Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Secrets of the Library ❯ Mind's Reflections ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Nightshadow: Here ya go! The next ch. We find out some of ones past, and see the bloom of other's beginnings. And I was asked to introduce Luna Morte.

Luna Morte: As you should. You will one day learn the proper respect. Till then others must remind you.

Nightshadow: *Sighs* Well that's my muse. She's a dragon, swiftest of fliers and best of scholars though she really needs to take an arrogance reduction.

Luna Morte: Very true, ye…Why you! Oh, just get on with your story!

Disclaimer: I dunno own 'em, but I'd love them for my B-day present. It's today so express mail it, 'K?

Warnings: Sap, sap, and sap!

Pairings: 1+2, 3x4, and 5+L

Continuing and Beginning

Wufei watched as Larak and Duo laughed in obvious delight at the rainbows dancing on the wall, a poem of the silent poet coming to mind. He chuckled to himself. 'After all it fits. Heero is silent and a poet. The words have to go somewhere I suppose.' Smiling, he softly recited the playful poem, unintentionally catching the attention of the honey-haired boy beside him.

"It fits," spoke Larak quietly.

Startled, Wufei turned to look at the young man beside him. "Yes, it does." He smiled slightly, just barely more than an up turning of the lips, which faded as he caught sight of the clock and a less pleasant thought came to mind. "How long is your lunch break. It's 1:10 now and we've been here since 12."

"Oh, were fine then. Since I work Saturday I have the rest of the day off. And there's plenty of time left for Heero to get back."

Quatre turned to Larak as he overheard this statement. "Does everyone who works Saturday have half of Friday off?"

Larak nodded firmly. "Yes, why?"

"Because Heero told us he had to work everyday."

Larak shook his head firmly. "Well, he doesn't. He can choose which day he gets off." Larak turned to Heero, pulling his attention away from Duo. "Who told you, you had to work everyday?"

" Bill. My foster-father." He spoke shortly, wishing the subject closed.

"Well, you don't. You can either have this afternoon off or tomorrow morning off." The wild-haired boy nodded in acknowledgment before turning back to Duo. Larak smiled as he watched the pair before turning back to Wufei. "What are you up to today?"

"Nothing. I've already packed for the trip."

"Trip? Are you going on one with your family?" he asked curiosity evident in is voice.

"No. I live alone," came the sharp reply. A moment of silence passed before, "Quatre, Trowa, and I are going in the mountains for the next two weeks."

"Sounds like fun." Larak smiled, telling his curiosity to take a hike and that now was not the time to ask. "So you're just going to head back to an empty house?"

"Pretty much, yes." Wufei said softly.

"Oh." <Ask him! Go ahead and ask him. > 'Ask what?' <ask him to come over nitwit, you know you want him too. > 'Quiet.' <Why should I? You're being silly…> A voice broke through his argument.

"Larak? Hey, Larak? Are you coming?"

"Coming where?" Larak shook his head slightly to clear his mind as those night-deep ebony eyes watched his. 'I am such a sap. They are nice though.'

"With the rest of us. Quatre and Trowa have to pack still and Heero wants to head back to work, though I'm not sure he'll be staying. Duo seems very determined that he's going to take the day off. And surprisingly, Heero's putting up with it." A soft grin lit up Wufei's face.

"Really?" Larak looked around and found Duo with one arm resting across Heero's shoulders while he tried to find out if the wild haired boy was going to take today off or tomorrow. "Aye, I'm coming." Gracefully, Larak rose from his chair and followed Wufei out the door. Once outside, he said goodbye to Quatre and Trowa as they turned to head back to their apartment. Waving bye to the happy couple, he turned to the rest of the group.

"So, I guess the four of us are headed for the Library," asked Duo as he pranced alongside Heero, too energetic to bother with walking. He looked around and hearing no dissension grinned happily. "Well then, off we go!"


Quatre smiled softly as he and Trowa reached the door of their apartment. As his hand touched the old, worn brass knob, he remembered another, sadder day he'd opened this door. It had been barely a year since that long ago day now…


"Get out of my house!" roared the normally soft-spoken man.

"But Father…" he pleaded one hand outstretched.

"Not. One More Word Quatre! How dare you consort with one of such low standing!" Then in a softer tone. "How can you do this to me? And what of your mother? She died to give you life! As grief passed, anger returned. "And you repay her like this! Now I will never be able to find a suitable match for you, for no proper family will have you after you have been tainted by that…that whore!" He pointed wildly at the now pale boy who stood silently beside his son, emerald eyes staring straight ahead, the light they had borne upon his arrival to meet his love's father now dead. "How…"he continued.

He was cut off however, as Quatre, at the insult to his beloved, raised cold aquamarine eyes to his father. Where before his speech had been halting and his voice unsteady, he now spoke strongly and firmly. "Trowa is no more a whore than I am, Father. He is my Cher là Norn, guardian of my soul. We came here today to share the news of our love and ask for your blessing. Instead you have disinherited me in every way, but on paper and insulted my airen, my beloved. You have made your choice. Goodbye, Father." He took Trowa's hand in his own, squeezing it reassuringly. They turned, intending to leave the gaping figure behind. Instead they found themselves meeting the gaze of a tall, willowy, silver-haired Lady, for she was a Lady. Her bearing proved her so. Amber eyes met theirs, pride and sorrow intermixed.

She smiled, clapping softly as she walked gracefully towards them. "Very well done, nephew. I was wondering when you would face your father."

"Aunt Talien? Came the questioning reply.

"Of course, Quatre. Who else would I be?" She laughed softly, pulling them both into a firm hug. "Good to see you again, child." Keeping an arm about each ones' shoulder, she turned them to face her brother-in-law once more. "And you, Fallon. It has been a while since I visited and you remain unchanged. I would have thought the bitterness you hold so dear would not rule your love for your child, but alas it does."

"What! You mean you condone this union between…"

"Quiet." The single firm word conveyed her fury better than the loudest yelling could hope to do so. "How dare you imply that Katrina would have been angry. She would have rejoiced in their love and began plans for a wedding, the likes of which your world has never seen. You are a fool, Fallon. And now you are a lonely fool. Come, children, let us leave this place." She guided them gently out the door, keeping an arm about each. As they reached her car she smiled brightly at both. "Well now. I believe a dinner celebration is in order. What say you, my kinsman?" Trowa started to smile at her odd turn of phrase then realized what she had called him. Kinsman. Family. He stared at her, gaping in silent amazement. With a silver chuckle she placed one slender finger beneath his chin, closing his mouth and bringing a blush to the stunned boy's cheeks. "Don't judge all by the close-mindedness of one."

Quatre flung himself at the silvered one, holding tight. "Thank you Aun Tali. For just being here."

"You are so very welcome, tearn." {1} She looked at Trowa, holding the young blond tight all the while. "And you are family, young one. The love you share with my tearn binds you to us in a bond too sacred to deny." She smiled holding a hand out to him and said in a brisk tone. "Now, give your old Aunt a hug. And call me as your chosen does. I've come to rather like that old name born of a three-year-old's mind.

Slowly, hesitantly, Trowa reached for the extended hand. When he touched the extended fingers, he found his hand grasped in a strong, sure grip. There was no denying his welcome. Smiling, the joy that Quatre's father had nearly killed returned brighter than before, bringing life back to his jewel toned eyes.

The sting of tears reached Talien's eyes as she realized he expected so little of people, that even this small kindness was an unexpected delight. Pulling him into hers and Quatre's embrace she whispered fiercely in his ear. "You now have a family to call your own and in that family you have found a home. Never doubt that, young one."


Trowa gently rested a hand upon his love's shoulder. "Remembering?"


"It was a mixed day, Quat. But it held more joy than sorrow for me."

"And for me, beloved." He turned, shy eyes bright, and rested his cheek upon the hand on his shoulder.

Smiling, the brown-haired boy caressed his love's cheek softly with his thumb as he rested his free hand atop Quatre's and turned the knob. "I remember how you two argued over the terms of our deal, which ended with Aun Tali getting her way anyway."

"She did maneuver me quite nicely into thinking it was all my idea at the time, didn't she?" Pushing gently on the door, which easily swung open, he grasped Trowa's hand in his, palm to palm, fingers entwined.

"Yes, she did. Not that that's so bad. The terms are good ones."

"True, love, they are. So long as our grades stay decent and we handle our own living expenses and save something, she'll pay for college."

"Which is good since I start this fall." He smiled squeezing Quat's hand.

"We were lucky. And it was nice of Jon to offer me a job when he overheard us that day. It's been a blessing."

"Yes, we were lucky. But that is not why."

"What? But…" He looked at Trowa, who pulled him into the apartment with gentle insistence.

The green-eyed boy turned him so they were facing, his hands grasping Quatre's shoulders as he lowered his head till his breath tickled the other boy's ear. "I beg to differ. Even if none of that had occurred, I would still be lucky, for you have entrusted me with your heart and soul and accepted mine in return, keeping them safe and protecting them in a way only you can. Because of this and this alone, we are lucky." Slowly he kissed his way to Quatre's mouth, tenderly worshipping his beloved.

Quatre slid his hands up his airen's {2} arms, twining them abut his neck and eagerly gave entrance to that questing mouth, tongue teasing his love's lips with feather soft caresses until the tender kiss deepened, each drinking the headiest wine of all: Love. The door…was Quatre's last coherent thought as he surrendered to his love, returning caress for caress and pleasure for pleasure. The door swung gently shut, of its own accord, as the two lost themselves in a world of their own creation where love and passion rule side by side and time has no meaning.


"Ahh. Ronzalen Library. How we missed you," exclaimed the braided boy. "And now that we're back, let's see Mrs. Rhea about your day off." With that said, he grabbed Heero's hand and tugged him to the head's office, only stopping to say hi to Tanner. "Hey there, bud."

"Hey, Duo and Heero! Is Larak outside, cause I got his bag."

"Yep, he's right outside." Duo said with a grin.

"'Kay! See ya!" With the too large bag grasped in both hands he ran out the door and down the steps. "Larak! Larak, I got your bag! Here ya go! Hi, Wufei! I gotta go, 'cause I gotta cut the dragons out for Monday! Bye! Make sure dinner's good!" Dropping the bag at his uncle's feet, Tanner turned around, not bothering to stop and ran back up the stairs, disappearing inside the old wooden doorway.

Throwing his book bag over one shoulder Larak looked to the ebony haired boy beside him. 'Should I ask? Would he even accept? <How will you know till you ask? > 'I won't' <Then why not ask? > He continued in silence as they walked down the marble stairs and passed the guardians of the Library.

Keeping his gaze ahead of him, Wufei spoke up. "I guess since your heading home I should too."

"Maybe. You said earlier that you had already packed…Does this by chance mean you have nothing of note to do when you arrive home?" Larak asked casually.

"No, I do not. Why do you ask?" Wufei said out of slight curiosity.

Larak smiled tentatively. "Because I was wondering if you would like to come to my place for a while. That is if you don't mind me doing chores while you're there."

"I will not mind if I am allowed to help. I do not enjoy being idle while others work."

"No problem then. There's plenty to do. What with the horses and Tanner, there's always work. We'll just have to deal with the horses and the house today though. And dinner. I still haven't thought of anything to cook yet." Larak said with a snort.

Nodding, Wufei graced the other with a smile. "I believe I can handle that. Now how shall we get there?"

"Motorcycle. Ever rode one before?"

"Not really. I once had a short trip around the block on an Uncle's who came to visit, but I doubt he went very fast since I was only five at the time."

"Good thing you're with me then and not my sibs. They're safe drivers, but they love to push anything mechanical to its limits and beyond. It makes for a great ride, a harrying ride, but a great one. Mine is the third one from the right." Larak motioned proudly to the gleaming bike with its silver falcon painted across ebony background, feathers drifting through the darkness as they fell from their carrier.

Eyeing the shining design, Wufei found himself impressed by the sleek lines, which promised speed, and carriage, which promised an equally fine steering and quick obeisance to any orders given.

"You like? I call her Merinia." Peering at Wufei, Larak smirked.

"Would be hard not too, though I know little of her kind.." Wufei waited a moment his eyes moving over the sleek lines. "You named your bike after Merlin?"

Larak colored slightly. "Yeah."

"You're hooked, you know that right?"

One elegant eyebrow rose slightly. "And you're not? You figured out who she was named after."

Wufei bowed slightly in acknowledgement. "You have a point. Now what am I supposed to do to properly ride this Lady?"

Stepping up to the bike with a grin, Larak grabbed the two helmets nestled in their compartment and tossed one to the other boy. "For starters put that on."

"Alright, I believe I can manage that." Grinning back, Wufei pushed the helmet over his head. "A little tight, isn't it?"

"Supposed to be. It'll keep you from cracking your noggin."

"Hmph. I had figured that. Now what?"

"Now I get on and you get on behind me. Don't rest your feet on the exhaust pipe. It gets rather hot."


Grinning broadly, Larak gently eased the bike from her parking space. "One other thing…"


"Hold on tight!" With that said, Larak revved the throttle and took off, the arms about his waist becoming a death grip as Wufei was taken by surprise. The ebony-haired boy's angry shout echoed down the drive. "Calm down, Wufei, and enjoy yourself," Larak shouted back, quite happy with the situation.


Heero watched the braided boy as he half led and half dragged him towards Mrs. Rhea's office. "I still don't understand why you wish me to take the day off."

"Simple really. Do you ever do anything besides work?"

"Yes. Just rarely."

"Thought so. Well today is gonna be one of those rare days."


"Because never playing and always being a grump isn't good. Anyway you invited me out with your friends, so now I'm gonna see if I can't get you to have fun. I mean, do you really want to go back to work? After having that bit of fun at lunch, why not have some more?" Duo asked, grinning engagingly at Heero.

"Fine." 'At least I can use the opportunity to get to know him better…and figure out what that thief conversation was about.' Tired of being half-dragged, Heero picked up a fast walk and easily reached the other's side.

"Alright! Glad you agreed!"

"Did I have a choice?"

"Yeah, kinda, but not really." Grinning broadly, Duo walked through the door, followed closely behind by Heero.

At an old wooden desk sat a middle-aged ginger-haired woman. She looked up as the abruptness of Duo's entrance caught her attention. "Yes? May I help you?"

"Yes ma'am, you may. You see Heero here, who works in O' Haunted of Haunted sections just recently, about 20 minutes ago actually, found out that he, has an off day. And you see, we were wondering if he could have it today, please?"

Hazel eyes shining, she listened to his request. "Are you by any chance related to Shay?"

He pursed his lips, taken aback by the question. "Huh? Umm, not that I know. Why?"

"You don't stop between sentences to breathe." Still smiling she turned her attention to Heero. "And yes you may have your day off today, Heero. Now go enjoy yourselves. Chase a car or whatever it is you youngins do."

"I think that's dogs, but you never know it could be fun. I mean they enjoy it." Grinning, Duo bowed to his friend's boss, then grabbed hold of Heero and pulled him, dragged rather, out the door and down the hallway till they had exited the Library. Still grinning, the braided boy leaned against one of the Pegasus, facing Heero. "So, now that you have the day off, what ya want to do?"

Shaking his head at the energetic youth, Heero shrugged. "I have no idea. The woods are good for walking."

"Well then, I guess we'll be walking. You ready?" Duo turned his head to the side, a warm smile replacing the exuberant grin.

"Sure." Half-smiling back Heero led the way down the steps and into the woods as his companion bounced along beside him. "Do you ever walk normally?"

"Sure, but why bother doing it all the time. And anyway, I haven't been out in a while." 'That's the understatement of a decade.' "What about you? Do you ever walk abnormally?"


"Should try it some time." Without warning the grin returned to the braided boy's face. "Life's more than being the same day after day." Roughly he tapped Heero on the arm then dodged behind a tree, his laughter trailing behind him. "Catch me if you can!"

Heero stood there for a moment, eyes slightly wide as he processed what had happened. Then a smirk settled upon his face, a competitive gleam in his eye. The chase was on!


Swinging off the bike, Wufei tore off his helmet and turned indignantly to the other boy. "I thought you said it was a good thing I was riding with you and not your sibs! From the way you drive and they sound, I'd say there's little difference!"

Chuckling, Larak deftly removed his helmet and swung his hair out of his face, a devilish twinkle in his eye. "There isn't. Except that if you had been riding with one of them; it would have been them you held tight to." Swinging off the bike, he locked the kickstand in place and stowed his helmet away, holding out his hand for the other.

Finding that a, subtle, softer warmth was edging out the anger, Wufei stepped up beside his companion and stowed his helmet away, bumping into Larak's side as he did so. "I believe I like the difference." He turned to meet the silver eyes of his companion, smiling shyly. A gentle smile, whose warmth shown in the silvery gaze greeted him.

A calm silence settled between them as they stared at each other, before Wufei broke it with a slight cough. "I think we should get started on dinner for you and yours."

"They would probably appreciate it. And it will give me the chance to talk you into joining us for dinner."

"I will do my best to decline, but you may still persuade me."

"Then I will do my best to try. Shall we?" Larak motioned to the homey two-story house with its walls covered in jasmine vines.

"Yes we shall, since I doubt your stove shall join us out here." Nodding, the smile still on his face, Wufei followed Larak into the house.


A figure stood gazing out the window of his shared apartment in one of the better off complexes. Declining to turn around he watched the world outside with disdain. Prey, they were all prey, and so few worth the hunt. Maybe this time though… "So, my brother, do you believe we have found our prey?" He turned slightly to catch sight of the man behind him. A malicious smile adorned his brother's face, a smile he knew well.

A sigh fell from his brother's lips as he imagined the hunt to come. 'Such a beautiful face. Even more so in its fear,' he mused quietly to himself. "Yes, Tran, I believe we have. Did you see its fear? Magnificent."

"I know." Light shined off the silver sliver in his hand as he grinned ferally. "Purging the world of this one shall be a most enjoyable pleasure." Silver gleamed in the darkness, striking the wall with a thud, malicious laughter hanging in the air.

TBC.Tearn means beloved as in family. Beloved sister, nephew, etc., etc. Airen means beloved as in lover, life mate, etc., etc.