Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Section 1 ❯ Section 1 pt2 ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Section 1

Disclaimers: In part2

Warning: Crossover


Wufei looked around the circle of new recruits with a frown. They were all sitting in a semi-circle around him, eyes downcast, identical looks of fear on each of their faces, broken each and every last one of them, no not all of them. Wufei thought fixing his eyes on the young man laying on his stomach absently swinging his feet back and forth. A long brown braid pooled on the floor beside him.

Wufei smiled inwardly that one just might live longer than a year.

"You." He said pointing at the braided boy.

Arching a brow, Duo looked up. "Me?"

"Yes, you. Come here I want you to help me demonstrate the next exercise." He said evenly.

With a grunt the boy pushed hemself to his feet and walked to stand in front of Wufei. Placing a hand on his hip he gave the instructor a smirk.

Taking up a fighting stance Wufei ignored the coy look on the boy's face.

"Today we're just going to focus on defense. Now, what I want you to do is try to slap me in the face."

Duo laughed.

"You're kidding right?" He said tossing his braid over his shoulder.

Wufei shook his head. "It's imp-"

"Whatever, look why don't you find someone else to play you kinky little games ok! I'm not in the mood..." Duo drawled turning to walk away.

Wufei stepped behind him opening his mouth in protest.

Duo spun too quickly for him to react.


Straight across the face, Wufei blinked owlishly for a moment as a hand shaped red mark began forming on his face. Finally recovering his cool and his dignity. He nodded.

"Very good." He managed to say evenly.

"You may be seated."

Duo snorted again and flopped down on the mat covered floor.

He didn't notice the man standing outside the room watching with the barest hint of a smile on his face.


Duo flopped down on the couch in Quatre's office while tucking his hands behind his head he crossed his ankles.

"So, what are we gonna do today?" He asked snidely.

Quatre looked up from pruning his plants, setting the sheers down he walked towards Duo his hands folded neatly in front of him.

"Today we learn how to walk and how to sit." Quatre said softly.

Suo frowned. "I already know how to do that."

Extending his hand Quatre smiled.

"Yes, well we're going to learn how to do it properly. Stand up, please."

Duo rolled his eyes but, did as he was told, immediately shoving his hands in his pockets.

Quatre immediately removed them.

"First then you need to learn is not to do that." He said his voice still gentle.

"Why not?" Duo asked. Stopping himself from doing it again. He felt ackward with his hands hanging at his sides.

"What am I supposed to do with them then?" He asked.

"Clasp them in front of you," He awsered "Or behind your back, which ever you like."

Duo looked down at his hands for a moment, first he tried lacing his fingers in front of him. He didn't like that. So untangling his fingers he locked them behind his back. He didn't like that either.


"You'll find what's most comfortable for you eventually." Quatre said soothingly.

"Let's work on walking. Walk for me."

Arching a brow, Duo did as he was bid, bouncing over to the couch he turned around and bounced back to Quatre.

"No, that won't do." He said with a pensive frown.

"Your step is to heavy and you bounce too much."

"I don't bounce."

"You bounce." Quatre said simply.

"Let's try something new shall we? Let's say that you have just arrived at a party and you are the guest of honor. So, of course the moment you walk in the room all eyes are on you. You spot the host at the other end of the room. How do you approach him?"

Duo thought for a moment and then bounced across the room again.

Quatre sighed. It was going to be a long training session.


Duo sat impassively next to a boy at the console.

"Ok, Duo, are you ready?" He asked in a more then slightly nasal voice.

Nodding Duo looked around the big gray room again. He had been here the first day Heero had let him out of his quarters but he didn't have enough time to look around.

"Duo, are you listening?"

Turning to the annoyed boy, Duo turned a full force of his smile onto Brikoff practicing one of the skills Quatre had taught him.

Brikoff's face instantly lost some of it's bluster.

Leaning forward he pulled the round sunglasses from the boy's face putting them on himself he continued to look around throught the tanned specs.

"Duo, will you listen to me, please?!" Brikoff's high nasal voicee was getting higher with annoyance.

Duo looked at him over the fim of the sunglasses.

"Now as for the- Duo please pay att-"

"Duo. You should listen to Brikoff when he's talking to you." He said simply. Pulling the glasses from Duo's face and handing them back to Brikoff.

Duo arched a brow and looked up at Heero.

"Yes, Daddy." He said sarcastically.

"I wouldn't want you to take my dessert away."

Brikoff coughed into his hand.

Heero ignored him. Focusing on Duo.

"You need to learn this Duo, this is not a ga-"

Suddenly the comm unit beside Brikoff's computer beeped.

"Heero in my office." A rather deep voice said.

Looking up, Duo saw the man was standing in the tower again. Grinning he waved up at him, as always the gesture was ignored.

"Yes sir." Heero said.

"I'll be right back. Duo go to Walter's station and have him set you up for simulations."

Before Duo could ask what simulations were. Heero was gone. Blinking he look back to Brikoff.

"Make the computer do that thing where the dinosaur eats Heero's head and the blood squirts all over the place!" Duo said excitedly.

Shaking his head Brikoff complied.


Operations Tower

Heero walked into the tower his expression carefully neutral.

"You wanted to see me Operations?"

Operations turned to look at Heero, his blank eyes seeming to stare through Heero.

"Duo is to be cancelled." He said simply

Heero felt his gut tighten but, shifted his eyes away from Operations to hide the reaction.

"May I ask why?" He asked. "His marks on hand to hand combat are exceptional. He's the top of the class in exploseves and firearms. Not to mention despite the fact that he barely pays attention to Brikoff his marks in computer skills are among the hightest in new material. And even Quatre says he's doing better with his social skills. There has been a great deal of improvement in the last 6 months, sir."

Operations nodded.

"He's a loose cannon. His marks are high all around but, he still lacks self control. He fells to much." Operations answered looking down at the comp station where Duo was playing with Brikoff's glasses again.

"Why haven't you broken him yet?" He asked.

Heero kept his eyes fixed on the far wall. Forcefully restraining himself from saying 'I'd like to see you try it! He's as stubborn as a damn mule.'

"It's a bit more difficult than I anticipated, sir."

'Yeah, since he fights me on anything I tell him to do and anything I tell him not to do he does anyways. Even if I want him to do it and I tell him not to do it, it's like he knows what I'm thinking.'

Operations looked back to him. "Is it?"

Crossing the room Operations leaned back against his desk.

"Quatre feels that you're becoming attached to the new material."

Heero didn't answer.

"You are well aware of the dangers that can cause?"

Anagin silence.

"Duo is a hazard to section. He must be sliminated."

"He needs more time. Give me another three weeks and I'll bring him under control."

Operations arched a brow. "You've had two years and haven't been able to do that. What makes you think that you can do it in 3 weeks?"

'Because I have to.'

"He's not a danger to section, sir. I can prove that. He's more than capable of doing his job." Heero answered.

"You vouch for him?" Operations asked.

'Damn you Duo.'


"Then I hope you can as well." Operations said walking back toward the glass.

"For both your sakes." Operations said, turning to watch people run back and forth on the floor beneath him.

Nodding at his dismissal. Heero turned on his heel and left. He had to break Duo now. He'd stuck his neck out for that boy and if he didn't straighten up then they were both.......cutting off that line of thought Heero headed back to the comp center to pick up Duo.


Back at Operations Tower

"Quatre?" Operations asked.

Stepping out of the shadows Quatre moved to stand beside Operations.


"What do you think?" He asked simply.

Quatre looked down to the main floor where Duo was currently taunting a stone face Heero.

"I think there is a bond between them."

Operations nodded.

"What course of action would you suggest?"

Not taking his eyes from the two, Quatre folded his hands in front of him.

"No course of action is necessary."

"Oh, and why is that?" Operations voice lowered dangerously.

"A bond between two operatives can be a very useful thing. It gives them a reason to perform at their peek as well as gives us an easier means to control them." He answered simply.

Operations nodded.

"Very well. So, we should allow this bond between them to strengthen?"

"Yes. Besides the fact that Duo would make a very good addition to section one." He added.

"Why is that? He feels to much that throws off his judgement."

"Yes but, it's that very emotion that fives him an edge. It's easy to predict the actions of a logical person but when emotions come into play logic is useless. Duo could go far in section, perhaps even take my place one day."

Nodding Operations turned to look at Quatre. "So, you suggest that I call Heero back in here and remove Duo's abeyance status?"

Quatre thought for a moment.

"No. The danger of the situation will be good for them, that and I wish to find out how deeply Heero feels for Duo as well as how far he will go to save him."

"If that's what you want."

Nodding Quatre turned to leave.

"I think that's the best course of action." He said.

Operations smiled. "Very well then. Go on I wouldn't want you to keep our 'guest' waiting."

With another timid smile Quatre headed for the door. "I'll see you at dinner tonight, Trowa."


Hey guys I hope this was good. Though I really think this story needs help. well keep it real ya'll.