Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Real World~~ Gundam Wing~~~ ❯ Meeting up ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
The Real World

Ok so I put two of my favorite shows in one Gundam wing and the Real World! I though this would be cool and some of my friends said go for it so I did! I hope you like it and this is only the first day so there will be more! :) And ya know I don't own any of the characters :*(

This is the Real World A.C.195!

Quatre, Trowa and Catharine enter the huge house and they drop their stuff on the floor.
Catharine- OHHH! MY LORD this place is huge!
Quatre- Hey not too bad. Reminds me of our summer home in Australia!
Catharine- Hey lets choose rooms!
Quatre-Shouldn't we wait for the others to arrive?
Catharine-er!!!! FINE! But I'm not getting stuck with
some sucky room! I got here first!
Trowa looks around while all this is happening.

- Personal thought-Trowa-
- Some guy- AH Trowa this is the time were you can say anything about anyone or anything you know?
- Trowa- (nods head)........................
- Some guy- Are you sure you don't want to say or express anything?
- Trowa-..............................
- Some guy- Ok forget it!

Catharine- I'm going to look upstairs.

- Personal thought-Catharine-Oh my gosh I can't believe this! This so great! This place is so huge I love it!

Soon Wufei arrives.
Quatre- Wufei!
Wufei-............... comes in and put his duffle bag on the floor next to the other's stuff)

- Personal though-Wufei- Great I'm stuck in this house with a bunch of dumb-ass's for 5 months. What was I thinking? Nataku give me strength!

Wufei- do they have a gym or space of some kind?
Trowa- Yeah
Duo, Hildie and Relena arrive.
Duo-Hey everyone! YOAH look at this place. Hey I like the stereo!
Quatre-Hey Duo!
Catharine- (to herself) people that have common sense-girls!
Relena- (looks around) Hey Quatre is Heero here?
Quatre- No
Relena- ahhhhhhhhh! I can't wait to see him! (smiles)
Catharine- (to herself) Ok maybe not I take it back! (to Relena) Hi my name is Catharine I'm Trowa's sister!

- Personal thought-Catharine - So I think hey normal girls I can hang out with this may be cool! Then I remember what Trowa said about Relena!

Relena- Oh hi I'm Relena.
Suddenly Heero walks in the doorway.
Heero walks out the door.

- Personal thought-Relena-I love him! I love him! Isn't he the best! Any of these girls make a move on him they are dead! HE is so cute!

Quatre- (running after Heero) Hold up Heero!
Heero-If she is in there I'm going to be tempted to kill her!
Quatre-Please Heero come back! Please you are the only one that can make Duo shut up!
Heero- Really I'm that important!
Quatre- yes now come back in!
Quatre- Oh come on!
Heero- Fine but if she yells like that once more I swear I'm going to kill her!
Quatre- OK! (while walking back)But Heero you know you like her even when she does that!
Heero- (turning around) I changed my mind!
Quatre- (nervously laughing) Wait wait! That was one of my lame jokes you know the ones not even Duo laughs at!

- Personal thought- Heero-How long to I have to stay here?
- Some guy- 5 months
- Heero-...............
- Some guy- We allow no explosives or weapons on this show!
- Heero- (eyes widen).........!!!!!
- Some guy- Just thought you had to know!

They both walk back inside. Relena smiles when Heero walks in again.

- Personal thought-Relena- See I know he loves me!

Quatre pulls Relena outside before she does or says anything and tells her what not to do around Heero. They walk back inside and everyone is sitting down.
Duo-Finnaly! Boy that was long! If I were Heero I would suspect something. HUH! Yuy?

- Personal thought-Duo- He is just so antisocial! IF I was him I would have killed myself along time ago!

They sit around the coffee table and discuss who gets what room! Of course this takes awhile.
Hildie- Hold up! I think we are missing someone.
Catharine- Hey that's right! There are only 8 here and there are supposed to be 9!
At this moment lighting strikes and Dorothy Catalonia appears at the door!

Quatre- (whispers to Hildie) why did you open your mouth!

- Personal thought-Quatre-It was so perfect just the 8 of us! I'm DOMMED!

Actually we are all doomed!

Duo- Damm look at those eyebrows!
Hildie kicks Duo.
Duo- Ouch! Why did you do that for?
Hildie- Oh, sorry.

- Personal thought-Duo- (lol) Look at her eyebrows! This is one girl that Duo Maxwell will NOT fall for!
- Personal thought-Hildie- I think I should have just kept my mouth shut! Hey isn't Trowa cute? No really look at him!

Relena- Hhhello Dorothy! Come and sit down with us we are just discussing where we are going to sleep.
Dorothy looks at Quatre who looks nervously down. Dorothy sits down next to Wufei and they continue. After 3 long hours they come to an agreement.

Duo- finally we are done! So I stay with Heero and Quatre Right?
Hildie- YES! For the last time you, Heero and Quatre the poor souls share a room, Trowa and Wufei share the other room and all the girls share the attic
room because it is the biggest one and it has the best view of the beach!
Duo- ahhhhhh! But I wanted the view of the beach!
Relena- Duo please just leave it the way it is! I have to unpack!
Hildie- Yeah me too!
Duo- Ok fine! (privately to Quatre) Hey Quatre we are the lucky ones with Heero we are going to be protected from eyebrow girl over there!
Quatre- you said it!

-Personal thought-Dorothy- I DEMAND a private room for myself!
- Some guy- Sorry Miss. Catalonia but the house is made this way we can't change it!
- Dorothy-What?
- Some guy- Well maybe we can make some arrangements for you Miss. Catalonia!

PERSONAL THOUGHTS-what do you think of Dorothy?
>Quatre-What is there to think about...... She...... a great person!

(nervously smiling)

>Duo-Oh boy Quatre is in for the worst time of his life! Boy look at her eyebrows I say we pay a professional to come and wax those things!

>Catharine- I'm not going to comment on the eye... on Dorothy!

>Heero-Why is Relena in her? Why is she looking at me?
Some guy-Get her out of her! Now back to the question!
Heero-.........Dorothy............can put up a good fight.

>Hildie- Hold up wasn't she the one to............You know.........she......
Quatre's incident......
Some guy- yes that was her!
Hildie- She seems a very cool person!!

>Relena- Dorothy? UMMMM..................she has her strong points and at least she doesn't hit on hero!!

Some guy-Please Trowa say something anything!
Some guy- (on knees) PLEASE Trowa you didn't say anything all day! PLEASE
Trowa-..............................No Comment!
Some guy- Thank you Thank you!

>Wufei- I think she is weak!
Some guy- Why do you say that?
Wufei- Because she is a woman and all women are weak!
Hildie ( from outside the room )- I hope she gets you Wufei!
Wufei- Let her try!
Hildie- Women aren't weak! We are stronger that all you assholes!!
Wufei( coming out of the room )- (smiling) HA right!
Hildie- Want to bet on it?
Duo- Hildie I think we should go outside for a moment!
Wufei- weakling!
Hildie- Let me go Duo! I'll show him! Were is Catharine when you need her! Let me go Duo!

Otayz so how waz that for my first fic!!! Im gonna be working on more chapters soon so hope you liked this one and hope you like the rest!! :)