Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ One Long Week ❯ Chapter 7

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: Unfortunately, I found out the part of the Oreo that has the cream when you split it doesn't grant wishes... In other words, Gundam Wing and How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days don't belong to me!

Rating: PG

Warnings: AU, shounen-ai/yaoi, maybe OOCness?

Pairing: 2+4

Author's Notes:

Tanashi- Ha! The last chapter! Go me!

Layli- She's happy...

Tanashi- Woohoo! This day, my friends, is the day that I actually finish a fic! ^.^

Maru- Squeak! ^-^

Tanashi- Uh-huh! I agree!

Layli- ... -.-

Tanashi- Oh, and I've revised parts here and there in all the chapters except for the prologue. If you've got the patience, you can go back and reread them. Cheers to you if you manage to tell which parts I revised/added in/insert another word to describe it here! Also, there's a part in this fic that refers to something I changed in Day 4. You might want to reread that chapter...

Maru- Squeak squeak! ^-^

Layli- Last chapter! ^^

Thanks to:

Shinigami29: Sorry! My computer was being a pain and decided it didn't like my keyboard. >.< Well, uh, here?

Basketball-chickadee-30: ^^;; Not in a asylum yet, I hope. I need you to read this chapter!

Volleys: How could they not? This fic just has to have a clichéd ending. ^-~ Don't feel too sad... ^.~

Goddess of Baka's: Thank you! ^.^

One Long Week

Day 7


By: Tanashi

When he had read the note, the first emotion he was hit with was anger. Anger directed at Quatre for deceiving him, for using him like that. After a fitful night's sleep, he realized that he wasn't really angry, but really sad over the fact that the blonde was gone.

At 10 in the morning, Duo found himself in a small cafe with one of his best friends. "So, you won the bet, yet you're not happy?" Wufei raised an eyebrow, leaning back in his chair.

Duo sighed. "No, I'm not. The ridiculous part of it is that I miss him."

"So why not go find him?"

An embarrassed look came over Duo's face. "Well... you see, all I know is his first name. I don't know where he lives, what his last name is, I don't even know any of his relatives."

Wufei smirked. "Are you asking me for help?"

"All right, then. What's his name again?"

"Quatre. Q-U-A-T-R-E."

* * * * *

Trowa comforted his friend the best he could as tears streamed down the blonde's cheeks.

His best friend, who could read Trowa like a book, stopped his crying, sensing something wrong. "Trowa, tell me what's wrong," he demanded to know, quickly wiping his tears away. His problems were unTanashiortant right now. Trowa's problems were the ones that required attention.

"Nothing's wrong."

Quatre glared at him. "Don't give me that. I'm your best friend, darnit."

Silence reigned for a minute before Trowa sighed. "Heero broke up with me. Happy?"

"No. What happened?"

"A coworker saw us at the party three days back, and told Heero, so now he thinks I'm cheating on him."

"And wouldn't let you explain," Quatre finished softly. "Trowa, I'm sorry."

Trowa shrugged as if it was no big deal. "Not your fault, Quatre."

"Yes it is! If it wasn't for the stupid article, it wouldn't have happened." Quatre was angry. "Sorry, Trowa, but I just remembered that I have an appointment to get to. Talk to you later, all right?"

Trowa nodded. "Fine."

The blonde graced his friend with a quick, light hug before leaving the apartment.

A tear slipped past Trowa's defenses, running down his cheek. "Darnit, Heero..."

* * * * *

Heero wondered how Quatre had managed to get into his apartment without him knowing. One look at the blonde told him that Quatre was, indeed, very angry. He narrowed his eyes. "Get out."

"No." A stubborn tone rang through his voice.

"Hn. Did Trowa send you?"

"Trowa has nothing to do with my visit. He doesn't even know I'm here."

"Then why are you here?"

Quatre's eyes softened. "To tell you to give him another chance."

"No." Heero's tone was equally stubborn.

"He's not cheating on you, Heero. Not with me."

"Why should I believe you?"

A small smile, if a little reluctant, found its way onto Quatre's face. "You're just as stubborn as he is whenever you put your mind to something. You want the whole story?" At Heero's curt nod, Quatre continued. "All right. It was the article. The stupid article that Iria was supposed to write. She wanted me to date a guy, then drive him away. 'How to Lose a Guy in 7 Days.' Remember that, Heero? Trowa was just helping me in one of the steps." The smile disappeared. "Make him happy again, Heero. He's hurting badly even though he isn't capable of showing it. It's Valentine's Day. He should have someone there as more than a friend, for once." Quatre's eyes hardened. "If you don't make it better, Heero, I swear, I'll make you wish you were never born." Done with what he came to do, Quatre spun around and left.

The look on Quatre's face right before he walked out left no doubt in Heero's mind that the blonde's threat was not idle. Allowing a tiny smile to come across his face, he grabbed his coat and keys.

Quatre cheered silently, unnoticed, watching Heero walk off towards Trowa's apartment. To borrow Heero's frequently used phrase: Mission accomplished.

* * * * *

The blonde stared blankly at the T.V. screen, wondering what in the world he was watching. "Note to self: Never, ever rent something Relena recommends." A gruesome scene popped up. "Ever." He sighed, getting up from his comfortable position on the couch to shut it off. He glanced at the time on his VCR. It was only 7:00 P.M. Another sigh escaped from him as he padded across his living room into his kitchen. Opening his freezer, he grabbed a quart of mint chocolate chip ice cream. He took out a spoon and went back to the living room. Managing to eject the current tape in the VCR while still holding the quart of ice cream and spoon, he replaced it with another movie. He settled back down on the couch with his ice cream. Another Valentine's Day would pass with him being single. He hated it.

"Valentine's Day... bah! More like S.A.D.: Single Awareness Day..." he grumbled. "Valentine's Day is overrated. Heck, love is overrated... Being in love isn't all it's cut out to be." Done with complaining, he picked up the VCR control and pressed play, leaning back down in the couch, digging into his ice cream.

* * * * *

"Got it!" Wufei announced triumphantly.

Duo nearly fell out of his chair. "Huh?" After the talk in the cafe, the two had gone to Wufei's place to find more information on Quatre. Duo had offered the use of his computer, but Wufei had insisted on using his more superior one.

They had arrived at Wufei's apartment at 11:00 A.M. It was now 7:00 P.M.

Wufei rolled his eyes. "Information on Quatre." He stated it as if it was the most obvious thing in the world, which, to him, was up there considering the time he'd spent on it.

The violet-eyed boy jumped out of his seat to look at the computer screen. "Really? Why did it take so long?"

"Quatre's pretty good at keeping his personal information a secret. I would go as far as to say he's up there as one of the best, but he's no match for my skills." Clearly satisfied with himself, he clicked open a file. "Quatre Raberba Winner, brother of Iria Winner. Works as a top-notch computer programmer, part-time violin player in the orchestra. Lives... I'll print it out with a map for you." He reached over and turned on the printer, selecting the page he wanted to print.

"I'm so happy I could kiss you, Wu-man!"

"Kindly refrain from doing so," Wufei said dryly. He snatched up the paper and handed it to Duo, practically shoving his friend out the door. "Get out there and find him. Don't even think about talking to me again until you do." That said, he shut the door in Duo's face.

"Thanks, Wu-man!" Duo called out. He glanced at the piece of paper in his hands. "All righty, now..."

* * * * *

It was 8:00 P.M., and Quatre was on his fifth quart of ice cream. When he got depressed, he tended to eat a lot. In this case, his focus was on ice cream. He looked at the television screen, temporarily forgetting the movie that was playing. It took him a while to remember that it was the first Lord of the Rings movie. One hour down, two more to go...

His head snapped to the direction of the door when the bell rang three times in rapid succession. He decided to ignore it, putting another spoonful of ice cream in his mouth, attention back on the movie. The bell rang again. Quatre glared at the door, just daring the bell to ring again. After a moment, it did. He sighed. Taking the quart with him, he got up and padded to the door. He looked through his peephole, wanting to see who it was. All he managed to see was something red. The doorbell rang again.

Quatre sighed and unlocked the door. "Persistent, aren't y..." He trailed off when he caught a glTanashise of who it was.

Duo grinned cheekily. "Hiya."

The blonde found his voice through his shock. "Duo, what are you doing here?"

"Delivering these." Duo presented Quatre three red roses, bound together by a silky red ribbon.

Quatre slowly took them from Duo's outstretched hand, still staring at Duo. "Aren't..." he started to ask. He started again. "Aren't you mad at me? You know, the whole article thing slash using you ordeal?"

Duo shrugged, an easy smile appearing on his face. "Well, I was, but that was before I realized that I'm in love with you."

"Well, that's a load off my shoulders. I thought..." Quatre stopped his sentence, his brain registering the last of Duo's statement. "Wait. Did you just say that...?"

Duo nodded.

A genuine smile slowly made its way on Quatre's face, the first one in a while. He leaned forward, touching his forehead to Duo's. "I love you too." Duo's light laugh was silenced with a kiss, one that held the promise of many more to come.

The quart of ice cream dropped to the floor, forgotten.


Tanashi-'s finished. *blinks*

Layli- ...

Maru- Squeak?

Tanashi- It's finished...

Layli- *whisper* She's in a bit of shock right now...

Tanashi- ...YES!!!

Maru- Squeak! ^-^

Tanashi- I finished it! Go me!

Maru- Squeak squeak! ^-^

Layli- I'm the greatest muse ever to get you of all people to finish a fic! ^.^

Tanashi-'re mean.

Layli- Comments are very much appreciated! ^^