Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Secrets of the Library ❯ The Letter ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Well here's Ch 3! I had fun with this one! You get to meet the rest of my charas! Enjoy!!! Tanners so cute!

Disclaimer: I don't own, nor claim to own the Gundamn Wing Characters. This story is only for fun, not profit. So please don't sue, cause if you do I'll you'll get is a chatty dog, ornery goat and a flock of annoying chickens, which all my money goes to, to feed. Enjoy!

Email: same as before.

Archive: Same as above.

Warnings: Child abuse mentioned, Sap, energetic little kid (I think that goes under humor. ^_^), Shonen Ai/Yaoi

Pairings: 3x4, 5+Larak, will be 1+2/1x2

Chapter Three: The Letter

By 11:00 Heero had sorted and shelved every book, which had made up the Arch. The sorting wasn't all that hard since all the books had come from the A section, but that didn't make Heero any happier with the extra work the prank had caused him. He still refused to believe that it was Shinigami who had done it. Giving the shelves one final glare, for good measure, he stalked to the front desk to see if there were any books on his cart. Luckily there wasn't any, but there was something or rather someones that he was glad to see. Quatre, Trowa and Wufei had come by as promised and were talking to Shay who waved as soon as she caught sight of him.
"Hey Heero!" She called.
He glared at her.
"Guess he's still upset," she said with a shrug.
Quatre noticing the glare asked, "What did you do?"
"Nothing to him. My brother and I were the bearers of unwelcome news. I guess he decided to glare at the messengers," she said an amused light in her amber colored eyes.
"What news was that?" Asked Trowa, his interest peaked.
"That his section is the domain of Shinigami, who haunts our library," said a new voice from behind them.
Heero joined the others just as they turned around to see who the speaker was.
"Larak!" Exclaimed Shay. "Good morning! Everybody, meet my younger brother Larak who's in the same grade as me because he skipped one," she said introducing the young man who stood confidently in front of them a friendly smile on his face. He was wearing a storm gray shirt and light blue almost white jeans. His light, golden brown hair hung loose and went somewhat past his shoulders, but what caught your attention were his eyes. They were silver. A warm silver that was full of life.
'So that's Larak,' thought Heero, nodding hello.
"Hello" said Quatre, smiling brightly.
Trowa nodded in greeting while taking a step closer to him.
Wufei had yet to stop staring at the apparition before him. 'Beautiful,' he thought mesmerized by the young man before him.
"Wufei!" Hissed Quatre surprised at his friend's lack of manners. Then he took a second look and smiled to himself; glad his friend was finally showing an interest in someone.
"Huh? Oh...hello." He said his face turning red as he realized he'd been staring. "I apologize," said Wufei as he got his embarrassment under control.
"It's alright," said Larak also blushing slightly. "I don't mind." 'I most definitely don't mind, he thought gazing back at the young man before him. Extending his hand, "Nice to meet you...?"
Grasping the hand held before him, he said, "Chang Wufei."
"Nice to meet you Wufei," he said meeting his gaze easily.
Glancing from one face to another Shay smiled to herself. Catching Quatre's eye as she saw him doing the same she grinned. He grinned back. The matchmakers were on duty.
"My companions are Quatre Winner, Trowa Barton, and Heero Yuy."
Each gave a nod or smile as their names were called. Depending upon their nature.
"Nice to meet all of you," said Larak as he and Wufei released each other's hands. "And before you ask Shay, Tanner's fine. It seems it was only a 24-hour bug."
"That's good, but where is he?" she asked, looking around.
"He's right here...Oh no..."groaned Larak as a quick search proved the young boy to be missing.
Sighing with long suffering patience Larak and Shay headed outside followed by the others.
Once outside, Shay and Larak began looking for Tanner, while said child gleefully watched their futile search from his perch in between the wings of one of the Pegasus that guarded the library entranceway. There he remained until an amazing sight exited the library.
Upon catching sight of the spectacle he moved to the clear space between his steed's neck and wing, hoping to get a better view. As the uni-banged boy came closer he leaned farther and farther out, keeping one hand on the wing to steady himself. Then just as Trowa walked out from beneath him he lost his grip and fell with a startled cry, which stopped as he was immediately caught by strong arms.
Opening first one eye then the other he found himself being held by a black-eyed, black-haired boy with a ponytail, that was a lot tighter than the one, which held his white hair out of his face. "Hi! I'm Tanner."
"I'm Wufei."
Smiling, he cocked his head to the side looking up at Wufei. 'You gonna put me down?"
"Are you going to run off again?"
No, sir. He said shaking his head from side to side for emphasis.
All right then, down you go." Smiling Wufei set him on his feet and watched as he ran up to Trowa.
"Hi, I'm Tanner."
"I'm Trowa."
"You have cool hair. Is it real?"
Shay, who'd been watching from the moment Tanner cried out, exclaimed, "Tanner!" before laughter overcame her.
Larak just shook his head, amused.
"Yes," said Trowa, kneeling so that he was eye-level with the boy.
"Cool! Are you the new person?"
"No, he answered in his quiet voice, "and neither is Quatre," he continued motioning to the blond.
"Hello," said Quatre.
"Hi. Okay." Turning to Wufei he asked, "Are you the new person?"
"No, but he is," he answered pointing to Heero.
"Okay!" Running to Heero, he stopped in front of him and stared at him for a moment then smiled at him. "Hi, I'm Tanner."
"Heero Yuy."
"I live with the four of them," He said pointing to Shay and Larak.
"Four?" 'I only thought there was three.'
"Yep. Shalon and Larak are my uncles but I don't have to say uncle. Shay is my second Mama, 'cause Mama died. Darren is my Daddy. He's Shay's boyfriend. He's the first Daddy I've ever had. Guess what!"
"What?" Asked Heero.
"I work too! I'm everybody's helper. And since you work here now, I get to help you too!" He exclaimed, hazel eyes shining happily.
"Speaking of helping," said Shay, "I think Shalon and Mrs. Rhea could use some help doing today's story-time project."
"Then I gotta go!" he yelped. "Bye," he yelled back as he ran up the stairs, his white hair coming loose from its ponytail to blow about his face.
"I'd best get to work as well," said Larak, smiling as he watched the bundle of energy named Tanner disappear from sight.
Entering the library they began their trek down the long corridors to the different sections, Larak grabbing his cart which was piled high of books along the way, grinning ruefully at the others.
"Uh, how come everybody chooses to bring their books back on the day I'm not here?"
"Because they know they'll be able to pick out their books in peace," said Shay swatting the back of his head affectionately.
I'm not that bad he protested, rubbing the back of his head.
"Uh huh, yeah right," she said grinning. "I still say you could convince a person the sky was green and they'd never bother to check to make sure you were right."
"This from the person parents hire to go with their kids to the doctor, muttered Larak, shaking his head."
Just as Shay was about to answer him Quatre spoke up. "What happened to Tanner's mother?"
"Heart trouble and a mistake made by a Dr.," answered Shay her mood darkening as past memories came to the fore.
"Who was she?" Asked Wufei.
"Cara Selenai," said Larak. "She was our sister in everything but name. That's why we were to be Tanner's Legal Guardians and parents if anything happened to her. And we were until her Uncle contested the will, saying we were to young. Shay and Shalon were 16 and I was 15 when she died a year ago. He won his ruling and Tanner became his until the Courts decided we were old enough," continued Larak, lost in the not so distant past.
"What happened?" asked Quatre curious.
"We fought him," answered Larak.
"You see," said Shay. "Cara had a reason for keeping her Uncle away from Tanner. She didn't tell us, but we found out the first time we went to visit and found Tanner scared to death and covered in bruises. The trial lasted only a week, thanks to an anonymous tape and some pictures. The judge threw the ruling of the will out and we regained custody of Tanner. Her Uncle went to jail for child-abuse."
'How could anyone abuse such a sweet child?' Wondered Quatre as he remembered the smiling face and laughing eyes from earlier.
Trowa noticed his love's distress wrapped an arm around his waist, holding him close.
Quatre leaned into the embrace.
"At least justice was served," muttered Wufei angrily. 'Even if it was late.'
"True," said Larak as he turned down the hallway that led to his section. "See ya later!" And with a last glance at Wufei, he left.
Heero remained silent, a strange look on his face. Then he turned to Shay. "Tanner said he helps out here. Does he actually help or does he just think he does?"
A raised eyebrow at the question, followed by a smile was her reaction as they turned down Heero's hall. "Aye, he helps. He can shelve books just as well as the rest of us. He is in the third grade after all."
"He skipped two grades?" Asked Quatre.
"Yeah. And he'll probably skip some more. He's already reading books on a high school level. Which is why I have to hide my romance novels. The questions he asked when he read one that someone had left lying around. I'm just glad it was a mild one, she said shaking her head. I was hoping he wouldn't ask those questions for a while, but he did."
"Sounds like a curious child," commented Wufei.
"He is," said Shay proudly.
"He can help me if he wishes." Said Heero.
"Have you shelved all your books today Heero?" Asked Wufei.
"I'll take that as a yes. I think I'll go help Larak. He had a great deal to shelve, and it isn't right that he should have to do it alone."
"Sure," said Heero with a smirk. He too had noticed the attraction between the two.
Shay, Quatre, and Trowa hid knowing smiles as Wufei walked quickly back the way they had come.
"I do believe Wufei finds your brother interesting," said Quatre.
"And from what I can tell the interest is returned," said Shay. "I'm just glad Larak's finally got someone decent interested in him."
"We're just glad Wufei is finally interested in someone," said Quatre, relieved that Shay was happy with this turn of events.
"I wonder who'll ask who out first. Well, we'll see soon enough," she said with a grin.
By this time all of them had noticed the incessant beeping sound.
"What is that?" asked Quatre.
The others shrugged then began searching for the sound. Quatre was the one who noticed the black laptop with the blinking computer screen. Calling the others over he pressed enters to find a letter addressed to Heero.

Hey Heero!

I'm glad you got all the books shelved so quickly. You know if you had just pulled the books out one at a time from the bottom the arch wouldn't have fallen on your head and you wouldn't have had to alphabetize the books too much because I made the arch in alphabetical order. But it was great for a laugh. Thanks for making the day a bit more exciting. By the way do you ever smile? Or do you always scowl? Well either way you're cute, though I think you'd be drop dead gorgeous if you smiled. Nice glare too. Oh and tell your friend Wufei that he has great reflexes. Well talk later. Now don't forget to write back!!!

I may run and hide, but I never lie.

By the time Heero finished reading the letter all three of his companions including Trowa were doubled over with laughter. Glaring at the gasping for breath and laughing figures Heero sat down at the chair and typed back a reply, glaring at the laptop as well.

Whoever the hell you are, Omae o Koruso!

Heero Yuy

While from the shadows a violet-eyed figure watched with amusement, planning his answer.