Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Secrets of the Library ❯ Ch 5b: Old foes and Lunch(cont.) ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Here ya go! Finally got it typed!!!!! Enjoy! It's Long Mystic!!!!! Thanks for the reviews everybody!!!!!!!! I love 'em. Can I have some more? Pretty please? ^_^_^

Disclaimer: I don't own them, but if you put them on ebay I'll do my best to buy 'em!

Warnings: Sap, conversation (It can be a warning. ^_^), 5+L, 1+2, 3+4


Italics-thoughts or emphasis

<blah>-mind back talking owner.

Ch 5b: Old foes and Lunch

Duo glanced around himself curiously. Now that the ordering was done he could pay more attention to Pueros itself instead of its menu. It was a rather odd place. Some of the building looked to be made from stone blocks, while other parts from everyday bricks. Then in some places old aged wood made up the wall. The tables themselves were odd. I mean what restaurant has triangular tables with ancient looking candelabras in the center? And black candles too boot! Not that I mind the black. It is my favorite color. Looking to his left he found himself gazing into a window which curved outward and had different shaped crystals strung across. The wall in front of it had been whitewashed to give the rainbows a better background. "I bet that's one cool scene when the sun hits it just right."

The boy beside him gave a half smile. "It is. We should be able to see it before we're done with lunch. The way the windows shaped allows the light to come in at different angles and hit the crystals. There's a whitewashed wall for each time."

"Cool. I can't wait to see it!"

"Don't worry. You won't have to wait long, will he Trowa?"

"No more than half an hour little one."

"Great," he turned his attention to the floor. There was something about it that bugged him. The floor itself was a comical pattern of cemented pieces of stone and colored rocks, but its pattern tugged at the back of his mind.

Larak, catching the far off look in the others gaze called to him. "Duo." There was no answer or change.

He knew it from somewhere. If only he could see it in its entirety!

"DUO!" he tried again.

He jumped startled from his thoughts. "NANI! Why're you yelling, 'Arak."

"Larak. Because I think you were visiting another world."

"Nah, just memories. There's something about this floor. It's got some kinda pattern that seems familiar."

Heero snorted beside him. "Easily solved." With a quick movement he pushed the candelabra from the center of the table. "It's a smaller picture of the one on the floor."

"Really?!" The violet-eyed boy eagerly looked upon the picture engraved in the center of the table. It was elegant in its simplicity and wildness. A single silver wolf howling to the night, a jasmine vine twined around it, star-shaped flowers in bloom and crimson tear upon the creature's cheek. Shocked he sat back in his seat, idly tracing the figure engraved upon his armband. He no longer had to look to see it. Shrouded death upon his rearing midnight steed, scythe raised high and a single crimson tear trailing down his cheek. It was a sight he had thought to never see again. A vampiric family crest. But how come I have not felt him? According to them this place has been here for years. I should have felt something! I'm 300 something or other! I recognize the cousin-kin when I see them in the night. Why not this one? < Maybe because he's stronger than you and a living one to boot? Or at least more experienced. You did have only fifty years of training after all…> Oh shut up you… He jumped as a hand touched his shoulder, turning towards the contact and consequently tipping his seat over in the process. "Yiiiikkk…" His yell cut off as the hand grabbed his arm and he found himself pulled against Heero. "Thanks. I think." He smiled somewhat nervously at the tousled haired boy.

Heero watched as his companion looked eagerly upon the picture then turned even paler than he already was sitting down hard in his seat, one hand playing with something that flashed silver when his sleeve moved enough for the light to catch it. Heero waited with the others for the boy to explain, but when after a few moments Duo seemed lost to his thoughts again, he lightly rested a hand upon the boy's shoulder. I wonder what is wrong? He was rather surprised at the braided boy's reaction to his touch, but that in no way affected his reflexes when he grabbed Duo to keep him from landing in a heap on the floor with his chair. Now he found himself in the not unpleasant position of having the violet-eyed young man in his arms. He half-smiled amused at the others nervousness. "Baka. You should be more careful."

"Hmmph. Well you shouldn't scare the life from someone who's thinking."

The blue-eyed boy raised an eyebrow, the half-smile never leaving. "So what had you so lost?"

He turned his head back to look upon the design once more. "It startled me. I haven't seen one like that in ages." He remained silent for a moment. "Does anybody know who owns this place?"

Quatre smiled, his bangs falling in his eyes as he turned to face Duo. "Jon does. He's my boss."

"Jon, the waiter Jon?"

"Yes. That's the one. He likes talking to the people and meeting his customers so he waits tables sometimes."

"Oh. Huh. I wonder where he got the crest…" Well that answers that. He's a living. If he were a cousin he'd have to be three times my age to be awake in the day as he is now. Another living one. It's been over 200 yrs since I last saw one besides myself of course."

"It is his family's crest. I asked one day when we were in an argument of heritage and bloodlines."

Laughter spilled from red lips, as the absurdity of the statement caused him to forget his new seating arrangement. "And who won?"

"I did. My family can be traced back twenty-five centuries. It is probably older, but we did not begin taking note until then."

That…that's four centuries before the first living was born! Without thinking the young vampire blurted the first thing that came to mind. "How in the world did you manage that?"

"Well according to tradition a Lady of my family fell in love with a Draconic Lord, who was a shape shifter, and they married. His heritage remained unknown till his beloved's death, when he revealed it to my family. Their tale has been passed from generation to generation. From that passing I can trace my heritage."

Duo sat back hard, but instead of hitting a wooden seat he hit something firm and warm. Tilting his head back he found that he'd hit Heero's shoulder. Sitting back up he looked to the boy he'd used as a chair. "Guess I forgot to move. Sorry 'bout that." With red staining his cheeks he righted his chair and sat in a proper seat this time.

Heero watched him move away with slight regret, then said gruffly. "It's fine."

Smiling, the violet-eyed boy turned back to Wufei. "Now let me get this straight. You're related to dragons. Right?"

Sighing exasperated, the Asian boy rolled his eyes. "Duo. It is a legend. I doubt its truth."

"Really. Now?"

"Yes, really."

"Well I believe the contrary. Dragons are very much real."

"Oh?" He raised one elegant eyebrow in disbelief. The challenge had been issued.

"Yes, I do."

Wufei leaned over the table towards the other boy. "Prove it."

Violet eyes met black and he grinned. Who cared who won. The argument was the fun. "With pleasure."

The silver-eyed boy quickly memorized the pattern of the crest. It'd be interesting to find out what his sibs thought of it later. There had to be a reason for it causing such a reaction in the longhaired boy. Why else would he turn paler than he already is? Putting aside these thoughts for the moment he turned back to watch Wufei, when a commotion at the front caught his attention. Two men had entered the restaurant. They deserve watching. Such a thought surprised him. There was nothing special about their appearance. In fact they were neatly dressed with their white T-shirts tucked into their blue jeans, leather jackets folded over one arm and brown hair neatly combed into place. They just didn't feel right. To put it plainly, they made his skin crawl. Well my instincts have yet to fail me, so it seems time to trust them again. Suddenly one of the men caught his gaze. A shiver rolled down his spine as those eyes met his. They were the eyes of an insatiable hunter questing for its prey. All humanity had long since deserted their bearer. Tearing his gaze from the others he looked around to see if any of the others had noticed. As his gaze rested on Quatre, he realized the young blond sensed even more than he himself did. He was breathing hard, wide eyes resting on the two men, the fear in them evident as one hand clutched Trowa's arm tightly. The playful banter between Duo and Wufei had stopped as everyone turned their attention to the stricken boy.

Closing his eyes tightly, he waved off their worried queries. "I'm…okay. I just…felt something and…it hit me…hard."

Wufei looked closely at his friend, sharp eyes narrowing as he crossed his arms over his chest. "Have you been keeping with your meditation lately, Winner?"

Gentle blue eyes opened, slightly calmer to look to their friend. "Lately, no. I know I should, but I just haven't been able to find the time!"

Cobalt eyes narrowed in a reprimanding glare as Heero looked sharply at Quatre then supplied his answer in a tone that brooked no argument. "Then make the time. You know it helps."

"I know. That doesn't mean I always do what I should though."

"We know, which is why we remind you, airen.{1}" Catching the perplexed look on Duo's face he explained what was going on to him. "Quatre is more sensitive than other people when it comes to emotions. Meditation helps him keep this sensitivity under control. I doubt he'll forget again anytime soon."

Quatre nodded in agreement with the slight reprimand. With a sigh he leaned against Trowa, smiling when the taller boy wrapped an arm about his waist. "I'll wait at least a month to forget again." Smiling at the others he returned his gaze to the two men he'd felt such…wrongness from. They had been seated at the 'special' table. It was a table that looked like all the others, except for one feature. It bore no crest. This table was reserved for his boss's enemies. He had never seen it used before and he would Not help those who sat at it.

Larak watched the cerulean-eyed boy as he regained his control, the fear still evident though, if one looked closely. An empath. He's an empath! And a strong one! I haven't been to a lunch this eventful in years! "You teach meditation Wu?"

Letting the shortening of his name slide he turned to the wavy-haired boy beside him. "Yes. It's a tradition passed down in my family. Do you meditate?"

"No." He shook his head ruefully. "It's one of the few things I haven't learned."

"Would you like to?"

"Depends on who the teacher's going to be." Leans back in his chair, hands behind his head as he smiles softly.

"I think I'd make a decent one. What do you think?"

"Hai, Sensei{2}" A plate of "dead bird" was set in front of him.

"Getting a new student 'Fei?"

"It's Wufei. No. I just got one, so I am not getting a new student."

""Oh. Well then." The playful waiter turned to Larak. "Careful youngun. He's a taskmaster, that one is."

Smiling innocently he answered Jon, a mischievous light in his eyes. "I will Granther, though I'm sure we'll have fun as well."

"Oh! Hoho. That's a new one! Nice comeback." Still laughing he moved to set a plate before Trowa and caught sight of Quatre's white knuckled grip on his love's arm. "You okay, Quat?"

"Yeah, just a little unnerved by our 'guests'." He smiled slightly releasing his grip on Trowa's arm and flexing his fingers to relax them.

Duo, keeping one ear on the conversation moved his left hand slowly up to the tray, his sleeve falling back to reveal his armband.

Jon ruffled the blond's hair. "Och. Well, mebbe a bit a lunch will help. Enjoy." Smiling, he sat their plates before them then quickly snatched the hand creeping along the back of the tray. "Well now, what have we here." He brought the offending arm to the front of his view, eyes widening slightly as he saw the armband and the crest it bore. He too knew its meaning.

Duo grinned, though violet eyes remained serious. "I dunno. What do we have here?"

"I'd say we have a meeting of thieves." He clasped the braided vampire's wrist in the ages old greeting.

The younger vampire's smile reached his eyes as he returned the greeting.

A smile erasing the seriousness he'd worn a moment before as Jon released his newfound kin. "I'd be careful though. A couple of thief-hunters just came to visit. And not very nice ones, I'd say." His tone stayed light and jesting, though his eyes told a different tale.

Looking slightly towards the newest occupants of the restaurant, Duo raised an eyebrow.

A slight nod from Jon was his answer.

"Well then, guess I'll have to keep me fingers out of their pockets. Thanks for the warning. Now, where's dinner?"

"Why, right here, monsieur." He set their plates before them with a flourish. "Enjoy your meal, my friends."

Unknown to both Heero had watched the exchange between them, carefully remembering every word and gesture. Now, what was that about and what's so special about that armband?

We wills and thank yous echoed around the table as Jon left to tend others who were eating in the restaurant.

Duo dug into his meal, finding to his delight that the "road kill" was good. Poking curiously at one of the creamy puffy things in it he turned to the industrious boy beside him. "Hey, Heero? What is this?"

Looking at what Duo was poking, he smiled slightly. "Cottage cheese."

"Hmm. Well, it tastes great in this. I can see why it's called road kill too. Can you?"


"Yep. You're right. It does look like someone ran over it."

"What??" Came the startled reply as he turned to look at the other boy and found himself once more caught in a mischievous violet gaze.{3}

Duo smiled at the other boy then breaking the gaze went back to eating. His delight at surprising the other boy began to fade as he felt unfriendly eyes looking his way. Looking up he found the gaze of one of the restaurant's newest occupants watching him. Quickly he looked down and scooted his chair closer to Heero's. He felt safer that way. "I really don't like those people."

Solemn light blue eyes looked up meeting his and the others one at a time. "I don't either, Duo. And since they sit in the seats saved only for my boss's enemies it'd probably be best if we all followed the advice he gave you and stay away from them. And, please, no one mention anything about Jon. I do not wish any harm to come to him."

"Neither do I, Quat." Looking around the table, the ancient youth smiled. "I believe all of us are good secret keepers."

Nods of agreement met this statement.

A comfortable silence, that even Duo allowed to remain, settled over them as they began eating again, each firm in their joined purpose, though only one knew the consequences of the release of this secret or thought he knew…


Well there we go. Seems like my muse decided 6 was going to be my long ch instead of this one. Sounds good to me. Well. What do you all think?? I loved the reviews I got. I keep going back to reread them. ^_^ See ya later!

{1} Gaelic word for beloved. I may have misspelled it. Couldn't resist, since I happened to be listening to Gaelic storm at the moment. Love Celtic music. ^_^

{2} Did I spell that right?

{3} Now what are you not supposed to do when around a vamp? Heero sure seems to like it though! ^_^