Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ One Night Stand ❯ One Night Stand ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
One night stand
By DbChan

Hilde looked in the mirror and blinked a couple times.

"Relena, What have you done to me?!" She said in shock.

Relena just smiled.
"Seriously, What have you done?! I don't even recognize myself!" Hilde yelled.

Relena laughed.

"See, with a little make up, you can be prettier than ever!" Relena exclaimed.

Hilde batted her eyelashes a few more times.

"I don't like it." She said calmly, reaching for a washcloth.

"No No." Relena said, snatching away the washcloth.

Hilde sighed. Relena had given her a total makeover, in all blue. Blue lipstick, Blue eyeshadow, glittery blue mascara... You name it, Hilde was wearing it.

"See Hil, in order to get Duo, you have to look your best." Relena told her.

"I already have Duo. Why is this necessary?" Hilde asked Relena.

Relena stared down at the jumble of make-up laid out on the bed, a thoughtful look on her face.

"To keep Him happy. " Relena replied, proud of her response.

"But he's already happy." Hilde said, staring at the little blue stars that adorned her long nails. He's already happy, i'm sure of that. I'm not sure i'm happy, though. Hilde thought. I can tell he really loves me. Alot. But I don't know if i love him as more than a friend. Hilde sighed.

"Ok, dish." Relena said, putting down a fake tattoo of a dark blue star.

"Wha?" Hilde said, snapping out of her trance-like state.

"What's up?" Relena asked, switching postions until she was sitting on her leg. She scooped up a pile of tiny nail polish bottles.

"Nothing is up." Hilde said, picking up the tattoo and examining it. It had tiny silver sparkles deep in the dark blue, and--

"You lie. I can tell. Who is it? Who's got you worrying about Duo?"
Relena dropped a bottle of violet polish back into the jumble.

Hilde looked up, eyes wide. She can't know! I haven't told her, i haven't told anyone about my teeny crush on Heero! She's Heero's girl! I could never tell her that! Hilde thought. Relena continued talking.

"It's Dorothy, Isn't it?! She hitting on him again, isn't she?! I knew it!!" Relena exclaimed, throwing down all the little bottles.

"No,No... It, it isn't Dorothy. " Hilde said, and put the tattoo back into it's little stack.

Relena looked up, puzzled. "Then who?" She asked.

"It's no one. I just hate this make-up!!" She said, snatching the washcloth back once again, and dipping it into a tiny bowl of sea breeze. Hilde had scrubbed half the make-up off before Relena realized what she was doing.

"NOOO!!!" Relena yelled, grabbing for the cloth. She missed, and Hilde Jumped up, still scrubbing.

"HaHa. Nenenenenene!" Hilde taunted, then took off towards the bathroom. Relena jumped up and chased after her. Hilde ran up the stairs, Panting. Why does Quatre have to have such a huge fucking mansion?! Hilde thought, running into the huge bathroom on the fourth floor. No one ever came up to the fourth floor. Hilde slammed the door behind her, and locked it. She leaned back against the door. What a work out!! She thought, glancing around the bathroom. It had a huge clawed foot bathtub in the corner, and a seperate shower opposite of it. the toilet was between the two, and the sink was across from that. Surprisingly, there was soap and shampoo underneath the sink. She turned on the shower, shed her clothes, and stepped in. She washed her hair, blue glitter falling all over the shower.
She watched the glitter be swept down the drain by the now blue water.
That's the last time i let Relena talk me into a makeover. Blue hair mascara?!
She stepped out of the shower, water dripping all over the floor. she towel dried her short hair, and rubbed down the rest of her body. She surveyed the cobalt blue dress Relena had picked out for her to wear tonight.

"I wish i could just wear jeans." She thought out loud.

* * *

Hilde Shut her apartment door behind her, quickly locking Duo out. He had been trying to convince her to come back to Quatre's, but she refused. Duo lived at Quatre's huge mansion, Along with Quatre, Trowa, Relena, and Lady Une. Heero, Wufei, Hilde, Dorothy, and Milliardo all lived in seperate apartments, though sometimes Duo ended up staying the night at Hilde's, or Relena sometimes ended up sharing a bed with Heero. That was why Hilde had shut Duo out. He wanted to stay the night, but she knew he didn't really want to talk like he claimed he did. The date had gone pretty good, until he tried to force her into letting him stay the night. I know he means well, and that he just wants to be close to me, But I don't want to stay with him tonight. Hilde thought. I know who i want to stay the night with. And it's not Duo.

* * *

Hilde laughed, Leaning on Duo for support. That was one good thing about Duo. He was really great to hang out with. So were the rest of Hilde's friends. They all had gone down to Babydoll's, an under 21 hangout. It was almost midnight, and the place was about to close for the night.

"Ok, We're closing in ten nimutes, so you'd better get going." The owner said into the mike.

Hilde and the others stood up, and headed for the door. Hilde realized that she had left her keys in the house, so she wouldn't be tempted to drive, but she didn't realize she would need them to get into her house. the group Split into two, One heading towards Quatre's Mansion, and the others heading for the apartment complexes. Hilde was high on coffee, and couldn't stop talking. I wonder what Heero would do if i told him i like him...She thought. She mentally yelled at herself. Nonono!!! Heero is Lee's, hands off...She told herself.

"So Heero, How's life?" Hilde asked him, smiling widely.

"Good." He said.

"How's your love life?" She asked.

He glanced over at her, a funny look on his face. "Fine. How's yours?" He asked.

She giggled. "It sucks."

Heero stared at her. "Umm, OK." He said.

"Bye." Milliardo said, heading towards his apartment.

"Ja Ne." Dorothy said, trotting over to the apartment she shared with Wufei.
Wufei just walked off.

Heero and Hilde stopped in front of Hilde's apartment, and She realized she locked her keys in her house. "Uh, Heero?"

"Yeah?" He asked.

"Can i stay over at your place? I just realized i locked my keys in my house."

"Sure. No Problem."

"Ok, Thanx, you've saved me!" She said, Throwing her arms around Heero.

"Gomen, i think i accidentally letting the caffeine in my system take over." She told him, pulling back.

"It's okay." Heero said. They started off towards Heero's apartment, which was in the very back of the complex. When they reached it, Heero let her in, and Locked the door behind himself.

"You can have the couch. It pulls oput into a bed, if you want to do that." Heero told her, and went into his bedroom. Hilde watched him go into his room, and sighed. The sugar high had finally faded, and now she was thinking straight. I wish i could tell himhow i really feel. She thought.

Hilde stood up and headed for the room Heero had dissapeared into. The light was on, and the door was open a little. Hilde peeked through the crack. Heero was sitting on his bead, head in his hands. Hilde was about to go in and ask him what was up When he stood up. He pulled his green tanktop up over his head, and tossed it into the dirty laundry hamper. Hilde watched, frozen in place. What am i doing?? Hilde thought, trying to pull away from the door. For some reason, she couldn't. Heero yawned, and stretched his arms above his head. Hilde's eyes were glued to Heero. Everything about him entranced her. His prussian blue eyes, His stern face, His adonis chest, His well-muscled arms, his beautiful hands...the list went on and on. I shouldn't be watching him...I shouldn't be wanting him... Hilde thought. Heero reached for the waistband of his black spandex shorts. Hilde finally backed away, Reality caving in on her. He's Relena's, You've got Duo, what are you thinking?! Hilde mentally scolded herself.She took a deep breath, and shook whatever had taken over her out of her system. She took another deep breath, and knocked on Hero's door. She saw Heero look up through the little crack.

"Come in." Heero said.

Hilde stepped in hesitantly. Heero was sitting on his bed again, this time wearing his boxers, and a t-shirt.

"Do you have a t-shirt i could sleep in?" Hilde asked him, trying to keep her eyes from straying. God Hilde, what is with you?! She thought.

He nodded, and pointed to his dresser. She went over and fetched a t-shirt from the stack on top of it.

"Hilde?" Heero said quietly.

"Yeah?" She asked, hand on the doorknob.

" Come here. I want to talk to you." Heero said.

She walked over, and sat down next to him on the bed. "What's up?" She asked.

Heero looked her straight in the eye. "Is everything OK between you and Duo? Earlier you said your love life sucked. "

Hilde froze. She hadn't realized she had said that. The caffiene nust've over run her system again.

"I uh, everything is fine. I was uh, Just playin." Hilde said.

Heero kept staring at her. "Don't lie.I can practically read you through your eyes." He said.

Holy fuck, He knows. I'm in deep shit. Hilde thought.

Heero spoke again. " Am i reading you right when i say that you don't love Duo as much as he loves you? to the point it's overwhelming?" He asked.

Hilde was in shock. She just stared at him. She finally gave a small nod.

"And i'm right when i say that you love someone more than you love him?"
He continued.

Hilde nodded, feeling warm tears press up against her eyes. She looked down, unable to meet his gaze anymore.

Heero lowered his voice to just above a whisper. "And am i right when i say i know who?"

Hilde couldn't look up. "Who?" She whispered. The tears spilled down her cheeks. Heero wiped one away. He cradled her face in his hand, tilting it up until their eyes met.

"Please say it's me." Heero said.

Hilde blinked a couple times, then nodded. How did he know?? She wondered.

Heero smiled, and lowered his lips to hers. Hilde felt Heero's arms wrap around her small waist, pulling her closer to him. Her went up around his neck, fingers playing with his thick hair. Heero ran his tongue along her lips, and she pulled back.

"This isn't right, Heero, You've got Relena, She's my best friend, I--"

Heero cut her off, pressing his mouth to hers. Hi stongue invaded her mouth caressingly. He pulled her tighter up against him, and she didn't fight him. This was what she had dreamed of, her wish was coming true...She never thougth it would though. I can't beleive this is happening...I'm sorry Relena and Duo... Hilde thought. Heero's hand slipped up under her shirt, and she moaned, leaning into his demanding kiss. He ran his fingers up her stomach, to her breasts. He fondled them gently, teasingly rubbing his fingers around the nipples. He felt them harden through the flimsy cloth of her bra. HIlde pressed up against him, feeling his erection through his boxers. She reached a hand down into his boxers, running her fingers along his erected member. he grunted, and reached for the hem of her shirt. He pulled it up over her head, and trailed his kisses downward. He unclipped her bra, and she shrugged out of it. Hilde was amazed at how her deepest darkest fantasy was coming true, after all this time, and decided that this would be a night to remember. For always. She pulled his shirt off him, and tossed it across the room. She leaned back, Heero's arms supporting her while he left hot, wet kisses on her stomach and breasts. she withdrew her hand from his boxers, and undid her jeans. she pushed them off, and onto the floor. Heero started to suckle one of her nipples, and she gasped, needing his arms for total support now. Her mind was a total jumble of mixed thoughts. Oh my god, i can't believe this... Oh, yeah... I hope he doesn't ever stop. She thought. Heero laid her back on the bed, and slipped her underwear off of her. he pulled off his boxers, and pulled the blankets up over them. He positioned himself above her, watching her every move. Her eyes opened drowsily, and she nodded at him.

He pushed into her slowly, and she drew in a deep breath. It hurt a little, cause this was only her third time. The first two times were with Duo about a month ago, and he'd pushing her to do it again ever since. Hilde gripped Heero's back as he started to move inside her. Her body arched up agaist His, and her pain started to fade into pleasure.His pace quickened, and he kissed her passionately. After a few minutes, Hilde started to move with him, gaining a rhythm. Soon, they were both crying out in pleasure. Heero thrust harder into her each time, And Hilde pushed up, driving him deeper inside her. Hilde cried out, yelling out Heero's name. Hilde's womanhood clenched Heero each time he pulled out, and now, He thrust the hardest he could, And she arched up against him. Something exploded inside of Hilde, and she couldn't take it anymore. She collapsed onto the bed, clutching Heero close to her.
* * *

Bright sunshine broke through the curtains of Heero's bedroom, waking Hilde up. She tried to move, but Heero gripped her tightly, refusing to let go. I could live with this. Hilde thought, snuggling back into Heero's arms contentedly.
* * *

Relena whistled as she waltzed up the steps to Heero's apartment. She knocked on the door, and listened for any noise. At first, she heard nothing, but after a minute or two, she heard some commotion inside. She knocked again. "Hello?" She called out. "It's Lee, Heero. Let me in..."
* * *

Heero's eyes snapped open at the sound of Relena's voice. He shook Hilde, who was curled up in his arms.

"Hilde, Aijin, Relena is at the door." Heero whispered.

Hilde's eyes snapped open. She jumped out of bed, and pulled on the borrowed T-shirt she never wore last night. She turned around, and walked straight into Heero's arms. they kissed passionately one more time, and Hilde ran out into the living room. She hopped onto the couch, and pulled a throw blanket over herself. She watched Heero stumble out of the bedroom in his boxers and a T-shirt, and opened the door. Relena walked in, and immediately kissed Heero on the lips. He pulled back. She gave him a funny look, but shook it off.

"So ,ya miss me??" Relena asked Heero. He nodded.

"Of course i did, Koibito." Heero replied, and leaned down to kiss her.

Hilde felt a stabbing pain in her chest. he called her Koibito. lover. She felt tears sting at her eyes. He was kissing her now. She couldn't take it. She buried Her face in the pillow to hide the rush of tears staining her face.
* * *

Hilde walked into her apartment, and dropped her bag inside her room. She was about to leave again when she caught sight of a sillouhette of someone standing in her living room. She flipped the light switch, revealing the sillouhette to be Heero.

"Heero?" Hilde asked.

He nodded. "Hilde...I... i mean we, we made--" Hilde stopped him.

"I know, we made a big mistake. i tried to tell you that, but..." Hilde trailed off.

"But i do love you. More than i should...I figured i should tell you,um...I don't know how to put this...Relena and i are engaged."

"Heero, I think were always going to have very strong feelings for eachother, whether we want them or not...As for you and Lee, I'm happy for you. She's my best friend, and she deserves to be happy. So do you, Heero. Just promise me."

"I promise. No one ever has to know what happened." Heero said with a nod.

Hilde smiled wanely at him, holding back her tears.

"Ja Ne, Hilde."

"Sayonara, Heero."

Heero brushed by her, wiping away a tear she hadn't realized had fallen onto her cheek. "Ai Shitieru, Koibito." He whispered, and walked out the door. She watched him dissapear down the steps.

"Ai Shitieru, Heero. Ai Shitieru." She said, and went back inside.