and turned her back to face him. "God, I am sorry Hilde. I didn't mean to make you cry."

"Its not you."

"Then what is it?"

"Soon I will have to go back to my world and you will go back to yours and this will all be a dream."

"It doesn't have to be that way."

He moved himself even closer to her. He wanted to touch her to hold her to kiss her. He placed his hand on her chin and turned her to face him. Her eyes fluttered blinking away tears. His lips touched her cheek where the last tear fell. He whispered, "Don't cry, I don't plan on this being a dream because if it is then wake me up now because it will hurt to much." Then his lips touched hers and they embraced for a long awaited deep kiss. He could tell it had to be her first in a long time because she only wrapped her arms around him and pulled him tighter. She herself didn't know what to think of the kiss. She thought of stuff like, 'Wow his breath doesn't stink, and damn he kisses good.' Then she lost it all and only got herself deeper into that kiss.

The rest of the night went smoothly for them as they laughed and talked about simple things. Hilde silently wondered how Jai was holding up. She told Duo that the next day she was to go and work in the store that she was trying to transfer too. She was excited but wondered what kind of expectations they had and also if the store was a busy one because she came from a really slow one. She shivered in the night air and Duo sat behind her wrapping his arms around her holding her. "Oh yeah I have a jacket." He jumped up and got his jacket and she put it on but he still sat with her in between his legs and his arms around her.

"Thanks for the jacket."

"Your welcome and I think you will do fine tomorrow. What time do you have to be there?"

"I just go in when I feel like it and leave when I feel like it. They suggested for me to work from 10 to 4 and I actually get paid."

"That's good. Is Jai going to watch your boy?"

"Yeah. I thought it was really nice of her."



She turned around in his arms, "Kiss me again."

Duo smiled and obliged her with an even more passionate kiss this time than the first.


Quatre and Jai arrived at the deserted hilltop in a deathly silence after surviving the near fatal crash. Jai was still gripping the dash and Quatre the steering wheel.

"Would you mind telling me what in the hell happened back there?" Jai asked in a shaky voice.

"Is your brother's name Heero?" He asked in a daze.

"Yeah and I don't think he'd appreciate you spattering his sister all over the road." She replied with an attitude.

Jai looked over at Quatre and raised an eyebrow, "Do you…know Heero?"

Quatre didn't know what to do. He'd already lied about his identity, which he was beginning to feel guilty about. It was a habit to not tell women who he really was. When they knew who he was, they usually just wanted his money and not the man. Now he was sitting next to Heero's sister who more than likely knew that Heero was a Gundam pilot. Quatre hadn't thought that far along whether or not he'd tell her that he too was a Gundam pilot. He'd have to ask Duo what he thought about that. He'd wondered just how many more lies he'd have to tell before the night was over.

"Hello! Jai to Quatre! Come in Quatre!" Jai said as she waved her hand in front of his face.

Quatre snapped out of his revive, "I'm sorry. Are you okay? I nearly get you killed and I didn't even ask if you were okay."

Quatre cupped each side of her face with his hands. Jai went breathless her mouth parting slightly as his touch caused her pulse to quicken. Hypnotized by each other's eyes their faces inched closer and closer together. Suddenly Jai reached for the door handle and bolted from the car. She closed the door and leaned against it. Quatre cursed himself for getting carried away, which he had to admit wasn't hard to do with Jai around. A few minutes later Quatre got out of the car and walked around it to stand next to Jai. Jai continued to stare at the stars.

"You never did answer my question", she stated.

Quatre looked down at her, "What question?"

"Do you know Heero?"

For the second time that night Quatre hesitated before answering, "I was wondering if you were related to the Gundam pilot Heero Yuy, that's all."

"Hn, you sounded like you knew him." She replied looking up at him skeptically.

"I know of him that's all." He responded wincing as he told his second lie.

Jai raised a skeptically eyebrow.

"Do you ever miss the colonies?" Quatre asked quickly changing the subject.

Jai returned to gazing up at the stars, "Sometimes. I think I miss zero G more than anything. I'm going to take the boys there one day. I think that they will enjoy it. Especially the zero G." She said smiling.

"You have two wonderful boys."

Jai's smile broadened, "Yeah they're the best. I wouldn't know what I'd do with out them."

"If you don't mind me asking, where is their father?"

Jai's smile fell and Quatre saw pain flicker across her face.

"They don't have one. He walked out, never looking back."

Quatre thought the man had to be crazy to leave such a wonderful family behind. He then thought of an old saying, 'One mans loss is another mans gain.'

"Anyway" Jai said plastering a fake smile on her face, "have any kids, ex-wives, crazed girlfriends?"

Quatre could see right through her but answered, "No kids, no ex-wives, no crazed girlfriends."

"No crazy women to deal with. That's a bonus."

They lapsed into a tense silence. Quatre left her side and opened his car door. He let the top down and turned the radio up which was playing soft jazz. He turned on the headlights before closing the door. Standing in front of the car he held out his hand.


Jai looked at Quatre and smiled. She walked towards him her hips gently swaying and her right leg sneaking peaks through the split of her dress. She placed her hand in his. He gently pulled her to him kissing her hand before releasing it and sliding his around her small waist to join his other one. She put both of her arms around his neck as they began to sway to the music.

Jai laid her head on his chest enjoying the rise and fall of his chest, the musical rhythm of his heartbeat, the intoxicating smell of his cologne. She closed her eyes thankful for the chance to have her dreams come true if only for one night.

Quatre held her closer to him, her body molding perfectly to his. The smell of her perfume assaulted his senses and drove him crazy. He was grateful that this woman walked past him the night before. He had no idea that she'd exceed every expectation that he had for Ms. Right when he'd met her. Now that he had her he would do what ever it took to keep her permanently.

He ran his fingers through her hair, marveling at how the silky strands slid easily through his fingers. With a mind of their own, his hands glided down her back. She felt like his touch was burning her to her very soul. Branding her as his. His fingers lightly glided up her bare arm, which reminded him satin. She shivered from his touch in spite of the fact that everywhere he touched ignited small fires. She thought she would melt when she felt his fingers slide up the nape her neck and his thumb gently rub back and forth on the spot just behind her ear. He tilted her head up and stared into her Prussian blue eyes. She felt exposed to only him as his Mediterranean eyes looked into the depths of her very soul. Learning all of her secrets, her needs, and her desires. Her lips parted and her breathing became erratic, as he seemed to be striping her very soul from her with just his eyes.

He was scaring the hell out of her. His eye's held the promise that he would make every dream, every fantasy a reality. Her heart was rejoicing while her mind was screaming 'heartbreak ahead, run' and she's had more than enough of that. Before she knew it she felt his soft warm lips move against hers.

"You don't have to be afraid. I'll never hurt you. I promise."

Quatre sealed his promise with a kiss that rocked the foundations of her soul and stole what little breath she had left away. He slipped his tongue in between her slightly parted lips and slowly began to caress the inside of her mouth. Jai was swept away and soon her tongue joined his. They both deepened the kiss to a level that words could not begin to explain. Jai's world began to spin and she held on tighter to keep from falling. Quatre pulled her tighter to him as he felt her go slack in his arms. Quatre couldn't get enough of her. His hand on her waist began to drift lower to her thighs. His mind sent off warning bells that now was not the time. Reluctantly he broke off the kiss. Jai was breathless and dazed her eyes closed. Quatre imprinted the look on her face in his mind. That look was for him and him only. Jai slowly opened her eyes to find Quatre smiling tenderly down at her. Jai smirked.

"Don't look so smug, Quatre. It was just our first kiss."

"The first of many." He replied as he led her back to his car.

He sat down of the hood of his car and pulled her into his lap. She wrapped her arms around his neck as he scooted the up the hood until his back came to rest on his windshield. They stayed that way talking into the night, Quatre purposely avoiding any details about his life.


The sun was beginning to rise as Duo walked her up to Jai's apartment. She couldn't wait to talk to Jai but right now Duo had her pressed up against the wall and was embracing her for another of his deep kisses. When they broke off the kiss Hilde looked at him and he smiled at her. As he left Hilde watched him as he walked down the steps and wondered what she did to deserve a man like him. She turned around and rang the doorbell and just as the babysitter opened the door to let her in Duo grabbed her hand and pulled her back up to his lips once more. He was much taller than her so her feet dangled slightly off the floor as he held her up by her waist. When he put her down she couldn't see anything because it was all a blur. He knew from the look on her face that he had done something right.

When she got into the apartment Jai was not there so she knew then something was going right for her or she would have already been home. 'Today is going to be a good day I can tell already.' She thought to herself as she got into the shower to dress for work that day.


Jai felt a hand lightly caressing her face. She smiled and turned her face into the hand.
'Wait a minute'

Jai jumped and strong arms held her tighter as she heard laughter.

"Wait, It's me." Quatre said while laughing.

Jai focused her vision and was greeted by Quatre's irresistible smile.

"Good Morning, Beautiful." He said.

"Morning? Oh my…I'm so sorry I fell asleep, Quatre."

"I'm not. What man in his right mind wouldn't want a beautiful woman to fall asleep in his arms and to have her wake up just in time to share this beautiful sunrise." He said as he motioned with his eyes toward the sky.

Jai and Quatre looked on in silence as the night blue sky transformed into hues of red, orange and gold. Quatre looked at Jai's profile as she continued to enjoy the sunrise. Jai felt him staring at her and turned away from the sky to look at him. This is exactly how she wanted to wake up every morning. She placed her hands on each side of his face and descended her lips to his. He gladly welcomed them as they the shared their second kiss that was just as intense as the first. Jai broke the kiss and leaned her forehead against his.

"It's time for me to turn back into a pumpkin."

"Then I'd better hurry and get you back to the patch before you make a mess in my car." He replied grinning.

Jai laughed as he slid off of the car.


Hilde entered the living room dressed for work to just in time to see Jai slide down the front door looking dazed with a silly smile plastered on her face. Hilde walked over to the door and slide down next to Jai.

"Was it that good for you too?" Jai asked coming out of her daze.

Hilde sighed, "Yeah. I definitely think so."

"I have never ever experienced anything like that in my life!" Jai exclaimed, "and I kept all of my clothes on."

"So spill it you know I want to know what happened on your date. I wish I hadn't kept my clothes on. I wanted to take his braid down and let that be the closest thing to clothes that we had on."

Jai got up from the floor and walked into the kitchen, " Ok. We didn't go to the movies instead we went star gazing. Then we danced in front of his car with his headlights on. It was so romantic. Then...then...girl he kissed me. He kissed me so good that my underwear almost fell off. I could have picked up a dinner bell and start ringing it hollering, "come and get it!"" she said as she took a spoon and banged it on the bottom of a pot.

Hilde laughed at her. "Damn if he can make your underwear come off through a kiss I would love to know how he is in foreplay."

Jai looked thoughtful pondering what Hilde said then shook her head to clear it. "Any way we chatted on the hood of his car with me in his lap till I fell asleep. Then he woke me up and we watched the sunrise. Then he brought me home and gave me a kiss that sent my head spinning. The end." she finished and took a bow.

Jai looked at Hilde with a gleam in her eyes, "Now how did things go with you and Duo? Besides you wanting to get him naked."

"Oh it was nothing like that. I just love that hair. Well lets see he took me to this place that overlooked the city, we talked, then he kissed me, and held me and kissed me again and again then brought me home and kissed me two more times. Each time he kissed me it was even deeper and more passionate. And in between all that kissing we just talked."

Hilde looked thoughtful, "Ya know that damn little shirt I was wearing really helped me to get in between his legs to have him hold me and keep me warm."

Jai laughed and shook her head "Well overall, kissing and what's in between his legs excluded, what do you think of him?"

Hilde was slightly offended, "First off I still don't know what's in between his legs silly but to answer your question, well I think he's really sweet and fine and ya know he never told me a damn thing about himself except his last name."

Jai put her hand on her hip, "Now that I think about, Quatre didn't tell me much about himself either just kept drilling me about my life."

"Yeah same here." Hilde said.

Jai frowned, "I wonder what the hell they're hiding."

"Hmm, ya know ya got a point there. Think you brother could find out for us?"

Jai smiled wickedly, "Knowing Heero he could have a list of all the women they've ever dated and their bra sizes by the end of the day."

"Wonder what else he could find out about them?" Hilde smirked and then raised her eyebrow

Jai smirked, "What would you like to know?"

Hilde laughed, "What any woman would want to know before she sleeps with a man."

Jai raised an eyebrow, "You want a sexual check up? Don't you think you should ask Duo about that?"

"I was only kidding but still Heero can find out anything. I was wondering if he could find that out too besides I think I would just check his references." She said laughing.

"Duo doesn't look like the type to have any unsatisfied customers." Jai said smirking.

"Yeah well neither does Quatre so I think we just got a little, no a lot lucky."

"That would depend on what Heero comes up with. I'm not trying to set myself up to get hurt again."

"Yeah and I do go home to hell in just a few more days. What am I worried about it for." She said disappointedly.

"Yeah but your coming back." Jai lean forward on the counter, "You are coming back, right?"

"If this interview goes well and my transfer goes through I should be back with in just a couple of weeks."

Hilde glanced at the floor and then at Jai, "Why am I so afraid to leave?"

"Hilde, I know this is hard for you. I just want to make sure that you are sure that you're doing the right thing."

"I know I know and dammit I just want to be fucking happy is that to much to ask? I mean damn I felt after the first fuck up I couldn't go wrong and now this. What about you? Are you even going to have a place to live when I do get back?"

"Of course. Its not that I can't pay the $700 for the rent I just don't think this jack in the box is worth it. I'll be scouting for a new place for you and me. We could be neighbors. At least you know ahead of time that you have rowdy neighbors." Jai replied grinning.

Hilde laughed, "Well I have $2500 saved up that the husband doesn't know about and I will send it to you so you can find us a place."

"Wow you really planned ahead didn't you. Speaking of which what are you going to do about him?"

Hilde sighed, "That I don't know yet since he never leaves the house it will be hard to it but I will manage. Maybe I will get Duo to knock him out and then leave." Hilde said laughing.

"I will say this though I will not give him anymore chances." Hilde firmly stated.

Jai smiled, "Speaking of chances. Don't you have a job to go to?"

"OH SHIT!" Hilde screamed as she darted out the door.

Jai laughed as she headed for the shower humming.


Hilde went to work and was having a great day. The store was awesome and very busy. She had already sold what they expected her too and had doubled it. She also had done everything that was expected of her all before 1pm they were quite impressed and the general manager of the store was ready to meet with her. She told Hilde that she was very impressed with her skills and would love to have her in their store. Hilde was even happier to hear that and knew that her day couldn't go wrong at this point.

There was a knock at the office door. "The lady that came in today has a delivery."

Hilde looked at the manager and shrugged her shoulders. The girl passed in a huge bouquet of wild flowers that Hilde could barely hold. She dug into the flowers and retrieved the card.

Jai was wondering how Hilde's day was going and hoping that she got the job there because after last night both women knew their way to happiness. Those men were the key. Now if they could only unlock the door.

At the same time Hilde was receiving her flowers there was a knock a Jai's door. When she answered it a man handed her a bottle of wine. Jai closed the door and only stared at it before she read the card. It was the same wine that she had drank at the club but this was her very own bottle. She didn't know if she should drink it or just keep it to stare at.

Both women read the cards:

Do you ever get that feeling that someone is thinking about you?

It's me.

That was all the cards read and both women found their hearts leaping out of their chest.