Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Section 1 ❯ Prologue ( Prologue )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Section 1

Disclaimers: I own nothing of GW or LFN

Warning: Crossover

Ch. 1/?


Duo smirked walking down the filthy alleyway swinging the garbage bag back and forth. His waist length hair hanging around him limply. The man at the restaurant had told him he'd give him 15 bucks to bring the garbage out for him. He'd even give him five in advance. This had to be his lucky day! 15 dollars for not-

Nearing the corner Duo heard the sound of a scuffle. Frowning he paused in the middle of the alley all of his street instincts telling him to just drop the bag there and go get his other 10 dollars and forget about this. But the curiosity got him...besides he might be able to do this every night. 15 dollars could be a real help. Stepping around the corner Duo gasped. A boy not much older than him was withdrawing a knife from the slack body of a cop.

To startled to do anything, his mind was screaming for him to run, but his feet remained frozen to the spot...he'd seen corpses before. But never witnessed-. Duo didn't really realize he had been screaming the whole time.

Still in shock Duo hardly noticed the boy grab him and shove him against the wall. He saw the boy's mouth move as he said something to him, in his daze Duo felt something being forced into his hand. Then the boy was gone.

"Drop your weapon and put your hands in the air!"

Whipping his head around, Duo's eyes widened on the two police officers with gund trained at his head. Immediately he put his hands in the air something heavy was in his hand. Lifting his eyes he choked seeing the bloody knife opening his hand he let it drop to the ground. As if from far away he heard himself saying, "I didn't do it! I didn't do it!"


Duo stirred awake groggily his head hurt, and his mouth was dry. Groaning he tried to roll over, but something stopped his movements. Tugging again he didn't budge, Duo came awake immediately and nearly blinded himself, the room was white glowing white. Stunned into stillness for a second he felt the binds loosened.

Rolling off the bed Duo scurried to the far corner pulling his knees against his chest, he squeezed his eyes shut tight. He didn't know what was going on, he didn't know where he was. Or why he wasn't in his cell.

"Duo Maxwell."

Duo opened his eyes slowly this time so that the brightness didn't hurt him. After adjusting to the light he turned to look around the room. It was white. No other way to describe it, completely white. The walls, the ceiling, the floor, hell even the bed he'd been on was was white. Everything was white....everything but the door....and the man standing in front of it wearing black with a white folder tucked under his arm.

"Where am I?" Duo heard himself ask.

The man looked at him blankly, colbat blue eyes studying him intently. Finally after a minute the man walked closer.

"Your dead." He said in monotone. "Your hung yourself in your cell with your own clothing."

Duo could only stare wide-eyed at the man standing in front of him.

"You were found by the night guard and buried the next day. Plot 2 Row 3"

Duo shook his head, not wanting or even able to believe it.

The man tossed the folder on the floor in front of him. "This was your funeral."

Snatching up the folder Duo scaned over the pictures inside it with a sob he watched as a simple wooden casket was lowered into the ground. Various people he knew were standing around the grave....but one very important person wasn't there. "My mother didn't go?"

"No." The man answered his voice chilly. "As I've told you Duo Maxwell is dead. But you've been given a second chance." He continued on.

Duo wasn't really listening, clutching the picture to his chest. "She didn't even come to my funeral."

"You've been recruited into the most covert anti-terrorist group on the plant. How could we possibly pass up someone as beautiful as you who can kill in cold blood."

"I didn't kill him!"

"You will be intensely trained for two years at the end of that time you meet section standards you will become an operative of section one."

The man said straightening his jacket.

"And if I don't?"

Turning on his heel the man opened the door. "Plot 2, Row3." He said simply slipping out of the room closing the door firmly behind him.

Only when the man was gone did Duo allow himself to curl up on the floor and cry.


Duo folded his arms across his chest, as he followed the man from yesterday out of his room, into a dark gary hallway. Looking around him he noted that everyone he saw was wearing all black. Many of them paused to look at him, something resembling pity in their eyes before they moved on.


Duo looked up to see an old balding man with a bandana and a ponytail running towards them.

"Yes, Walter."

"Operations wanted me to have you double check-" The old man paused looking around Heero to Duo. "Hey, Sugar, what's your name?"

Duo smirked. "I don't have a name, I'm dead." He answered. The old man looked back at Heero his face still impassive.

"What was the message, Walter?" He said in monotone.

Duo rolled his eyes, the old man was still staring at him.

"Huh? Oh yeah, the message you need to double chck Klausky's mission configurations." The old man said handing Heero something that looked like an electronic address book.

"Fine. Is that all?"


Without another word Heero walk around Walter, giving the old man one last look Duo followed.

"Where are we going?" Duo asked.

"To see Quatre."


Heero didn't answer rounding the corner they came upon double doors. Which in itself was out of place in the metal walls and floors that he'd seen so far.

"Quatre is like the mother of section." Heero answered pressing in a code on the little keypad beside the door.

Duo snorted. "Oh really, and who are you, my father?"

Heero turned dead blue eyes on Duo for a moment then looked back to the now open door.

"I'll be back to retrieve you in half an hour."

With another snort, Duo tossed his hair over his shoulder and walked into the room and gasped. It was VERY drifferent from everything else that he'd seen. It was like walking in to a completely different home. A comfy looking dark red couch sat in the center of the room, plush red carpet extended from one end to the other. Turning slightly Duo noted the solid oak desk that sat on one end of the room. A large old-fashioned vanity sat a little ways away from it.

"You must be Duo." A soft voice said from the stairwell that he hadn't noticed. Duo frowned as a blond haired young man wearing a cream colored shrit and matching pants descended the stairs.

"The mother of section one is a guy?"

Quatre smiled gently as he walked pass Duo to the vanity table. "Yes, I get that often from new people." He said softly pulling the chair out from under the vanity. "Please have a seat."

Duo snorted.

The gentle smile on Quatre's face vanished being replaced by a firmer less serene smile, while all at once still looking kind and calm.

In short it scared the hell out of Duo.

"I believe Heero has explained to you how things are done her, kindly take a seat." He said again.

Without another word Duo did as he was told.

The gentle smile returned immediately. Quatre paced around to stand on the other side of Duo, flicking the lights on for the vanity. He lifted his fingers to run it lightly over Duo's hair.

"You are very beautiful." He said softly still stroking his hair.

"That's part of the reason you were chosen."

Duo closed his eyes at the almost tender caress.

"Chosen for what?"

Instead of answering Quatre moved behind him, lifting his hair up off his neck.

"They will teach you how to fight and how to use a gun, and set bombs and that traing is all well and good." He said, soft fingers tilted Duo's chin up.

Slowly Duo opened his eyes and came face to face with himself.

"This is your greatest weapon, more valuable than anything they can ever teach you. Your beauty." He said, gently braiding Duo's hair.

"It's the best weapon you have, protect it." He said softly, patting the long braid into place.

Duo sat still studing his face in silence, his wide violet eyes filling with tears as the reality of what was happening to him finally sank in.

Quatre set a hand on his shoulder giving it a gentle squeeze before moving away.

"I'll call Heero to come get you now."

Nodding Duo stood up from the vanity brushing his hand over his eyes. A moment later the doors swished open and the blank eyed boy returned.

"Thank you for bringing him by, Heero. We're finished for the day, tomorrow same time." Quatre said with a gentle smile.

Heero nodded turning his eyes to Duo. Lowering his head Duo walked out of the room Heero followed behind closely.

"Heero." Quatre's voice called.

Heero paused and turned back to look at his superior.

"A moment alone please?" He said with a smile.

Nodding Heero turned to Duo and presse him firmly against the wall outside the office.

"Stay put." He said firmly before walking back in to the office.

Duo watched the door swing shut and immediately headed off down the hallway in the opposite direction they had gone to get there. Having an insanely curious nature Duo couldn't help it, the hallway ended abruptly at a huge gray room in the center of the room was a circle of tables covered in computer equipment. Duo watched as people ran around the area doing what he wasn't sure. Stepping into the room he could hear someone screaming orders.

"Where the hell is the New York team? Why aren't their positions coming up on my screen?!"

Duowandered around the room whatever he was yelling about wasn't important to him. Looking up Duo saw something that looked like an enclosed balcony. Where a man was standing with his hands behind his back, looking down at him with a frown.

Duo waved.

The one visible eye of the man had widened.

That's when a hand closed around his arm and he was jerked roughle to look into the almost pissed off face of Heero.

"I told you to wait outside."

Duo smirked and tried to pull his arm away.

"You took to long."

Heero's eyes widened then promptly glazed over into blankness again as he dragged Duo out of the room and back into the hallway.

"When I tell you to do something it is an order and it is to be obeyed without question. Do you understand me?" Heero said evenly only the tight grip he had on Duo's arm gave indication that he was upset.


A slight tick formed abouve Heero's right eye, but he just nodded and let go.

"You have to hand to hand combat training session with Wufei in 10 minutes."He said in monotone, striding off down the hallway.

Duo rolled his eyes and followed. He had met two people so far in this screwed up place one he didn't like and the other one scared him. Then there was that creepy guy in the tower. Shivering, Duo followed Heero down another maze of hallways. All in all he decided he hated the place and that he had every intention of doing what he damn well pleased. If they didn't like it, well the worst thing they could do was kill him. That wasn't much of a threat since to the outside world he was dead anyway why not make it official.


Hey, hope ya'll enjoy it. A friend gave it to me cause she wouldn't have the time to finish it. I've got like 4 or 5 chapters so far. I might need ya'll guys help later. So keep it real. This is really new to me.