Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ One Long Week ❯ Chapter 1

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: You mean Gundam Wing and How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days aren't mine? Awww, fudge.

Rating: PG

Warnings: AU, shounen-ai/yaoi, maybe a little OOC...

Pairings: 2+4

Author's Note:

Tanashi- Well, it's now a week before Valentine's Day, so I'm keeping my promise and posting the first chapter. ^^

Layli-'re serious?

Tanashi- Yup!

Layli- I'm so proud!

Tanashi-'s not THAT big of a deal...

Layli- My little baby's all grown up!

Tanashi- Now you're scaring me...

Layli- ^.^

Tanashi- Sorry this part doesn't have much detail. The next part should be better... I'm not going to promise anything I'm not positive I can keep, so we'll just have to wait and see.

Layli- Chapter one, coming at you!

Shinigami29: Thank you! ^^ I hope this fic keeps you interested in the Gundam Wing fandom.

Volleys: This chapter doesn't contain too much comedy... but the next one should have more! ^^;;'

IceraMyst: I'm hoping to keep it as original as I can with this type of storyline. ^-^

Mirasha: The wait has ended! I hope to keep you interested. ^.^

Hybrid Fairy: Is two days soon enough for you? ^.~

RD: Yay! ^_^

One Long Week

Day One

By: Imp

"You're seriously going through this, Quatre?" His best friend's voice sounded dubious of the whole plan. "It doesn't sound like something you'd do."

Quatre sighed. "I don't really have a choice in the matter, Trowa. We are talking about Iria, here. You remember her, don't you? The psycho sibling of mine who seems to always get what she wants?" He tucked the phone between his head and shoulder, scribbling notes down on in a notebook.

"Right, right." Quatre could practically see his friend rolling his eyes.

He smiled, even though he knew that Trowa didn't have the ability to see through the phone. "I already have it planned out." He paused. "Let me reword that," he said wryly. "Iria already has most of it planned out. I'm just the puppet to carry it out."

Trowa chuckled.

"Does Heero have any words of wisdom for me on this?"

"Let me check." Quatre could hear voices, but couldn't figure out what they were saying. "Heero says that there's only one rule: Don't fall in love."

Quatre let out another sigh.

"Look at the bright side." He could almost see Trowa shrugging at this moment. "You could have fun with this whole thing, torturing the guy."

"That's the bright side?"

Another laugh filtered through the phone. "Sorry, Quatre, but I have to hang up. Heero wants to check on the construction progress. Have fun." The conversation ended with a click.

He let out a frustrated huff of breath. "Thanks a lot, Trowa," he said to the dead tone, sarcasm dripping from his words.

* * * * *

Duo checked his watch for what seemed like the thousandth time. Where was the guy? It was nearing 11, and the blonde was nowhere in sight. He was getting frustrated. Oh, wait, he already was frustrated.


The braided boy looked down the sidewalk to see a beaming Quatre come running over.

Before Duo had a chance to speak, Quatre spoke again. "I'm so sorry I'm late!" His face held a very convincing expression of sorrow, and Duo could feel his anger dissipating.

"That's all right, no big deal. I mean, you were only a few minutes late." Duo shrugged with a smile directed at Quatre.

A brilliant smile graced Quatre's features. "Really? I'm glad you're not mad!" he said happily.

Duo gestured towards the coffee shop, holding out his other arm. "Shall we?"

His companion nodded, slipping his arm in to link with Duo's. "We shall."

* * * * *

Quatre stared at the reports, trying to make sense of the words that were blurring together. He was frustrated, and couldn't seem to concentrate on the papers in front of him. After spilling his cup of coffee on Duo, purely accidental, flirting with the waiter, not paying the bill, pushing him into the lake when he himself suggested a walk through the park, another accident, volunteering Duo to be a shoulder for a little girl to cry on (who ended up getting sick and throwing up on the violet-eyed boy), and finally dodging the kiss by using the excuse of work, causing Duo to fall face-first into the door, Duo was still as charming as ever. And that wasn't even counting the dog incident, the ice-cream incident, the balloon incident, and the squirrel incident. Oh, and the yak as well. But that wasn't the point. The point was that Duo wasn't getting upset over any of it.

"Are you Quatre?" He looked up to see a deliveryman standing just outside his open door. He nodded uncertainly, suddenly seized by an urge to kick the man out of the building. "I have a delivery for you." The man turned his head to shout down the hall. "All right, boys! Bring 'em in!"

He blinked, confused at what the deliveryman had said. All he could do was stare as three other men walked in, each carrying a huge bouquet of flowers. They all left without another word, and he was left with an office strongly smelling of assorted flowers. Surprised was an understatement to what Quatre was feeling at the moment. Astonishment was a closer word to describe the emotion.

Spotting a card on the bouquet one had set on his desk, he opened it, curious. It read:

Hey Quat! I was hoping that we could have dinner together tonight. Would you mind? Nothing formal, just wear something casual. Meet me outside my apartment building at 7:30. My address is on the back of this card. See you then! ~Duo

He grinned. If at first you don't succeed, try, try again.

* * * * *

Quatre stood outside the apartment building, a bit unsure if he had the right one. He double-checked the address written on the card and confirmed that the building was indeed the right one. He chose to wear a plain white t-shirt, a pair of black jeans, and a warm, oversized jacket.

"Oy! Quat!" He looked up, managing to avoid the leaves of the plant he was holding. There was Duo's head, sticking out from a window. The head grinned down at him. "Come on up!" Duo's head disappeared back inside. Quatre shrugged. Spotting the front door, he walked into the building. The lobby was cheery-looking, nothing too fancy but not shabby either. He walked up to the front desk.

"Excuse me?"

The woman turned around and smiled. "How may I help you?"

He smiled back. "Could you tell me how to get to Duo Maxwell's apartment?"

"No problem. His apartment's number is 27. Take the elevator or stairs up to the second floor. It's the fourth door on your left, can't miss it." She pointed to where the stairs and elevators were located.

"Thank you!" Quatre took the direction she had pointed to and soon found the stairs. Figuring that two floors weren't really that much of a walk, he decided to take the stairs. He bounded up them and was on the second floor in no time. "Let's see... 21... 23... 25... 27!" He blinked, staring at the oddly colored door. "When she said I couldn't miss it, she was right." He shook his head and knocked on the neon-green door, trying to ignore the flashing orange '27' sign on the door.

"The door's open! Come on inside!"

He turned the doorknob. Unlocked. He pushed the door open and poked his head in first. "Yoo-hoo... Anyone here?"

Duo popped out directly in front of him, seemingly out of nowhere. "Quat! You came! Take a seat on the couch while I finish getting the last of the things together." He disappeared into a room to the right.

"I brought a present!" Quatre said, loud enough for Duo to hear. "It's a mini pear tree, to symbolize our budding love. Just like in the song! 'On the first day of Christmas my true love gave to me, a partridge in a pear tree.'" He frowned. "I couldn't get a partridge, though. Something about there not being enough of them or that they shouldn't be kept in cages. Oh well." He set the plant down and found the aforementioned couch quite easily, as it was in plain sight, plopping down on it. He looked around the room. It was simple, a contrast to the door. The walls were a plain white, the couch was a simple white as well, and the coffee table was nothing special, void of items. He couldn't suppress the grin that made its way onto his face as a new idea began to take shape in his mind.

* * * * *

"So? What do you think?" Duo's question cut into his thoughts.

Quatre looked around, not able to contain his amazement. "I'm... speechless..." His date had taken the liberty of arranging a picnic on a hill with a breathtaking view of the ocean. Breathe, Quatre. Remember, the whole point of this is to drive him away... Keep your eye on the goal. If that doesn't work, think of what your sister's capable of! He blinked when he realized what he was doing. I'm talking to myself...

The violet-eyed boy shot him a charming smile. "I'm glad you like it." He noticed the expression on Quatre's face and just barely managed to keep from changing his smile into a sly grin. I'm going to win this bet.

* * * * *

The blonde gave his companion another apologetic smile. "I'm sorry," he said. "I didn't mean to upset the whole picnic blanket and food into the water..."

Duo counted to ten in his head before responding. "Nah, it's okay, Quat. Accidents happen, y'know?"

This isn't working... Plan B launches tomorrow. Quatre nodded, conjuring up a relieved smile. "I still had a great time..."

"I'm glad." Before Quatre had a chance to protest, he leaned forward and pressed a light kiss on Quatre's lips. "Goodnight, Quat!" Duo waved and strolled into the apartment building.

Quatre calculated the time it would take Duo to get back into his apartment, and then looked up to see if he was right. Bingo. There was Duo's head sticking out of the window, his braid dangling out as well. He walked over to his car, then back up at Duo and smiled, giving him a wave. "When I'm through with you, you're going to wish you never set eyes on me," he said quietly through his wide smile. He blew Duo a kiss and waved.

Duo watched as Quatre got into his car, a satisfied grin spreading across his face. "You are so falling in love with me..." (*)

* * * * *


Tanashi- This is a very stubborn balloon. It refuses to inflate!

Layli- ...maybe because it's a water balloon...

Tanashi- ...It is?

Layli- *nods*

Tanashi- o.O Well, whaddaya know, it is...

Layli- *sigh* -.-

Tanashi- Well, anywho, due to the recent announcement of the launch of, I don't think I'll be able to post up the last chapter until the 16th, two days after Valentine's Day. Sorry! It's not my fault they picked those days to shut down the site!

Layli- Why??? Why Valentine's Day?

Tanashi- Erm... She's a little emotional right now... Hmm... I wonder who actually reads these little 'Author's Notes' comments... Too many dot dot dots... -.-'

Layli- As always, comments are appreciated!

*Stol... er, I mean borrowed from How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days. ^^