Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Rituals ❯ Epilogue ( Chapter 15 )
Disclaimer: I don't own Gundam Wing or any of its characters.
Notes: It took me this long to get out an epilogue. I'm so embarrassed. Before you kill me, though, yelling that this ain't no 1x2, remember that there'll be a sequel (someday). As for anyone interested in my story Life Together, it'll be my big summer project to get that story started again. (Starting sometime in June)
Warning: Very, *very* random.
Rituals - Epilogue by Maaya
It took three days until Duo managed to get sounds past his throat. I won't say speak, because one could not describe the managed croaks as actual words, but there where sounds nonetheless and he didn't seem to think it hurt *too* much to utter them. The words were understandable the day after that, and on the fifth day, he could speak relatively well. Not for too long at the same time, but enough to manage a descent conversation.
After those three days of silence (the relationship between Wufei and me was…slightly comfortable at best since neither of us was a talker, but rather listeners), it was welcome.
I had not until now figured what a…restless person I am. I had, perhaps, never been restless quite like this before. There was nothing to do in the motel room; I didn't have a computer, obviously not Wing to work on, no mission to plan - absolutely nothing. Wufei had *his* laptop, of course, but what did that help me? After having spent two days staring at a television screen, I felt proof that I was going crazy.
And by just looking at Duo's face, I could tell that he was too.
He slid down from a former sitting position on the couch, currently with more of his back against the seat than the backrest, glaring at the TV with something that could only be described as venom. In his hands was his braid which should look torn by now because of his constant fiddling.
"I can't take this anymore," he groaned suddenly in a voice that only slightly resembled his old, real one. I blinked at the fact that I had been staring at him, something I hadn't realized until I hadn't been forced to turn my gaze to look at him when he spoke. He hadn't seen it though, because only now he turned to look at me. "Heero."
I looked at him questioningly. "What?"
"Nothing. Just testing if it hurt to say it."
It took me a few seconds to realize he meant the damage in his throat, but I think I caught on quickly enough. "Aa." Then I wondered, "Did it?"
"Nope." He grinned. "You've got an easy name, buddy. Nice to the throat."
Was that a compliment? I wasn't sure, so I searched Duo's face for hints.
It was visible in his eyes right then, how he remembered how I had told him my real name and how his lips twitched as if he was going to try that out too….
I sent him a glare, and let my eyes slip over where Wufei was sitting on his bed, eyes on the computer screen.
He didn't snap his mouth shut because it already was. Still, it *looked* like he did, that immediate was his reaction and understanding in his eyes. Somehow, he seemed to understand I didn't want anyone else to know of my real name. Didn't want Wufei to hear it.
Why him? His gaze seemed to ask and I sent the question back unanswered, with a blank glance, because I didn't know.
A slight cough from behind the cough made me almost jump and even though I didn't, I lost eye-contact with Duo and was left feeling slightly…confused.
"What?" I asked Wufei.
He sat on his bed, but the laptop was closed and he had turned towards the TV. Nodding to the remote control in my hand, he said, "Yuy, turn up the volume."
"Yes," I agreed and did so, a strangely flustered edge creeping into my voice.
We watched the news together in silence. Then we proceeded to spend the next week together in a small motel room without anything to do, on the verge of going crazy because of boredom.
But somehow, it felt just a little more okay now.
The End of Rituals
Yes, I am ashamed it took me this long to write the epilogue. I guess I was looking for the right mood but never really found it and put it off. Umm, there's going to be a sequel someday so check in sometime to see if I've posted it. It won't be too soon though.
If the epilogue was corny, then it was my fault, because I liked it.
Thank you, hugs, and kisses and cake to all of you who has read, reviewed and otherwise commented. You kept this story alive, you know!