Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ One Long Week ❯ Chapter 4

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: I wish I owned Gundam Wing and How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days, but, alas, I don't. ;_;

Rating: PG

Warnings: AU, shounen-ai/yaoi, maybe a little OOC...

Pairings: 2+4

Author's Notes:

Tanashi- Well, here's chapter 4! I can't believe this fic is still going. O.O

Layli- With me as your muse, you will always prevail!

Tanashi- Erm.. okay... -.-' I'm really having a lot of fun with this fic.^.^

Layli- You always have fun with me around!

Tanashi- Right... And I'm a famous talking fish...

Layli- ^-^ Chapter 4!

Thanks to:

Venus- I think so too. ^^

Shinigami29- Look! It's another one-day update! ^-~

One Long Week

By: Tanashi

Day 4

Quatre yawned, stretching. He suddenly stopped mid-stretch. Wait a minute. What was a blanket doing here? His eyes snapped open and he quickly sat up. He didn't remember getting in bed... and this wasn't his bed, either. He was in a strange, unfamiliar room. Quatre thought back to the events of the previous day. The last thing he remembered from the day before was feeling really sleepy on the ride back from the fair... He shrugged. Oh well. It didn't really matter, as long as the room belonged to someone he knew. Hopefully. He looked around the room before spotting a digital clock on the nightstand. It glowed a 9:00 A.M. back at him.

He stared. "It's 9?" He almost reached full panic mode until he realized that he didn't have work on Mondays. Much relieved, he climbed out of bed and walked outside. Recognizing the apartment as Duo's, he then headed for the kitchen. A note was stuck on the refrigerator door with a red heart-shaped magnet that had the words 'Missing You' in white. Quatre smiled upon seeing the magnet, wondering where in the world Duo could have gotten it. He slid the piece of paper from out under the magnet.

It read:

Hey Quat! I didn't have the heart to wake you up, so I let you sleep in a little today. Anyways, I'm at work right now, so you have the apartment to yourself. Just refrain from cooking or blowing the place up and I'll be happy. Breakfast for you is on the table. See you at 2:30! (No, don't worry, I haven't forgotten about the dinner party.) ~Duo

Looking to the table, he spotted the mentioned breakfast. He tucked the note in his back pocket and sat down, ready to eat, mentally planning out the rest of the day in his mind.

* * * * *

"Quatre!" Iria engulfed her younger brother in a hug. "I haven't heard from you since... Well, since two days ago!" Iria let go of her sibling, glowing. "How's it going?"

Quatre rolled his eyes. "Do you mean how I am, or how the research for your article is going?"

"The latter."

"Nice to know you care about me..." Quatre mumbled, low enough so Iria wouldn't hear him. He sighed exasperatingly. "It's not going anywhere! This guy isn't getting upset over anything I throw at him. It's as if... he doesn't know how to use negative feelings. I know when I've succeeded in annoying him to no end, and yet he's still with me. I don't get it!"

Iria sighed. "A stubborn one, huh?" She grinned. "Well, you still have three days left."

"More than half of the time has already passed! If Duo lasted this long, do you think three days is enough to drive him away?" Quatre stopped his ranting and looked at his sister suspiciously. "What plan do you have cooking in that brain of yours now?"

"Quatre, my dear brother. We'll make this guy wish he's never met you."

This time, it was Quatre who sighed. "Oh brother."

"You have that dinner party tonight, right?"

"Why do I not like the sound of that?"

* * * * *

Duo looked at his reflection in the mirror another time. "Are you absolutely positive I have to get another suit?"

The person addressed with the question nodded, even though Duo couldn't see it. "Positive. Come out so I can see you, please!"

The braided boy sighed. He couldn't believe Quatre managed to convince him to go shopping for a new suit. He didn't see anything wrong with the one he had, but the blonde seemed dead set on purchasing him a new one. This one was the seventh one he tried on. He reverently hoped that Quatre would be satisfied with this one.

Duo stepped out of the changing stall and out of the room, where Quatre was waiting.

Quatre clapped, finally satisfied. "It's perfect!" He turned to a saleslady standing nearby, tugging on her sleeve. When he got her attention, he pointed to Duo. "What do you think?"

The lady smiled and nodded appreciatively. "Very nice. It suits him perfectly."

Not satisfied with only one person's opinion, Quatre called everyone's attention. "Hey! What do you think of the suit on him?"

Duo could feel his cheeks growing red with embarrassment at the all the eyes on him. "Quatre!" he hissed softly. "What are you doing?"

The blonde didn't understand why Duo was embarrassed. "I just wanted to know what they thought," he said cheerfully.

The violet-eyed boy sighed, but couldn't come up with a response. "All right, fine, I'll get it."

"Yay!" Quatre leaned over and gave him a peck on the cheek, then skipped over to the checkout counter to ring it up as Duo went back inside the changing room to change back.

Duo learned that afternoon that Quatre was a shopping fanatic, and that he was a sucker for Quatre's puppy-dog eyes, which was the reason why he found himself carrying over half the bags.

* * * * *

Quatre pulled Duo out of the car. "Come on! Let the valet take care of the car."

"But... but..."

The blue-eyed boy rolled his eyes. "Your car will be fine. They're paid to take care of your car." Without waiting for Duo to say anything else, he reached into the car, pulled out the keys, and deposited them into the valet's hands. "Take especially good care of it, okay? Thank you!" He smiled and pulled Duo inside the building.

Duo looked around, raising an eyebrow at the decor. "Fancy place, isn't it?"

Quatre nodded. "It's our annual party with the Barton & Yuy Foundation." They stepped into the ballroom. "You have to meet my friends!" He dragged Duo over to a group of people Duo recognized from the day the bet was made with Hilde. "Duo, this is Trowa Barton, my best friend. He's my ex. The girl right there is Iria with her friend, Relena. Guys, this is my carebear, Duo Maxwell." He gave Duo a quick hug. Duo turned red.

Trowa glared at Duo. The violet-eyed boy shifted uncomfortably under the intense stare. Looks like he isn't over Quat yet...

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Maxwell," Iria said sweetly.

"Just Duo, please."

Iria nodded. "All right, Duo."

"Don't trust that facade of hers," Quatre whispered to him. "It's all a ploy to draw you in."

Iria's eyes narrowed and a frown appeared on her face. "I heard that, Quatre."

Quatre gave her a look of innocence.

The honey-blonde of the group circled around Duo, making him feel a bit uneasy. "He's cute, Quatre. He looks like a keeper." She smiled and winked. "I approve."

Both Duo and Quatre simultaneously turned a light red.

The girl just laughed.

Trowa grabbed Quatre by the arm. "You promised me a dance, remember?"

Quatre nodded. He shot Duo an apologetic look before he let himself be pulled onto the dance floor.

Duo was left alone as Iria was asked to dance by a man named Mark. He just shook his head and resigned himself to sitting alone at an empty table. A jealous ex... great, just my luck.

A pretty redhead walked up to him. With a small giggle, she asked, "Would you like to dance?"

The violet-eyed boy was about to answer with a yes when he remembered the bet. If Quatre saw him dancing with the girl, he might get the wrong idea. He shook his head, offering up a smile. "Sorry, I can't."

"That's too bad." The girl turned around. Spotting another man by himself, her smile returned and she set off in the man's direction.

Quatre, dancing with Trowa at a convenient spot on the dance floor, saw the redhead approach Duo, then leave. "Trowa, you think that girl who just talked to Duo would like his number, perhaps?"

* * * * *

After an hour, Quatre finally returned. Practically glowing with happiness, he sat down in the empty chair next to Duo. "Are you having fun?"

Duo thought it best to lie and gave the blonde a smile. "Lots."

"That's great!" Right when he finished his statement, Quatre got pulled away for another dance by none other than Trowa, who had gave Duo another one of his glares.

Duo sighed. Just think of the bet. Nothing else matters. I will not let Hilde win! With nothing better to do, Duo went over to the bar and sat down, ordering drink after drink. He wasn't so drunk that he was doing outrageous things, but he wasn't near sober enough to drive, so Quatre had to drive the both of them back.

"Come on, Duo. We're almost there. Just a few steps more." They finally reached the apartment door. "Key... key..." Quatre leaned Duo against the door and searched for the key to the apartment. He found it in Duo's shoe and thought it best not to wonder why in the world it was in there. He unlocked the door and pushed it open right when he realized Duo was still leaning against the door. He stared at Duo, who had fallen over into the living room. "Oopsies..."

* * * * *


Tanashi- I think this was more of a filler chapter than anything.

Layli- I agree!

Tanashi- do?
Layli- Yup!

Tanashi- That's a first... How scary...

Layli- Hey... I agree with you on lots of stuff!

Tanashi- An example, if you will.

Layli- ...uh... This!

Tanashi- *sigh* -.-'

Layli- Comments, please!