Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ One Long Week ❯ Prologue

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: Is this even necessary? I think you and I both know that Gundam Wing doesn't belong to me. Oh, and How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days doesn't belong to me either.

Rating: PG, I think

Warnings: AU, shounen-ai/yaoi, maybe a bit OOC... depends on what you consider OOC ^^

Pairings: 2+4, background 1+3 and maybe other pairings

Author's Note: Imp- I know, I should be working on Yumemaboroshi, but I couldn't resist!

Layli- *looks smug*

Tanashi- It's her fault that this plot bunny wouldn't leave me alone! Muses...

Layli- Whee! ^.^

Tanashi - ...Moving on, a little background on this fic. The idea popped up after watching a commercial for How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days. The boys are 22-23ish, already out of college and with stable jobs. It takes place in some big modern city and it's a week before Valentine's Day. It's nine days to Valentine's Day (in reality), so I'm hoping to get out a chapter a day starting exactly seven days before Valentine's Day. Unlike Yumemaboroshi, I actually have this fic semi-planned out. ^.^

Layli- Yepyup! So, hopefully, you'll enjoy this little prologue of the fic!

One Long Week


By: Tanashi

"I bet you that you couldn't make a guy fall in love with you." The blue-haired girl smirked at the boy sitting across from her, leaning back in her chair and propping her feet up in his lap. Even though they were at a rather formal party, the girl didn't care much for etiquette. She was bored and needed something to talk about.

Her friend glared at her good-naturedly. "Really?" He raised an eyebrow. "How much are you willing to bet?"

Their third companion shook his head. "You could never turn down a bet, could you, Duo?"

"Never, Wu-man!" Duo grinned at him, ignoring the glare that was shot at him at the mention of the nickname, then turned his attention to the owner of the pair of feet in his lap. "So? What are the stakes in this little bet?"

Hilde swung her feet back onto the ground, leaning over the table. She propped her head up on her hands, letting her elbows rest on the table. "You get one week to get another guy to fall in love with you. If you fail, then you have to..." She paused, thinking, before an evil grin made itself known on her face. "...have to cough up 50 bucks and run through the whole city in a sparkly pink tutu, complete with wings, a tiara, and a wand, which I will happily provide, and then do the sugar plum faerie dance in Central Park."

He raised an eyebrow, looking at the girl. "And if I win?"

"Then I'll pay you 75 bucks and..." Hilde shuddered at the thought, "...and I'll run around the city in a Supergirl costume trying to save the day but in reality making things worse."

Duo smirked. "You're on." The asian boy didn't even bother with a comment, rolling his eyes.

The petite girl gazed around the room. "How about the blonde over there?" She pointed at a boy sitting at a table on the other side of the room who was sitting with four other people: two males, two females.

Looking to where Hilde was pointing, Duo examined him. The blonde was cute, he had to admit, with his hair on the lighter side and skin slightly on the pale side. He couldn't see the boy's eyes from where he was sitting, but it didn't really matter at this point. He turned his attention back to Hilde, shrugging his shoulders. "All right."

* * * * *

Quatre was bored, no doubt about it. He felt a little uncomfortable sitting with Heero and Trowa. The two were dating, and being at a social event like the one they were in at the moment made him feel like a third wheel. Relena and Iria were talking about something or another. Quatre wasn't really paying attention as his mind drifted away.


The mention of his name brought him back to reality. He blinked. "Huh?"

One of Trowa's eyebrows went up. "Were you even listening?"

A guilty look crossed Quatre's face. "Uh... sorry?"

Relena laughed. "We were just talking about Iria's column."

His older sibling let out a sigh. "Ms. Fehne is making me write a new article. Well, actually I volunteered to do so. I was expecting to pick the topic, though! You'd think she'd treat me better, considering I practically run the whole newspaper..." She shook her head. "Anyways, my new topic is 'How to Lose a Guy in a Week'." She rolled her eyes.

"We decided that one of us should snag a boyfriend and do everything wrong in a relationship," Relena piped up.

Heero looked at her. "One of us?"

"Excluding Heero and Trowa, of course."

The two mentioned almost looked relieved. Trowa glanced at his watch. "Sorry to leave now, guys, but Heero and I have an appointment to get to." They were partners of a company as well. Everyone exchanged his or her goodbyes.

After the departure of his two best friends, Quatre went back to the first topic. "Just how exactly do we choose who gets the honor?" he asked, a tinge of sarcasm coloring his question.

His sister grinned. "Simple. The first one who gets asked out receives the honor of carrying it out."

A look of relief appeared on Quatre's face. "Well, that leaves me out."

No sooner after the words left Quatre's mouth could Duo have chosen to make his appearance. "Hiya!"

Quatre sent a pleading look at his sister, but Iria just sent him a smirk, accompanied with a look that clearly told him to go along with it or suffer the consequences if he didn't. He wisely chose the former, turning his attention back to Duo, pasting on a sincere-looking smile. "Hi yourself," he said back, his tone friendly, all the while hoping that the guy wouldn't ask him out.

"I was sitting over there," Duo didn't specify where 'there' was, "and couldn't help but notice you sitting over here." It was a nice, safe pickup line. "I was wondering if you would be interested in going out for coffee with me tomorrow." There. He said it. He could feel Hilde and Wufei's eyes on him, but thought it best to ignore them for the time being.

One tiny glance at his sister and Relena's expressions was all it took. "Really?" he asked, feigning astonishment admirably. "I'd love," he emphasized the word 'love', "to go out for coffee with you!" He smiled brightly. "I'm Quatre."

"Duo Maxwell." Duo didn't notice the lack of a last name, or if he did, he didn't say anything about it. "So, tomorrow at 10:30 A.M. fine with you?"

Quatre nodded. "That's perfect."

"All right, then. Do you know where Shade of Blue, the coffee shop, is?" He received an affirming nod. "We'll meet there, then. See ya then!" Duo winked and bounded away.

It was Quatre's turn to give his sister a look. "I can't believe you're going to make me go through with this!"

Iria smirked. "Believe it, bro. The agreement was the first person to get asked out, gets the job."

"I never agreed to it though!"

His sister almost looked evil. "Too bad."

Quatre buried his face in his arms, mumbling words muffled by his arms that sounded a lot like, "I hate you."

Of course, Iria had selective hearing. "What's that, dear brother? You love me? Aw, I love you too!"

The blonde just groaned.


Tanashi - ^.^ Prologue done!

Layli- About time, sloth-girl!

Tanashi - Somebody help me... -.-

Layli- ^^ Comments are much appreciated!