Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Secrets of the Library ❯ Ch 5a: Old Foes and Lunch ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Heyla! How's everybody doin? Good hopefully. Well since its taking me longer to write this ch than I thought it would, I'm posting it in halves. Well that's the boring news. I got a review!!! Thanks Misty!! I love reading them so much! And I'd love to read some more! I'm shameless, aren't I? And obsessed with GW. But those are good things. ^_^ And thanks to all the people who rated my fic. ^_^ I'm having fun!! Well hope everyone enjoys this half! I'll do my best to write the rest soon! And please bug me until I do! ^_^ *Starts to leave then remembers* I have a muse now!!!

LM: You had to get one, one day.

Ns: I know, but I didn't have one before.

LM: True, so introduce me! It's rude not too!

Ns: Hai. Hai. Everybody meet Luna Morte or translated Deathmoon. She's a dragon.

LM: Which is a good thing. There, they've met me. Now lets leave the readers to the reading. *Snatches Ns and leaves* Enjoy, and reviews are welcome!

Disclaimer: I don't own them, but if you put them on ebay I'll do my best to buy 'em!

Warnings: Sap, conversation (It can be a warning. ^_^), 5+L, 1+2, 3+4



<blah>-mind back talking owner.

Ch 5a: Old foes and Lunch

Walking down the street, Duo watched the others, smiling slightly. Looking around he noticed how different everything looked. 'It's been a while since I walked the streets in day. If I didn't know better I'd think I was one of my cousin-kin. Good thing I'm not or I'd be smoking by now.' He grinned and listened in on the argument between Quatre and Larak about which of the houses on the street was the oldest. Speeding up he moved till he was beside them.

"See that brick house?" The cerulean-eyed boy asked Larak pointing to an old-fashioned red brick house with a wooden porch. "That has to be the oldest house here."

"No, I don't think so. It has to be that one." He pointed to an old wood house, worn gray by time and the elements.

With a shake of his head the braided boy joined their conversation. "Actually, you're both wrong. That brick house over there was built twenty years before the wooden, but the Library itself was built a century before both, as a mansion. So you see it's the oldest house on Stray Dawn Street."

Both boys turned to him.

"Where'd you find that out?" Asked Larak, curiosity coloring his voice.

'I lived there with my…family.' "Oh, surfing the net." 'I did do that. I posted the page on it.' He turned from those ancient thoughts, rejoining the present. "So where we going to eat?"

"We'll walk around till we find something," said Trowa, one hand clasped in Quatre's.

The golden-haired blond turned to Trowa. "You always say that and we always end up at the same place." He teased.

"Cool." Smiling he dropped back to walk beside Heero. He watched with amusement as Wufei moved to Larak's side, talking with him. Curiosity getting the better of him, he listened in on their conversation.

"Your sister mentioned yesterday that you liked reading…" He trailed off.

"Oh yes! It's one of my long lasting hobbies. I love fantasy best, though. Especially ancient time settings or the ones where non-humans play a large part."

He nodded in acknowledgment. "Those are good. Do you ever read the ones set in modern times?"

He turned to Wufei, an affronted look on his face. "Of course! How could I not?"

Wufei dipped his head slightly in acquiescence, a slight smile gracing his lips. "So, which do you enjoy the most in this time?"

The silver-eyed boy smiled back delighted. " The ones with elves, occult detectives, and basically anything to do with magic or the supernatural."

"So do I. It certainly makes for enjoyable reading, doesn't it?"

"True. It most certainly does!"

'Yeah it does, but what would you think if you knew some of those people existed?' Duo asked of Larak within his thoughts. < Well, Larak would probably interrogate them.> his mind supplied. <That is if they weren't trying to kill him.> 'True. And they probably wouldn't. Well, at least I hope not. It sure would be an interesting sight though.' He chuckled, not realizing he was doing so loud enough to be heard.

The shorthaired boy turned to Duo, looking at him quizzically. "What's so funny?"

The braided boy turned a startled gaze on Heero, then colored slightly, realizing he had been laughing out loud. 'Ooops. Kinda forgot. No matter though. What's life without a bit of laughter?' "Oh, I's just thinking of a group of people that'd be really funny to meet."

The cobalt-eyed boy raised an eyebrow at that. "Oh?"

Duo just shook his head, grinning. "No matter though. We'll probably never meet them."


The violet-eyed boy grinned mischievously at his cobalt- eyed companion. "Hey Heero. Do you know what happened over there in that alley with the intertwined trees?"


"Really?? Well then, you see about 90 years ago as the tale goes there was a girl…"

'I think I liked it better when he was laughing and I didn't know why. What does he do? Collect the gossip of the entire town's history?' He continued walking his gaze straight-ahead, while he found himself oddly enough listening to the other boys chatter. 'I don't get it. He talks more than Relena, but I can stand listening to him. In fact I don't really mind. It's good for background noise and somewhat interesting, even if it is gossip.' Heero glanced over to one of the streets Duo pointed out, nodding but paying more attention to his voice than where he was pointing. 'He has a nice mellow voice. Much better than Relena's. Hers gives you a headache. His is rather soothing actually.'

"…and its said that the couple's spirits rest within those trees, together forever." The braided boy looked at Heero, catching the dreamy look on his face. "Heero."

"Hai." He looked to the owner of the voice he'd been musing about.

"Are you listening to me or daydreaming about a significant other? "

'Shit! Was I? Umm. Yes, I did. Thank you memory. Hm. Wonder how he'd react if he knew it was him I was musing about when I just met him!' "Hai. You were telling me of a story about a girl who fell in love with a human that was more than he seemed nine decades ago and how the town found out and hunted them down and killed them in the alley where the intertwined trees grow."

"Cool! So what did you think of the tale?" The violet-eyed boy turned to Heero, catching his gaze. Silence fell between them as each watched the other. Neither noticed that the others had continued walking and had reached the restaurant they were going too.

The others turned around watching the pair, confused at first, but soon their confusion turned to amusement. It seemed there was more than two people showing an interest in each other.

A smile crossed the silver-eyed boy's face before he called to the other two boys. "Hey, guys! Are you going to eat lunch with us or maybe each other?"

Blushing slightly, the violet-eyed boy answered Larak. "We're coming." Then he turned back to Heero and grabbed his hand and took off running to join the others. "Come on Heero! Let's eat!"

Finding a smile gracing his face, the cobalt-eyed boy easily stayed even with Duo as he jogged beside him. Upon reaching the others Duo jump-stopped {1}, grinning as Heero tried to stop, but couldn't and ran into him. "We're just bumping into each other all the time. Aren't we?"

"Hn." The smile though, never left his features. Still holding Duo's hand they entered the restaurant, Pueros, which happened to be Quatre and Trowa's favorite.

Quatre with a grin, made sure that he was the first to reach the table. Still grinning he directed each of them to their seats, making sure each sat by the one they had an interest in. He of course sat by Trowa. Wufei and Heero shared an amused glance then sat by their assigned seatmate. They didn't mind. It gave them an excuse to sit by the ones they wanted to sit with.

Smiling in appreciation as his directions were followed, he rested his head on Trowa's shoulder. 'People dancing around each other are so sweet. As are triangular tables.' He hid his grin against the emerald-eyed boy's shoulder.

Duo, who had been looking over the menu, turned to Heero, quite puzzled. "Hey, Heero, what do recommend?"


"Hmm. 'Kay. Guess I'll try it. I haven't had it in a while." 'Yeah. A decade or so.' He smiled at the blue-eyed boy beside him.

Heero found himself mesmerized by that smile. He could have sat there basking in its warmth for hours, if the waiter hadn't chosen that time to arrive to take their orders.

He turned to Trowa and Quatre first, smiling at them with easy familiarity. "Will you have the usual sirs?"

Wearing and easy smile Trowa answered for both of them. "Hai. We will, Jon. Good to see you again."

"One Alfredo, one dead-bird {3}, and two teas coming up then. And you, Trowa, Quatre. I see your friends decided to come again and they brought friends as well. Think I'll get some good tips today?"

"Only if you behave yourself, you old beggar." Called out Wufei, grinning.

He turned to Wufei, grinning. He loved getting under Wufei's skin. It was just too easy. " You mean you'd really send me home, without a tip, Chang?"

The proud boy rose to the bait as he did every single time. "How many times have I told you? It's Wufei!"

"Sure, Chang. So, what do you want today?"

With a sigh of long suffering, the dark-haired boy answered him. "Barbecue chicken and sweet tea."

Larak, by now was trying rather unsuccessfully to hide his laughter.

"Oh, so you think its funny, do you? Just wait till your turn."

His only answer was a bright smile, before turning to the personable waiter. "I'll have the same, if you please."

With a wink to the others he bowed deeply to the golden-haired brunette. "Why, of course, My Lord. Shall I bring a basin for you to wash your hands in, My Lord?"

Larak, gave up on keeping quiet and doubled over with laughter. "Iie… Iie… Go ask them." He gasped out, waving at Heero and Duo.

With a final bow and a bounce in his step he walked over to them. "And what will you have this evening, monsiers?" He asked in his best French accent and personality.

Duo, with a grin decided to play his own personality. "Well, I've a heard from my good friend here, that the lasagna is excellente. I shall have that my friend, with sweet tea ofa course." {4}

Jon was delighted. Finally another impersonator to joke with! "Why, ofa course. And you sir?" He turned to Heero, who just shook his head, a laughter in his eyes, if not his voice. "The same."

"Very well. I believe we have 6 sweet teas, three dead-birds, and two road-kills. Non?"

"Got it in one, my good man." Answered the violet-eyed boy.

And with the tipping of an imaginary hat, Jon walked off to fulfill their wishes.

Duo smiled happily. "Now that was a good bit of sport."

Larak, having caught his breath turned to Wufei. "Is Jon always like that?"

"Hai. Always. He's been that way from the day we first ate here six years ago."

"I'll have to come here more often then. That was fun!"

"I'm glad you enjoyed it, My Lord." Yelled Jon from a few tables away where he'd stopped to flirt on the way to deliver their orders.

Laughter echoed around the table.



Ns: I don't think I accomplished my goal and wrote a cliffhanger.

Duo: I don't either, but at least you wrote some. Now you can go write some more.

Heero: Hn. You made me talk and all I got to do was hold hands.

Ns: Thanks Du-chan. So? At least I finished the conversation and didn't leave you in the middle of it for another week.

Duo: Only cause we threatened to hide all your books.

Ns: True, but still I finished it. And Heero, I'd come to like holding hands if I were you, cause there isn't going to be much else for a bit.

Heero: Omae o koruso!

Ns: Do it and I'll never finish and you'll be stuck at that table forever.

Duo: She's right He-chan.

Heero: Hn. Fine.

Ns: *Wipes sweat off brow* That was close! Well here's the # notes!

{1} I love doing this whenever I'm coming to a stop after running! It's so much fun.

{2} That's what my friends and I call it when I bring it for lunch.

{3} This is what a neighbor of mine would tell me he was cooking whenever he fixed barbecue chicken and I asked what he was doing when I was little.

{4} I was trying for Italian, but I think I messed up really bad. ^_^;;;;