Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ One Long Week ❯ Chapter 3

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: I own Gundam Wing and How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days just as much as I'm ruler of the world.

Rating: PG

Warnings: AU, shounen-ai/yaoi, maybe a little OOC...

Pairings: 2+4

Author's Notes:

Tanashi- Chapter 3! Chapter 3! Here's chapter3! Woohoo!

Layli- She's hyper... -.-

Tanashi- Whee!

Layli- Never, ever give her a bowl of sugar. Ever.

Tanashi- Sugar? Where?!?!

Layli- Here's Chapter 3! *flits away*

Tanashi- Sugar! *runs after her*

Layli- Ack!

Thanks to:

HybridFairy- Love you too! Mwah! ^-~

Shinigami29- One day update soon enough for you? ^.~

One Long Week

By: Tanashi

Day 3

When Quatre had told him that he'd never been to a fair the night before, Duo didn't believe him.

It was 9:00 in the morning, and Duo had arranged it so that he and Quatre would meet at the front gate, planning on taking him to his first fair experience. He now believed the blonde, since Quatre was gazing around the fair with an awed expression on his face. The boy had latched himself onto Duo's arm, and looked at all the different things with the excitement of a five year old on a sugar high.

"Ooh! Look at that!" He pointed at the Ferris wheel. "And that!" This time it was directed at the bumper cars. "Can we go on that first?" He had picked the roller coaster.

Duo just nodded at whatever Quatre was talking about. He really couldn't follow what the blonde was saying, but just seeing Quatre excited over something was good enough for him.

Quatre was the one doing the dragging as he towed Duo with him onto the roller coaster. "What does this ride do?" he asked Duo as they were being strapped in.

"You mean you don't know?" Surprise was evident on Duo's face. "That's not a good sign..." Duo's words were cut off as the cart jerked into motion.

It took half an hour after they got off the ride for Quatre to feel better.

"Are you sure you don't want to leave?" Duo asked yet again.

Quatre waved him off, flashing him a 100-watt smile. "Don't worry! I'm feeling a lot better now!"

His companion looked unconvinced. "But..."

Before Duo could say anything else, Quatre cut him off. "Look! What's that?" He pointed at a booth.

Duo laughed, forgetting about Quatre being a bit sick. "It's a game! See, you get three tries. If you knock down all three pins, you win a prize."

Quatre's eyes widened. "Really?"

The violet-eyed boy nodded. "Really."

"Can I try it?"

Duo nodded.

"All right, then!" Quatre grabbed Duo and made a beeline for the booth. "Oh, before I forget! I've got a dinner party tomorrow. Come with me!"

"Do I have a choice?"


* * * * *

Quatre looked at Duo, concerned. "I'm sorry, Duo! I didn't mean to hit you with the ball!" He wrapped up the ice the lady was kind enough to give him in a few paper towels. "Tell me if this hurts." He held it up to Duo's head and pressed it to his forehead.

Duo made a small hiss of pain at the contact. When Quatre made a move to pull it away, he put his hand on his arm to stop him. "No, it's fine."

"You sure?"

"I'm sure." Duo smiled to show his point.

"All right... And I'm sorry, again."

"I told you, it's all right."

"But... I completely missed the pins..." Quatre frowned.

"And I told you, everyone makes mistakes."


Duo frowned, wagging a finger at Quatre. "No more 'buts', you hear?"


* * * * *

Duo found spending an entire day with Quatre at the fair was tiring. Very tiring. The boy just seemed to attract accidents. Accidents that always seemed to happen to Duo. The goat at the petting zoo Quatre had been feeding bit him, the tie-dye machine Quatre was working on exploded on him, the hoop Quatre threw with the intent of looping a soda bottle ended up over his head which caused him to stumble and knock over a very big man (which did not end pretty), and Quatre seemed to want this and that, practically everything in the fair except for the rides, which was burning his money faster than Hilde ever did.

He had to admit to himself, though, that it was worth seeing the overjoyed expression on Quatre's face. I can't fall for him now! It's supposed to be the other way around.

It was already late, around 9:00, and the park was still busy, if not filled with more people than ever.

Quatre flashed Duo an excited smile. "I can't believe so many people are here this late!"

"You call this late?" Duo laughed. "The fair doesn't even close until 11. Almost all of this crowd stays to 11."

Blue eyes widened in astonishment. "Really?"

Duo nodded. "Really."

Quatre chose this moment to 'accidently' run into a well-picked man, who happened to be rather big and threatening-looking. "Hey! That hurt!" He glared at the man.

The man cracked his knuckles. "You want to make something of it, pretty boy?"

"Hey, hey, now. Let's be like civil people and talk this through."

"My boyfriend can kick your butt!" He grabbed Duo. "Couldn't you, sweetiepie?"

"Is that so?" A smirk was the only warning before a fist swung out and hit Duo.

Quatre's eyes widened. "Sweetcakes! Are you okay?" He knelt down next to where Duo had collapsed. He touched the cheek where Duo had been hit gingerly. "Does this hurt?" He pressed the back of his hand against the spot.

Duo resisted the urge to say something sarcastic. "I'll be all right." He moved his head to look at Quatre and winced.

"Well, all right, if you're sure."

Thanks a lot for seeming so concerned... Duo was in a rather sarcastic mood at the moment.

Quatre's eyes lighted up as he spotted the giant Ferris wheel ahead. "Can we go on that?" He pointed at the ride.

"You mean the Ferris wheel?" Quatre nodded. "Sure."

The blonde graced Duo with a hug, receiving an "Ow..." from Duo before dragging him over to the Ferris wheel.

Duo laughed, despite the pain in his head. "Slow down, Quat. The Ferris wheel isn't going anywhere."

Quatre just flashed him another one of his smiles as he pulled Duo into the line with him.

* * * * *

The excited blue-eyed boy leaned over to get a better look, causing the seat to sway and Duo's head to spin.

"Careful, Quat. You don't want to flip the seat and end up with Duo and Quatre pancakes."

Quatre nodded and settled back down in the seat. "It's so pretty up here! You can see the whole fair lighted up with all the different colored lights!" He shivered as a cold breeze hit and snuggled up to Duo, who was worried about the hit he had received from the man. He had a strong feeling that it was going to hurt like crazy the following day.

He looked down at Quatre. "Where's your jacket?"

He received a sheepish smile. "I forgot it?"

Duo sighed. "Here, take mine." He managed to slip out of his jacket without upsetting the seat or disturbing the position Quatre had taken up.

"What about you?"

A shrug. "Don't worry. I don't need it."

Quatre looked unconvinced. "Of course you need it! You don't want to catch a cold! No one likes a Mr. Sniffles(*)!"

"Unlike you, I don't get cold that easily. How's that for a reason?"

The blonde nodded happily. "Much better!" His attention was drawn back to the view.

The ride ended a few minutes later. Quatre couldn't stop the yawn that fought its way onto his face. He looked at Duo, cheeks tinged pink with slight embarrassment.

Duo chuckled. "Tired?"

Quatre nodded as another yawn overtook his features.

"That's okay. It's about time we left, anyways. Come on."

* * * * *

The car pulled into the garage after the 30 minute drive to Duo's apartment. "Quatre?" He looked over to the passenger seat. The boy was sleeping, the day having tired him out. Duo smiled. "Come on, let's get you in the guestroom." He hoisted the boy up in his arms. "Oomph! He's heavier than he looks." Duo managed to lock his car and walked towards his apartment with his load.

* * * * *


Tanashi- Okay, so this chapter wasn't exactly focused on humor, so sue me! ...WAIT! I take that back! DON'T sue me! I need the little money I have left to buy comics!

Layli- Right... -.-'

Tanashi- ^.^ I just recently *cough*yesterday*cough* got pulled into Saint Tail. It's really cute! ^.^ Especially the whole Meimi and Asuka Jr. vibe... (I read into things too much, sometimes... -.-' )

Layli- Hmm... That gives me an idea for a fic...

Tanashi- O.O NO!!! AHHHHHHHHHHH!!! *runs away from her muse* No more fic ideas! Must get away! *voice dies away the farther she gets from her muse*

Layli- ^-^ Remember, comments are appreciated!

*Name taken from the movie HTLAGITD (in disclaimer).