Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Operation Fresh Start ❯ Pt. 4 ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Title: Operation Fresh Start pt. 4/?

Author: DamnVespa

Pairings: 1x2x1, and others.

Notes: Ummm…it's another messing with the GW world fic of mine. *grins* Also, if you want to archive, please ask…trust me I'll say yes *grins*

Warnings: There will be some deaths but not the major characters *grins* Other than that there is angst, romance, action/adventure, drama…etc…

Category: Umm..probably action/adventure

Archives:, 1x2ml, DHML, Gundam Wing Universe, my new website *grins*

Disclaimer: I don't own any of these characters, but the story's mine….

There was a silence as the others thought over what they should do. Quatre looked at them in turn but none of them seemed to want to think about the problem. He sighed, "Well I guess we should figure out who will be in charge."

"How do we decide that?" Duo asked.

"Well I guess we'll have to vote someone in charge. Then whoever is voted gets to pick who is who in the crew. Sound good to everyone?"

There were nods all around before Une spoke, "We'll need a moderator."

"Alright Lady Une you'll be moderator."


"Yes. You can keep everyone in line if things get out of hand."


"Good, now how should we go about this?"

Everyone looked at each other but no one said anything. Then Relena rose, "Why don't we write on a piece of paper who we think should be elected. Then give them to Lady Une who will tell us who was elected."

Quatre thought it over and finally said, "Well we'll need paper and pens for that and I don't see anything on the bridge for that."

"Wait, I think I might have some." Une said and dug in her uniform pockets. Out of the back pocket she came up with a small notebook. She started ripping pages out and handing them out to everyone.

"Do you have any pens in that uniform, Une-babe?" asked Duo. Heero jabbed him in the ribs. Duo glared at Heero while rubbing his abused stomach.

"Unfortunately no, 02."

"It's Duo Maxwell, Une. We're not fighting a war anymore."

Everyone quieted at the statement. Each remembered what happened scant minutes ago.

"Yes. Mr. Maxwell, you're right. We aren't fighting a war anymore. Maybe we should introduce ourselves so that we might get to know each other better," suggested Treize.

"Great idea. I'll go first. I'm Quatre Raberba Winner, pilot 04, Sandrock."

"Trowa Barton, pilot 03, HeavyArms."

They went around the room that way until everyone was introduced to each other.

"Well now that we know each other's name. What are we going to do about electing someone?"

Heero looked around and said, "Why not have Quatre lead and have Treize as his second?"

Duo smiled at Heero, "Yah…I like that idea."

Une frowned, "Why is Quatre leading and not Treize. Treize would be a better leader."

"My dear Lady. Please calm down." Treize soothed to her, "I'll be happy to do as Heero said. Besides we're outnumbered my dear lady."

Une opened her mouth to say something but thought better of it.

Quatre was shocked and he was going to deny the position but everyone looked to him for direction. He couldn't let them down, not when he let down Earth, the colonies, his family. He sighed, "Alright I'll lead. As you said, Heero, Treize will be my second. Now all we have to figure out is who does what on this ship."

"What about the people still frozen?" Sally asked.

"I think we should unfreeze them. Treize?"

"I agree. I rather tell them sooner than later."

"Okay, then it's agreed. We'll unfreeze them. Treize and I will talk to the groups separately. Une, Relena, and Dorothy I want you to give everyone on board rooms to stay in. Heero, find them the list of people on this ship. There should be one, I know the doctors were insane but not stupid."


"Duo, I want you to find anything you can about this ship and how it works. Wufei and Zechs go with him and help. As for the rest of you, I want you to follow Treize and me. Try to keep people calm. This isn't going to be easy."