Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Once Upon a Lifetime ❯ Hello Love and Goodbye ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: We don't own them.

One upon a lifetime By Shinigami's Rapture and Oracle at Delphi
Hello Love and good-bye

Quatre sat at his desk in the extremely large office that all of the pilots shared at Preventers Headquarters. He was dressed in a dark blue suit for he had a meeting to go to at Winner Corp. He was putting the finishing touches on his report about his last mission he completed with Trowa.

"Uncle Quatre!" a brown haired, dark green-eyed girl shouted as she ran into the office.

"Allyson. Stop running!" Trowa shouted as his daughter launched herself into Quatre's waiting arms.

Allyson's energy reminded Quatre of Dominic and Dimitri. He smiled widely as he thought of them…and Jai.

"My little brother is smiling like he's in love." Kellee said as she walked up wrapping her arms around Trowa's waist.

Allyson looked at Quatre awed, "You have a girlfriend! What's her name?"

Quatre smiled at his niece, "Her name is Jai and she has two little boys about your age."

Kellee looked at Quatre puzzled, "Did you say her name was Jai as in Janai?"

"Yeah. Why?"

"DISHONOR! DISHONOR! DISHONOR!!" A raven hair little boy yelled as he chased his twin into the pilots' office.

"DISHONOR ON YOU! DISHONOR ON YOUR GUNDAM!!" The twin boy with a ponytail yelled back as he jumped from desk to desk, scattering papers everywhere.

Wufei calmly walked into the office, easily capturing the two tiny terrors by the back of their shirts. He hoisted each boy into the air holding them by their shirts and turned them so they faced him. Blue eyes faced hard cold onyx eyes.

"Matthew. Michael. You both dishonor me."

Both boys gave Wufei the puppy eyed look they inherited from their mother before looking at the floor, "Sorry father."

Quatre tried not to chuckle as he watched Wufei and his sons. He grinned to himself as he thought of Dominic and Dimitri…Sons…Instant fatherhood. The mere thought brought joy to his heart.

"Hey, what are we running here a daycare. If I knew that I would have brought my son Drew." Duo said as he entered the office.

Everyone in the office stared at Duo in disbelief.

"Who gave you permission to reproduce?" Wufei asked as he continued to dangle Michael and Matthew in the air.

Duo grinned, "Well. I can't do much worse than you."

That earned Duo a triple glare from the Chang Clan.

Heero walked in the office, "Well guess what? I just had and interesting conversation…with my SISTER."

Kellee could have sworn she'd seen Quatre go pale. He couldn't be dating the same Jai she knew.

Heero walked straight over to Quatre's desk, placed both hands on it and lean on them.

"It seems she met a man that she is just crazy about named Quatre CAGLE that happens to be blond, drive a jag and had extremely good taste in wine. Her friend, Hilde if I remember it right met a man name Duo Maxwell." Heero said looking over his shoulder at Duo.

"It appears to my spy slash TERRORIST sister that these men are hiding something and it is my job to find out what. Well MR. CAGLE what do you want me to tell her?"

Kellee's eyes went wide, "You told her your name was Quatre Cagle? You are so dead. You did a big no no as far as Janai Yuy is concerned. You lied to her."

Quatre looked at Kellee, "You know Jai? How?"

"Jai was my partner during the war. She's one of my best friends."

Duo immediately stared laughing, "Cagle was the best you could come up with? Of all the names in the world why that one?"

Kellee and Quatre frowned.

"Cagle was our mothers maiden name you ass." Kellee angrily replied.

Duo stopped laughing just as fast as he started and looking dumfounded sat down at his desk, "Oh sorry."

"You're not exactly in the clear either Duo. Did either of you tell them anything?" Heero asked.

Duo crossed his arms and leaned back in his chair, "I didn't give her any details about my life. Hers is depressing enough without adding to it."

Heero shook his head, "Ok MR. CAGLE how many lies did you tell my sister?"

Quatre leaned his head back on his chair and blew his bangs out of his face. "At last count three. Two whole lies two half lies."

"What kind shit is half lies?" Trowa asked finally contributing to the conversation.

Allyson covered her mouth with her hand eyes wide, "Oooooohhhh! Mommy! Daddy gets a spanking! He said a no no word."

Kellee smiled at her daughter, "I know sweetie. I'll make sure he gets one as soon as we get home."

Trowa looked down at Kellee and she winked back at him.

"Can I watch?" Allyson asked smiling at her father.

"Quatre?" Heero said.

Quatre sighed, "You know about the name well she asked me if I knew you and I told her I only knew of you. Those are the two full lies. The two half lies are that I manage a group of people for a large company I left out the part that I owned the company. And I told her I work for Prescott Industries."

"What is Prescott Industries?" Wufei asked.

"A subsidiary of Winner Corp."

"So you told her that you worked for a company that you owned." Heero said.

Quatre nodded.

"Ok so when do you two plan on telling them the whole story? I can only stall Jai for so long."

Quatre and Duo didn't answer.

"Are you two serious about these women?" Wufei asked.

"Very" Duo and Quatre replied in unison.

"Then if I were you I would go tell them the truth right now." Trowa said.

Heero shook his head, "I don't know about Hilde but Quatre…watch out for Jai's right hook."


Hilde could only think of what would happen at 7pm that night. Going home to hell was not her ideal situation she had been in pure bliss. She and Jai had written a lot of stories; her days with Duo had been wonderful. It would all end tonight and she was silently wishing that she had just moved 5 days ago. She knew what tonight would bring. As soon as she got home her husband would be lovey dovey and want to have sex to greet her home. She suddenly got disgusted at that thought. She ran to bathroom because she thought she just might actually throw up.

Jai let Quatre and Duo in and they all watched as Hilde ran to the bathroom. Jai darted after her knowing that something was wrong. Hilde told Jai what her dilemma was and that she didn't think she could handle it. Jai told her to be strong and enjoy the day because it wouldn't be long before she could be Duo. Hilde could only smile but the hurt was very deep and Jai knew it.

Quatre had already told Jai that Duo felt the same way. He only hoped that with the little time that was left Duo and Hilde would be able to enjoy each other until the time came. For now Jai and Quatre were doing fine only Quatre needed to find a way to tell her the truth of whom he really was. He was afraid that Jai would be really angry with him after knowing the truth.

The guys had taken turns and loaded their vehicles with car seats for the kids. Hilde was glad she had her sunglasses on because she didn't want Duo to see the pain in her eyes because that was something that make up couldn't hide. Duo was going to let Hilde drive but she only shook her head "No" when he held the keys out for her. He pulled his sunglasses down on his nose and looked at her. "Are you okay?"

"No, but I'll get over it. Reality just hit hard this morning is all."

Duo softly caressed her face with the palm of his hand and pulled her in for a kiss on the forehead then her nose. Then he just pulled her tightly and hugged her for reality had hit him too he just hid it a little bit better. Their ride to the Zoo was in silence for the most part. Once they were there things seemed to pep up a bit. Duo grabbed Hilde's son and put him on his shoulders and grabbed Hilde's hand. Quatre and Jai watched as her son pounded Duo on the head and suddenly all of them watched as he wrapped his hands around Duo's head and said, "DA DA."
Duo smirked at the comment while Hilde just shook her head. Hilde cheered up instantly after that and was looking forward to what the rest of the day would bring for all of them.

Dominic and Dimitri were fighting over who would hold Quatre's only available hand for he was caring the blankets.

"Quatre is mine!" Dimitri shouted as he pulled Quatre to left.

"No Tri! I go first. I'm older!" Dominic shouted back as he pulled to the right.



"I said I go FIRST Tri!"

"No! I go FIRST Nic!"

Quatre laughed as the boys used his arm for their personal tug of war match.

"UGH!" Jai said as she rolled her eyes.

Jai settled the argument by rearranging the large diaper bag that was serving as the picnic basket holding their lunch and the cooler holding the drinks. She relieved Quatre of his load of blankets.

"There. Happy now?" Jai said to the boys as they each grab Quatre's hand.

"Thank You Mommy!" The boys shouted and started dragging Quatre toward the zoo entrance.

Quatre shouted over his shoulder, "Are you sure your alright carrying all that stuff!"

"I'm fine. Please just take them away! Besides I'm a single mom I'm supposed to have octopus arms!"

As they walked through the Zoo Jai and Hilde dropped a little behind the kids and the men. They talked about how long it would take for the transfer to go through and that they would defiantly need a place to live. Hilde made a joke to Jai, "Oh course I could live with Duo, drive his jeep and occasionally meaning about six times a day have sex with him." Jai and Hilde burst into laughter causing the guys to turn around and look at them as they tried to calm themselves quickly but only succeeded in laughing harder.

"What's so damn funny?" Quatre said as he grabbed Jai in for a big hug.

Neither girl answered only looked at each other thinking, 'Damn how do we get out of this one?'

Duo looked over the rim of his sunglasses making Hilde blush again for the millionth time. There was something about the way he looked at her that made her jittery and somehow he knew it too.

Out of nowhere Duo and Quatre looked at each other and spat out, "Sex." All at once but with wonder of whom the lucky guy was. If they only knew that both girls had already talked severely about it.

Duo looked at Hilde, "Come on I saw an area for toddlers a second ago we will let Drew roam for a bit."


Hilde began to walk holding both of Drew's hands. Duo quickly turned Jai, "Can I please take her to the airport tonight?"

Jai smiled broadly, "She'll love that. Besides she'd rather kiss you goodbye than me." She said wiggling her eyebrows.

Quatre shot Duo a questioning look and Duo took off before Quatre's conscience could catch up with him and he would tell Duo that what he had done was not good. Duo knew in his mind it was wrong but his heart only yelled out for her. He caught up with her only to grab her around the waist and pull her close. Quatre watched them with fear in his heart for his friend and for the girl that had obviously fallen in love with him too. Jai could read it on his face too.

Duo and Hilde walked hand in hand to Toddler Park where her son squealed in delight and took off to play. "He's so adorable and he looks just like you." Duo said watching him run. Then he spotted a large rock where he could see the whole park and led Hilde over to it. He sat on the ground and leaned against the rock pulling her down. She looked at him and laid her head back on his shoulder watching her son play. Hilde and Duo sat in silence as couples walked past and looked at them thinking how cute the young couple was or an older man got brave telling his wife, "Couples like that shouldn't be permitted in public places." He had obviously mistaken Duo for a female that was until Hilde's boy ran up going, "Dada and pointed to the play yard."

Duo laughed at him and took off with him while Hilde watched. The older couple smiled and told Hilde that Duo was obviously a great father and that the two of them looked just radiant together. Duo watched and waited for Hilde's response. Hilde said, "Well he tries to make us both extremely happy and right now is doing a great job so I can't complain." The lady wished them all of the luck but told Hilde, "You should have your husband cut his hair." Hilde only responded with a smile and, "Well I love his hair like that so I don't think I could let him do that."

After the older couple left Duo walked up to Hilde with a big grin, "Ya know that had to be the fastest wedding I have ever seen. I mean damn, I was married and before I knew it I had a toddler, boy how time flies."

Hilde responded with, "Well what did you want me to say they originally thought you were a girl." Then she saw his eyebrow rise.

"Ya know what the worse part is babe?"


"Can we have sex again I don't think I got to feel it the first time?" He said laughing.

Hilde only responded by smacking him in the arm, "Pervert."

Hilde took off running to play with her child and muttered, "Anytime baby anytime." Suddenly Duo grabbed her by her waist and pulled her head back to his lips where he placed a soft kiss on her cheek and whispered in her ear, "I heard that." And let her go with a devilish grin on his face while making a mental note to remind her of that later.

Jai and Quatre walked over to a large area shaded by trees and set up the picnic while Dominic and Dimitri joined Drew over in the play area. Quatre continued to stare at Hilde and Duo with his arms crossed frowning. Jai walked up behind him, wrapped her arms around his waist and leaned onto his back.

"You know, your face is going to stay like that if you keep frowning."

Quatre looked at Jai's smiling face over his shoulder before returning his gaze to the couple across the way. Jai let go of his waist and shoved him in the back causing him to stumble.

"FINE! I know when I'm not wanted. I think I'll just go over to the monkey cages. I bet I'll get more attention from them than I am from you."

Jai turned on her heel and stumped a few feet only to be grabbed from behind.

"You know, you're really cute when you act all bratty." He said into her ear as he held her close.

"Oh, so know you notice me. What, the monkeys too much competition for ya?" Jai said squirming.

Quatre wrapped one arm around her waist and the other he laced in her hair, "I don't think you really want attention from a bunch of smelly monkeys."

Jai stopped squirming, "Well apparently next to Duo and Hilde, I'm not interesting enough to hold your attention, so I'll just get it from the monkeys."

Quatre smiled, "Yeah but can the monkeys do this."

Quatre gently tugged her hair to the right and began nibbling on her left ear running his tongue up and down the outside of it. Jai sighed and leaned closer to him.

Quatre whispered in her ear, his warm breathing sending shivers up her spine and putting butterflies in her stomach, "Can they do this?"

Quatre began kissing and sucking on her neck making her ankles get weak.

"Besides the monkeys are full of fleas and I would have to do this to get them off of you"

Quatre began tickling Jai.

"Ah…Quatre…he he…stop…ha he ha…STOP!!…I'm ticklish." Jai tried to say laughing and squirming.

Quatre laughed as he continued to tickle her and turned her in his arms, "So I noticed."

Quatre tickled her until they stumbled into a tree and fell down landing on their sides. As soon as they calmed down Jai looked at Quatre.

"I know that you're worried about Duo getting hurt and visa versa but believe me this is the happiest I've seen Hilde since I met her. He's exactly what she needs and from the looks of it she is exactly what he needs. I know things look bad right now but trust me things will work out. So…stop worrying about them because believe me they aren't thinking nothing about you." She said and kissed his nose.

Quatre smiled and rolled her over onto her back, "Well, I think you're just the one I need."

Jai smiled, "This is just too good to be true. I feel like one day I'm going wake up and realized this was all just a dream. A fairytale and like all fairytales, it must come to an end. I've been lied to, cheated on and hurt before but for some reason I believe that I can let my guard down with you because my heart will be safe in your hands."

Quatre looked away from her not able to met her gaze. The knife twisted as it sunk deeper into his soul. She trusted him enough to open up to him. It was getting harder and harder to hide the guilt he felt from her but for some reason he couldn't bring himself to tell her the truth.

"Quatre, are you alright? Did I just scare the hell out of you? You look kinda pale."

Quatre looked down at Jai and kissed her deeply.

Quatre broke off the kiss, "I'm fine and no, you didn't scare me. Come on lets go see what the boys are up too." Quatre said as he stood and grabbed Jai's hand pulling her up to her feet. Hand and hand they walked over to the play area.

Duo and Hilde crawled through tunnels with Drew and there were places where you actually stood up in them and looked at the people outside. It was called the mole hole caverns . In this place were dark areas where it was hard to see and Hilde told Duo that there was no telling what people did in those dark places. Quatre, Jai, Dominic and Dimitri had entered the place too and were climbing about. Hilde tripped over something she couldn't see and Duo tripped over her landing on top of her. He looked around the and then went down for one hell of a kiss.

"What are you looking for?" She asked him before he could kiss her.

As his lips were touching hers and in between small kisses, "*Smack* Quatre's,* Smack Smack*, Conscience. *Smack Smack Smack*" Then he kissed her like there was no tomorrow. That was because for them there wouldn't be.

"It's right behind you." Quatre stated firmly trying to get a subliminal message across to tell him to stop what he was doing but with Duo that never worked and this time was no different.

After their kiss it hit Hilde that Drew was gone so she and Jai took off after the kids. Once Quatre and Duo got out of caverns Quatre grabbed Duo and turned him to face him, "What the hell are you doing Duo?"

"What do you mean?"

"You know exactly what I mean. That woman is married the last thing she needs is for someone to help her fuck it up even worse than it already is. I know what you have told me but it is not your place to step in and help her leave her husband. She must do it on her own. Otherwise she will be totally dependant on you for the rest of her life."

"Let her then maybe it will be her turn to be taken care of instead of being other peoples parents."

"But Duo she needs to learn to be as independent as you are. If things were not to work out between the two of you she would be fucked."

Duo only dropped his head then looked towards the girls along with Quatre. Hilde smiled at him and he smiled back to her.

"Duo it's obvious to anyone that both of you have a connection and somewhere the word Love seems to be a factor."

"Well what about you? You're lying to a terrorist, a Yuy terrorist none-the-less. I can tell by the way you look at her that the "L" word factors in with you too but you don't trust her enough to tell her the truth. At least what I'm doing isn't going to hurt her. Can you say the same?"

Duo and Quatre glared at each other. Duo had hit the cause right on the head. He didn't trust her. After all he'd been through it was hard for him to trust her. In his heart he knew that he could trust her with any and everything but his mind told him not to. So until they could agree, he will keep living this lie.

"I wonder what the guys are talking about." Hilde asked Jai.

"I don't know but it doesn't look all that good because they look too serious."

"Well, lets just go lighten them up I am hungry."

"Me too and so are my children."

Jai looked at Quatre and raised an eyebrow. He looked pissed then she remembered their conversation earlier. With Duo being quiet she knew then what it was that Quatre had said to him. Maybe it was wrong maybe it wasn't but it was not her place or anyone else's for that matter to say so. Only Duo and Hilde would know when it was wrong but for now it seemed very right to both of them and Jai wasn't going to complain about it either.

Hilde and Jai told the guys that they were hungry and so were the kids.

Hilde pinched at Duo's stomach, "What's wrong with you?" She said jokingly.

Duo smiled at her, "Hungry. Let's go eat."

They all walked back to the shaded area where Jai and Quatre set up the picnic. After they got the boys settled, they began to eat and chat.

"Ok Hilde what kind of place do you want? While I'm looking for yours might as well look for myself a place too.

Hilde sat down in Duo's lap and rested up against him while Jai lay across Quatre's lap. "I have no clue as long as it comes with a built in maid, launder, babysitter, and someone else to work besides me I will be happy.

Everyone began to laugh at her then Jai finally commented, "Girl you don't want a place to live you want a place to dwell in." Her line only caused all of them to laugh harder.

Quatre said, "Well girls what is you do want?"

"Something with a deck and lake front view." Commented Jai earning a nod from Hilde.

"Oh and a fireplace." Hilde said.

"Yeah and with my family at least three bedrooms."

"God and a spa bath tub."

"So no doubt the place must be spacious." Jai said.

"Would be wonderful it had ceiling fans in every room."

"Oh and walk in closets."

"Oh and skylights."

"Yeah skylights would be nice."

"God could you imagine fucking under those skylights with a full moon glowing through and the ceiling fan motor humming lightly as it turned and the windows opened letting in a light summer breeze that is just strong enough to let the sheer curtains sway?"

Duo began to push Hilde off of his lap and onto the ground because he was rising and it wasn't to stand on his feet. Jai and Quatre's jaw was on the ground from Hilde's comment.

Hilde turned and noticed everyone staring at her, "WHAT!" She acted as though it was completely natural for her to talk of fucking in her dream home with everyone.

"Hilde babe, I think I can arrange for that."

"What the fucking part or the whole thing?" Quatre asked with a sly smirk on his face.

Duo just smiled. Jai wanted to gag. Yeah her best friend had found someone perfect for her. He obviously was no stranger to talk about sex either. Then again she could only agree because Quatre seemed to match her also.


Duo and Hilde drove to the airport and recapped the week. They talked about what all she had done and he finally remembered, "So when are you going to tell me what you write about?"

She looked at him and smiled, "I usually write Hentai porn."

Duo raised an eyebrow, "Really now I will have to read that."

Hilde started laughing, "Oh no you don't cause then you will know exactly perverted I am."

"Nah, just how kinky you can be."

Hilde hit duo in the arm, "Shut up!"

Then they arrived at the airport and a dead, tense silence showed up between both of them. She didn't want to be there with him now was when she actually wished it had been Jai that took her to the airport. She didn't want to cry but knew she would. Hilde had her sunglasses on but that would only hide the pain in her eyes because the tears would fall and slide down her cheeks. Duo knew he wouldn't cry but the darkness of his lenses was the only thing that kept her from knowing the truth. Hilde pulled Drew out of the Jeep and Duo grabbed the car seat and her bags. She slipped her laptop over her shoulder and put Drew in a stroller.

The got to the counter and the flight was delayed by 2 hours so they had a lot of time to kill and the tenseness between them was enormous. Finally in order to break it Duo grabbed her laptop. So lets see what you have stored in here. Hilde wasn't thinking she just let him play while she entertained Drew. Duo read a story called Basic Training that she had apparently written with Jai. All he could say was the shit was good and was hoping that she didn't notice the hard on he had developed from reading it. He suddenly felt really bad for him and Quatre cause these girls could write and if they fucked like they wrote, 'Oh my lord.' He thought and then laid his head back with a stupid grin on his face.

Hilde turned around and saw the laptop open and her eyes widened. 'Oh shit!' "Duo what are you doing in my computer."

"I told you I was reading some of your porn. But it has two author's."

Hilde saw what he had read, "Yeah that was written by Jai and myself." She said then noticing Duo's dilemma as he tried to hide it with her computer. "I don't think that is going to work."

"What isn't going to work?"

She smirked, "I don't think that it would be that HARD to figure out." With her emphasis on the word hard.

Duo just looked at her and smiled, "oops." Which only made her laugh at him.

They called for her flight and then the butterflies set in. She didn't want to leave it was hurting she secretly wished that her plane had been one more hour late but it would not have made a difference because she would still be leaving.

Duo walked her to the gate. He looked off into the setting sun and then down at Hilde who was pulling Drew from the stroller. He had never felt pain like he was feeling right now. The silence between them let him know she felt something too. Duo grabbed Hilde and pulled her to him before she could get Drew out of the stroller. He pulled his glasses off and hers next. He wanted to see her eyes. He needed to know the truth and for both it showed deeply. He pulled her tight and kissed her letting all of his feelings roam free within their kiss as she did the same.

After they broke off the kiss he handed her glasses back to her and she put them on. She handed the lady her boarding pass as Duo folded up the stroller to be put beneath the plane. He grabbed her hand and kissed her once more and suddenly tasted the saltiness of her tears as they flowed down her cheeks. He looked at her and only said, "I'll be waiting."

Hilde sat down in her seat and placed Drew next to her strapping him in the car seat. Then she cupped her face in her hands and cried until she could cry no more. She reached in her pocket and pulled out the gold band she had not worn all week and placed it on her finger wishing it was Duo's.

Duo sat down in his jeep and watched as the plane flew overhead and then laid his head on the steering wheel letting tears he never knew he had fall from his eyes.


Quatre showed up at Duo's and saw that he had finally arrived home. He was worried about his friend and the day had only shown him what Duo's true feelings were. He knocked on the door but got no answer. All of the lights were on in the house but it was dead silent. He heard a squeak and turned towards the garage where he saw the back porch light reflecting off of it. He walked around the tiny house and saw Duo laying on his swing with a beer resting on his chest. Quatre knew he shouldn't but read Duo's mind to see what was going on. Quatre picked up feelings of pain and loneliness and suddenly, 'I should have listened to Quatre damn this hurts.'

"Yeah you should have listened to me." Quatre stated causing Duo to jump up. He was half drunk and almost fell off the swing.

"Don't read my fucking mind if you want to know what I am thinking just ask."

"Duo you're hurt and I knew it would happen that is why I wanted you to keep your distance."

"You have a lot of fucking room to talk. Mr. Cagle."

"That is my problem."

"Well, I figure that because you are here to fix mine I should fix yours too."

"Look, I didn't come here to argue I came here to give you a shoulder."

"I'm sorry but I don't want you I want her." Duo said as his head just dropped further into his lap.

"Yeah well I wish that I had never lied to Jai either," Quatre said looking up at the stars, "I don't know how in the hell I am going to get out of it."

"Well why don't you try the truth."

"I am going to tell her the truth but I want for her to like me for who I am not my money. Besides what are you going to do?"

"Wait. That is all that I can do. God Quatre I could just kill the fucker that she's married too. There is nothing sexual to this, it all pure emotion. I have dated other girls and usually it ended up sex being what they wanted and now I get to have someone intelligent, beautiful, and funny all in one. It isn't fair that all her qualities are wasted on a low life fucking scrub.

"Yeah well when Jai finds out I am going to be a dead man I won't have to worry about having an heir then. All she wanted was a man that wouldn't lie to her or hurt her and I have already done that.

"Yeah well I hope that I didn't fuck things up for her. What I do know is that I saw her tears and that was bad enough. I sent her home in pain and that is what hurts more than anything."

Quatre sighed, "Well can I join you and drink a beer?"

"Actually come here I think you need to check your email." Duo said leading Quatre inside. He stopped at the fridge and grabbed two beers and led Quatre to his computer room.

Quatre checked his email and saw he had received an email that was sent to himself and Duo. It was from Velveteen_Rabbit. He glanced up at Duo and got a response, "It's from Hilde and Jai."

Quatre said, "Oh." Then he opened his mail and began to read while Duo sat back on the extra chair. Quatre turned around and faced Duo with an expression on his face that to Duo was priceless.

"Yeah well, I got one of those in the fucking airport and tried to hide it but got caught."

Quatre looked down at his now very attentive manhood and then at Duo and could only say, "Damn!"