Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Oracle ❯ Chapter Two ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]


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Wufei steps out of his car and looks at the address written on the small piece of paper. Seeing that this is the right
address he takes the time to look around. The neighborhood isn't bad. A little run down but what isn't? Duo comes out
of the car and whistles as he looks up at the building before him. It is an eight-story red brick building with a rusted fire
escape on the side. Beside the third window on the third floor is a neon sign that says: Oracle Star Hotline. The 'c' in
Oracle flickers off and on.

"Well, this looks homey!" Says Duo as he places his hands on his hips and looks around. He looks like a child who is
in a toy store. His eyes are wide with amazement and he has on a big grin. He seems to be enjoying everything he sees.
"Where I come from . . . " He says as he turns to Wufei, who is ignoring him. "We don't see much places like this.
Everything is so clean and sterile. Almost makes you afraid to touch anything." He laughs a bit. Duo sees that Wufei is
not listening. He frowns and walks in the building. "See, I like how things look here on earth. Looks like someone lives
here!" He laughs again. Wufei pushes the button to the elevator. He closes his eyes and crosses his arms over his chest,
trying his best to ignore the braided boy.


Sally tries her best to calm her friend down. She doesn't understand what had just happened. One moment Hilde was
happy and the next she was screaming and crying about a murder. She walks over to her friend, who is sitting on a red
plush couch, and hands her some hot Black Current tea.

"Here, drink this." Hilde takes it in her shaking hands. The red in her eyes has gone down and her checks are stained
with tears. Hilde holds the cup in one hand and rubs her eyes with the front of the other hand.

"Thank you." She takes a sip. "Do you think she'll be alright?"


"The girl I saw!" She says a little annoyed. Sally sighs and nods 'yes'.

"I think she'll be fine." Sally takes a seat next to Hilde. "You know . . . if this is true . . . we can make it big! Just think!
People would defiantly call! We can make a fortune!"

"I hope it's not true . . . " Says Hilde in a soft voice. She takes another sip. Sally is about to speak up again when one of
the remaining girls enters Sally's office.

"Sally! Some detectives are here!" The girl moves out of the way as Wufei walks in.

"Hello Sally." He says coldly. Sally stands up and walks over to him.

"Hello Wufei." She says in the same tone.


Duo looks around the room. It is a big apartment that has at least twenty desks in total. Four rows, five desks in each
row. Two women sit next to each other with their backs to Duo. They are going on about what happened. Duo smiles
and walks up to them. They stop their conversation and look at him.

"Hello. I'm detective Duo Maxwell. Could you tell who called?" He smiles his best and the girls blush. They point to
Sally's office. "Thank you ladies." He nods and heads toward the room. He smiles to himself as he hears the two start
talking about him in giggles. Duo smiles at the girl standing outside the office and enters. The first thing Duo noticed is
his new partner. He is toe to toe with some blonde woman and having a staring contest with her. Duo is about to break
it up when his eyes land on a petite girl sitting on a red plush couch. She is looking down at her cup of hot tea and he
can tell she has been crying. Wufei and the woman seem unimportant to Duo as he walks by them. Sally quickly looks
at Duo and then returns to Wufei.

"Why did they send you?" She says.

"Because you called about a murder that hasn't happened." He says. Hilde's head shoots up and for the first time she
sees Duo. For a moment she forgot what Wufei had said.

"So . . . you made the call?" He says in a calm voice as he takes a seat next to her. Hilde nods and takes a sip of tea.
She then remembers what Wufei said and speaks up.

"If she hasn't died yet, then that means you stopped it, right?" Wufei looks over at Hilde. She becomes worried for
Wufei is glaring at her.

"We are here to take you in if the call if fake." Hilde stands up and slams her cup down on the coffee table in front of

"It was not a fake call!" She yells. Duo stands up and glares over at Wufei.

"Hold on lady. No one is thinking it's fake . . . we just have to be sure." He says to clam Hilde down.

"Be sure of what? Are you not looking into it? You . . . you haven't even gone to the place I told you too!" She says in
disbelief. Hilde falls back in her seat and covers her face with her hands as another set of tears comes. Duo kneels down
in front of her. He pulls away her hands and smiles gently.

"We are looking in it. Just excuse my partner. He obviously isn't a people person." Wufei glares at Duo and makes a
mental note to kick his ass. "A mater of fact, we have two officers at that place. So don't worry. All we want is to know
how you knew about this. I mean . . . you are no where near the place you gave us . . . so how did you know?" Hilde
sniffed back her tears and takes a deep breath.

"If I tell you . . . you won't lock me up or anything?"

"Nope. You have my word. And I never lie." He extends his hand and she takes it. They shake hands and Hilde's
features lighten. Then, as she is about to speak, Wufei's cell phone goes off. He says a quick apology and leaves the
room. Hilde is happy the guy left. She didn't like being under his stare.

"It . . . it happened so fast . . . one moment I am talking to this guy and the next thing I am seeing things!"

"What did he ask you?" Says Duo.

"He wanted to know what he was going to do tonight! He didn't care about his future . . . just tonight." Tears start to
fill her eyes. ("NO! I am not going to cry! Not in front of him!") Hilde turns her gaze to the braided boy. She looks into
his deep purple eyes and blush rushes to her checks. Duo couldn't help but smiles at her. She looks so cute with her
checks all flushed. Hilde quickly turns to face Sally and talks to her. "I started to see things . . . I saw him kill this girl .
. . " She failed at keeping the tears down. They came down her face as she remembers the girl being beaten to death.

"Well . . . " Wufei comes in the room. He looks pail, like he has seen a ghost. "It appears that the girl was right . . . "
Hilde looks up at him with hope in her eyes.

"Then you saved her?" She says. Wufei shakes his head 'no'. Hilde covers her face and cries. Sally moves to comfort
her. Duo stands up and walks over to Wufei.

"Duo . . . the girl . . . she was beaten to a pulp. They don't even think they can identify her." Hilde's sobs become
louder. "Miss. We need you to come with us and answer some questions." Hilde shakes her head 'no' and Sally glares
at him. "Miss, if you don't come with us . . . I will arrest you on charges of murder."

"What the hell Wufei? She didn't kill the girl!" Says Duo. Sally stands up and grabs Wufei.

"How dare you! How dare you do this to her! She has nothing to do with it! She was here the whole time!"

"I don't care. She knew about the murder. For all we know she could be working with the guy who killed the girl! She
just got scared and turned him in so she would be safe!" Wufei takes out his handcuffs but doesn't get far. Duo stops
him with a punch in the stomach.

"You heartless son-of-a-bitch! Leave the girl alone! She will talk on her own time! Now lets go! We have bigger
problems." Wufei is about to attack Duo but comes up with a better plan. He nods and heads out the door. Duo rips off
some paper from a note pad on Sally's desk and writes something down. He hands it to Hilde. "Here. When you feel
like talking . . . call me. My name is Duo Maxwell but you can just call me Duo. Ok?" He takes her hand and places
the paper in it. Then he lifts her chin with his hand to make sure she understands. She nods and grips the paper tightly in
her hands. Duo smiles and heads after Wufei. "Ladies, I wish you a Happy New Year." With that he is gone.

~*~*~>/*\< The Next Day >/*\<~*~*~

Duo sits at his/Wufei's desk. He sits and waits for Wufei to come in. Duo got up early today so he can personal kick
Wufei's ass. ("That little prick! I can't believe he told on me! I hit him and he runs to Une and goes "Wha Wha...big-old mean Duo hit me! Wha Wha." Little coward. And here I was thinking he was a man!") Wufei enters and Duo
stands up. Wufei has some files with him and drops them on the table. Duo crakes his knuckles, ready to rumble when
Wufei spoke...

"Here is the file on Hilde." Duo puts his hands down and picks up the file. He is about to ask 'who' when... "She's the
girl who made the call." Wufei turns and leaves the room. As he closes the door he couldn't help but smile. ("Got out of
that one...") Duo, forgetting about Wufei, sits down and reads the file. To anyone who would look at him would think
he is reading a best seller. Duo can't put the file down. The girl sparked an interest in him. An interest so strong that he
has to know everything about her.

After reading her file, Duo can't help but feel the need to meet this girl...they have much in common. "We're both
orphans..." He says to himself. Duo rubs his face and wonders why he got up so early. His mind tell him why and he is
about to hunt Wufei down when his cell phone goes off.



"Yes? Who is this?"

"It's me...Hilde...I want to talk."

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Ok, I know they are Out Of Charter...and sorry for making Wufei a tattle tail! But don't leave yet Wufei lovers! I did
that for a reason! Wufei wants to get rid of Duo. He doesn't want him to find out his secret! ^.~ See...there is reason to
my madness! ^.^

So anyhow, did you like it? Please tell me! If you do I write more and faster! I have chapter one of 'Child of Hope'
done and will be posting it soon! (I all really depends on how fast I can do HTML.) Oh! And I have up to! Done in "Coming Shadows'! *Happy Dance*

^.^ I'm one happy Kitty!^.^


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