Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ One Long Week ❯ Chapter 2

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: Dreams don't come true. ;_; Sorry, I don't own Gundam Wing or How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days.

Rating: PG

Warnings: AU, shounen-ai/yaoi, maybe a little OOC...

Pairings: 2+4

Author's Note:

Tanashi- Ha! It's the next chapter! *does a little victory dance*

Layli- Mmhm! ^.^

Tanashi- I really don't have much to say now... If it's a little on the lazy side, I'm sorry! I got a little too addicted to Angelic Layer... ^^;; Heh... It's good, though! I'm already up to episode 11. ^-^

Layli- I think you're finished rambling now... -.-

Tanashi- Hmm... Yep, I think so!

Layli- One can only hope.

Tanashi- Hey! What's that supposed to mean?

Layli- Nothing!

Tanashi- Okay... The movie in the disclaimer came out yesterday and I have yet to see it, so can't yell at me for things in this chapter that might seem like it's taken from the movie. If I know it's from the movie, it will be specified, just like in the last chapter. ^-^

Layli- Here's chapter 2!

Tanashi- Dedicated to Jessica! LYLAS! ^^

Thanks to:

Venus: Thank you! ^.^

Volleys: Sometimes I wonder as well. -.- That's okay, though, because I'm done with this chapter! ^^;;

Pixie: Hehe. ^^

Shinigami29: Here ya go! ^-^

One Long Week

Day Two

By: Tanashi

A knock sounded on his door. Duo cracked one of his eyes open to look at the clock placed on his desk. It was the ungodly hour of 6:00 in the morning on a Saturday. He groaned and rolled over onto his front side, burying his head in his pillow, wishing for the shores of sleep again. Another knock sounded, this time louder. Duo just ignored it, grabbing his second pillow and ramming it over his head in an attempt to block out any future knocks. Too bad for him the fluffy white pillow wasn't soundproof. The next knock that sounded on his door turned into pounding.


The voice filtered through the door and was just barely heard through the pillow that was currently smothering Duo's head. His attempt to block out all sound failed miserably. He sighed, giving up any hope of more sleep now. The knocking on the door resumed. He sighed, stretched, and sat up, swinging his legs out from under the blankets. Giving off a lazy yawn, he shuffled his way out of his room towards the front door. He opened the door to see a cheery Quatre standing there, a backpack slung on his back and holding a huge box in his arms.

Duo blinked, his bleary, sleep-filled eyes finally managing to focus his vision. "Quat? What're you doing here?" The blonde smiled brightly, and Duo found himself wondering how someone could be so... peppy this early on a Saturday morning.

"Morning, Duo!"

The violet-eyed boy barely managed to suppress a yawn. "Is there any particular reason you're at my apartment at the ungodly hour of 6 A.M. on a Saturday morning?"

Quatre giggled. "Silly Duo! I came over to make you breakfast!"

"How thoughtful of you." Duo just barely managed to keep the sarcasm out of his voice.

The blonde beamed at him. "Scurry along back to bed! I'll make you breakfast-in-bed. Go on! Scurry!" He made a shooing motion with his hands. "I'll wake you up when I'm done." Ignoring the soon-to-be-made-protest Duo opened his mouth to say, he pushed Duo onto the bed and shut the door to the room behind him. Done with the first order of business, he took a look around the living room, peeked into the bathroom, and checked out the kitchen. "All right!" He clapped his hands and rubbed them together. "Time to do a little redecorating!"

* * * * *

The time flashing in glaring red on his clock said it was noon. Duo got up for the second time that day. He suddenly stopped, not quite yet fully out of bed. Something felt off. His eyes narrowed. He looked around his room. Everything was still in place... He shook his head to clear it, then got out of bed, convincing himself the feeling was wrong. He yawned, did a quick stretch, and opened the door, heading for the kitchen. He got no more than a step in the living room before he stopped in his tracks, eyes wide.

Stuffed animals were sitting on the living room windowsill and on the couch, as well as on top of his entertainment system. Three bright yellow blow-up chairs were placed in front of the coffee table. Snow globes, little elaborate music boxes, and detailed figurines of many mystical things were placed with the stuffed animals. The pear tree had been put in a corner of the room, and the curtains hung up around his window had yellow smiley faces on them. He didn't even want to know where all the items came from. He shook his head. "Oh god, no..."

There was a note written on a heart-shaped piece of red stationary taped to his door. Duo saw it and yanked it off.

It read:

Morning Duo! Or afternoon. Whatever time you happen to read this little note. Hope you don't mind that I had to leave for work! Anyways, your breakfast is on the table, although depending on what time you get to it, it might be just a tiny bit colder than it was when I made it... Don't forget to call me! I'll be thinking of you... ~*Hugs & Kisses*~ Quatre

He crumpled up the note and tossed it. With a sigh, he headed for his original destination, the kitchen, all the while grumbling.

* * * * *

Trowa stared at Quatre as if his friend had grown another head. "I can't believe you did that," he finally said.

The blonde shook his head. "I can't believe I did, either."

The auburn-haired boy cracked a smile. "Where did you get all the stuff from, anyway?"

Quatre grinned. "Iria and Relena kindly lent the items to me."

"So, then, you're serious about going through this just so your sister will have an article to write about?" Trowa raised an eyebrow.

His companion sighed. "Do I have much of a choice?" His eyes lit up when he remembered something. "Before I forget, take this." He reached into his bag and pulled out a file, handing it to Trowa.

"What's this?"

"It's the report Heero wanted."

Trowa nodded. "Give it to Heero. Don't worry, I won't forget about it. Oh, and Quatre?"

The blue-eyed boy stopped just in front of the door, about to leave. He turned around to look at his best friend. "Yeah?"

He smiled. "Go get him, tiger."

Quatre smiled back, nodding. "No worries, I'll make you proud." He winked and left the room. He barely took a few steps down the hall before bumping into Heero. "Oh, Heero, I gave the report to Trowa."

Heero nodded. "How is the article researching going?"

A smile. "Not bad."

"Remember the rules, Quatre." Heero left the blonde behind in the hall, heading for the room Quatre just left.

Quatre nodded, heading for the elevator. "The solitary rule: Don't fall in love..."

* * * * *

It was 7:00 P.M., and Duo was still in his bathroom. He had discovered what Quatre had done to his medicine cabinet and was attempting to get his medicine cabinet back into some semblance of order, considering Quatre had been so thoughtful and rearranged everything in his cabinet in some sort of system that only Quatre would have known. He glanced at his watch before deciding that it was officially a lost cause.

Smelling something rather unusual in the air, he frowned. He looked towards his kitchen, where he thought the scent was coming from. Was it normal for smoke to be coming out of there? His eyes widened when it hit him. He had forgotten about letting Quatre in earlier that day. The boy had insisted on cooking him dinner. Duo bolted for the kitchen, coughing when he got inside as he got a lungful of smoke. His eyes started watering, and he waved his hand in front of his face, trying to clear it. The smoke slowly started dissipating when Duo had thought of the fire extinguisher and put out the pan, the cause of the smoke.

He stared at the unidentifiable contents in the blackened pan for a while, then sighed and looked at a very sheepish Quatre. "What exactly happened?"

The blue-eyed boy sniffed and looked down at his feet. "I wanted to cook something special for you, so I started cooking the dumplings in the pan. I left it on the flame to make rice and I forgot about it. When I realized it was burning, I ran to save it, but I flipped the pan upside down, dumping the fish in the flame and it all went downhill from there..." He hung his head. "I'll just leave now..." Quatre edged slowly towards the door of the kitchen, away from the mess he had caused intentionally. What Duo doesn't know can't hurt him...

Duo's hand shot out and grabbed the blonde's arm. "Not so fast, there." Quatre looked at him, eyes widened, surprise evident on his face. "Accidents happen to all of us, even the best." He grinned. "Besides, take-out seems very appealing to me right now." He grabbed the phone and went into the living room.

Is this guy for real? After all I did? Quatre stared after Duo. He isn't getting mad at anything I do!

He shook his head. Drastic times call for drastic measures. Quatre immediately whipped out his cell phone, speed-dialing a number.

"Hi, Shauna? It's Quatre. Does my sister happen to be available at the moment? It's a matter of great Tanashiortance..."

* * * * *


Tanashi- End of chapter 2! ^^

Layli- Good job! You finished it!

Tanashi- You should know when I start and end each chapter. You ARE my muse, after all.

Layli- ^.^ I do such a good job!

Tanashi- Humbleness is not one of your better qualities. -.-

Layli- *smug* I know.

Tanashi- Why me? -.-'

Layli- Because you're special! After all, I am the best.

Tanashi- *mutters* At having the biggest ego...

Layli- What was that?

Tanashi- ^^;; Oh, nothing.

Layli- Comments are always appreciated!