Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ One Night Stand ❯ Final Heartbreak--Relena's Tears ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
A.N. The only weird thing about this fic is that song is sung by a girl, but it's used towards a girl in this instead of towards a guy. so when it says She or Her, just mentally replace it with He or Him.

Disclaimer: I don't own Gundam wing or the song "Final Heartbreak".

Final Heartbreak--Relena's Tears

Written by DbChan

//It's all about the way you're feeling deep in your heart
When she let you go.//

Relena watched the rain splatter on the glass in front of her. The world spun by her eyes so fast it was giving her a headache, That's how fast Duo was driving the truck. Duo screeched to a halt in front of Quatre's Mansion.

"We're home!" Duo called out cheerfully.

Relena sighed. "Home is where the heart is, and right now that's not here."
She mumbled, thinking about the afternoon's events.

Relena cleared her throat, surprised and shocked at what she was seeing. Her Fiancee and her best friend, making out on Heero's bed, with Hilde's pants unbuttoned, and her shirt pushed up. Hilde pulled back.

"Relena!" Hilde cried, pushing Heero off of her.

Heero fell to the floor with a thud, and Hilde jumped up, and started towards Relena.

"Keep away from me, Hilde." Relena said.

"Lee, this isn't what it looks like." Hilde told her.

"Well, this looks like My best friend and my Fiancee are having an affair. Next thing i know, you'll probably be pregnant with his kid!"

Hilde drew in a deep breath. "Ok, so it's exactly what it looks like.

"You're pregnant?!"

Hilde nodded.

*She's pregnant?! This can't be happening... NO NO NO!*
Relena Thought.

*End of Flashback*

Relena was jolted out of her memory when the truck door, which she was leaning against, opened. She threw her arms out, grabbing onto the nearest solid object, which happened to be Duo. Duo barely caught Relena before she hit the slick pavement, And then helped her regain her balance. Duo grinned down at Relena.

"I'll help you up to your room." He told her, and kept an arm around her unsteady figure as they climbed the stairs to her room.

//I don't doubt you can't believe it, it tears you apart.
What you didn't know//

Relena collapsed on her bed, and Duo sat down next to her. Relena looked up at him. He was fidgeting nervously.

"Duo?" Relean questioned him.
she recieved no answer.

"Duo." Duo shook his head, then looked at Relena.

"Nani?" He replied.

*If he got dumped by his love too, why isn't he hurting?* Relena wondered.

"Duo, how come you're not hurt?"

"I'm hurt."

"You're not acting like it."

"I'll deal with it in my own way."

Relena sighed, and folded her hands on her tummy.

"how long has it been happening?" Relena wondered aloud. "How could they do that?!" Relena whispered, tears flooding her eyes.

//Someday you'll remember why you fell for her, why you said goodbye.
Don't let your broken heart keep from ever mending
And miss out on love that is never ending//

Duo looked down at Relena, and watched tears streaked down her pale cheeks. He slowly forgot about Hilde, his feelings for her sliding away, along with Relena's tears.

"Relena, could you sit up?" Duo asked her.

Relena looked at him curiously, but sat up.

"You should just forget about Heero. He's a dickhead."

"But I love him..."

"But he doesn't deserve you! and I want you!" Duo clapped a hand over his mouth. The last part had slipped out. "What i mean is, you've been after him for years, and when you had him it was no different than when you were chasing him. You can't just focus on him. There's a whole other world out there." Duo said, covering his slip up.

//This could be your final heartbreak.
I could show you what good love takes.
Never say goodbye, never make you cry.
Yeah, this could be your final heartbreak.//

Relena looked at Duo confused.

*He wants me? Is that what he just said?*

Suddenly Duo leaned over, and roughly pressed his lips to Relena's.
Shocked, Relena froze.After a minute, Duo pulled away, and looked at Relena uncertainly.

"Relena, give me a chance. Not as a lover, not yet, but as a friend... With Benefits. I swear, i will treat you better than Heero ever did."
Duo begged her. He could see nothing in her eyes, and that scared him.
*Was kissing her a mistake?* He wondered.

//This could be. Your final heart. Your final heartbreak.
I don't wanna take advantage or maybe I do.
And I know it's true.
That I can help undo the damage, all of the hurt
That she did to you, baby.//

Duo watched the still frozen Relena. "Say something, please Relena."

Relena looked at him. "Duo, i don't know if i--"

Duo cut her off. "Please... I can help you heal, you can help me heal... We'll get over them by eachother..." He said, trying to persuade her.
Duo leaned over and kissed her again, and she kissed back slightly.
*Stop taking advantage of her.* He told himself. the other part of him said *You know you want to. You've got her in the perfect position.

//You need someone you can talk to, someone who feels the same
About everything you do. And I could be the one to make you forget her.
I wanna be the one to make you feel better, yeah.//

"Relena, I just went through the same thing you did. Please listen to me. I'll make you forget him, i swear i can do it." Duo whispered into their kiss.

//I'll let you feel a love so real, I'll let you know.
You will forget, she will regret letting you go. Oh yeah.
Iwill not let you go.//

Relena was slowly starting to like what Duo was saying. She could see it now. She would fall in love with Duo, and he would show her real love. With emotion and feeling. The thought of that excited her. Then Heero would regret choosing Hilde over her. And then She would snub him for Duo. But not just fro revenge. She would Love Duo.

"Duo. I, I, I'll try my hardest to love you." She whispered, breaking their kiss.

//This could be your final heartbreak.
I could show you what good love takes.
Never say goodbye, never make you cry.
Yeah, this could be your final heartbreak//

Duo grinned at Relena. "Now That's the Relena i know." He said, and then pinned her back on her bed. Relena tentatively smiled up at Duo.

"And that's the Duo i've heard about from Hilde."

"Don't even bring her up." Duo said.

"Why--" Duo cut Relena off, seizing her mouth. He slid his tongue into her mouth, kissing her deeply.

//This could be your final heartbreak
I could show you what good love takes.
Never say goodbye, never make you cry.//

Relena kissed Duo back, wondering how she was going to pull this all off.
As if Duo was psychic, he pulled away, and whispered "Just have fun."
He trailed Kisses down her neck. "You and I will be everything to eachother, and we'll forget all about those two."

"Okay." Relena agreed, and bringing Duo's face back to hers, she kissed him passionately.

//Yeah, this could be your final heartbreak.
Yeah, this could be your final heartbreak //

A.N. Ok, that's the end! T-H-E E-N-D. I wrote this in a half hour at 1:30 AM so if this really sucks i'm sorry, but i felt like writing and this is all i could come up with. as always, please r&r, And i love you guys!
