Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Oracle ❯ Chapter Three ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]


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"Sure thing babe. Where are you?" There is a long pause. Duo taps his fingers on the desk. "Hello?"

"I'm at home."

"Ok. Well, I kind of need to know where that is so I can meet you." Another long pause. ("Man, she mustn't trust anyone . . .
poor girl.") "Look, I'm new here, so I don't know they place. But I do know Central Park. How about there? In about an


"Alright! I will see you then babe!" Hilde hangs up the phone and stares at it for some time. She is in the basement of her
apartment doing her laundry. In a corner of the room is a TV set that is playing the news. On the screen is the report about the
murder last night.

"What a way to go." Says a woman.

"Yeah. Poor girl. Do they know who did it?" says another.

"No. They can't even tell who the girl is!"

"Oh my!" The two women leave Hilde alone in the laundry room. She sighs and takes her wash out.

"Why me?" She says to herself as she head for her room.

~*~*~>/*\< Central Park >/*\<~*~*~

In the shade of a tree, sits Duo on a bench. He admires the scenery of the park and the people who are walking, riding, and
running by him. They seem so happy. Duo sighs . . . ("If I were told the earth was this great . . . I may never have stayed in the
colonies.") Duo has always heard that the earth in a dirty, cruel, and horrid place. But he hasn't seen anything that would
suggest that. Sure there is a little trash here and there but at least you don't feel like you are in a cold hospital all the time. He
glances down at his watch and tips his hat to shade his eyes from the approaching sun. ("Didn't think this park would be this
big . . . damn. Should have picked a better place.") He is beginning to feel that this may have been a waste of his time when a
cute girl on skates rolls by. She smiles at him and he smiles back. ("Maybe it won't be a waste of my time . . . too bad tho, I
would have liked to meet that girl again . . . oh well") Duo stands up and heads over to the girl who, suddenly decided that she
is thirsty, stops to get a drink at a water fountain.

"Duo?" Duo stops to the voice. He gets chills up his back. Not the bad chills you get when you see something horrible, the kind
you get when you see something amazing. He turns to the voice and sees a girl in the shadows. She is looking down and has her
hands in front of her. The girl is wearing a black sweater jacket with a white tank top underneath. She has on what looks like
black leather pants and shoes . . . her hair is black, short, thick and curly. She looks up at him with a sad expression on her face.
Almost as if she is waiting for him to hit her or something. Duo was going to say something about being late . . . was . . . Then
he saw her blue eyes. In the shadows and with the help of her pail skin and cloths, her eyes almost glow . . . making them the
most beautiful eyes he has ever seen.

"Hilde . . . ?"

"Yes? Can we sit? I'm tired . . . It is a long way from my house and I don't have a car."

"Sure." He leads her back to the bench. "Why all black?"

"I'm in mourning."

"Oh . . . sorry. If you want to talk about that . . . I the guy to go to." He laughs as he puts his hands behind his head. Soon his
laugh trails off. "I've lost everyone in my life . . . so I know how you feel."

"I didn't know them . . . " He looks at her and sees she is staring at the ground in front of her. "I'm mourning the girl's death . .
. from last night."

"Oh . . . well. Since you are here . . . you must want to talk about it." She nods yes. Tears form in her eyes. "Now . . . don't cry .
. . uh . . . here." He hands her a handkerchief. She takes it and says a tearful 'Thank you'. "Look. If you don't want to . . . "

"Why did you help me?"


"Last night . . . your partner was ready to lock me up for murder. It does make sense . . . "

"Are you saying you did play a part in the murder?"

"No. Not like that . . . it's just . . . why did you believe me when I told you I saw it happen without actually being there."

"I don't know . . . maybe because the murder took place too far away for you to do it and . . . well . . . you seem like a nice girl .
. . the type who doesn't bend the rules . . . " Hilde laughs at that. He looks at her curiously and then smiles. "What? Are you
saying you are a bad girl?" He says in a teasing voice. Hilde blushes and looks at him appalled. Duo laughs at her reaction.
"Sorry, babe. I'm just playing."

"Hmmm." She looks back down to the ground in front of her. "Are all cops from the colonies like this?"

"How did you know I'm from the colonies?" She stands up and turns to face him.

"You are Duo Maxwell right?" Duo smiles his famous smile and stands up to take a bow.

"That is correct! But it has been six years since my last battle. I'm amazed that you earth people would remember someone like
me!" Hilde similes lightly and walks away. Duo follows her as she casually walks down the path.

"How could anyone forget the 'Great God of Death'? Also known as 'Loud Mouth', 'Braid Boy . . . "

"Odd . . . I never remember the papers saying that? I always thought they said . . . 'Hottest Guy in The World', 'Dashing',
'Handsome', 'Good Looking' . . . the list goes on . . . "

"Well, the papers here never said any of those . . . " She laughs as Duo pouts.

"Well, you guys here on earth never liked us colonists anyway. So why would you say anything nice?" Hilde glares at him.
Duo does a nervous laugh and decides it is time to change the subject. "You don't want to talk about last night do you?" She
shakes her head 'no'.

"But I must. If I am to clear my name with your partner."

"Lady, let me tell you this . . . you shouldn't worry about him. I'm not like him or any officer of the law you will find here on
earth. Up on the colonies we respect the people and try not to make them fear us . . . "

"Not all officers are bad . . . Sure, there are some who use their power to live a hidden life of crime, and many do have secrets . .

~*~*~>/*\< Elsewhere >/*\<~*~*~

Wufei steps out of his car and looks over at the red brick building. He smiles as he walks up to it.

"Stupid Maxwell . . . " He chuckles to himself as he enters the building.

~*~*~>/*\< Central Park >/*\<~*~*~

"But not all of them are bad. But what about you? Weren't you the guy whose best friend ended up being a killer?" Duo
becomes pail and his expression quickly turns for the worse. He looks at Hilde hurt and she regrets what she said. "I'm sorry
Duo. I didn't mean . . . "

"No . . . it's ok." He says in a soft voice. He shoves his hands in his coat's pockets. The two are silent for sometime. Then Duo
stops. "You know . . . how about I meet you for dinner?" Hilde is shocked. One moment he is sad the next he is back to his
happy self. "Here." He hands her Wufei's business card. Duo has crossed out Wufei and replaced it with his name. "Call the
home number and the office . . . the cell is his. Here why don't I write down my cell's number." He takes the card back and
writes his number. "Lets make the date for...Is six o'clock fine!"

"Uh . . .well you see . . . "

"Nope. I won't take 'No' for an answer. Meet me for dinner or I will arrest you!" He laughs out loud, so loud that people
around him stop for a second.

"Alright . . . I'll call you." She smiles and walks off. Duo keeps his eyes on her until she disappears in a restroom. He turns
around on his heels as he starts to whistling joyously.

Hilde throws cold water on her face. She lets the water drip down her face. Hilde can't tell if the droplets are from the water or
from her tears. The image of the girl in gone now but not the pain. To Hilde, it seemed as if she was the one killing the girl . . .
"All too real." She straitens herself up and opens a stall's door. The moment she enters, the door to the stall slams shut. She
turns to examine the door and can see that someone is behind it. Hilde applies pressure to the door and is greeted with nothing . .
. the door wont move. "Hello?" She says . . . no answer. "Could you please let go of the door?" She says to the one behind the
door. Nothing . . . she starts to panic. Hilde looks down to the persons' feet and sees that the shoes are mens. She stands up and
is now really worried . . . she backs away as best as she can . . . she places a hand over her mouth and shakes her head 'no . . .
no . . . no . . . no'. Tears run down her face. "WHAT DO YOU WANT!!!" She yells at the person. There is a soft laugh.

"Tell me what I'm going to do . . . " Says the same chilling voice from yesterday.

"NO!" She cries/screams. "Help! Someone HELP! DUO!!!"

"Don't waste your breath pretty one . . . I'm not going to hurt you . . . my oracle. I just want to know what will happen today?"

"Why? You know what you're going to do!" She through grinding teeth.

"To tell you the truth my dear . . . I wasn't going to kill her that way. But I loved your way and wanted to see what else you
have in mind . . . inspire me!"

"Damn you! I will NOT be blamed for your actions!"

"Tell me . . . NOW!" He hits the door. Hilde thinks for a while. ("If I can do this again then . . . I hope Duo didn't go far . . . ")
Hilde places a hand on the door and closes her eyes . . . she lets her mind go . . .

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Hee Hee! What is Wufei up too? And gee, I wonder who Duo's friend is (^.~ Whink, Whink ~.^)? What will Hilde see? And
will the guy let her go once she tells him his future? Come back and read the next chapter! Please R&R! They are my only
support! I live off them . . . sniff . . . sniff. You write something and see how reviews become a huge part of your life! It's what
got me to reviewing!

Be the way-

I would like to thank Mama-sama for reviewing every chapter of ALL my stories! You are the greatest!

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