Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Secrets of the Library ❯ The Answer ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Well, If you're still here I guess you must like it. That's good. ^_^ Hope you enjoy this ch. It may be a bit till five, cause school's back in now and the teachers Love to give hw. *Sigh* Least I get to see all my friends though. That's good. And I got my favorite teacher for the third yr in a row!! ^_^ Well on with four.

Disclaimer: I don't own, nor claim to own the Gundamn Wing Characters. This story is only for fun, not profit. So please don't sue, cause if you do I'll you'll get is a chatty dog, ornery goat and a flock of annoying chickens, which all my money goes to, to feed. Enjoy!

Email: same as before.

Archive: Same as above.

Warnings: Sap, energetic little kid (I think that goes under humor. ^_^), Shonen Ai/Yaoi

Pairings: 3x4, 5+Larak, 1+2

"blah" talking

'Blah' chara's thoughts.

<>- Chara's thought's that talk back to them.

Chapter Four: The Answer

Walking the few blocks to work the next day Heero thought back to what Larak had said when he and Wufei joined them yesterday after Shay had run from the room to snag three little kids who'd come running down the hallway shouting her name.


"So that's what Shini wrote to you. Well, I'd have to say that for some reason he's taken an interest in you," said Larak.

"Hn. He's a joker," said the cobalt-eyed boy as if that was all he needed to dismiss the supposed interest.

"Maybe so and maybe no. But either way you'll probably find this to be an interesting summer." He finished with a grin


'Just what I need, an interesting summer.' He grumped as he entered the old building of ancient stone. Walking past the front desk he acknowledged the other workers with a nod before grabbing the handful of books of his cart and heading towards his area. Upon entering the room he found a trail of books arranged artfully on the floor. With a snarl he set his laptop and handful of books on the nearest table and then grabbed the first book off the floor and laid it on the table. Making sure to keep the books in the same order they'd been laid in he began to follow the trail to its end at Shinigami's laptop. There on the screen was a message.

You said whoever I am. This is who I am.


Shadows my concealer.

Laughter my mask.

Darkness my healer.

Life my past.

All who knew me,

Long since dust.

Watching I see,

And for life whole, I lust.



Ps. What does Omae O Koruso mean?

'The poetry isn't too bad he thought. It's quite good in fact. A nice poetic riddle and...What am I thinking? I'm supposed to be mad. He made a trail of books just so I would have to do extra work.' <But what if another pt of his mind asked, that wasn't his only reason? What if he has another?> I don't care if he has another reason. I hate doing extra work that isn't my own and that takes away time from my writing, he growled at himself.

The figure hidden above easily hearing every word. 'So you hate the extra work and you like to write. I wonder what it is you write? I wish I knew,' he thought wistfully. <Then why not find out his mind asked. You want to get to know him. You stay in the shadows, your only companion a hawk. The day is not your enemy.> 'Yeah, I know he said to himself. I'm a living vamp, not a dead vamp. The day can't hurt Me.' <Then what are you afraid of, said the voice. Being hunted again?> 'Of course not he scoffed. Vamp Hunters are even scarcer than vamps and why would one hunt me anyway? I don't go around killing like those horror movie remakes. And even if they did, I'm Shinigami after all.' <Uh huh. Then what are you doing here when you want to be there?> 'I don't know, but I think I'll go down there before I go nuts. Maybe I already am. I'm arguing with myself, after all.' And with that thought he walked silently across the rafters to the window he used as his exit and entrance and climbed down the wall to the ground. Then with a whistle and a cheery grin he walked around to the front of the library and for the first time in years entered through the front door.

Waving cheerily at Mrs. Lynda who was manning the desk at that time he walked past the front desk and continued towards his goal. Upon entering his domain he saw Heero separating the books into two piles. 'One for the S's and another for the T's,' he thought. Walking up silently behind him he tapped him on the shoulder. "Hello!!" The next thing he knew he was on the ground staring into angry cobalt eyes. 'Well, he sure doesn't react well to surprises.'

'At least he kept them in order again. Now I just have to sort them. S's over here, T's there, he thought completely engrossed in his work. Just as he was laying the last of the T's in their pile something tapped his shoulder. Reacting automatically he spun using one foot to knock his supposed attacker's feet out from under him and knock him to the ground. When he took the time to look instead of react he found himself gazing into bright startled amethyst eyes.

"Sheesh," said the violet-eyed boy. "If that's how you greet people who say hello, I don't want to know what you do to the ones who say goodbye," he continued rubbing the back of his head.

"Hn. You snuck up on me."

"And you knocked me to the floor. I'd say we're even. Now are ya gonna be nice and give me a hand up?" He asked holding out a hand.

Raising an eyebrow, Heero grasped the other boy's hand and pulled him to his feet. 'Huh. He weighs more than you'd think from first glance.'

'He's got a nice grip and he's strong. Knows how to fight to.' Shaking Heero's hand vigorously the violet-eyed boy introduced himself. "Hi, I'm Duo Maxwell. Nice to meet ya."

"Heero Yuy."

"Good to see ya, Heero. What ya doin?" 'As if I didn't already know.'


"Want some help?" 'Since its my mess.'


"Alright then. A shelving books we go." Grabbing the stack of T's Duo looked to Heero, waiting for him to lead the way with his stack of S's.

Heero just picked up his stack and walked over to the correct shelves, while watching the black-clad boy, who bounced along by his side.

"So, Heero what do you do in the day?"

"I shelve books," he said in monotone.

"I know that. What else do you do?"

"Eat lunch."

"Okay. Anything else? C'mon. You have to do something besides shelve and eat."

"I write." He found himself saying to his surprise. 'Why did I say that? I didn't even tell Trowa, Quatre, and Wufei for nearly a year. He's a stranger? Why do I have this urge to talk to him? I rarely talk, or want to.'

"Really?" Looking up from his shelving Duo smiled, his curiosity evident in his sparkling eyes. Do you write books and stories?" There was no hint of mockery in his voice.

"Short stories mostly and some poems." He waited for the laughter that had come from all but a few at this revelation. There was none.

"That's cool. Maybe someday you'll let me read some?"

Heero quickly looked away hiding the surprise in his eyes, but not before Duo saw it. "Maybe." He returned to his shelving setting the last of the books in their places.

'He looked surprised. Did he think I'd laugh? Why would I?' He too turned back to his shelving placing the last book back where it belonged. He watched Heero until he too was finished. "Hey Heero."

"What?" Came the comfortable reply.

"I'm done."


"You don't say much, do you?"

"Sometimes no." Heero walked over and picked up his laptop, carrying it to the corner designated as Shinigami's.

Duo followed pulling up a chair and sitting next to him, silent for the moment, since he was curious as to what Heero was doing.

Heero, ignoring him booted up his laptop and opened a new file and began to write.

Duo, peering over his shoulder read as he wrote, remaining silent until Heero stopped typing and scrolled back up to read his creation, tweaking a line here and there.

Sleeping Shadows

By: Shannon Shell

A gentle cloak of dark, that should be cold,

but isn't.

It's sleeping from now to eternity,

It's dreams creating this shadowed place,

Where time is endless, the waiting just begun

Here I stand, garments travel stained, watching it sleep,

Envious of its peace.

A child grown old standing on the path,

Looking tired and weary, dreading the journey ahead,

Wishing to stay in this timeless dark,

Land of the Keeper of Shadows,

My land.

A land in which I am the guide

Walking the path with all, so none go alone.

A person cloaked in shadows comes towards me.

Soon I see a face gentle and kind.

And eyes, marvelous eyes that change from one color to the next.

Coming to stand beside me, darkness his cloak he faces the path before us.

"Why don't you follow the path," he asks.

"I'm tired and only wish to rest," I say.

"Why stay here where rest is watched not found" he asks?

A weary gaze my answer to him.

"Come, walk with me. I know of a place you can rest."

"Really? I hope its not far because I have to go home soon."

"No," he smiles taking my hand; "it's the end of a journey begun long ago."

"All right, but I can't stay long."

"Don't worry soon you'll be home," he says, leading me from the sleeping shadows.

Together we walk to the threshold between my land and another's.

Calmly I motion for her to cross.

"Aren't you coming," she asks?

"No, I am the Keeper of Shadows and must remain in my lands.

Now go. Your journey is finally at an end."

"Will you come back to guide me home?"

"Child, you are home."

"I am home? But no, this isn't…"

"But my family and friends, I can't leave them I cry.

"Little one, you left them long ago," he says gently, wiping away my tears.

"You were simply waiting in my land to complete that which you began."

"Now, go home child."

I face him seeing only truth in his eyes.

"We shall meet again, Keeper of Shadows," I say walking across the threshold.

"Yes little one, we shall, at the end of the next journey."

The violet-eyed boy whistled in appreciation. "Cool where'd you get the idea for that?"

"From there." He pointed to the black computer. "Shinigami means Death."

"Cool. I was right. It is about death."


"What do you mean maybe? You said Shinigami meant death."

"It does. I didn't say that was Death though, now did I?"

"True. But I still say its Death."

"I'm not stopping you."

"No, but you're being confusing." {1}


"Is that your of getting out of talking?"


"Thought so." He grinned at the blue-eyed boy.

Heero just raised an eyebrow then saved the file and closed his laptop before turning to Shinigami's computer and typing an answer.

Very nice riddle-poem. And Omae O Koruso means I will kill you.


Heero Yuy

Duo, reading over his shoulder turned to look at him oddly. "Will you really kill him?" 'I want a friend not an enemy!'

"No he won't," said a calm voice behind them. "He just likes to say that."

"Cool," said Duo turning to see the owner of said voice. 'Wufei'

"Hey Wufei," said Heero turning around.

"Hey Heero. " He turned back to Duo. "He gets left alone by anyone who's bothering him when he says it, so he likes it. The bullies try every now and then to get him, but he reminds them of their manners rather quickly "

"Duo, meet Trowa and Wufei."

"Hi, nice to meet ya."

"Where's Quatre?" Asked Heero.

"He went to ask Larak to join us for lunch today. Shay and Shalon already declined the offer. They have a story time coming up soon." Answered Trowa with a slight smile.

"Oh." said Duo with a grin that was quickly replaced by a confused look. 'I might as well ask since they expect me to. Technically I don't really know him, so it's not a lie.' "Who's Quatre?"

"A friend of ours." answered Heero. "You'll meet him later."

Wufei and Trowa just looked at each other surprised. Heero was answering a question with more than a grunt and a you'll meet him later! Who was this person?


"What are you three up to today?"

"Coming to see if you want to go to lunch with us. It's noon."

"Sure." He turned to the braided boy. "You want to come?" 'Why did I ask that? I just met him.' <And you already like him. I'd say that's reason enough> 'Shut up.' <Make me.> 'Hn.' <Snickers. Thought so.>

"Sure." He grinned happily. <Well your going out to lunch. So where's your money?> 'In my hidey-hole. Shit. Guess I got to go get it don't I?' <Yeah. That'd be a good idea.> "I'll be right back. I've got to go get some money."

"We'll wait," said Heero.

"Cool." Turning with a farewell grin he danced off only to be run into by a bundle of white haired energy.

"Ooof. Sorry."

"That's okay. I'm Duo." 'And your Tanner. I know you. I watched you grow and played with you while your mother worked. She knew and never said a word, only smiled and said thank you to the shadows. Do you remember her, little light? Do you remember her calling you that? If not, I'll find some way to tell you. I promise.'

"I'm Tanner." He looked at Duo for a moment, puzzled, and then with a bright smile he ran off, shouting to Heero. "Heero! Heero! Guess what!! Larak's going to lunch with all of you! He hardly ever goes anywhere! Isn't it great?"

"I suppose."


Duo watched with a thoughtful smile as they talked with Tanner then faded into the shadows, disappearing from site and went to collect his money. 'I'm glad he's safe now. I kept my promise, Cara, even if you never new I made one. And now I have another. It too shall be kept. I'll make sure he remembers.' He gathered his money then returned to the group the same way he'd left and found that Larak and Quatre had joined them. After introductions were made they started to leave, but were stopped by Tanner's demand for a hug goodbye. He watched smiling as the small child hugged each of them tightly. Even Heero gave in and hugged him back. Then it was his turn. He bent down and Tanner placed his arms around his neck, one hand grabbing Duo's braid and held him tight as he had so many times when he was a little babe with the need to be held. Duo tightened his arms around him turning it into a bear hug and making Tanner giggle as he had so many times before. 'Do you remember he wondered.'

And then it was over and Tanner was looking at him again with a quizzical expression. 'Do I know you, from half remembered dreams? I think so.'

Duo smiled at him then joined the others waving goodbye to Tanner.



Ns: Well there's four.

Heero: Took you long enough.

Ns: True.

Duo: And you still have to write the other half of five.

Ns: True.

Duo: Is that all you're gonna say?

Ns: *Thinks* Nope. Thanks for the rating, everybody who read the first three. And could I have some reviews please? Pretty please? Either Criticism or Comments is fine. Oh, all the poetry in here is mine as are the orig charas. ^_^ email: And here's the # note.

{1} I argue like this with friends who read my poems sometimes. It's fun! ^_^_^