Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Pilot Auditions ❯ You're Hired ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Gundam Wing or any of it's characters (stupid fate) I'm also making no money off of this so please don't sue me.

Pilot Auditions
By Cyrelia

Part 1: "You're Hired..."

Dr J: Okay, I'm looking for the strong silent type...someone with a commanding presence... ::looks around before spotting a boy with brown hair and blue eyes:: you there! In the spandex

boy: ::points to himself looking around::

Dr J: Yes you, come here, you're my new protogee.

boy: ::reluctantly stepping forward:: I wasn't auditioning I was just waiting for someone...

Dr J: ::thinking fast:: I'll pay you.

boy: ...How much?

Dr J: HOw about e discuss it over dinner?~

boy: That's it, I'm walking...

Dr J: OKay okay I'll sell my right arm if I have to!

...little did he know...


Professor G: ::absently scanning the line of applicants:: Hmmm....someone who's cute, but not in a puppy and kitten kind of cute...a goofy kind of cute yet sexy at the same time...

Duo: ::calling out from the back:: Hey can you speed it up old man, I gotta meet my boyfriend on L1 y'know.

Professor G: Would you be quite for the fifteenth time!

Duo: ::stalks up to him:: Look gramps some of us have lives...

Professor G: ::looks up and ends up staring at Duo's exposed stomach::

Duo: So do I get the job granpa?

Professor G: ::nodnodnod::


Doktor S: ::talking to himself:: I like them submissive, passive, someone who'd make the perfect uke, though I don't want a whiner or a cryer...they're the worst ::spots Trowa:: Boy! What's your name?!

Trowa: ::rolls his eyes:: Yeah like I'm telling some strange guy my real name... um.. Nanashi

Doktor S: gezundheit.

Trowa: ::sighs:: Nevermind... what do you want.

Doktor S: Agree to be the pilot Trowa Tarton and I'll make you a star.

Trowa: ::shrugs::


Instructor H: I think Sandrock should be piloted by someone I can control...someone innocent who I can manipulate...and of course he must look cute in that feminine sissy boy type of way.

Quatre: ::walks up to a girl in line holding a glass of punch::Hey baby, wanna come back to my hotel room with me? I'll show you the Winner family jewels ::winks::

Girl: Get lost creep ::dumps the glass of punch on him staining his white shirt pink::

Quatre: How about I take you back to my pad and I'll show you how a sultan does it.

Girl: ::knees him then storms off::

Quatre: ::In a high falsetto:: Yeah... She wants me.

Instructor H: ::notices:: A pink shirt?! High voice! If he isn't a sissy boy, then I don't know who is!


Master O: I've always had a foundness for that sullen brooding look... and spirit yes yes...

Wufei: ::walking around with a sign that reads "Pilot Auditions are sexist" annoyed he's the only one doing so::

Master O: ::spots him::Bleeding heart liberal! Perfect! ::calls out to him:: You there! How would you like to join the PSAGD?!

Wufei: ::confused:: uhh... What does that stand for?

Master O: Why the Scientists Against Gender Discrimination of course

Wufei: What about the P?

Master O: It's silent.

Wufei: Um... It says on your shirt it stands for perverted...

Master O: ::changing the subject:: I'll get you revenge for your wife's death...

Wufei: ::puzzled:: How do you know about...

Master O: Yes or no? ::tapping his foot impatiently::

Wufei: Alright...