Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Out on the Limb ❯ ITE-Chapter One ( Chapter 12 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

In the End

By Devon Masterson

Chapter One: Papercut

"Target is in sight," the young soldier commented as she looked around the corner of the edifice at Heero as he reloaded. Lady Une looked around cautiously as she covered her partner. Her gun was raised as she stood poised to waste anyone that dared to attack them. "I'm going to take the shot, Park."

"Negative, it's too risky," her partner replied in her ear. "Lady is guarding Zero too closely. A casuality will be eminent."

"The others are no where in sight there is only those two. I can take them both out," she commented. "I'm going to take the shot."

Her partner sighed and surveyed the ground below him. "Everything appears to be clear, Zell. We'll go with your judgement. I have a clear shot as well. You take Zero and I will take Lady."

"On my mark," Zell remarked. "Three. Two. One. Mark." She stepped out from behind the edifice and started to fire.

Lady Une and Heero dived off into two different directions and returned fire. Zell dove behind the ediface again to shield herself. "Park, why aren't your firing?"

"I believe a surrender is order," Wufei said over Park's line. "Your partner has been captured."

"You'll have to capture me first," she replied as she dove out from the edifice. There was no way she was going to stand there and let Wufei pick her off from her secret place. It was obvious he could see her. "I plan to take as many with me as I can." She started firing. As she flew from behind the edifice she could see, Duo with his gun raised at Lady Une and Heero. A look of surprise crossed his face as he felt the paint ball hit him in the chest.

"I've been hit," he said incredulously as he stared down at himself. "I was hoping I would win this time."

"She got all three of us," Lady Une pointed out. She was slightly amused and distraught at being taken out of the game by her twelve year old daughter."

Zell snickered and rolled out of the way as she heard a shot. She struggled to her feet. She looked up and saw Wufei preparing to aim again. She did a back flip to avoid getting shot. She smiled when she realized that he was out of ammo. She held her paint gun into the air and prepared to aim before he could dive out of the way when she felt pressure in her side. She grabbed her side in shock and felt paint. She raised an eyebrow as she turned around and saw Victor jump from a nearby tree. "You shot me!"

"Yep and you're not first to fall," he laughed as he ran off to stalk his next target.

Duo shook his head proudly as he watched the braided boy run off. "I think my side might just win this after all."

Heero looked at Duo and shook his head. He couldn't help but smile his son was getting very good at this game each year. It was actually Victor that came up with the trendier version of tag. They all had to admit it was kind of fun stalking each other and it kept their skills up. He had never imagined that his children were so gifted but then with him and Victoria for parents how could they not have natural talent. "He still has to get through, Wufei, Ryoko, Trowa, and Cheryl."

"Ryoko is his only problem now," Lady Une remarked as she put her paint gun away. "They both have toys on the line. One of them is going to be the winner."

Duo smirked. "I've got to see this. Come on Heero."

Heero nodded and joined him as they went off to see how the rest of ex-gundam pilots would handle his children.

Ja-Zell started walking slowly toward the house as well. She had under-estimated her little brother and allowed herself to get up caught due to arrogance. "Ja-Zell," Lady Une called as she approached her.

"Yes, mother?" she asked.

"You played well," she complimented as she put her around her. "And you weren't the only one caught off guard. It happens just don't let it affect your next task."

"Thank you, mom," she said as she hugged her mother. She smiled as her feelings and pride were soothed over. She wouldn't be Victor's only victim. He was quite good at the game and she did take out her parents and Duo which was more than some could say.

The two ladies smirked as they saw the rest of the players coming out of the house. Duo laughed and Heero looked amused as he carried Ryoko, they started towards them. "They unloaded all of their ammo on each other so there's no winner," Heero informed.

Lady Une saw her daughter covered in paint and nearly burst in laughter, but she didn't. She had a standard to maintain and it was all a matter of keeping up appearances. "Perhaps next time then," she replied maintaining her decorum.

"Mom. Mom. Mom," Victor yelled as he came flying out of the house. He hugged his mother tightly. "It was great you should've seen it. I did what you told me."

She wrapped her arms around her little boy affectionately. "And you did well. All of you did."

"Next time we'll have to step it up," Duo commented.

"Hi, guys, looks like you finished up before we got here," Quatre commented as he cleared his throat. He stood next a young man about thirteen years old. "This is Patrick, my nephew that will be living me."

The group greeted and introduced themselves to Patrick. He looked at them politely but seemed disinterested until his blue eyes rested on Ja-Zell. "Hi," he said warmly.

Ja-Zell blushed slightly. "Uncle Quatre says that you're going to be in class with me and Parker."

He nodded. "I can't wait," he replied quickly. He blushed at his eagerness.

Heero growled lowly as he watched the innocent flirting going on between the two pre-teens. Parker balled his fist as well as he watched Patrick make eyes at his sister.

Lady Une looked towards Ryoko and nodded slightly. "Daddy, I want to take a bath. Will take me inside?"

Heero's attention shifted as he looked his other little girl. "Sure, princess," he said as he started for the house. "I'll be back." He glared at Patrick.

Parker moved closer to his sister and put his arm around her protectively. He glared at Patrick as well. Lady Une placed her hand on his shoulder and his expression softened. "Will you excuse us? We have to get cleaned up. You will join us for dinner, Patrick?"

"Oh, yes, Mrs. Yuy," he answered never taking his eyes off Ja-Zell.

Ja-Zell blush flared up again and she followed her mother. She had never had the attention of such a handsome young man. Parker kept them all away from her. She had always thought that boys were a waste of time, but this one she wouldn't mind wasting some time on. "Bye Pa…trick," Victor said in a sing song voice to tease Ja-Zell. He started making smooching noises when Lady Une looked at him sternly.

"Victor Nicholas Yuy…" Victor stopped immediately and his jovial expression turned to ice.

"Now come along," Lady Une replied as she took his hand.

"I love that kid," Duo smirked as he watched them walk inside. "Well I should clean up too I guess. Nice meeting you Patrick and see you at dinner."

Patrick nodded. Perhaps staying with Uncle Quatre and Aunt Cheryl wouldn't be so bad after all if he was going to get to see Ja-Zell everyday.


"He's watching you again," a girl giggled as Ja-Zell held her books to her chest and blushed. "He is so cute."

"He's my dad's friend's nephew. We're pratically cousins," Ja-Zell remarked as she looked away.

"So you're not frigid after all," he friend commented as she winked.

"Miyuki, I would appreciate if you would refrain from such talk in my presence. We're only twelve years old. We don't have need for boyfriends much less that kind of relationship."

Miyuki blushed slightly for being so bold. "You're right, but you still like him and don't try to deny it. I know you Ja-Zell Yuy. We've been best friends since fourth grade. You wouldn't even acknowledge his existence unless you found him interesting."

"He's the nephew of my Uncle Quatre and he's an excellent piano player," she argued. "He's talented and talented people are capable of understanding me." She paused in her actions for a second. "Why does that sound like something, Mom, would say?"

"I think it's more than piano playing that you're interested in, Zell," Miyuki observed. "But of course if you're willing to let an opportunity slip by then I'll go out with him. He's very cute."

"Don't you dare," she threatened as her eyes flashed. Her eyes softened to cover her flare of anger. "Playing with the hearts of men will lead to your own heartbreak as well."

"It's so sweet that you care about me," Miyuki said as she hugged her friend. "But you have nothing to worry about. I know he's yours."


Miyuki winked and walked over to Patrick who stared the two girls curiously. He heard a soft, tinkling noise and looked down at the ground as several small spheres rolled across the floor. He was about pick one up to examine it closer when little diamond shaped sections raised up and released gas. He started to cough as he covered his mouth with his blazer. Miyuki's eyes widened as the situation started to become clear and she started to fall to the ground. He caught her and laid her down gently.

He quickly turned to Ja-Zell and saw her lifelessly draped over the shoulder of a black clothed figure wearing a gas mask. "Stop," he called out with a muffled voice. He ran and jumped at the figure. He felt his already shallow breath leave him as the attacker's foot met with his abdomen. He crumbled to the ground holding himself, a trickle of blood escaped his mouth. His hold on himself slackened as he slipped into the darkness. The figure signaled to another coming down the hall with Victor over his shoulder to grab the unconscious hero as well.

The two clothed figures were joined by two more figures carrying Ryoko and Parker. The five children were dumped into a large laundry truck. The figures jumped in as well and closed the large door and drove out into traffic as they did everyday.

Lady Une pulled up a few minutes later along with an entourage of Preventers in response to the terrorist situation. "Spread out and secure the area. No one is to leave premises and I want a head count of everyone who has been in and out of this school the past twenty four hours," she commanded. "Report anything to me through the com link. I'm going in." The agents nodded and went off to check things out. She pulled down her mask and pulled out her gun. She crept around cautiously to see if their was any sign of an attacker or any evidence of further danger. Unconscious students littered the hallways as she swept the area. She could see some students staring at her inside of locked classrooms from behind glass. They looked terrified. She prayed that everyone was okay and accounted for. She had encountered none of her children and she was starting to grow worried. This was the thirteenth anniversary of the day the Domini made their declaration of war.

"The area is secured, Colonel," a voice reported in. "There appears to be no further danger.

"Good, now get me that head count," she replied. A group of agents came up behind her with large fans to air the halls out. She continued on looking through out the school. Victor, Ja-Zell, Parker, and Ryoko were no where in sight.

"There's no sign of them," Trowa's voice said over the com link, "and I can't find Patrick either."

"Please keep looking," she urged as she grew more upset.

"I found Miyuki," Wufei said softly, "and Ja-Zell's bag is about ten feet from her."

"Where are you, Wufei?" Lady Une asked.

"Across from the gymnasium," he answered.

"I'm on my way," she replied as she stalked off in that direction. A few minutes later she stood next to Wufei. He held a bag in his hands as he looked down at the ground. Good sized droplets of blood were on the floor.

"Her bag was near them," he said lowly as he balled his fist. He kept balling his hand and un-balling it as he tried to get control of his anger.

Lady Une's jaw tightened. "The Domini will pay for this," she cursed. She turned to a nearby agent. "Get forensics here. I want to know who's blood that is on the floor." The agent nodded and acted accordingly. She turned back to Wufei.. "You should check on Catherine and the twins. Just in case."

Wufei looked away. He had already checked on them prior to arriving at the school. He didn't know what he would do if something happened his wife, son and daughter. Already there would be hell to pay for the injustice of involving children in a situation for adults. His mind went back to Ja-Zell's smiling face as moved through the ranks in her martial arts class. Ja-Zell made him just as proud as his own children who was just a little younger than Victor. "I've already checked in on them. I'm trying to reach Heero, Duo, and Quatre."

"What about Cheryl? Is she okay?" Lady Une asked.

Before Wufei could answer an agent walked over to them and saluted. "Colonel Une, Commander Chang, we found Commander Winner in a classroom. She got pretty banged up before she succumbed to the gas. All of the students are unconscious as well. We believe that the perpetrator came inside of the classroom so we checked the roster against the students in the class. All are present and accounted for except one Victor Yuy. We did a check and found that he has other siblings that seem to be missing as well. We're trying to get in contact with their parents to make sure they are not on vacation."

"They were present at school this morning," Lady Une snapped annoyed.

The agent was about to comment about how she would have such knowledge when he drew the connections. "Colonel, we will do all that we can," he saluted before leaving.

Hours later Ja-Zell opened her eyes and saw Patrick and Parker looking at her with concerned eyes. "What happened?"

"We were kidnapped," Parker answered.

Ja-Zell sat up. "What about Ryoko and Victor?" Parker looked towards another corner where Ryoko sat indian style next Victor's unconscious body. "Why isn't he awake yet?" She sat up and crawled over to her little brother and held him. He was bruised. "Wake up, Victor!"

Victor moaned and started to cry as he came around. "Don't hurt me," he sobbed.

"It's okay," Ja-Zell comforted.

"Zell?" he asked. He pulled away and wiped his eyes. "Where are we?"

"I don't know," she replied.

Ryoko sat in Parker's lap. "How are we going to get out, Park?"

"I don't know," he answered as he held his little sister.