Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Once Upon a Lifetime ❯ Peaches and Pineapples ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: Still don't own them. We don't' own Peaches and Cream. That belongs to 112. We also don't own La Isla Bonita. That belongs to Madonna.

AUTHORS NOTE: We want to thanks everyone who has read and reviewed the first few chapters to our latest adventure. We hope you really, really enjoy this latest installment as much as we loved writing it. By the way…





Hilde asked Jai to watch Drew that night so she could go and be with Duo. She was going to surprise him by bringing him dinner and visiting for a while. He said he had to work late but would be over when he was done because he had to talk to her. Hilde hummed along as she called and ordered Pizza, Hot wings, and bread sticks. She was hoping to help him get his work done so they could spend some time together. They had been really busy since the move.

Hilde and pizza guy arrived at the same time. Once she paid for it, she saw the garage light was on and figured that was where he was. She walked down and entered the small door. She couldn't believe her eyes, 'what kind of a garage is this?' She followed the long hallway that went down apparently around the garage. It was cold and silent. Then she heard the radio and lots of banging. The long corridor began to descend as she continued to walk towards the noises. 'Finally a light.' She was beginning to worry.

Hilde walked into the opening only to look straight up into the eyes of a gundam. Her eyes grew wide and her knees very weak. She dropped the boxes on the floor and stood there wishing she had stayed at home like Duo had told her too. She walked up the stairwell to the top of plank and down towards the cockpit. She stared at the face of the machine and suddenly got the urge to touch it. When she did she yanked her hand back like it had burned her.

Howard was helping Duo that night and they just happened to be on the subject of Hilde when she approached the opening. Duo was telling Howard how cute Drew was and that he called him "Daddy." Hilde stood in the doorway looking in when Howard nudged Duo and pointed to her. Duo and Howard stared at her as she looked around and when she got to their faces she just looked back at them. She had a neutral expression on her face. It was as if she really couldn't make up her mind what to think.

Duo finally spoke snapping her out of her state. "Hilde?"

"Huh? Duo," She said narrowing her eyes, "You lied to me about what you did."

"No I didn't because I never told you."

"Isn't that the same fucking thing? I mean you basically hid shit from me."

"I did hide stuff from you but it was for your own good."

"Don't you think that should have been for me to decide Duo?" Hilde's voice was escalating now she was pissed.

"Hilde I also didn't tell you because of the fact you were already depressed that night I didn't want to make it worse."

"Oh so now you have pity on me huh? Thanks Duo I'll remember that the next time I tell you my problems." She yelled.

"That is not what I fucking meant and you know that!" Duo yelled back at her.

"I brought you dinner eat it the fuck alone and call me when pity isn't your top priority." Hilde said running away from him.

Duo took off after her but by the time he got to her car she had already shut and locked the door. "Damn it Hilde open the fucking door. I want to talk about this."

"Why so you can feel sorry for me because I had a shitty day at work? You'll just feel its in my best interest to keep more shit from me. Fuck you Duo if I wanted that I would have stayed married." She said and squealed out of the driveway with tears falling down her cheeks.

"DAMN IT!" Duo yelled into the night and punched the garage cutting his hand on a piece of metal. He was angry with himself because he fucked up trying to tell her the truth. Even more so because she had compared him to that fuck up she had been married too. He didn't have time to chase her because he left in less than 4 hours and his gundam was having issues of its own. Now this would weigh heavily on him because he would not get to explain things to her before he left and he knew she would think he walked out on her.

Hilde sped down the road still unsure of what he did. If he worked on Gundams fine no big deal. She really didn't care but why all the secrecy. Why didn't he just tell her? She needed to talk to Jai and Heero quickly. She did know one thing she would refuse his calls for the next few days just to show him she didn't need him. The only problem was that she really did need him.

Duo walked in and Howard stood there looking at his bloodied hand. "I take it she didn't accepted your apology?" Howard asked. Duo shot him a look that said he was defiantly not to be fucked with for the rest of the night. As he sat back in the seat of his gundam he looked at the picture of her taped on the wall. It was one of her walking across the beach. It somehow caught the essence of how she was feeling. Duo stared at the picture and pulled his cell phone out of his pocket and began calling her.

Hilde walked in Jai's as Quatre played with the kids on the floor. When he looked up at her she was in tears.

"First fight?"

"Yes, and I found him working on a gundam."

Quatre lost color quickly. 'Please don't ask me, please don't ask me.' He repeated in his head over and over again.

"What was he doing Quatre?"

'Shit!' he thought, "I have no clue what he was doing Hilde." Quatre really didn't have a clue so he wasn't lying. He knew he was leaving but what he was doing with his gundam was far beyond him. Then again that could be counted as a half lie. Then again it wasn't his place to talk for Duo either so he felt in the clear because if it came down to it he would only tell her to talk to him.

When she walked back into her apartment the phone rang and her answering machine picked up. "Hilde babe, I know you are there please pick up the phone. I need to talk to you." After a few seconds and she didn't pick up she heard him sigh. "Look I am sorry. There are things that are on my mind and yes I did hide things from you but my mentality on that was not wrong. Maybe it was to you but I felt like I was doing the right thing. Here is my cell number 386-4453 please call me I need to talk to you." Then he said it, words that she wasn't expecting, "I love you babe please." Hilde cried herself to sleep that night totally unaware that she would not see Duo for the next three weeks but he told her loved her and she wasn't sure that she could speak those words yet even though she felt them too.

Duo lay awake on the cot in the cold room staring at the ceiling as Heero punched away at his keyboard. "You know Duo I think that this is quietest that I have ever seen you."

Duo still just stare ahead, his heart was broken. He had gotten email after email from Quatre on her state of being and he was worried as hell about her. He even sent Jase over to talk to her but she would not answer the door. The only thing Duo could think was that he was going to lose her. Heero looked over his keyboard at him and saw the pain in his eyes and knew what had to have happened and sat his laptop down. "Want to talk?"

Duo looked over at Heero and shook his head telling him, "This is my problem and I know I can fix it. We get back tomorrow so I will see her then."

Heero turned from his laptop and stared heavily at Duo. Duo sat up and moved to the edge of his bed and let out a heavy sigh and began to tell Heero the story from beginning to end.

Heero looked at Duo, "Duo you are my best friend and I will give you only this as advice. You should have told the truth to begin with. We as Gundam pilots lead complicated lives. The rest of us were lucky and our partners were somehow affiliated with us from the beginning and knew about our lives. You however, were not so fortunate. Hilde had no clue. When you and Quatre felt that they would hopefully be a part of your lives forever you should have told them the truth. That is the point that I have been trying to get across to Quatre about my sister. Jai is going to be double pissed because she was a spy during that war. She feed us all the info we used for our missions. I'm surprised she hasn't figured it out. That's only proves how much she loves him and I'm sure Hilde feels the same about you."

"I never lied to her though, I simply chose not to say anything to her."

"You might as well have lied then, it would have been the same."

Duo laid back down and stared at ceiling pondering Heero's thoughts and knew then that he had to make things right.

Duo and Heero got back late that night but Hilde had been at Duo's that day. She wanted to know where he was, why he hadn't contacted her and why it was that none of his friends seemed to know anything either. She was on the back porch looking at the garage when the roof opened up and the Deathscythe descended into the garage. She ran towards the door. 'Ok slap him first, cuss him out, and then kiss him.' She told herself as she ran down the long hallway.

Then again what if this wasn't Duo she thought and stopped in the doorway. 'Fuck it someone is getting slapped.'

She ran up the stairwell and waited as the cockpit doors opened. Duo was shutting things down and talking to himself as he did so. She knew his voice anywhere. She walked to the opening and looked at him narrowing her eyes. When he looked up he was met with her hand across his face. But he grabbed it before she could pull it back and pulled her to him and kissed her deeply. She only returned the kiss.

After a few seconds she broke it off. "Wait why am I kissing you? I am mad as hell at you for not talking to me for three weeks." She said backing out of the cockpit followed by Duo who knew she was about to be trapped in between him and the railing.

Her senses were off. Part of her wanted that sexy body of his to be wrapped around her the other part wanted to beat his ass for doing what he had done to her. Suddenly she found herself pinned and looked at Duo who was now in her face and trying to kiss her again.

"I. Cant. Kiss. You." She said in between the feather light kisses he was placing on her lips.

Duo's lips were all over hers, "Why?"

"Because I'm mad at you."

"Why?" He said trying his best to get her into one of deep kisses.

"Because you lied to me. Then didn't bother calling me for three weeks."

He just decided that because she wouldn't let him kiss her he would just attack her neck. Once he got down there she leaned into him moaning slightly and he spoke softly against her neck. "I didn't lie to you. I just did not tell you about me and since you want to know, I am a gundam pilot. My scrap yard is my cover and as for a real job yes I make money off of this but I work for Preventers."

At this point Hilde really didn't care she was as horny as hell and Duo's hands were already at her breasts about to encase one of them when she pulled away and looked at him. "Why didn't you just tell me that? It's not like I would have given a big shit."

Duo's eyes were full of lust and love. "Because you were already sad that night and I didn't want to add to your depression telling you my story. Also, I really didn't know how you would respond to knowing that kind of information. Jase and I were separated as kids and didn't find each other until we were in our early twenties. We both thought the other was dead. The people that raised me were killed and died before my eyes and this is what my life has consisted of ever since. Fighting for the peace of the colonies."

"But Duo there is nothing wrong with that."

"There is when your nickname is Shinigami."

Hilde raised an eyebrow at Duo. "It means God of Death." He told her quickly. Hilde only looked at him. Then embraced him tightly and put one hand on the back of his neck and pulled him down into her soft, luscious, lips for a kiss that was three weeks over due.

~*A few weeks later*~

Jai walked into the lobby of Prescott Industries and approached the receptionist.

"Excuse me. Could you tell me how to get to Quatre Cagle's office?"

The woman looked at Jai bewildered, "Uh…I'm sorry but no one by that name works here. But there is a…"


Jai turned from the woman and smiled, "Hello Quatre."

Quatre walked up to Jai and gave her a hug in which she returned. He took her hand in his and led her away from the receptionist.

"Quatre, why did she say that you didn't work here?"

"Oh, she's new. She didn't know." He replied cringing.

The receptionist put her hands on her hips and shot Quatre an evil look that could raise the dead and kill them all over again.

Quatre opened the door to his office and escorted Jai in. As soon as the door was closed he pulled her into his arms' and kissed her soundly. When the kiss ended, he looked down at the woman in his arms.

"So to what do I owe this visit?"

"Well I thought that we should spend sometime together just the two of us." She replied as she looked up at him.

"OK" he said as he released her and walked to the other side of his desk, "what would you like do?"

Jai walked over to his desk and sat on the edge of it, "I planned a trip for us."

"Really? Where to?" he asked his interest piqued.

"The most magical place on earth." She replied smiling.


Drew's great grandparents lived about 30 minutes outside of the city so he went to stay with them for the next week. Hilde took him over there and visited for quite a while. They talked of idle chatter and the things that Drew was learning in school. She enjoyed her visits that she had with them even if they were Mike's parents. When she returned Duo was lying on the couch watching a basketball game. Hilde jumped over it and landed on him.

"What do you say to us going out for the night?" She asked seductively.

Duo smirked, "I dunno babe this basketball game is pretty good."

"Fine, there are a few guys down the street that wouldn't mind me going out with them so I will see you later. You know where everything is. I promise to be a good girl." Hilde said and got up to get dressed.

Duo pulled her back down and rolled over on top of her. "They would die first and I don't think that you would want that. So I will go home, get dressed and be back in about an hour."

"Okay." She said and then he got up and was headed for the door. "Duo? Don't you find it sad that even I can out smart a gundam pilot?"

Duo just turned his head to face her, "Maybe but then again do you really think you are winning?"

Hilde just shook her head and walked up the stairs to get dressed. She knew exactly what she was going to wear tonight. "Duo Maxwell, meet my hot, wet, horny self." She said as she slid the mini-dress over her hips and over her breasts.

When Duo got back he called to her, letting her know that he was there and turned the TV back on to finish watching the game. He only glanced her way when he heard the stairwell squeak and then slowly turning back to her. The dress she wore was a black mini-dress that was tube topped. She had on a pair of black stacks that even if she were still next to him he would be way taller than her.

"Ugh, Wow!" He said to her with his mouth on the floor. He didn't look too bad either in fact, he looked hot as hell not that Duo looking good was a hard thing to accomplish. Hilde loved it when he wore his button fly jeans and timberlands with just a t-shirt. Those jeans left nothing to the imagination.

"What makes you think that you or we rather are actually going to make it out that door?"

"I know your stomach." She said with a smile, "Besides I figure we can eat something and then rent a movie and take it back to your place."

"Then why would you be dressed like that?"

"Because I know it drives you insane." Duo was thinking, 'No shit and that's not all it drives insane.'


Quatre and Jai finally arrived at the most magical place on earth…Walt Disney World, Florida. The couple walked hand in hand down Main Street USA passing various gift shops as well as Cinderella's castle. They posed for a picture with Simba and Nala from the Lion King. The photographer gave Quatre the picture ticket number and told him when to pick them up. They entered Fantasy Land and smiled as the children happily ran from one exhibit to the other. Jai stopped in front of a boat ride. Quatre looked up and read the sign.

"Oh…hell no!" he said with the look of horror on his face.

Jai smiled seductively and linked her arm in his, "Oh come on. It'll be fun."

"Nai Nai. I'll do anything for you but I refuse to go into there."

Jai leaned up and softly brushed her lips against his fluttering her eyelids, "Please?"

"It's a world of laughter and a world of tears, it's a world of hopes and a world of fears, there's so much that we share that it's time were aware, it's a small world after all." The various animated dolls, children and Jai sang as the tiny boat made its way through the many displays from various nations around the world.

"It's a small word after all, I small world after all, It's a small world after all, It's a small world after all, It's a small, small world." The riders sang out of tune.

Quatre covered his ears, his worse nightmares coming true. Not only was this song annoying the hell out of him, they had the nerve to sing it off key. As soon as the ride ended he grabbed Jai's hand and made a b-line for the exit trying to escape the horrid tune. Unfortunately, it continued to follow him for he could not get the dreadful melody out of his head.

Quatre and Jai continued to walk around the park until they reached Space Mountain. Jai smiled at Quatre and pulled him into the building. They each sat down in their individual car. They strapped on the shoulder and lap harness.

"Well Quatre, are you ready for your first roller coaster ride?"

"Yeah, this is just like strapping into Sandrock." Quatre replied.

"What?" Jai replied confused.

Quatre mentally cursed himself "I said I'm as ready as I'll ever beeeeeee!" he replied as the roller coaster took off.

Jai and Quatre threw their hands in the air and yelled as the car zoomed its way around the track in the darkness. They were laughing hysterically as the car jolted to a stop.

"So, how did you like it?" Jai asked as they left.

"That was great. Wanna go again?"

They looked at each other and grinned. Like two little kids they ran around the building, got back in line and rode again.

After hours of walking they decided to take a cruise on the Liberty Belle Riverboat. Quatre spotted a lounge chair in a semi-secluded area on the third tier of the Paddle Boat. He walked over to the lounger and sat down. He pulled Jai down to sit in between his legs as he draped them off the sides of the lounger and she stuck hers out in front of her. She leaned her back against his chest as he wrapped his arms around. They sat in silence for a while enjoying the scenery and each other's company.

Quatre began nibbling on her ear, "Thank You." He whispered in her ear.

Jai leaned back further into his embrace, "For what?" she asked.

"Well…For bringing me to my first amusement park, taking me on my first roller coaster and for loving me as I am."

Jai stiffen in his embrace at his last statement.

"How did you know?" she quietly asked.

Quatre turned her face so he could looking into her dark blue eyes, "I could read it in your eyes when ever you looked at me. I could see it in your smile every time you smiled at me. I could feel it when ever your lips touched mine."

Quatre continued to stare into her eyes, "What I will remember most about this trip is the way your eyes shined with happiness when I told you that I was in love with you too."


They ran into Catherine, Jase, Kellee and Trowa at the restaurant. Jase looked at Trowa, "Damn can she get any fucking hotter?" Trowa only looked away his wife was fine too and after seeing Hilde tonight he was going to take care of pains of his own that night.

They all dined together and Kellee made a comment to Hilde, "Ya know he looks good tonight." Which Catherine nodded her head in agreement of course then again she had his exact match living with her.

Duo and Hilde sat across from each other as they ate and frequently they would catch one another looking at the other one. As they talked with their friends Duo felt something sliding up his leg. He reached down and ran his hand across her foot and leg and looked at her. When her foot reached his crotch she began to stroke it softly making sure she got a reaction from him. Duo finally said, "Ok babe we gotta run or we're going to be late."

Hilde just looked at him. He walked over and slid out her chair. He gave Jase the money for their dinner and they said their goodbyes. Once they were out at the jeep he said nothing to her he only helped her in and strapped her seatbelt pinning her head into the seat with a kiss. She only looked at him smiling and thinking, 'Yeah you're losing this fight.'

Duo finally looked at her, "I have movies at my place we can watch one of those if you like."

"Sure." She said then she realized that Duo was just in a hurry to get her on the couch. They made out on his couch quite often and even though he never got anywhere with her it was just the fact that he was with her. He normally wouldn't go any farther than feeling her up because he knew that if she touched him he wouldn't be able to control himself.

As they drove down the road Hilde reached over and placed her hand on his thigh. "I am glad we got to be alone tonight." She said as her hand began to rub his thigh. As they drove on she continued rubbing his thigh and began inching farther and farther up towards his crotch.

He was really trying to concentrate on driving at this point and found himself going really fast to try and get home. 'Fuck that movie, I have better plans for you.' Duo was horny as hell, first she dresses extremely hot, then she plays with him in the restaurant, and then to top it all off, 'Oh my god she is feeling me up.' Hilde had begun to rub Duo extremely hard right on his manhood.

Duo looked in her direction. She was just watching the trees whip past as if she wasn't doing anything wrong. In her head though she was laughing thinking, 'I have you right where I want you.' Duo on the other hand was doing his best to keep from pulling over on the side of the road and taking care of business right then. She had never gone this far with him he wondered what kind of plans she had on her brain in store for him.

It was a good thing the top and doors were on because Hilde had found a way to unbutton his pants and expose all of his business. Duo wanted to stop her but found that he couldn't move from his current position. Once he was fully exposed to her she began to run her hand up and down his aching manhood. As her hand worked busily on Duo, he thought he would just explode. They were still about 30 minutes from his house and he wondered what else she might come up with. Duo had been doing a good job keeping himself in check as she continued her ministrations with her hand but when she leaned over and ran her tongue from the base to the tip he almost wrecked. Hilde began to pump him again with her hand occasionally licking it. A small amount of his excitement for what she was doing escaped and she licked it up. Duo soon came to realize that she was teasing him and this was something that he couldn't let her do. He wanted to thrust upward into her mouth to make her stop or suck it. Before long her tongue went around the tip encircling it, then he felt her lips as they slowly descended down him. She loved it because he had to concentrate on driving and her life was in his hands at that moment. To her that made her giving him a blowjob well worth it.

He placed his hand in her hair as her soft lips glided up and down on him. Her soft lips were tightly pursed around him and occasionally she would let her teeth graze him. He found he needed air and pushed the button for the top to fall back. Her tongue glided up and down capturing the little bit of Duo that would escape occasionally and she smiled for each groan that she received.

Right before he was about to cum she looked at him. "I want to drive." Duo just looked at her. He was still in a daze but pissed because she left him hanging on the edge. Before he could even respond to her, she hiked her dress up exposing the fact that she never had any underwear on. She placed her hands on the steering wheel and straddled him as Duo kept the gas pedal deployed. She slid down on Duo taking all of him in. He sucked in from the feeling. He slid his hands up her sides to her breasts grabbing the top of the dress and pulling it over them. He caressed them gently as she began to move up and down on him.

Hilde's knee accidentally turned on the CD player and Duo had in 112. It set the mood and Duo's true sexual colors showed through.

So hot, hot
It's the S the L the I the M
Let me tell you what I wanna do

Duo grabbed her clit and began to massage it.
Let me show you that I'm feelin' you

His hips steadied with the music.

Wanna sex, wanna ride with you

He began to suck on her shoulder.

Wanna taste, wanna put my lips all over you

Then he took the hand that was on her breast and pulled her back towards him as he kissed up her neck licking on it.

Can't get enough of you
Always taken of you
So sweet, so very wet

Duo's hand that was on her clit had sped up their ministrations.
So good, girl you make me sweat

Sweat began to bead on his forehead even though the top was down and the wind was whipping wildly around them.

Girl I'm talkin' 'bout
Peaches and cream

Hilde released moaning his name loudly and clenching the steering wheel so tight her knuckles turned white.
I need it cause you know that I'm a fiend
I' freaky in my Bentley limousine

Duo seethed through his teeth as she tightened around him.

It's even better when it's with ice cream
Know what I mean
Peaches and cream
I need it cause you know that I'm a fiend
I' freaky in my Bentley limousine

Duo moved his hands to her waist and began to lift her up and down.

It's even better when it's with ice cream
Know what I mean, peaches and cream

I never thought that I would be
So addicted to you

He wanted more of her and didn't feel he was getting enough.

On top, underneath, on the side of you
Better yet baby inside of you

He needed to be deeper in her, he want to fuck the hell out of her.

Love the way you're just flowin down
And I can feel it all around

He sped up his thrusts. Hilde began to rock back and forth while Duo fought his orgasm. She felt to good for it to be over just yet.

In the front, in the back of you Ooh I love the taste of you

Duo pulled her back and kissed her as he watched the road.

Girl you know what I'm talking about

He slid his tongue deep into her mouth.

Peaches and cream
I need it cause you know that I'm a fiend

He was thanking God for his being able to pilot anything including her.

I' freaky in my Bentley limousine
It's even better when it's with ice cream
Know what I mean

Peaches and cream

Hilde grabbed the end of his braid pulling off the clasp.

I need it cause you know that I'm a fiend
I' freaky in my Bentley limousine

She threw his hair into the air.

It's even better when it's with ice cream
Know what I mean, peaches and cream

The braid slowly blew out leaving his hair flowing in the wind.

Won't stop girl you know I can't get enough

He moved from her lips to her ear, lightly grazing it with his teeth.

Wanna taste it in the morning when I'm waking up
Like peach cobbler in my stomach when I eat it up

She sucked in a deep breath, "Umm, Duuooo." It felt good to hear her moan his name. Now it was time to make her scream it.

Got your legs around my neck so I can't get up

Hilde stood up, "Drive."

See the boys 112 we from the A' (A')
And when it comes to eating peaches, shorty we don't play (shorty we don't play)

Duo grabbed the wheel and looked around her as she slid back down on him.

So all the ladies in the house if your peach the shit
Put your hands in the air represent your clique

He cocked his seat back and took one hand and placed hers on the roll cage.
Peaches and cream
I need it cause you know that I'm a fiend

Then he placed it on her hip pushing her up.

I' freaky in my Bentley limousine
It's even better when it's with ice cream

She began to move and he met her when she came down causing her to slam down on him.

Know what I mean

"Aagh Hilde!" He moaned.

Peaches and cream
I need it cause you know that I'm a fiend

Hilde placed her hands on his shoulders and began slamming down on him as hard as she could.

I' freaky in my Bentley limousine
It's even better when it's with ice cream

Duo was a little bit larger than her but it felt so good she couldn't quit.

Know what I mean, peaches and cream
Oh girl I need it
I gotta have it

Duo was sweating and his breathing was hard, "If you keep that...up…I…am going to…cu…umm."

It's always on my mind
Know what I mean
Peaches and cream
I like it in my car

He grabbed a breast in his mouth and looked around her at the road.

Or even in my bed Or baby on the stairs
Know what I mean
Peaches and cream
Oh girl I need it

She pushed his head into her breast and he suckled on it hard.

I gotta have it

Then he moved to the other one.

It's always on my mind
Know what I mean
Peaches and cream

She could tell by the way he had sped up not only the jeep, but his thrusts, that he would soon share his seed with her.

I like it in my car

Hilde leaned back towards the window on the steering wheel where Duo could see her whole body and the road clearly.

Or even in my bed
Or baby on the stairs

Duo pumped into her harder nearing his on release.
Know what I mean
Peaches and cream

With one hand on the steering wheel he pushed her back more as she met his every thrust. Harder and deeper each time.

Peaches and cream

When he reached his released he pushed her harder and the horn began to blow.

I need it cause you know that I'm a fiend
I' freaky in my Bentley limousine

Hilde's fingernails dug into his arms as she reached another one.

It's even better when it's with ice cream
Know what I mean

Peaches and cream

She heard him over the horn, "ff…uuccckkk. Ohh Hilde DAMN!"

I need it cause you know that I'm a fiend
I' freaky in my Bentley limousine
It's even better when it's with ice cream

He watched her as she moaned out his name quietly.
Know what I mean, peaches and cream

Duo pulled over and lay his head down on her chest. She sat up and looked down at him. "I thought we were going to your house?"

"I took a detour." He said breathless finally looking into her eyes. She moved her head down to his and he wrapped his arms around her neck and kissed her deeply.

She broke off the kiss and looked at him, "Duo?"

"Yeah babe."

"We should take detours more often."


At dusk, with their arms loaded with various souvenirs, stuff animals, pictures and the portrait they had sketched, Quatre and Jai returned to the Polynesian Resort that they were staying during their trip. The luxury resort was surrounded by sandy white beaches, waterfalls, lush gardens and palm trees. After they took their goodies to their beach house, they walked hand in hand to the Luau Dinner Show. They joined the circle of other patrons as the show began. Jai sat in Quatre's lap as they watched the hula girls and ate Hawaiian delicacies. As the Luau came to an end, the hula girls began pulling members of the audience up to dance with them. One grabbed Jai who willingly went along. Jai began swaying her hips left to right in time with the rest of the girls. Quatre was transfixed on her movements as they began having an intoxicating effect on him. His eyes followed her hips as they moved. He could help but fantasize what it would be like to have her hips moving in time with his. When the beat of the drums speed up, so did the movements of the girls hips Jai's included. Quatre could see her hips speeding up as they rode him into oblivion. The audience clapped as the Luau came to an end, startling Quatre out of his thoughts.

"That was fun." Jai said as she came back and sat down by Quatre.

Quatre looked at Jai, "I didn't know you know you knew how to hula dance?"

"Spy rule number one, be prepared for anything." She replied smirking.

The full moon reflected off of the pool. After the Luau, Quatre was over heated and decided to do vigorous laps in the pool to cool down his raging hormones before he dared to climb into the same bed with her. As much as he wanted to make love to her, he didn't think that she was ready for that step and he still needed to tell her whom he really was. Every time he closed his eyes all he could see was the swaying of her hips as they danced. He raised up out of the water and shook his head to get rid of the access. When he opened his eyes his blood ran hot all over again. Standing before him was the woman of his dreams in a wet white bathing suit. He could see her erect nipple harden by the cool air as well as the dark disc that surrounded it. His eyes traveled down her exposed flat stomach. Caressing her soft full hips with his gaze, he moved lower. He felt himself grow hard under the cold water as he looked at the dark curls barely hidden beneath the suit.

She gracefully slid into the water and swam her way towards him. Wrapping her arms around his neck and his hands coming to rest on her waist.

"Are you going to stay in the water all night." She whispered into his ear, then nibbling on it.

Quatre's mind began to race. He could felt her nipples on his chest and the nibbling on his ear was sending him into overdrive. He pulled her closer to him. She wrapped her legs around his waist rubbing against his throbbing manhood. Her lips left his ear to brush lightly against his lips. Quatre threaded his fingers through her hair as he kissed her slowly running his tongue along every inch of her lips. She thrusted her hips against hi hardness eliciting a low growl from him. She broke the kiss smiling, untangling herself from his embrace.

"Don't stay out too long." She said as she got out of the pool, swaying her hips as she head towards their beach house.

Quatre watched her until she disappeared into the house. The water was no longer cooling. He could feel the sweat beading on his forehead. He dunked his head under the water until he could not longer hold his breath trying to regain control over his body. He resumed his vigorous laps determined to regain control over his body or drown trying.

Quatre entered the dark bedroom. His body damp from the laps he did in the pool. The towel hung around his shoulders. As he walked further into the room, he saw a soft glow coming from the bathroom and slow romantic Latin rhythms playing. He looked in the doorway and saw Jai lounging in the spa tub that was in the center of the huge bathroom. Taper candles lined the walls of the bathroom, their flames reflecting off of the mirrors adding to the erotic atmosphere. Jai's head was resting on the back of the tub, her body hidden beneath the dense volume of bubbles. He stood in the doorway entranced by the euphoric scene. His vigorous laps in the pool having been a waste of time because he was now back in the same state of arousal that he'd been in when she was in the pool.

"Quatre, how long are you going to stand there?" Jai asked as she extended her leg high in the air.

Quatre watched in silence as the water and bubbles slid down her firm, tanned, well toned leg and returned from where it originated. Silently, he walked over to the side of the tub and kneeled down by her. She bent her knee so it peaked out of the water. They stared intently into each other eyes. They're hearts began to race as they each saw the love that was reflected in them.

He cupped her face and lowered his lips to hers kissing her softly as she reached out and tugged on his trunks. He helped her removed them with his free hand not breaking the kiss. Once the trunks were off, she wrapped her arms around his neck pulling him into the tub with her. He landed in between her legs sloshing water out of the sides of the tub.

He ran his hands under the water and let them caress every single curve of her body that he'd been dying to touch since he met her. His hands traveled down her shoulders, down her side of her chest to her hips, on to her thighs and down to her legs bending them at the knees.

She ran her hands up his back and down his muscular arms squeezing them firmly relishing how they flex under her hands. She moved her hands to his broad chest rubbing her thumbs across his nipples while she caressed his pecks.

They broke off their heated kiss and stared into each other passion filled eyes. Jai took the sponge and held it over his head, letting the water run over his hair. He took the sponge and returned the gesture. The scent of Pineapple filled the bathroom as they lathered each other hair. Their fingers slowly massaging each other scalps while sharing an open mouth kiss. Their tongues meeting in mid air lashing out at one another. His fingers began descending to completely lather her waist length chocolate hair. She continued to massage the nape of his scalp pulling him closer closing the small gap between them deepening the kiss. After he lathered her long mane they broke their kiss.

He dunked his head under the water and she rinsed the shampoo from his hair. When he reemerged, his blond hair plastered to his face, using her hand she brushed the wayward strains from his face. He placed his hands on her hips and pulled her to the middle of the huge tub and slowly laid her back; the shampoo leaving her hair as he used one hand to brace her and the other to rinse her hair. He lowered her until her face went under briefly to rinse those Yuy unruly bangs. When she emerged her long hair clung to the top her body. Quatre pushed her wet bangs towards the back of her head as he placed butterfly kisses on her eyelids, her cheeks, her nose and heart shaped chin. He ran his tongue slowly along her bottom lip and repeated the same sweet torture with the top. She parted them and he slipped in wrapping his arms around her pulling her up to stand.

They both stood up in the middle of the tub, water cascading down their bodies like a tapered waterfall as they clung to each other relished in the feeling of her breasts on his chest and his manhood on her thigh.

Breaking their latest kiss, Jai reached for the sponge and applied a liberal amount of shower gel on it. She took her hand and rubbed the sponge causing the air to once again fill with pineapple and the lather the sponge. She took his right hand in hers, lifting his arm. She began at their joined hands and slowly moved the sponge up his up his arm to his shoulder across the top of his chest to the left shoulder and down his left arm. She positioned the sponge at the top of his chest and with slow strokes moved from left to right washing his chest working her way down slowly kneeling as she did so.

Quatre watched her with intense green eyes as she kneeled in front of him. She was now eye level with his manhood. She continued to slowly caress his body with the sponge lathering his pelvis, his hips. Gently she ran the sponge up his shaft, across the tip and down the other side causing him to inhale sharply. The suds clung to the blond strains as she ran the sponge down his firm muscular right thigh then down to leg. She switched to the left leg running the sponge up his left leg up to the thigh.

She nudged him and he took the hint and turned around. Quatre jerked when he felt her lightly bite behind his knees. Jai giggled at his response and continued to move the sponge up the back of his legs. She skipped his rear and reached up washed his back and shoulders. She lathered her hands and began washing his rear and inner thighs running her hands in between his cheeks rubbing his entrance with her slippery fingers. While one hand rubbed his entrance the other caressed his sack and the sensitive area beneath. Quatre began to moan and his body began to tremble from her ministrations.

She slid her hand between his legs and began moving it up and down his enlarged member in a steady rhythm. His breathing became erratic and his moans more intense as he leaned back on her for support. He felt the pressure building as she continued to work her magic gradually speeding up. She nudged the back of his knees and he lowered himself on to his knees. She continued to stroke him as she nibbled on the back of his shoulders then up to the back of his neck. His breathing was in heavy pants and his moans louder. His head fell back to the side mouth open. She took his lips with hers searching his tongue with hers. He reached behind him and grabbed her thighs as he came growling his release into her mouth.

Jai dipped the sponge into the water rinsing the soap from it and dousing his body with the clear water rinsing it as he leaned against her, panting as he returned from his voyage.

After a few moments Quatre turned to face Jai his eyes burning with relentless passion to meet her smoldering dark blue ones. He reached for the shower gel and lathered his hands. Jai's eyes slid closed as his calloused hands began massaging the back of her shoulders kneading them as he simultaneously worked his way to the front, down both of her arms, squeezing and using his thumbs to massage her well toned arms down to her hands. He ran his thumbs over her knuckles as he lifted them in the air and tugging lightly. She understood the gesture and stood.

He placed kisses down the middle of her chest in between her breasts as his lathered hands followed. He kneaded her ample breasts with the palm of his hands. Taking his index fingers he traced the outer realm of the areole slowly moving towards her nipples. He took her nipples between his index fingers and thumbs and rubbed it between them. Jai moaned as the sensation sent shock ways through her body.

He released her nipples and applied more shower gel to his hands once again lathering them. With palms flat he slowly moved them in a circular motion across her flat stomach, her sides and around to her back. His hands glided down to her plump rear where he caressed, squeezed and ran his large hands between her cheeks pulling her closer as he did so. She placed her hands on his shoulders to steady herself as he massaged the back of her thighs with firm compresses. His hands worked their way down the back of her legs in the same manner. His hands worked their way up her thighs parting them as he did so. When his hands reached her heat he looked up at her watching her head fall back as he gently lathered her curls and worked his way in. She gripped his shoulders tighter as she lost the fight to remain standing as his fingers began washing her inner lips, her treasure and her center.

The suds on her body began to sail away as she slowly sank back into the water Quatre steadying her descent back into the water with a hand on her back while the other continued to wash her. He guided her onto her back as she finally arrived back at his level, the water sloshing out of the tub and rinsing the rest of her body. Quatre positioned between her legs began to make circles with his thumb around her treasure unlocking her secrets with every rotation.

Jai arched her back thrusting her breasts up. Quatre leaned forward taking a tasty nipple into his mouth suckling her. He applied pressure to her nipple and her jewel causing Jai to whither under his touch.

She grabbed his head and began thrusting her hips in sync with his rhythm, tightening her legs around him. He ease two fingers into her moving them in and out slowly. Jai panting and moaning began to feel the fire build up in her abdomen. Quatre let go of her nipple and began sucking hard on her neck as he laced his fingers into her hair. Her body was rising and falling as he commanded it to do so. She moaned, panted and whimpered in his ears as he continued to suck on her neck taking total control of her. When he felt her near her edge he thrusted his hand hard into her hitting her g-spot and sent her screaming towards ecstasy.

Quatre rinsed the remaining suds from her body while she returned from her journey towards ecstasy. He leaned down and kissed her passionately. She returned his kiss as she linked her arms around his neck and rolled him over in the tub sloshing water over the sides. She straddled him and reached under the water for his harden member. She broke the kiss and looking into his intoxicating green eyes, she positioned him at her entrance. She slowly lowered herself onto to his staff. She dug her nails into his shoulders and he gripped her hips tighter as the feeling of their bodies joining made them both shutter. She began thrusting her hips slowly in time with the beat of the music. She would thrust forward taking him in deep and then withdraw just to the tip of him and then thrust forward slowly again. With every thrust of her hips the water sloshed over the sides of the tub and they both moan in exquisite pleasure. Her slow moments were slow torture and they both couldn't get enough of it.

He reached over to the sides and turned on the spa. Jet streams of hot water filled the tub with bubbles and steam to replenish the water that was constantly being sloshed out of the tub.

He moved his hands up caressing her sides before they palmed her breasts. He squeezed them sensually as he lightly rubbed his thumbs across them. He moved his hands up to her shoulders and down her arms, lacing his fingers in hers as she kept moving her hips. They could slowly feel the burning in their abdomen intensify as she continued to move them in a tedious sensual pace as he wrapped their joined hands behind her back causing her breasts to thrust forward. He rained kisses all over her breasts and then took the tempting bud into his warm mouth. Her moans intertwined with his as he gently and leisurely suckled her occasionally flicking the nub with is tongue and grazing it with his teeth. He then lavished the other with the same treatment.

Took both of her hands in one of his as he kept them behind her back. He ran his free hand up and down her spine causing her to let her head fall back. He licked a path between her breasts up her throat to her chin. He tenderly kissed her satin smooth jaw line making his way to her perfectly shaped ears. The tempo of the song increased and so did her movements. He let go of her hands and crushed her to his chest as senses as well as his empathic abilities began to become overwhelmed by the intense pleasure she was giving him. She threaded her fingers though his blond locks tilting his face up. She kissed him deeply, their tongues dueling. He buried his face in her chest. She then began to sing the words to the song.

Last night I dreamt of San Pedro
Just like I'd never gone I knew the song
Young girl with eyes like the desert
It all seems like yesterday not far away

Her voice was smooth and sexy with just a touch of huskiness. It was the most wonderful sound he's ever heard. She continued to sing as her hips kept pace with the beat of the tune and the water continued to slosh out onto the floor.
Tropical the island breeze
All of nature wild and free
This is where I long to be
La isla bonita

She ran her hands down his neck and behind his ears. He began lightly nipping at her shoulders. The water began splashing like waves against a sandy beach.
And when the samba played
The sun would set so high
Ring through my ears and sting my eyes
Your Spanish lullaby

She looked into his eyes as she held onto his shoulders and snag the next verse of the song.
I fell in love with San Pedro
She kissed him gingerly on the forehead.
Warm wind carried on the sea he called to me

She flicked his lips with her tongue.
Te dijo te amo
I prayed that the days would last
They went so fast

He could feel the vibrations from her silky voice as he suckled on her throat as she continued to sing.
Tropical the island breeze
All of nature wild and free
This is where I long to be
La isla bonita

He could hear the shakiness in her voice and feel their bodies tremble as they approached heaven.
And when the samba played
The sun would set so high
Ring through my ears and sting my eyes
Your Spanish lullaby

He gripped her hips and began meeting her thrust for thrust, going deeper and deeper each time. She continued to sing, the notes coming out in husky pants that continued to drive him closer and closer to the end.
I want to be where the sun warms the sky
When it's time for siesta you can watch them go by
Beautiful faces no cares in this world
Where a girl loves a boy and a boy
Loves a girl

"I love you" he said in a husky tenor tone as they both continued their movements in sync with the music.
Last night I dreamt of San Pedro
It all seems like yesterday not far away

Her nails dug into his shoulders as she could feel the burning sensation about to burst into a flame.
Tropical the island breeze
All of nature wild and free
This is where I long to be
La isla bonita
And when the samba played
The sun would set so high
Ring through my ears and sting my eyes
Your Spanish lullaby

The remaining words to the song were lost to her as he flipped them over causing water to spill out all sides of the tub. He took control, thrusting uncontrollably into her tight heated channel. She draped her legs off the sides of the tub as she began gasping and clawing at his back.
Tropical the island breeze
All of nature wild and free

He kissed her hungrily before burying his face in the crook of her neck.
This is where I long to be
La isla bonita

She arched her back as the first surge of loves waves hit her. He felt her walls begin to pulsate, her juices flooding him. He gave one more strong thrust.
And when the samba played
The sun would set so high

Jai screamed his name as her body began to convulse harshly against his, the world spinning out of control.
Ring through my ears and sting my eyes
Quatre shouted her name, as his body shuttered violently like a ship caught in the middle of a storm. Tears sprang to both of their eyes' as the sensations were almost too much to bear.
Your Spanish lullaby
La la la la la la la
Te dijo te amo
La la la la la la la
El dijo que te ama

She continued to cling tightly to him, giving each other small kisses as the after shocks continued to shake their bodies as they returned from loves high.
Jai summoned enough energy to turn off the spa. Quatre picked her up and carried her over to the shower. He quickly rinsed them off and carried her into the bedroom. She was already dosing by the time he reached the bed. With one hand he reached down and pulled the covers back. He laid her gently down in the middle of the bed and got in behind her. She snuggled close to him as he wrapped his arms around her.
"I love you, Quatre"
Quatre held her close to him as the full moon illuminated her profile. He could see the rise and fall of her chest as she slept nestled in his arms. As he began to drift off to the land of dreams, he wondered how he would survive if he ever lost her.

Shinigami's Rapture: "Damn. That gives me the urge to herbal."

Oracle at Delphi: "I got an urge but it's not to herbal."

Oracle at Delphi: "You know, I don't think I'm gonna look at a peach the same way ever again."

Shinigami's Rapture rolls around the floor laughing her ass off.