Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Oracle ❯ Chapter One ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]


New Year's Eve

Somewhere in New York City

Hilde runs down the street holding her black coat closed. She covers her head with a newspaper in a humble way of
keeping the rain off. It is ten minutes to eight . . . ten minutes to get to work! She cures as she steps into a large puddle.

"Dammit! Ohhh mannnn!" She examines her now soaked left pant's leg, sock and shoe. Hilde looks up to the large
clock that stands in the center of a small park across the street. The clock its self cannot be seen in the dark but its
face shines like a second moon. "Sally is going to kill me if I'm late!" Forgetting about the leg, Hilde starts a mad dash
across the street to the park. It is a short cut but not without a price. She only makes it half way when someone grabs

"Hold up little lady!" Says the man's voice. His face is hidden in the shadows. Hilde breaks free from his grasp but
only to land in the arms of someone else.

"Yeah sweetheart! There is a toll to pay if you want to pass here." She didn't need to look at this guy, she could tell
he had a wicked smile. The other man circles once around them and then stops in front. He touches Hilde's face and
frowns when Hilde doesn't do anything. The clouds from the storm move quickly above them and for a moment the
light from the moon can escape. The man moves his hand away from her when he sees her smiling.

"What's with you?" He says. Hilde laughs.

"I'm a retired prostitute . . . " She leads on a bit with a laugh. The two men look at her as if she were crazy. "So pleasure
won't be the only thing you'll get out of me." She says in a sly voice. The man holding her lets go.

"She's a fucking pigeon!"


"She's full of diseases man!" Not risking it the two walk away letting Hilde run to the safety of the shadows.

"What a sec . . . whoever heard of a retired prostitute?"

"Ahhh forget it man! I'm not risking getting no painful diseases."

"Yeah your right."

Oracle Star Hotline

Hilde runs up the stairs to the fourth floor where her work is, the 'Oracle Star Hotline'. It is a scam but for a good cause . . . really. The
owner, Sally, takes girls off the streets, cleans them up and gives them a home until they can find a place. To pay her back the girls
work for Sally's psychic hotline.

"You're late!" Says Sally as Hilde enters the door. Hilde hangs up her coat and sits at her desk.

"Yes I know. I'm sorry. It's just that I ran into some trouble in the park."

"Really? What kind of trouble?" Sally may be hard sometimes but her heart is pure as gold. She cares about everyone who works
for her and is like a mother or sister to everyone. That is why so many of the girls stay with Sally, even after they have paid her

"Nothing to worry about. I took care of them!" She winks at Sally. Sally sighs and turns to leave but not without saying . . .

"One of these days someone if going to call your bluff." She says as she waves a finger in the air. Hilde shrugs and turns to her
phone. It is true, she did lie to those men but it saved her. However, she still did say some truth. Thanks to Sally, Hilde is the only
'retired prostitute' in New York City and the only girl to say she is a virgin and a prostitute at the same time. Hilde had a ruff life.
She lost her whole family to the wars with the colonies and the Alliance. She was born on the colonies but sent down to earth with
her older brother to stay safe from the war up in space. But war found its way to earth and it took her brother. She has been living
on the streets since she was seven and when she was thirteen she ran into a woman named Candy, or so was that her name for that
month. Candy took her in and showed her the ropes and 'Big Cat Daddy', her pimp. Hilde never wanted to do it but since she
stayed in Candy's apartment she owed Big Cat Daddy (He owned the apartment). Hilde was with Candy for a week
before she was picked off the streets by someone. It was an old guy and before she got into the car she freaked and
ran off. Hilde had never been so scared in her whole life. She felt like she ran for hours, crying the whole way, until
she ran right into someone . . . Sally. Ever since then Hilde has been working with Sally, a total of three going on four

Hilde sighs as she waits for the phone. It was going to be a long night. She looks around the room and sees that it is
only her and three other women here, besides Sally. All the others have dates tonight. Hilde sighs again, this time
out of sadness. She looks her self over. Hilde has nice fitting dark-blue jeans that match her eyes. The jeans have a
look like they have dirt lightly dusted on them, but they aren't dirty. She has a gold tank top that makes the dirt
dust on her jeans look gold as well. Her hair is to her chin, black, thick and curly.

"Someday I guess. I won't have to have another lonely New Years." She is about to lower her head on her desk when
the phone rings. Hilde looks at the phone and looks around. The other women are on the phones. For some reason
Hilde is scared to pick up the line. It rings again, beckoning her to answer. With a shaking hand she picks up.

"Oracle Star Hotline. How my I help you?" There is a long silence and she is about to hang up when a creepy male
voice speaks.

"Tell me what I'm going to do tonight." Is all he says. His voice makes gooses bumps crawl up her back and arms. She
swallows hard.

"Uh . . . Let me see . . . I . . . uh . . . "

"You're new at this, aren't you?"

"N-no! I see that your future holds . . . "

"NO!" Hilde almost drops the phone to his harsh voice. "I don't care about my future! Tell me what will happen
tonight! TONIGHT!" He yells. Hilde closes her eyes wanting to hang up but she couldn't . . . then something
happens . . . Hilde saw something.

"I...I see your apartment . . . " She starts. Hilde can't control herself. It is like she is in this persons place. Things seem so
real that she could almost touch them. "You're having a drink . . . outside on your balcony . . . " The man laughs. Hilde
can hear the rattling of ice in a glass over the phone.

"That is true. I am enjoying the cool air on my balcony with my favorite drink. Go on . . . " He says amused by her

"The doorbell rings. You put the glass and something else down . . . you walk to the door and open it. There is a
blonde girl . . . she seems annoyed . . . "


"Yes, you let her in . . . she sits down on the couch. You ask her something . . . she turns and glares at you . . . " Hilde
can't see the man . . . she can only see what he is seeing.

"What did I ask?"

"I...I can't hear it . . . but she nods." Hilde starts to shake. She has a bad feeling . . . "You turn to a bar and fix her a drink
. . . Oh . . . oh God!" She says as she sees him not only take the drink but a bat as well . . . he hands her the drink and
hides the bat behind him. She turns her back to him, still sitting down. He raises the bat above him and . . .

"AAAAAAAAAAA!" Hilde cries a scream. Tears flow freely as she and the phone fall to the floor. She kneels,
holding her head. Hilde tries to get rid the horrible image that is still running in her head . . . they don't stop until the
girl in her mind is dead. Sally and the others run to her aid. One of the girls mindlessly hangs up the phone.

"Hilde? Hilde!! Are you all right?" Says Sally as she helps Hilde up. She is still crying and hugs Sally.

"He killed her! He killed her!" Is what she says. The others look at her and then each other, not knowing what to do.

"Who? Who killed who Hilde?"

"There still maybe time to save her! Yes! I have to call the police!" Hilde turns to the phone and calls 911.

Police Station

"Look at him!" Says a police officer to his partner next to him. "He thinks he's so big just because he is from
the colonies!" The other nods.

"Yes. All colonists think that way about us earth people. Look! I mean what do they see in him? For the love
of everything sweet and pure, the boy has a braid!" Both men shake their head and stare at the new
detective from L2. All the female police officers stand around him and laugh and blush as he talks on and on
and on . . .

"They don't even care about what he is saying!"

"Yeah. Just as long as he is talking to them . . . " The door behind the two men suddenly opens. Everyone turns
to face the person who opened the door and salutes them. It is a woman with brown hair that is tightly
bonded in two buns just below her ears. She has perfect circular glasses that fit nicely on her face. She scans
the room and sees the person she is looking for . . . the only one not saluting.

" At ease." Everyone places their arms to their sides. "Duo Maxwell?" Says the woman. Duo does a bow with
a goofy grin. The women giggle but straiten up when the higher officer glares at them.

"At your serves my lady . . . " Again with the giggles and the cold glare.

"You may enter Mr. Maxwell." She enters her office.

"Excuse me my lovely ladies . . . "Duo turns to the ladies and bows to them. They giggle and say 'Oh you' and
'You flirt'. Duo still bowing backs up till he is between the two men. He stands up and turns to face the office.

"Sit down Mr. Maxwell." Says the woman. She closes the door and takes a seat at her desk. Duo looks around
the room and then to her desk. He looks at the name tag and reads the name . . . ("Une uh? I've heard of her . . .
") "Mr. Maxwell . . . " She starts. She intertwines her fingers together and rests them on her desk. Duo is getting
a sinking feeling. "Do you know why you are here?" She says amused by Duo's face. Duo looks around and
then scratches his head.

"Is it because I don't work with others?" She shakes her head 'no'.

"Uh . . . is it because I shoot first and ask questions later?" She shakes her head 'no'.

"It's because I always spike the punch at all the officer's parties?" She shakes her head 'no'.

"Ok . . . how about the fact that I slept with the Chief of Police's daughter?" She gave him a look of horror.
Duo could not help but laugh. "Got you with that one! No. I didn't sleep with her. Even tho did she ask . . . " He
trailed off scratching his chin as he remembers her asking him to home with her.

"No Mr. Maxwell. You are here to train . . . "

"WHAT?" He stands up slamming the palms of his hands on her desk. "You have got to be kidding me!"

"No. I am not. You are young and a good detective. But that is where your qualities stop. Because you are
young, they are being nice to you . . . they believe your maturity hasn't caught up with you yet and feel you
need to train more to better yourself. You are here to work under my wing. See, here on earth we do things
differently. Whenever I or any officer higher than you enters, you stand strait and salute. You stay how you
are until told other wise." Duo's mouth drops. He couldn't believe what he is hearing! They think he is
immature? So he did a little prank here and there and was a little too friendly with the female officers, but to
send him to earth? "As of today you are working with detective Wufei. You are to do as he says . . . I gave him
permission to do whatever it takes to get you to calm your ways. Do you get it?" He nods.

"Alright. I'll play along . . . but I will be let back on the colonies right?" She nods. "Ok? Where will I stay? My
stuff is kind of up in space and . . . "

"You will be staying with Wufei and your stuff will be sent to you this weekend."

"This weekend? But . . . but it's Wednesday!"

"And?" Duo stops himself from going on. He turns in defeat and heads for the door when it slams open.

"Latinate Une! You have to hear this!" Says a female officer. She blushes and smiles at Duo. He smiles back.
Une leaves the room to where another officer awaits with a phone.

"Some girl is going on about a murder . . . " Une takes the phone.

"Hello?" There is a long pause. "Hold on there miss. Please calm down . . . take a deep breath . . . good. Now
start from the top . . . Ok . . . really? When? Where? Well how do you know this if . . . what? Miss, don't play
games with me!" She says in a harsh voice.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"I AM NOT PLAYING GAMES!!!! You have to do something! You . . . you . . . " Hilde places a hand over her
eyes as she leans up against the wall. She slides down crying. "You have to believe me . . . " The images are
dying down now and she fears she may not be able to save the girl. Then Hilde remembers the balcony . . .
("The view! He was looking at Central Park! I think . . . ") "You have to go to the Clare Days Apartments! He is
on the . . . I guess the top floor! You have to hurry!"

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

As Hilde talks Une asks that they trace the call. She looks down at the number . . . (" I know that number . . .
Sally!") Sally's hotline has had their brush with the law too many times but there is no law that says Sally
can't do what she is doing . . . "Where? Clare Days? Alright miss. We'll go there but if this is a joke . . . yes I
understand you don't think it's a joke . . . Alright? Happy New Year." Click. "Alright Joe . . . David. Check it
out." The two men nod and head out. "Kate, get Wufei. I want him to go down to the Oracle Star Hotline and
find the one who made the call."

"Right!" Kate runs down the hall to find Wufei. Une heads toward her room.

"Does this mean I have to go?" Says Duo. He tries to give her the puppy dog eyes but she doesn't even look at

"Yes." She closes her door.

Clare Days Apartments

A man stands on his balcony looking over Central Park. His home is on the very top. He puts down his glass and his phone on a table
next to him as he hears his door bell. He smiles and walks over to the door. Behind the door is a very annoyed blonde woman . . .

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That's it for this story's first chapter. This one won't be long. It's just a filler until I work out Child of Hope with my friends Lady
Night and Bunny Girl. We are going to write it together! Yea! I can get some help. It takes me soooooooo long to write stuff and I
really need an editor. I apologize for any mistakes. Please don't hold it against me! Well, I hope you like this one! Please read my
other stuff and email me! I will email you back! And if you leave an email I will email you! Scary huh? Hee hee! Oh well. Check
out Mama-sama's web page! It has my stories as well as some great others. Of course it has her works as well! ^.^ OH! And one of
my art works are up on that page as well! Check it out!

See ya!

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