Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Section 1 ❯ Section 1 pt3 ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Section 1

Disclaimers: In part3

Warning: Crossover



"Do it again"

Duo looked up at Heero's impassive face, panting hard he pulled the sweaty tanktop away from his chest.


"Do it again."

Duo narrowed his eyes.

"No. I've done it five times already! What was wrong with the last one?"

"You hesitated."

Duo blinked still trying to catch his breath. "And?"

"If you hesitate in the field you can get, not only yourself killed but, you team as well."

Duo rolled his eyes.

"Do it again."

With a snort of irration, Duo tossed the laser gun onto the floor and started towards the door picking up his towel on the way.

"You like it so much you do it!"

Heero reached out and grabbed ahold of Duo's braid pulling the other boy back against his chest, he yanked his head back.

"That wasn't a request, Duo. Do it again."

Duo wincet at the pull of his scalp and tugged away from Heero.

"You know I don't know what that tower guy told you but, whatever it was managed to push that stick up your ass deeper!"

Heero narrowed his eyes.

"Do it again."

Heero glared.

Duo glared right back, then finally with a snort he picked up the laser gun and climbed back on the treadmill.

Inwardly, Heero smirked at the little victory.

"Escape." He said pressing a button the treadmill came t life.

Almost instinctively Duo began to run carefully holding the gun at his side.

Pressing another button the treadmill sped up.

"Defend." He said and it stopped abruptly.

Stopping suddenly, Duo braced his feet on either side of the track. Bending his knees slightly he lifed the gun to ready position. A image of a man wearing a black hat appeared to his left, gun raised. Turning immediately he shot the image dead center. Another appeared on his right of a woman, she got off one shot catching him in the shoulder. He winced in pain from the little electric jolt that shot through him. Taking aim he shot the image of the woman.


Hopping back onto the treadmill, Duo began running again. He wasn't sure how long that evil, expressionless bastard had him running but, by the time he finally called stop all Duo could do was fall to his knees gasping for breath.

"Your aim is off and your endurance could be better."

Duo rolled his eyes and climbed to his feet. Hopping down from the simulation, he went and picked up this towel draping it over his shoulders he walked toward the door.

"Duo." Heero called.

Turning to look at him Duo arched a brow.

"You haven't been dismissed yet."

Snorting Duo folded his arms over his chest.

"May I be dismissed?"

Heero stepped closer to him then.

"I am really getting tired of your attitude."

Duo sighed.

"Whatever. Look I don't know what kinda power trip you're on but-"

"You're in abeyance. Operation marked your status earlier today. I stood up for you and that compromised my position. I have 3 weeks to straighten you out or you're cancelled and I'm demoted."

Duo's eyes windened slightly then narrowed.

"So, what you can your way back up." He shrugged.

"You aren't listening to me, Duo. If you don't straighten up then your going to die."

Duo stood up straighter and looked Heero in the eye.

"No, you aren't listening, Heero. I don't care." He said, holding Heero's gaze for another minute. He turned to leave again.

Heero grabbed his arm and twisted forcing the other boy to his knees.

"Listen to me, Duo and listen good. I've gone easy on you and you've taken advantage of that kindness. Now you don't have a choice. You will succeed and you will live, I've worked too hard to let you go now." He hissed in Duo's ear.

Duo winced at the pain in his shoulder.

"Who do you think you are telling me what I can and can't do! You bastards have already killed me once! What's a second death?"

Heero let him go.


"Why am I being cancelled?"

Heero paused.

"You lack of self-control."

Duo snorted.

"Oh, I get it. It's because I don't like a zombie like the rest of you stiffs, is that it? Well, if it is then you might as well kill me. I refuse to be like you. I'd rather be dead than a machine." He said snidely.

"Am I dismissed?"

Heero looked at him for a moment more and then nodded.


Turning on his heel, Duo strode from the room.


Quatre's Office

Quatre stood beside a mannequin holding a red silk shrit in front of it.

"Quatre!" Duo called, striding into the room.

Quatre smiled, they'd managed to work the bounce out of Duo's step. Now the boy practically glided wherever he walked as silent as a cat and twice as mischievous.

"Hello, Duo."

"What are we doing today?" He asked smiling.

Quatre shook his head.

"Today is a special day, Duo." He said, gesturing to the outfit on the mannequin.

Duo tilted his head to the side.


"Today you get to leave section." He said with a smile.

Duo's eyes lit up.


"Yes." He smiled.

Duo smiled back.

"Come with me and let's get you ready."

Duo's smile widened as he walked behind Quatre up the stairs. He was going outside for the first time in two years!

Standing Duo in front of the full length mirror Quatre held up a red shirt in front of Duo.

"What do you think?" He asked Duo.

"Too bright."

Smiling, Quatre put the shirt down picking a darker green color.


"Makes me look sickly."

Nodding, Quatre went on to another shirt.


A little while later in Quatre's Office

Heero stood at the bottom of the stairs hand clasped behind his back. His eyes darting around the room. Memories of his first time meeting Quatre came to mind.

"Heero, he's ready now." Quatre said, with a smile at the top of the stairs.

Stepping aside, Duo came into view, Heero's eyes almost widened and what a view it was. Wearing black silk slacks and a matching chinese style shirt, his hair pulled back into a loose ponytail......he was......

"I take it you like it." Quatre said dryly.

Heero looked at the other boy than away.

"Good enough." He said simply as he waited for Duo to make his way down the stairs.

Once he reached the bottom Heero looked him over quickly.


Nodding, Duo started towards the door.

"Ah, Duo." Quatre's voice called to him.

"Head up, soft smile.....yes, very good."

Heero cast one last look at Quatre before he ushered Duo from the room.


Part three is finished now on to four. Hey any good tell me please because i feel so embearess as hell if no one read this because it sucked. I need to know or i'll take it down. And I hate to do that. Well, keep it real ya'll.