Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Operation Fresh Start ❯ Part 3 ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Title: Operation Fresh Start pt. 3/?

Author: DamnVespa

Pairings: 1x2x1, and others.

Notes: Ummm…it's another messing with the GW world fic of mine. *grins* Also, if you want to archive, please ask…trust me I'll say yes *grins*

Warnings: There will be some deaths but not the major characters *grins* Other than that there is angst, romance, action/adventure, drama…etc…

Category: Umm..probably action/adventure

Archives:, 1x2ml, DHML, Gundam Wing Universe, my new website *grins*

Disclaimer: I don't own any of these characters, but the story's mine….

The seven men were in various stages of shock. Duo had slid to the floor, brought his knees to his face, and rocked himself back and forth. Memories of past failures swam through his mind. Tears were pricking his eyes, begging to fall, but he ruthlessly held them back. Solo, Sister Helen, and Father Maxwell flashed before his eyes. Then newer faces flashed before him: Howard, The sweepers, Relena, The Magnuacs, Hilde and so on. All the people he met that now are dead because of the scientists. His anger rose when he thought about the scientists. He wished they were still alive so he could kill them all slowly and painfully.

Heero sat beside Duo and did the same thing. Taking comfort that Duo was so close to him. He too remembered all his past failures and it hit him hard. Not only had he failed Relena but he failed the Earth and Colonies as well. He choked back a sob and buried his head in his knees. Hiding himself from anyone who might be watching him. It took him a few minutes to realize that someone had his arm around his waist. He turned his head to the side and saw Duo's angry eyes. Heero knew the anger was not at him but at the scientists. He unfurled himself and took comfort in his love's arms as Duo took comfort in his. They held themselves tightly not ever wanting to let go.

Quatre rubbed his chest when he tried to tune in with everything around him. He had thought something was off ever since he woke and now he knew what it was. He felt a whole in his heart. Where there should have been emotions that were in tuned with Earth and the colonies he felt nothing. There were no signs of life except for the people on this ship. There was no one to rescue, no hope for survivors. He thoughts turned to his family. His father and all of his sisters were dead. His whole family wiped out except for him. He couldn't help but feel it was his fault, he should have felt the trickery the scientists were up to. But he didn't and it was all his fault. He started to cry and leaned into Trowa.

Trowa stood there numb to everything around him. The explosion kept repeating in his head and the only thing he could think of was that he was glad Quatre was with him. He was happy that all his friends were with him and not on Earth or the colonies. Although he felt saddened that Catherine wasn't there or the circus he didn't feel the overwhelming grief that he thought he should. He pulled Quatre closer to him to make sure that he was still with him.

Wufei stared silently at the screen. Memories of his home colony exploding overlapping the video they had just watched. He berated himself for not stopping this. He again failed his family. He again failed to save the woman he loved, Sally. He remembered her perfectly. Beautiful blond hair down into two twists, her blue eyes twinkling in the sun. He berated himself for ever trusting the scientists, for leaving Earth, for leaving Sally behind.

Treize had sat down on one of the chairs gaping at the screen. His beautiful Une was gone. The more he looked at the screen the more he couldn't accept it. It had to be a horrendous joke. "No, I don't accept this. It has to be some kind of sick joke. I can't accept this," Treize whispered to himself. Not realizing that tears were running down his cheeks or that he was even speaking.

Zechs had his head in his hands and was also sitting on one of the chairs. His shoulders trembled and you could hear the word, "Noin," being said. He remembered back to the Academy days. How Noin tried so hard to impress him but also treated him like everyone else. How they eventually fell in love. Not only was she dead but his sister as well. He was the last of his family and he had never felt so alone before.

All of them sat in their grief around the room. They were so focused on their inner turmoil that they didn't hear the noise steadily approaching the door until it was right outside it. The guys all raised their heads and looked at the door. They could hear voices on the other side arguing with each other.

"Well I told you to take that right, a while back. But did you listen to me, No!" said one voice.

"Oh can it. We got here didn't we. Look that must be the door to the bridge." Said another voice.

"I wonder who else is here. I mean with a ship this big we can't be the only ones here, right?" Said a third voice.

The voices stopped altogether. It was silent for a minute before the guys could hear weapons being withdrawn. The pilots stood and also got their weapons out and trained on the door.

The door opened and two women came barging in. Treize and Zechs immediately recognized the two women and rushed to them.



Zechs rushed up to Noin and hugged her close. Noin dropped the weapon and hugged Zechs back. Though she liked the embrace she was confused to why Zechs was hugging her as if he hadn't seen her in ages. She looked to Une and found her just as confused.

Sally came through the door next with a weapon in her hand with four other girls behind her. She wasn't shocked at seeing Zechs and Treize. She got over it when she awoke to find Noin and Une standing above her. It took a little while for them to get a truce between them and find out where the bridge was. She was shocked, though, when Wufei strode up to her and pulled her into a tight hug. She didn't understand but she lent him the comfort he so badly needed.

Dorothy, Relena, Catherine, and Hilde walked through the door after Sally and looked around. They looked confused but not too upset. Heero was shocked to see Relena standing there. He stood quickly and rushed to stand in front of her. He stared at her, too afraid to find out if it was all an illusion. Relena fidgeted from the intense stare and sought out Dorothy's hand. She couldn't take the intense look he was giving her so she asked, "Heero?"

Heero broke out of his daze and wrapped her in his strong embrace. Relena looked confused but still put her hands around him.

Duo had just grabbed Hilde and hugged her. She was like a little sister to him and he felt immense relief that she was still alive. He hugged her tightly and he didn't want to let go. Trowa still held on to Quatre but held Catherine's hand tightly. The numb feeling wearing off. He felt relieved to see that Catherine was still alive. Quatre looked saddened that none of his sisters came through the door but he didn't let himself think about it.

The girls were getting more confused by the minute.

Dorothy, who stood by and watched all of this, asked, "What the hell is going on?"

"That was what I was going to ask," said Sally while still being embraced by Wufei.

Treize let go of Une but still held her hand tightly. He walked over to Dorothy and just stared at her. Dorothy looked at her cousin and raised one eyebrow. Treize wrapped his arms around her in a tight hug. Dorothy was surprised to say the least, "Cousin?" Treize had never really hugged her before and it was slightly scaring her that he was now.

Treize let go of Dorothy and beckoned the girls to take seats. They all found seats around on the bridge. Treize sat with Une and held her hand tightly on one side and Dorothy on the other. Zechs took it a step further and sat with Noin firmly on his lap. Sally sat down on a seat with Wufei sitting on the floor leaning against her leg. Relena sat next to Heero who sat next to Duo who sat next to Hilde. Catherine sat on a chair with her brother standing protectively behind her and still holding Quatre. They looked to Treize to start the explanation.

"Well actually the pilots might be able to tell you more than either Zechs or I could."

Quatre cleared his throat and all attention turned to him. He told the girls all that had happened since the supposed death of Treize, Une, Zechs and Noin. Then he ran the footage again. The were several gasps of shock as they watched Earth and the Colonies being destroyed. After the recording stopped the girls were all in states of shock as well. Relena composed herself enough to say, "We should go back. Maybe there are survivors."

Duo shook his head, "No there won't be."

"But we don't know for sure. We should…"

"Relena. I want to go back as much as you do, but with that kind of explosion and the shockwave it produced there would be nothing there except small debris."


"Relena listen to him. If not him, then listen to me. I can't feel anyone besides the people on this ship. There are no survivors out there. What we need to do is figure out what we are going to do now." Quatre said.