Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ One Long Week ❯ Chapter 5

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: What do you mean I don't own Gundam Wing, "Key of the Twilight" (the song in Author's Notes), and How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days? Of course I do! *nose grows longer* I'm not lying! *nose grows even longer* I do own them! *nose grows even more* But...but... *nose grows some more* Okay, okay, I don't own them! *pouts*

Rating: PG

Warnings: AU, shounen-ai/yaoi, maybe a little OOC...

Pairings: 2+4

Author's Notes:

Tanashi- *singing* Come with me in the twilight of the summer night, for a while. Tell me of a story never ever told in the past.

Layli- Oh boy...

Tanashi- *keeps singing* Take me back to the land, where my yearnings were born. The key to open the door is in your hand, now fly me there.

Layli- Ever since she saw .hack//sign and looked it up for music files, then downloaded this one particular song, she's been listening to the same song over and over and over and over and over...

Tanashi- *continues singing* Fanatics find their heaven in never-ending storming wind. Auguries of destruction be a lullaby for rebirth.

Layli- Gah! No!

Tanashi- *still singing* Consolations be there, in my dreamlands to come. The key to open the door is in your hand, now take me there.

Layli- No more! No more! Stop with the song already!

Tanashi- *ignores her* I believe in fantasies invisible to me, in the land of misery. I'm searching for the sign to the door of mystery and dignity. I'm wandering down the secret sun.

Layli- Quick! Cut to chapter 5! Start chapter 5!

Tanashi- *has to finish her song* Come with me in the twilight of a summer night, for a while. Tell me for a story never ever told in the past. Take me back to the land where my yearnings were born. The key to open the door is in your hand, now take me there, to the land of twilight! *finishes* I'm done! ^.~

Thanks to:

Gwluvergurl- *glows* Thank you! ^^ See? I'm posting! I'm posting!

Hybrid Fairy- Awww.... Love ya too! ^.^

O- Well, you didn't have to wait too long. Here it is! ^-^

Shinigami29- Here you go! ^^

One Long Week

By: Tanashi

Day 5

Duo woke up with a gigantic headache. "Ugh..." He groaned.

"Good morning!" A very chirpy Quatre came into the room, a tray in his hands. Placed on it was a glass of water, a few pills, and another glass filled with a pinkish-red liquid. "How are you feeling?" He received another groan from his patient. "Pretty bad, huh? Never fear, Quatre is here!" He made a laugh that sounded very close to a giggle. "Here. Take this." He set down the tray on the nightstand and picked up the glass with the unidentified substance, holding it out to Duo.

The bleary-eyed boy looked at it suspiciously. "What is it?"

"It's a hangover cure Iria taught me. If it doesn't work within three minutes of taking it, that's what the pills and water are for."

"Oh..." Duo slowly sat up, avoiding any unnecessary movement, before taking the proffered glass. "Here goes nothing." He downed the liquid quickly. His headache dulled. "Whaddaya know, it works."

Quatre smiled, taking back the glass and placing it back on the tray. "You should rest some more. It might help get rid of your headache entirely." He stepped outside and closed the door behind him.

Duo lay back down on the bed. Nestling back under the covers, he fell asleep.

It was 1:00 in the afternoon when Duo woke up again. His headache had blown over and he felt a lot better. Suddenly feeling really hungry, he got out of bed and made his way into the kitchen. On the table was a piece of paper.

The note read:

Good morning, Duo! Or good afternoon. Whenever you decide to wake up. I had to go to work today. Don't worry, I called in for you. At least, I think I called your work... I might be mistaken...Er... hehe? ~*Hugs and Kisses (Mwah!)*~ Quatre

Duo sighed and went to go look for the phone. He decided to call work, just in case.

Done with making the call, he decided to check his messages.

"You have... 20 new messages."

Violet eyes widened. He hadn't received that many messages in two days since... well, since a while. Of course, he hadn't been picking up his phone lately. The phone never rang. Oh, wait. He had connected it directly to the machine. Feeling a bit foolish, he settled down before letting the machine start.

"BOO! *giggle* Hihi, Duo-chan! It's Quatre! I just felt like calling you, so I did! -BEEP!"

"I miss you right now, Duo! -BEEP!"

"Hello, Mr. Maxwell. I'm Robert Stephens, from the- BEEP!" Duo quickly deleted it, not bothering to let it finish. The Robert guy had already called before, a telemarketer.

"Hiya, carebear! It's Quatre. Just calling to check up on ya! -BEEP!"

"Hiya, Duo! It's Hilde. Just calling to check up on you and all that. Call me! -BEEP!" The braided boy made a mental note to call her.

"Mrs. Field, your dog got into my garden again! I- BEEP!" This one was a message Duo couldn't delete fast enough. He did not wish to hear what the man had to say about the dog or to Mrs. Field, whoever she was.

"Sweetcheeks, are you there? -BEEP!"

"Hey, Mr. Maxwell! Your order came in yesterday, so come and pick it up sometime this week! -BEEP!" Searching for a pen and a piece of paper, Duo jotted down a note to himself to pick up the movie he had reserved.

"Are you sitting there listening to this message record, honeybunch? Awww... -BEEP!"

"Hilde here. You better call me. -BEEP!" Another mental note was reserved for Hilde.

"Guess who? I wanted to see how you were doing, cutiepie! -BEEP!"

"Duo, it's Teri. Your niece has been bugging me to take her to visit you. Call me back to arrange something. ~Mommy, are you talking to Uncle Duo? Uncle Duo, hi!~ Preferably soon, please. -BEEP!" Another note was jotted down on the piece of paper.

"Hi, Duo. Do you remember me? I'm Rim, the redhead at the dinner party yesterday. I got your number from your friend, that cute blonde that you went to the party with. He gave it to me. I'd like to see you sometime, and -BEEP!" Duo had no wish to find out what the girl was going to say after her 'and'. He really didn't care. What he did care about was the blonde that she got his number from. Quatre... what the heck are you thinking?

"I miss you lots, dumpling! -BEEP!"

"Guess. Just guess who this is. What? Is that Hilde I hear? Very good! Duo Maxwell, you better call me back, soon! -BEEP!" Duo shuddered. He made yet another mental note to call Hilde, then decided to jot it down, just in case.

"I saw this magazine, and I thought of you, so I had to call! By the way, it's Quat! -BEEP!"

"MAXWELL! It's Wufei. The onna's been bothering me to no end! Call her back and tell her to stop bothering me! -BEEP!" Same old Wu-man.

"I'm reaching the end of my patience, Duo. Oh, wait. There it goes. Call me back, pronto! -BEEP!" He decided that calling Hilde right after listening to all his messages would be a good idea.

"YOU'RE PURPOSELY IGNORING MY CALLS, AREN'T YOU?I THOUGHT YOU CARED! -BEEP!" Might be a good idea to call Quatre as well.

"Duo Maxwell. You better have an explanation as to why a young man called me his mother over the phone. From your phone. And it better be a pretty darn good one, too. -BEEP!" Violet eyes widened. His mother had called him that morning and left a message on his answering machine. Who in their right mind would call his mother his or her's mother? As he pondered over it, one name came to mind. The same person who left nearly half of the new messages on his answering machine. Quatre.

* * * * *


Tanashi- I realize this is a rather short and meaningless chapter! I'm sorry! It's meant as another filler chapter...

Layli- As your muse, I have everything planned! ...for the next chapter, that is.

Tanashi- *glare*

Layli- ^^;;

Tanashi- Well, then. This is as good of a time as ever to introduce a new muse.

Layli- WHAT?!

Tanashi- Don't worry, you'll still be my muse. I'm just adding on a new member.

Layli- ...

Tanashi- ^.^ Meet Maru, my new muse!

Maru- Squeak! ^-^

Layli- ...She's a hedgehog!

Tanashi- So? She's a very cute hedgehog! ^.^

Maru- ^-^

Layli- *sigh* -.-' Oh well. Comments are much appreciated!